5 лет назад
@hourglass7010 19 дней назад
I need a prayer cloth for my mother who has recently been diagnosed with bone cancer. Where can I get this for her?
@RONMAYS71 28 дней назад
Ore-carrying vessels: The word Tharshish is similar to the word for "smeltry". A specific city or country: Some possible cities or countries that Tharshish may refer to include Carthage, Tartessos in Spain, or the British Isles. The ships of Tarshish: The ships of Tarshish may have sailed to America or India.
@mirza3709952 Месяц назад
Mary also accompanied Jesus towards East where other 11 tribes of Israel lived. She passed away in beautiful hilly area in Pakistan, then named after her “Marry”. Jesus traveled upto Kashmir where he passed away at the age of 120 years. Jesus tomb is in Kashmir, a heavenly land. Read on internet “Jesus in India “ by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
@Cozy1123 Месяц назад
Great Britain’s definitely not Israelites, they were never Tribal and never lost
@xtramail4909 Месяц назад
What a load of bullocks
@andrewpatu1428 Месяц назад
Brother Barry Smith is in glory
@ashtonwinter1616 Месяц назад
Shalom Shalom!!! When someone is willfully blind, brazen dismissal of necessary inferences is not only possible, but a matter of course. It wasn't just that the curtain temple tore. The Talmud records that during the Day of Atonement, they had a tradition of tying a crimson strip of wool to the head of goat which they released, and there was an omen that indicated whether or not their sacrifices were accepted by God and their sins forgiven: the crimson ribbon would turn white. The Talmud records that during the tenure of a high priest called "Simon the Righteous" (Shimon HaTzaddik) this omen consistently happened: From the Talmud, Yoma 39a:15 (with intercalated explanations in English) תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: אַרְבָּעִים שָׁנָה שֶׁשִּׁמֵּשׁ שִׁמְעוֹן הַצַּדִּיק, הָיָה גּוֹרָל עוֹלֶה בְּיָמִין. מִכָּאן וְאֵילָךְ, פְּעָמִים עוֹלֶה בְּיָמִין פְּעָמִים עוֹלֶה בִּשְׂמֹאל. וְהָיָה לָשׁוֹן שֶׁל זְהוֹרִית מַלְבִּין. מִכָּאן וְאֵילָךְ, פְּעָמִים מַלְבִּין פְּעָמִים אֵינוֹ מַלְבִּין. וְהָיָה נֵר מַעֲרָבִי דּוֹלֵק. מִכָּאן וְאֵילָךְ, פְּעָמִים דּוֹלֵק פְּעָמִים כָּבֶה.§ The Sages taught: During all forty years that Shimon HaTzaddik served as High Priest, the lot for God arose in the right hand. From then onward, sometimes it arose in the right hand and sometimes it arose in the left hand. Furthermore, during his tenure as High Priest, the strip of crimson wool that was tied to the head of the goat that was sent to Azazel turned white, indicating that the sins of the people had been forgiven, as it is written: “Though your sins be as crimson, they shall be white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18). From then onward, it sometimes turned white and sometimes it did not turn white. Furthermore, the western lamp of the candelabrum would burn continuously as a sign that God’s presence rested upon the nation. From then onward, it sometimes burned and sometimes it went out. There were several other omens they looked for as indications that God accepted their atonement, as mentioned above: some sort of picking lots at random to see if the marked one ended up in the right hand of the high priest, and also the western lamp burning continuously. Yet the Talmud indicates that for the 40 years prior to the destruction of the Temple (the period following the crucifixion of Jesus), the crimson wool on the scapegoat never again turn white, nor did the several other omens of successful atonement ever again indicate that God accepted their atonement: From the Talmud, Yoma 39b:5 תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: אַרְבָּעִים שָׁנָה קוֹדֶם חוּרְבַּן הַבַּיִת לֹא הָיָה גּוֹרָל עוֹלֶה בְּיָמִין, וְלֹא הָיָה לָשׁוֹן שֶׁל זְהוֹרִית מַלְבִּין, וְלֹא הָיָה נֵר מַעֲרָבִי דּוֹלֵק. The Sages taught: During the tenure of Shimon HaTzaddik, the lot for God always arose in the High Priest’s right hand; after his death, it occurred only occasionally; but during the forty years prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, the lot for God did not arise in the High Priest’s right hand at all. So too, the strip of crimson wool that was tied to the head of the goat that was sent to Azazel did not turn white, and the westernmost lamp of the candelabrum did not burn continually. Think about this. Caiaphas (and the other plotters) had Jesus crucified, then the Temple curtain tore, and then for the next 40 years until the Temple was destroyed, the very omens that they looked to as confirmation that God accepted their sacrificial atonements stoped indicating that their atonements were accepted. That must be a grim sign to behold. You'd think that after seeing all this, he would think back to that moment when he spoke prophecy, and realize how badly he misinterpreted his own prophecy. John 11:45-53 [Preceding context: Jesus had just raised Lazarus from the dead.] 45 Many of the Jews therefore, who had come with Mary and had seen what he did, believed in him, 46 but some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. 47 So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said, “What are we to do? For this man performs many signs. 48 If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” 49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all. 50 Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.” 51 He did not say this of his own accord, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, 52 and not for the nation only, but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad. 53 So from that day on they made plans to put him to death. - If you were the high priest, how would you rationalize this? You couldn't. It would simply be denial, especially in light of all the signs that Jesus had performed. God gave Jesus as the atonement for our sins, and no other way was acceptable to him after Jesus made his sacrifice, offering his own blood on the cross. Not only did the Temple curtain tear, but the omens never again indicated that their sacrifices effected any sort of successful atonement from that time on to the point when the Temple was destroyed. However, even if Caiaphas was stiff-necked to the very end, not all the members of the Sanhedrin were that way. One extremely prominent member of the Sanhedrin, Menachem, who co-led the Sanhedrin with Hillel (you can't get more prominent than that!), abandoned the Sanhedrin to become a believer and follower of Jesus, and he took 80 pairs of disciples with him. Menachem even has a mention in the New Testament: he is mentioned in Acts 13:1 as "Manaen", who was a friend of Herod. The fact that he knew Herod and was a friend of Herod from childhood and had the gift of prophecy were apparently his identifiers. Dr. Joseph Shulam explains some of what other ancient sources says about this Menachem and what we can infer from this ancient evidence. Lecture - Joseph Shulam - Heretical Rabbis of the Talmud: Witnesses to the Power of Yeshua's Gospel It seemed that Menachem confronted what happened, and simply could not rationalize what happened in the Temple after Christ died, and actually did the hardest thing: abandoned his high position as a leader of the Sanhedrin to become a follower of Jesus. I'm sure Caiaphas witnessed Menachem abandoning his secure and socially prominent position as the co-leader of the Sanhedrin. I'm sure there were serious and impassioned debates in the Sanhedrin over this. And given that Menachem led 80 pairs of disciples with him to become believers in Jesus, I'm sure he made a spirited defense of Jesus as the Messiah, with all the reasoning and evidence he could muster, and evangelized everyone in his hearing. By the time all that was done, Caiaphas had absolutely no good rationalization.
@robinbennett3531 Месяц назад
We know J and his Uncle J were in Berrow, Somerset 'cos there's a plaque there by the old dairy site, so probably they went touring to Cornwall too.....
@AKSnowbat907 Месяц назад
Is it not far far far more likely that Joseph.. if he was a metal worker and not a craftsman as the Bible says.. dealt with tin.. he got it from the massive mine in Afghanistan brought through the holy land on caravan ... As opposed to sailing 1/2 way around the world with the son of God in the boat? A voyage that often resulted in death...
@winifredthompson465 Месяц назад
This video would have been much better without that loud music. WINIFRED THOMPSON. NORTHERN IRELAND.
@TIMOTHY.KABUTA 2 месяца назад
@Briand-ei1gs 2 месяца назад
The new Jerusalem is not a spaceship. It is symbolism of the tribes of Israel. All of the precious stones of the tribes the gates with the tribe name written above each one.
@Briand-ei1gs 2 месяца назад
Its not just the british. The Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon related peoples are all the tribes of Israel
@phoenixlegion33 2 месяца назад
The Lost Ten Tribes Found by Steven Collins is an absolute gem on this subject. One of my favorites in my library.
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
The laylines that run through Glastonbury are Michael and Mary
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
And did those feet in ancient times walk upon.... Jerusalem.William Blake
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
I used to live in Feltham, Bognor Regis, near where William Blake lived. Nearby, is the village of Rustington, where Christopher Parry lived. It was Parry during the first world war, who wrote the music to Jerusalem. I now live near Plymouth and feel drawn here and I can understand why now.
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
The laylines that go through Glastonbury are called Michael and Mary just a thought
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
Albion,was one of the early names of England or the Britions.
@alanattfield7174 2 месяца назад
Dolares cannon spoke about this in one of her books.
@sentinal2343 2 месяца назад
ha ha do you WHITE people think this refers to YOU? ha ha Ireland didn't become WHITE until the Norman invasion , those art works are ALL fakes! as they are NOT the people this refers too! the invasion and ongoing occupation masquerading as nations is OVER , get used to it and start trying to find your REAL heritage as its NO WHERE in the West as that's BLACK LANDS from Indigenous to genocide/ethnic cleansing you call the Atlantic slave trade!
@curtistolman5830 2 месяца назад
This is a lie, doctrine of the devil. Moses did not sin. He was trying to prepare the Israelites to meet God face to face. The first tablets had the Sermon on the Mount. The priesthood after the son of God. Since the people proved they were unworthy to meet God. The lesser law was given, the Lavitical Law. This law was to prepare the people to receive the Son of God in the meridian of time because they refused the offer to meet God himself. Moses did not die. He was translated, and with Elijah "another prophet who never died" gave Jesus the Melchizedek Priesthood on the mount of transfiguration.
@brock2443 2 месяца назад
Deuteronomy 34:5 KJV “5 So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.”
@michealmccoy9249 2 месяца назад
Crypto will usher in the cashless society
@MikeHunt-c5p 3 месяца назад
A very brav e man indeed, to ask Pilate for Jesus's body
@MikeHunt-c5p 3 месяца назад
Does anyone know any Joseph's from Scotland ? They've been there centuries
@shulamiteKINGSbride 3 месяца назад
The Phoenecians and Israel were the same people. Judges 5:17 says Dan and Asher had ships. They were merchants who did as David then Solomon bid. Carthage and many places in Europe, including Britton had settlements. America had tons of copper removed and hebrew inscriptions found. The ten tribes removed by the Assyrians escaped through the Cacus mountains. We are those people. Celtic-Anglo Saxon, Germanic people are decendants of Issac.
@shulamiteKINGSbride 3 месяца назад
Those that carry the message of Jesus as Messiah are the "lost sheep" of which He spoke.
@mohammedzulk8485 3 месяца назад
This makes no sense as Mother Shipton 1488 AD to 1561 AD wrote… In water iron then shall float As easy as a wooden boat Gold shall be found in stream and stone “In a land that is as yet unknown Water and fire shall wonders do And England shall admit the Jew.” END QUOTE. Therefore in the 1500’s it was simply inconceivable that England would admit the jew was a common belief. Nowadays of course they own Parliament and big businesses looting the U.K with ease syphoning off the money to Israel.
@eifionwynwilliams-iffy1288 3 месяца назад
'England' - Lol. This was centuries before England was imagined.
@amancalledjim5382 2 месяца назад
It’s still British heritage
@eifionwynwilliams-iffy1288 2 месяца назад
@@amancalledjim5382 Exactly; 'British' heritage.
@amancalledjim5382 2 месяца назад
@@eifionwynwilliams-iffy1288 yeah, Still apart of English folklore though ay?
@eifionwynwilliams-iffy1288 2 месяца назад
@@amancalledjim5382 British folklore.
@everettbass8659 3 месяца назад
The Germans are the origional Assyrians.Our language is so close.
@winifredthompson465 3 месяца назад
Dear Sir, Please allow me to make a correction here, and I hope no offence taken. The Conglomerate of stares appeared in BC 6, and King Herod according to details died in BC 4. The Magi had to make a perilous journey on camels that could have taken them up to two years to make. There wasva lot more camels than 3, although there was 3 gifts, Gold for a King, Frankensence for a priest, and Myeerh, for anointing of a buriel. The magi went to King Herod asking, Where is he that is born Kibg of the Jews, forv we have seen his star in the East and have come to Worship him. HEROD enquired of them at what time the star had appeared to them, and they told him, HErod enquired of his wise counsel, where this child would be born, They told him Bethlehem, for out of thee shall come a ruler that shall rule my people Israel. Herods jealousy knew no bounds, so he told the Magi to seek out the child and then let him know where the young child was. Note the Language here, LUKE tells the shepherds a infant, Mathew a young child. JESUS WAS AROUND 2 YEARS OLD NOW, A TODDLER. The Magi being warned in a dream, not to return to Herod, went home to their own country another route. HEROD was infuriated, sent out his Soldiers to kill all the male children 2years old and under, the scriotures again being furfilled, Rachel crying for her children, that were not. We now come to the Shepherds. 1. These Shepherds were in Charge of the TEMPLE SACRIFICAL LAMBS FOR THE PASSOVER CELEBRATION HELD EVERY YEAR, AT THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM. They were of the Tribe of Levi, the Priestly tribe, so not just ordinary shepherds. There was only one place in Israel that these special lambs were bred, On the hills of Judea outside Bethlehem. This was why the Angel of the LORD appeared to this group of people. The angel gave them the sign, YOu shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling bands abd lying in a manger. WHY? The swaddling bands being a sign. When these special little SACRIFICAL lambs were born, the shepherds would have wrapped their limbs in bands of cloth, so no damage would be done to them, they had to be without blemish the folliwing year forthe sacrifice of passover. The shepherds left the flocks and went to see this great thing that the angel had proclained to them, when they saw the babe, they kbew immediateky, this was Gods Sacrificial lamb born to clense the sin of mankind, they went on their way rejoicing. NOW 2. Only one time of the year, woukd suit the birth of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, Son of God. 1st NISSAN, Or around middle March April, depending on the Lunar Calandar. The Lambs were born at the Springtime of the year, This is the Normal time of the birth of the lamb. This is the tine of the year the Shepherds would have been out in the fields, they were lambing the sheep. The weather at Christmas would have been too cold, and Christmas is a Roman Pagan Holliday to the God MITHEROUS. The Autumn time, no lambs in ancient times were born in the Autumn. This is a wee bit confusing here, i believe the Return of Christ will hapoen sonetine around the Autumn, The feast of Tablernackles, This is the last of the holidays instigated by Almighty GOD. ALMIGHTY GOD TABLERNACKLING WITH MAN.. Please fotgave me, this tweet has taken so long. I love ❤you all, God bless you. Winifred Thompson. Northern Ireland.
@susettesantiago5509 3 месяца назад
So many wars ……so many weapons……so much drugs …..so many refugees fleeing war torn countries…..the last thing you want to do is claim this mess…..can we start talking about how they will fix their mess…..
@sandraswift3489 3 месяца назад
Check out yair davidiy
@sandraswift3489 3 месяца назад
@sandraswift3489 3 месяца назад
It was a name begininng with y
@sandraswift3489 3 месяца назад
Olam foella was way before
@sandraswift3489 3 месяца назад
❤t for tamar?
@eifionwynwilliams-iffy1288 3 месяца назад
St. Iltud's was the first church built in Britain not St. Peter's
@fewandchosen-en8mv 3 месяца назад
Adam (אדם) literally means "red", and there is an etymological connection between adam and adamah, adamah designating "clay" or "soil" in the Bible it is often translated to (Ruddy.) The name ‘Adam’ (Adam or man), and the two words that are directly related to it: a•da•ma (earth, soil, ground) and ‘dam,’ ‘blood’; sound almost identical, except for the addition of the ‘ah’ sound at the end of the word ‘adama’ and the omission of that ‘ah’ sound at the beginning of ‘dan.’ It is used to describe the first man created in the image of God, the Isrealites and king David Lamentations 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer then snow, they were WHITER THAN MILK, they were more (RUDDIE) in body then rubies, their polishing was of Saphir. Song of Solomon 5:10 My beloved is (WHITE AND RUDDY,) the chiefest among ten thousand. 1 Samuel 16:12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was (RUDDY) and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he Speaking of David We can clearly see by looking at the root Hebrew words used that the Israelites were described as being white and RUDDY Now let's examine another interesting word that's often taken out of context in the Bible and that's the word (,ARAB) In Ex 12:38, the word translated "mixed" is עֵרֶב (ereb) or (ARAB) which occurs about 15 times in the OT. It is used in several ways: "mixed" group of people or "foreigners" who have not become Israelites, Ex 12:38, Neh 13:3, Jer 25:20, 24, 50:37. And the word Arab was translated to mixed in Dan 2:43 that when read in it's original language becomes clearer Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed (Arab) with miry clay (ADAMITES), they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men (Adamites): but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. This verse is talking about mixing the Adomite bloodlines with those who are not Israelites. Like we see happening now in America with the forced race mixing and mass migration of non whites to America and the western civilization
@deanmorgan7011 3 месяца назад
Joseph of aramethea is buried in wales, and jesus did come here, alun wilson has talked of it for years, llandaff catheadral has joseph in the stainglass window, and there is even a possibility he came here after the crucifiction with joseph, who masterminded along with others jesus escape, and when he refers to his lost sheep he means the 10 of the 12 tribes of isreal...who had found their promised land, green and plentiful, its britain
@spikeyapplesseashells9233 4 месяца назад
God bless u sir. Love from fiji🙏❤️
@Church888 4 месяца назад
@pija9505 4 месяца назад
Whats the big difference between the torah and the talmud.. thanks
@pija9505 4 месяца назад
Wo hooooop
@LukeLovesRose 4 месяца назад
I love this documentary. It fills in a lot of holes
@bluesky6985 4 месяца назад
So did Jesus. Joseph was a tin miner in Cornwall. He's buried in Glastonbury. 😊
@bobbyc.1111 4 месяца назад
My fatherin law did this tour. I want to visit and do a tour like this too. I wonder what it would be called?
@earthling1386 3 месяца назад
Jesus on Tour 18 AD 😊
@je-freenorman7787 5 месяцев назад
scripture is brainwashing a gospel is a god spell Religon is mythology, dogma and allegory Definitely NOT truth
@je-freenorman7787 5 месяцев назад
Jesus was not a real person Christianity is definitely not true
@tktrumpet777 5 месяцев назад
the brought it straight down the way buildings are demolished and gold beneath they stole the nights before- buying it days before with massive insurance payoff- and fast forward to today all the insurance companies going bankrupt telling us they wont pay for disasters in America- telling us war is coming and other weather war controlled weather disasters are being used against us - the evil ones have piled up all the money they could steal . never worry, but be strong in faith bc God foretold us all things God will provide for us as he owns it all and promised to provide for us as he did when he took us out of Egypt over 4000 years ago. Seek the truth of Lord straight from God as he has promised that if we knock he will open the door and if we ask He will answer! God provides everything we could ever need and has it in place long before we can imagine we will need it. trust in Him in Christ alone! none else!
@tktrumpet777 5 месяцев назад
Raymond Capt has done some great research as a biblical archeologists and I think it makes sense in every way that Christ would send his family "A far off", to the Northern most Isles for SAFETY, as God said when he gathers us vack, the tribes that it would be across the waters in Ezekiel where our enlemies couldnt just march whole giant armies across the land and just descimate our lands or be a constant plague of war and need for massive security as enemy Nations eye the blessings of Hod upon his people that go by his Name: Christ men, Christians. God provides for our bounty and protection and spoke of a spoiled wilderness that I believe was first the northern forests of Europe and its isles but later as the pilgrims described a calling from God similar to the calling upon God's earlier children to go north and east as far as they could ie Scotland, Britain, Ireland. Follow the flags' symbols from the earliest tribes as God gave them all flags and arranged them around the encampment in the desert when God took us out of Egypt. Robert The Bruce and the Scottish Declaration of Independence carry this same knowledge of being God's people taken out of Egypt and knowing the laws of God and our direct line of communication to him through no plain man. our God is So great and wonderful, so awesome and amazing to have led us all this time and will continue as we face great challenges from evil to deceive the whole world and steal us away from the Father. I know no logical mind that prefers the worry and tragedy of this life without the blessings and protection from evil in Christ. In Christ may all find this and believe always seeking the truth in Christ! Amen!