British guy who loves Tea and playing RPGs.
@8Women1ChadSchool 2 часа назад
Using women as weight stabilizer... What a chad. 😎
@8Women1ChadSchool 2 часа назад
The OST @16:01 playing during the Golden Blood movie was taken from Tokyo Xanadu (another Falcom game). The name is "Fetal Movement" on the Falcom Music Channel.
@RikusonOne 6 часов назад
What chapter is this part on?
@aldoghazali1375 11 часов назад
Sorry i'm late🙏
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 12 часов назад
Thank god that was finished
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 12 часов назад
Fr this arc gave me the headaches
@wesnohathas1993 16 часов назад
32:08 Mio got the zoomies
@MISTX_YT 17 часов назад
Bro aether’s voice actor is the same as tanjiros in the English dub
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 19 часов назад
That voice of him buying the capsules was lit
@AlderIllian День назад
You should totally do a cosplay of one or the characters from rune factory frontier sometime!
@derekstein6193 День назад
11:46 Imagine if, when she finally meets Zenon, he turns out to be just three Prinnys in a trench coat?
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 День назад
Well that was fast, it's been about 2 weeks watching this series so far and I've already reached the Sumero nation😅
@MTH062K.O День назад
Aww,why are you not keeping playing this?Is there something you don’t like about? ☹️
@texben123 День назад
I know one thing insurance companies are probably making a boatload of money from both the war and criminals causing property damage cuz I know that window is going to cost a lot of money to put back cuz I know insurance companies are definitely making money but all this craziness.😅😅😅😅😅
@davidtimmer596 День назад
I'm gonna guess Sora's Tokyo Xanadu's Fie.
@dgc1570 День назад
It's adorable
@texben123 День назад
The funny thing is that the dark dragon might be former sacred Beast because the war with the great one has lasted for thousands of years I already know that there are actually former sacred Beast that either die during war trying to protect Humanity or die of old age and just create an offspring because Rose is the second sacred Beast of Fire and Celine is supposed to be the next one just in case. Meaning there could be multiple Generations of sacred Beast. The dark dragons actually based off of the Dragon King just to make a reference it also gives me a hint that the Dragon King could have been a former sacred Beast that rebelled against humanity billions of years ago. Because in the original series dragon slayer / Legends of Heroes there is a computer called Freya which has a holographic body though but she's also similar to the goddess somebody tells me she's like a prototype for the other gods and goddesses. Pretty much Ys have the twin goddesses and other gods that are dead,Mythos for also gods in a certain that blue haired girl looks very similar to the goddess, and there's Aidios the goddess of wind I look very similar to the other gods I mentioned the female ones anyway. I also found out there's more than one goddess Zumeria I think I heard this from an NPC about the Middle East or Central East but I don't remember which NPC. The other two goddesses are Arusha, the goddess of fire and I know the easterners worship the water goddess I don't know her name yet I just heard her mentioned from time to time from some NPCs for some reason they think all three goddesses are the same one but in actuality they're completely different goddesses it's just they're really bad at keeping track of their history. And It was caused by the great collapse and probably a previous war before it. I have a theory that whenever a goddess or sacred Beast or Sept trerrion dies their name is completely forgotten that includes the great one since he died his name cannot be said anymore they still remember who he is just not his name.
@texben123 День назад
😂😂😂😂😂 if my friend owned a freaking Mall I'd be asking for a freaking discount
@texben123 День назад
I know I said this multiple times about the pocket dimensions, where Humanity 2 billion years ago got separated from the rest of the humans on the colonized planets that goes for pretty much every game falcom Library, and magical Alisa is also in a pocket dimension, Tokyo Xanadu is back on Earth which is thousands of years after dragon slayer: Legends of Heroes 1 and 2. The legends of Heroes series, the trail series and the other games were put into pocket Dimensions by their ancestors billions of years ago but have forgotten their entire history like I mentioned. before that's my theory so far. Now there's 3 Reans, and the other characters either as demons or humans or a magical girls. Rean( normal), Dark Rean, and demon Prince Rean back in Tokyo Xanadu they have all the video games, manga, and other merchandise from the other worlds my theory is that the supercomputers that observe Humanity and have been recording pretty much all the adventures and sending it back to Earth for some reason 🤔🤔🤔🤔and for some reason been giving it to I guess a game company called Falcom. And I've been making money off of the recordings in secret cuz the government definitely knows about other worlds while the public back on earth have no clue it's real cuz they know about the demons and they know about the other worlds they're mostly keeping it top secret. And it falcom keeps it a secret they make a bunch of money which they did. But this is mostly just a silly Theory.
@soulwrite5963 День назад
49:38 I wonder if Trails really would have had the man jump.
@shelbybayer200 День назад
Another thing, even if we don't like some of stories they are sending out right now. It's better to give the Series attention rather than just not interact at all with the series. Cause the less interaction the More likely the whole franchise will just DIE and there won't be any way to reverse it like how we can just do another playthrough if we got the Conquest ending back in Rebirth 2
@j.b.5422 2 дня назад
being a brother didnt stop estelle and joshua
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 2 дня назад
Wow, can't believe I did this quest yet I failed to remember that inspiring words from the character Uncle Tian.👏👏 I gotta hand it over to mihoyo on this one
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 2 дня назад
The part where childe died was funny asf😂😂
@texben123 2 дня назад
Pretty much this is just a makeshift timeline dragon slayer/ Legends of Heroes 1 and 2( 2 billion years DK( Dragon King war)- a 1000s AD( after Dragon King)( Earth) Tokyo Xanadu( Earth) 2000s AD Legends of Heroes 3-5 (Gagharv) in three separate pocket dimensions 1000sAD trail series (Zumeria) which is also in a pocket dimension which appeared in the fourth game of Cold Steel 4 1200 AD - S 1208 Ys series ( Esteria) 1000s AD I have a theory that is also in a pocket Dimension separated from the other worlds Nayuta: boundaries trails (Lost Heaven)1000s AD which is also in a pocket dimension right next to Zumeria 's world, because Zumerian ore appear in the game and the Mythos ( a certain blue haired girl it looks like the goddess, and the twin goddesses too)Mythos are gods that went to war with Humanity probably 2000 years AD After Earth got separated from the rest of the colonized planets which are all in Pocket dimensions which are separate but it's mostly just a theory. My theory is 2 billion years ago ancient Humanity fought the Dragon King and destroyed almost of the world 2 billion years later Humanity survived and eventually reestablished Earth problem is they erase their own memory of the other worlds and completely forgot. My theory is 2000 years later the Gods / goddesses/ Mythos/ gods from Ys fought ancient Humanity on each world and the war was very destructive destroyed most of their history because humans still had their advanced technology eventually most of the gods that fought died and the surviving humans completely forgot about them . And worshiped the surviving Gods In the trail series I think the goddess and other gods also fought a war 2,000 years ago and the current goddess survived that war and protected Humanity. And was worshiped as the current goddess while the other Gods died and were completely forgotten. Because whenever a God/ sacred Beast/ Sept -trirrerion names are forgotten cuz they were previous sacred Beast that died during the Great collapse or before it and their names were completely forgotten by Humanity which is how their ancestors designed the entire world. What this is all a trails Theory.🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️
@gsturge 2 дня назад
A tea man trapped in a world of coffee...
@lowcostentertainmentlce1590 2 дня назад
Ahh the Chasm One of my favorite arcs
@royalladybug30 2 дня назад
Agnes disappointment when she realized he wasn't talking about her. Oh dear
@LezSpringfield 2 дня назад
how do i grind to such a high level the monsters in this area are like 51 max
@j.b.5422 2 дня назад
@j.b.5422 3 дня назад
cassis is real
@j.b.5422 3 дня назад
geez, theyre long now!
@derekstein6193 3 дня назад
26:35 Pleinair is a cutie. Best mascot.
@Grimjaw-rw1sz 3 дня назад
That Initial D Scene
@mahomisawa4172 3 дня назад
Oh look its part 30 already. We're still in chapter 2, hmm. Or maybe its more surprising that chapter 1 wasnt that long? So yeah uhhh straight into the whatever this is. On our way walking and then suddenly the genese decides its time to activate (or wahtever thats called), and then we run into grimcat here and end up in a fight. I have to say this is one of the weirdest scenes ever, like she just walks off in the middle of the fight and uh. Like am I an idiot because it feels like I'm missing something I mean the implication right now is, she either has a genese of her own, yes/no/maybe. Shrug Ah yes another meeting with the police. I mean its sort inevitable really, thats just how things go Its kinda weird since legally speaking I'm not sure. I mean its so confusing. Strictly speaking does feri have a license? Even bracers have a minimum age of 16, unless they lowered that at some point. Millium and altina were both technically working for the gahmen, their case is a big headache though I dunno. Let's see. In sky we dont meet the queen until the final chapter, though we met lots of other people on the way. In zero the police is part of the gahmen from the start. In cs1, we go to the capital in chapter 4. Van's position is definitely a bit more precarious than the others, since the police arent very happy, the gahmen is who knows, and the bracers are busy Strictly speaking I think there was minimal interaction with the police in chapter 1, so its not quite like every chapter the police just jumps us in the underground Its really weird though, in prologue its kincaid who shows up, but this time they just abruptly walk out like that Yeah so basically they're setting up the whole grimcat thing, whenever we run into her again. Its uhh. I mean what can I say. A bit iffy so to speak, its not quite like rixia's case back in zero where they literally show the players, here its just heavily implied. I wonder if it would be more surprising if falcom did a bait and switch on us Heck maybe its just confirmation bias but she even sounds the same. Rather convenient you know, for the actual person to show up Like here, we literally just met grimcat a short while ago. While in zero/azure Lloyd only sloowly starts to suspect, sometime into azure or so, and its not until the end of chapter 3 of azure that rixia is actually revealed. Here we literally meet grimcat and then judith in the SAME DAY Aaand now we get jumped by cao of all people. Like sure what a busy day, but what is cao doing here? Like he probably has a request for van, but why van? I mean its kinda funny since van is like yes/no. I'm curious though if where and when van will actually do requests for no pay. While heiyue is the opposite, since whatever they are asking probably is going to be very shady if not actually illegal. Or is it Well things are getting complicated now. So this chapter its cao asking us to go to another city to do work. At first I thought we were gonna stay in the capital this whole chapter but apparently not. I didnt realize(?) the events in the intro happned there hmm. The real question is how is cao going to convince van? Soo yeah basically like in zero, heiyue is the "lesser" of the evils, so its more important to oppose the mafia before they get out of control Seriously what is going on, it hasnt even been that long and the genese is like "oh by the way guys you should really go" Speaking of the heiyue and the police and bracers, I dunno. In zero heiyue kinda barely did anything, so there wasnt really much to say there. This time they are actively seeking help from van It would be really funny if we did or didnt receive the mira from heiyue after all this is over. What a long day. And its not even over yet, there's still more
@ForsakenEve88 3 дня назад
Didn't expect some initial d in my trails. :)
@mahomisawa4172 3 дня назад
2 hours in one day. And here I thought we were going too slowly. Assuming the game isnt longer than 100 hours (and even then it could be way shorter. maybe) If all the parts are 1 hour from now we might not even make it to part 100. Maaybe. The games do tend to get a bit longer towards the end, and I'm still wondering if they'll actually have 7 or 8 chapters
@JadedKnightOfEnvy 3 дня назад
The bonus bonding time from where I've seen so far as I'm at the star of ch 4 is only when you do all the day quests not done with the game so I can't be completely sure
@zoltankarman7123 3 дня назад
Twit you need buy the coffee drinks as well because without you never gonna complete gourmet points if you skips the coffee drinks
@ualnomis99 3 дня назад
I remember a commenter said that the posters of these movies were all crowd-sourced, and then the writers wrote plots to match.
@Grimjaw-rw1sz 3 дня назад
I like the what once was lost quest
@nathanpitones 3 дня назад
56:25: This guy could get more lessons from other people who make particular foods like Orvid from Liberl and Freddy & Margherita from Erebonia.
@w0nd3r6 3 дня назад
Skip to @3:28:00 for the best part.😂
@raphaelfelix4795 3 дня назад
Van was more worried about the car, he didn't care if Max was hurt 😂😂😂😂
@texben123 3 дня назад
I think the last name is ishmaelga pretty much the great one cuz he was trying to take over Rean 's body at the bad ending he's still in there partially though and since he died in this timeline his name has been erased which is not normal cuz I still think that the entire world is artificial that includes every living thing, I think their ancestors made the entire planet and other worlds and created a small pocket Multiverse( Dragon Slayer series, the legends of Heroes series, Ys series, the trail series, and other Falcom games) cuz most of their technology is about manipulating reality and creating pocket dimensions cuz most of the dungeons are in Pocket dimensions and the reverie Corridor is also in a pocket dimension along with the reverie. And since I like putting things in Pocket Dimensions I would not be surprised if they put the whole world in there too. But this is just a theory.
@AFalcomGamer 3 дня назад
2:25 The song Jess play was Hippolyta Hill, from Zwei: The Arges Adventure's Super Arrange album