Welcome to “Eurasia & Beyond” your virtual gateway to Eurasia! 🌍 Join us and travel together through our engaging videos where we explore the exotic world.
Have you ever wanted to travel through the regions or Europe, Central Asia and the Far East, or are you simply curious about what makes each country unique? This channel is the right place for you! With a keen interest in entire Eurasian Land Mass from Russia's Far East to Portugal including the steppes and the middle east. We will explore the dynamic variety of cultures, languages, cuisines, history, and art, I've always felt a special connection to this continent. At "Eurasia & Beyond " our goal is simple: to bring you, one video at a time. Each video dives deeply into the most fascinating facts about the European country we are exploring, including insights into the cost of living in each destination! Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with our latest explorations. Let's discover and explore together! 🌍🎉
11 Safest Countries in the World in 2024
2 месяца назад
@acokostic810 Час назад
Klinton Bajden su naj vece ubice sirom sveta
@aleksmilanovic5123 3 часа назад
The population was 14 mil until they ve started genocide against us they halfed us
@Ana-bw7gm День назад
During the WWII Nazi occupied Serbian Kosovo and Metohija (K&M) province, forced Serbian population out and organized training camps for their soldiers including Albanian and Muslim Nazis. After the war Communists didn't allow Serbs to return to their houses in K&M but accepted thousands of Albanians who were immigrating. Government used to give those Albanians Serbian houses and land to work on. Over the years Albanians terrorized Serbian population. During the bombing of Yugoslavia and afterwards people were forced by Albanians and NATO to move out of the Serbian province. That is how Albanians are in majority in K&M, Serbian Province.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your valuable insight! This is interesting and i might look into this history more
@Ana-bw7gm 16 часов назад
@@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc While looking into this you may want to remember that Communists hid the above information and people started hearing about it from those that were not allowed back. It's only after they lost power that historians started writing about it. Also, thanks to Internet lots of information is available but must be verified to number of sources.
@southepirote7676 День назад
The notion of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes has been a persistent narrative, often used to foster a sense of unity and historical continuity. However, a closer examination reveals the complexity and diversity within the Greek population, challenging the simplistic portrayal of ethnic homogeneity and direct lineage from the ancient Hellenes. To begin with, Greece has been a crossroads of various civilizations throughout history, including interactions with Albanians, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and others. This rich history of cultural exchanges has inevitably left an imprint on the ethnic composition of the region. Genetic studies indicate a diversity of influences, reflecting the historical interactions and migrations that have shaped the genetic makeup of the Greek people. This diversity challenges the notion of a singular, homogeneous ethnic origin. Moreover, the concept of ethnicity itself is complex and dynamic. It is not solely determined by genetic factors but is also influenced by cultural, linguistic, and historical elements. While the Hellenes were indeed one of the ancient tribes in the region, claiming a direct ethnic lineage from them oversimplifies the intricate processes of cultural assimilation, intermixing, and acculturation that have occurred over centuries. Language, often considered a key marker of ethnic identity, also presents complexities. The modern Greeks language belongs to the Indo-European family but is distinct within this linguistic group. While it has roots in the Hellenic language, linguistic evolution and influences from Latin, Slavic, and other languages have contributed to its unique character. This linguistic complexity challenges the notion of a straightforward, unbroken linguistic continuity between ancient Hellenic and modern Greek. Historical records further complicate the narrative of ethnic homogeneity. The region has witnessed migrations, invasions, and changes in political control, all of which have contributed to the diversity within the Greek population. The medieval period, for example, saw the influx of various groups, including Slavs and Normans, leaving lasting cultural and genetic impacts. In conclusion, the idea of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes is a simplistic narrative that does not fully capture the complexity of Greece's history and the diversity within its population. Genetic, linguistic, and historical evidence points to a more nuanced and multifaceted reality, highlighting the need to approach the question of Greek identity with a recognition of the intricate processes of cultural evolution and interaction that have shaped the region over millennia.
@southepirote7676 День назад
According to DNA tests, the Albanians have left a significant genetic mark on the Greeks since antiquity when they were known as Pelasgians.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment t
@southepirote7676 День назад
The notion of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes has been a persistent narrative, often used to foster a sense of unity and historical continuity. However, a closer examination reveals the complexity and diversity within the Greek population, challenging the simplistic portrayal of ethnic homogeneity and direct lineage from the ancient Hellenes. To begin with, Greece has been a crossroads of various civilizations throughout history, including interactions with Albanians, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and others. This rich history of cultural exchanges has inevitably left an imprint on the ethnic composition of the region. Genetic studies indicate a diversity of influences, reflecting the historical interactions and migrations that have shaped the genetic makeup of the Greek people. This diversity challenges the notion of a singular, homogeneous ethnic origin. Moreover, the concept of ethnicity itself is complex and dynamic. It is not solely determined by genetic factors but is also influenced by cultural, linguistic, and historical elements. While the Hellenes were indeed one of the ancient tribes in the region, claiming a direct ethnic lineage from them oversimplifies the intricate processes of cultural assimilation, intermixing, and acculturation that have occurred over centuries. Language, often considered a key marker of ethnic identity, also presents complexities. The modern Greeks language belongs to the Indo-European family but is distinct within this linguistic group. While it has roots in the Hellenic language, linguistic evolution and influences from Latin, Slavic, and other languages have contributed to its unique character. This linguistic complexity challenges the notion of a straightforward, unbroken linguistic continuity between ancient Hellenic and modern Greek. Historical records further complicate the narrative of ethnic homogeneity. The region has witnessed migrations, invasions, and changes in political control, all of which have contributed to the diversity within the Greek population. The medieval period, for example, saw the influx of various groups, including Slavs and Normans, leaving lasting cultural and genetic impacts. In conclusion, the idea of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes is a simplistic narrative that does not fully capture the complexity of Greece's history and the diversity within its population. Genetic, linguistic, and historical evidence points to a more nuanced and multifaceted reality, highlighting the need to approach the question of Greek identity with a recognition of the intricate processes of cultural evolution and interaction that have shaped the region over millennia.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment
@southepirote7676 День назад
For all Greek and Serb nationalists. 1. A report of the envoy of the Duke of Milan from 1454 calls Skanderbeg "an Albanian Christian" ("quello Sanderbech...è christiano Albanexe"). 2. The Italian humanist and poet Antonio Bonfini Asculano (1427-1502) calls Skanderbeg an "Albanian prince" ("Sandorbegum Albanensem Principem"). 3. Even the Venetians never questioned his Albanian origins. In 1464, a Venetian senator angrily said of Skanderbeg, that "we do not trust him at all, because he is Albanian, treacherous and dangerous" ("nuy non si fidamo di luy per niente, perche è Albanese et è traditore et tristo!"). 4. In 1464, the Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza, wrote a letter to Skanderbeg, addressing him with these words: "The excellent and powerful lord, like our dear brother, the Albanian lord Gjergj Kastrioti, called Skanderbeg" . ("Illustri et potenti Domino tanquam fratri nostro carissimo Domino Georgio Castriot aliter Scanderbeg albanesi"). 5. In a letter from Giovanni Antonio, the prince of Taranto, on October 31, 1460, at the beginning of the letter he addresses Skanderbeg with these words: "Giovanni Antonio, prince of Taranto, sends greetings to George the Albanian!" ("Ioannes Antonius princeps Tarenti Georgio Albano salutem!"). He goes on to say: "Italian blood is not afraid of the Albanian face!" (nec faciam Albanam timebit Italicus sanguis!") and other such insults to the Albanians. Likewise Ottoman sources, historians and chroniclers, describe him as being Albanian: Asikpasazade (1400-1484) Tursun Beg (1420-1499) Mehmed Nesri (1450-1520) Idris Bitlisi (1457-1520) Ibn Kemal (1468-1534) Sadeddin Efendi (1536-1599) Mustafa Ali (1541-1600) Solakzade (1592-1658) and others, all describe him as being an Albanian (arnavud). Hoca Sâdeddin Efendi (1536-1599), in his Tacü't-Tevarih, says: “The Albanian ruler had a handsome son named Iskender, whose bodily figure inspired love, while his attractive face was an expression of his beauty and grace.” Ibn Kemal, historian of the Turkish court during Skanderbeg’s wars, writes: “The Albanians, these tigers of mountain wars have as their religion rebellion. Even their worst warrior is one of the strongest and bravest on the battlefield, just as if he was a knight on the legendary horse…” Skanderbeg’s own testimony, however, is stronger than both Western and Ottoman sources combined. So what excatly did he say about himself? Let’s see how he replied to the albanophobe cited above, namely Giovanni Antionio of Taranto who had insulted the Albanian nation: “Moreover, you scorn our people, and compared the Albanians to sheep, and according to your custom think of us with only insults. It would seem you know nothing of the origins of our race. Our elders were the Epirotes from whence Pyrrhus himself came forth, the might of whom the Romans could barely withstand. Those very Epirotes whom with their weapons set forth and conquered Taranto and much of Italy. There exists no challenge to their might from the likes of the Tarantines, a species of wet men born only to catch fish. And since you proclaim Albania as part of Macedonia, you grant also then, our elders as nobles who went as far as India under Alexander the Great, defeating all the people that came before them with great ease. From those men descend these who you now call sheep. But the nature of things have not changed. Why do your men run away in the faces of sheep?”
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment and detail sources/references
@nomadjoel111 День назад
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment
@nomadjoel111 День назад
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment
@ErjadGashi 2 дня назад
Serbia is part of Kosova
@Travelwithv2 2 дня назад
I visited Poland for the first time this summer as my husband is Polish. I found Polish people generally rude not hospitable and seemed intolerant of people who didn’t speak Polish . Food in most restaurants was usually the standard all over and they only eat chicken soup on Sunday.Beautiful architecture of cities particularly Poznan Krakow Wroclaw Łódź and Kepno.
@ConradValmont 3 дня назад
Beautiful Serbian land. Cradle of the old Serbian Illyrian tribe. Our Azerbaijani friends, thank you for taking care of our country, see you very soon. 🇷🇸
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 3 дня назад
Thanks for your comment
@southepirote7676 День назад
Good luck getting past Kosova slav immigrants 😂
@ABSOLUTE-3XXX 20 часов назад
When the Albanian Illyrians existed in the Balkans, the Serbian immigrants had not yet descended from the Ural Mountains and Siberia to conquer the Albanian lands.
@x-man4966 3 дня назад
M.uslim country in the heart of Europe where your daughter is kidnapped for prostitution and you enter with two kidneys and leave with one, no thank you.
@ivanjovanovic5749 3 дня назад
Kosovo and Metohija have always been Serbs and will always be. One of the most famous and largest battles in Europe took place at the place of KOSOVO POLJE in Kosovo and Metohija in 1389. Between the Serbian and Ottoman empires, where both leaders were killed, EMPEROR MURAT FROM OTTOMAN (killed by SERBIAN KNIGHT MILOŠ OBILIĆ) and PRINCE LAZAR HREBELJANOVIĆ from the Serbian side. In honor of that battle and the SERBIAN sacrifices to defend Christianity and Europe, the church bells at the Notre Dame church in Paris ring on the day of the Kosovo Battle, VIDOVDAN, June 15, 1389. The Ottoman Empire wanted to conquer at that time Christian Europe from the direction of Asia and turn it into the Muslim world and put it under its control. However, they came across the brave SERBIAN people who gave the last drop of blood to defend their freedom and Europe.. That is KOSOVO AND METOHIA for the SERBS... ❤🇷🇸❤
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 2 дня назад
Thanks for your valuable insight
@branislavlukanovic3871 3 дня назад
Kosovo is occupied serbian terithory by side of NATO. Lot of small countries sign recognition by force and threat of USA just to fill number of recognitions. Albanians have own country Albania. Similar occupation try and Hitler 1941-1944. I can't room in your house to give to your neighbor. This what USA do is worst then BS.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 3 дня назад
Thanks for your comment. This is the divide and conqueror method started by the British a few centuries ago and later adopted by the US. It's not happening just in the Balkans..it's happening around the world in various forms that is unknown by most people. 😳
@milosobilic981 3 дня назад
Kosovo is oldest part of Serbia !!!! Slavs didn't settle Balkan, we Serbs are native people here.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 3 дня назад
Thanks for your comment.
@stefcodimitrievski 4 дня назад
Jebala te North Macedonia!
@almesivamoonshadow8805 4 дня назад
It's a paradise if you come here with Western salaries and paying power, sure.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment. Yes, if you can work online or have income from Western countries
@nomadjoel111 4 дня назад
Food looks pretty good. Would love to try it!😊
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment..the grilled meat is indeed good
@nomadjoel111 4 дня назад
Nice video!❤
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment
@djordjejovanovic6795 4 дня назад
Thank you for this wonderful representation of my country ❤
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment..My apologies for making some mistakes in terms of statistics or time from Belgrade to Novi Sad...I hope my main points got through to the wider audience
@djordjejovanovic6795 4 дня назад
@@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc Haters will hate, just chill 😘
@leonardnoel888 4 дня назад
Another mistake, train travelling time between Novi Sad and Belgrade is exactly 32 minutes.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment..yes, there are some mistakes and will be more careful in the future..
@leonardnoel888 4 дня назад
You missed to say, Nikola Tesla father was Serbian Christian orthodox priest living in a Serbian village.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment..My apologies for making some mistakes in terms of statistics or time from Belgrade to Novi Sad...I hope my main points got through to the wider audience
@Brave2standalone 4 дня назад
That's why Russia invested heavily into its own armaments knowing 'they were next'!
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment. That was a wake up call!
@Jugisa1 5 дней назад
Kosovo is Serbia
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc День назад
Thanks for your comment
@filipefernandes870 6 дней назад
Fake Macedonia, real one is in Greece. They are originally Bulgarians and 90% of the land is north of ancient Macedonia, the kingdom that spread Hellenism all the way to the Indus river.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 6 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. All feedback welcomed.
@kristijanmilosevsky2030 5 дней назад
No real Greece is in Ethiopia. Greeks are 90% Ethiopian DNK
@nmaltas 4 дня назад
@@kristijanmilosevsky2030 : Stop talking about your mother.
@kristijanmilosevsky2030 4 дня назад
@@nmaltas no, i yell you about your mother
@nmaltas 4 дня назад
@@kristijanmilosevsky2030 Please write in Bulgarian since you can't string a sentence in English.
@VeljkoPopovic-fn6rg 6 дней назад
So full of sht 😂😂😂😂😂
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 6 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. Which part? The US involvement?
@Brave2standalone 6 дней назад
Fantastic natural beauty and rich history - with one of the tastiest cuisine in the world.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 6 дней назад
Thanks for your comment.
@petarpetrovic8744 6 дней назад
Just where the hell you got all these prices from??? I live here, it's nothing like thata, you're so full of shit. It's way more expensive.
@nomadjoel111 6 дней назад
@BRICSMore-us1wn 6 дней назад
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 6 дней назад
Thanks for your comment
@IvanStikic 7 дней назад
300-500 euros for city center apartment? When were those information gathered, 7 years ago?
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 7 дней назад
Thanks for your comment..noted
@JoseBoy-ve5kb 5 дней назад
Double those prices today.
@IvanStikic 4 дня назад
Although I wouldn't put a limit for the upper estimate.
@Rhk973 7 дней назад
Serbia does not exist
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 6 дней назад
Thanks for your comment..please enlighten me..you can buy a ticket to Belgrade and visit. How does it not exist?
@marioantic5880 7 дней назад
Odličan video koji zaista prikazuje Srbiju i Srbe u pravom svijetlu, za razliku od zapadnjačke političke propagande koji pokušavaju iskriviti sliku o tom narodu. Srbi su stvarno veoma gostoljubiv i druželjubiv narod, koji je oduvijek znao što želi. Često puta ih je na žalost kroz povijest takav stav skupo koštao, ali su zato uvijek bili na pravoj strani povijesti. Slobodno mogu reći i jedini od svih naroda u okruženju. Kosovo i Metohija, kako se zaista zove ovaj dio Srbije, nasilno je otet nakon NATO agresije i samovoljno proglašen lažnom državom. Srbima je jako važno to naglasiti, jer je to prava istina, koja se na silu pokušava prikazati drugačije, koristeći lažnu propagandu od strane većine zapadnih zemalja. Treba reći i to da nije točno da je 100 zemalja priznalo Kosovo i Metohiju kao državu, već znatno manje, pošto je 17 zemalja povuklo svoje priznanje, a taj će se trend i nastaviti. Inače ta mala zemlja s tako malo stanovnika bila je pobjednica u oba svjetska rata i dala je mnoga značajna imena iz svijeta nauke, sporta, umjetnosti. Svima su poznati tenisač Novak Đoković, košarkaši Nikola Jokić, Boban Marjanović, Vlade Divac, Peđa Stojaković, Bogdan Bogdanović, vaterpolisti, Naučnici Nikola Tesla, Milutin Milanković, Mihailo Pupin, Književnik nobelovac, Ivo Andrić, režiser Emir Kusturica, violinisti Nemanja Radulović i Stefan Milenković, inženjeri njih šestorica koji su radili na programu Apollo i još mnogo, mnogo drugih značajnih ličnosti u gotovo svim oblastima ljudskog djelovanja. Stvarno narod vrijedan svakog respekta, miroljubiv i koji se kroz svoju povijest uvijek borio za svoju slobodu i nikada nikoga nije napadao, ali se uvijek znao obraniti od drugih, koji su ga napadali i uvijek mnogostruko jačih od njih samih u tom trenutku. Respekt bratskom Srpskom narodu. Lp iz Hrvatske.
@balkanacmanipulator2515 8 дней назад
@SauveurMorreale 8 дней назад
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 8 дней назад
Thanks for your support and comment
@ivandj707 8 дней назад
You have provided a lot of superficial and half-accurate historical facts, mostly adapted from the sources you took them from. One small example: you say that the Serbs declare that the scientist Tesla is theirs, but that would be completely meaningless if he did not consider himself and declare himself a Serb, as was his father, an Orthodox priest. So it's really bad to make such representations about someone without being fundamentally aware of the real facts. These AI generated videos are more harmful than helpful, and only contribute to information pollution.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 8 дней назад
Thanks for your honest feedback! I guess you can never satisfy everyone and I don't intend to. The video is for a very general audience and not ment for the professor of history...maybe you didn't agree with putting the point about NATO aggression and involvement of the US. These points are not important but the fact the people the wording about Telsa was so important...feel free to keep commenting.
@mitchzec9007 8 дней назад
Beautiful country and people ❤️💙🤍
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 8 дней назад
Thanks for your comment.
@mitchzec9007 3 дня назад
@@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc ❤️
@nadacalo9289 3 дня назад
@darkomarkovic7323 8 дней назад
Ko pravi ova sranja od videa?
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 8 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. Can you suggest which parts should be updated/changed/added?
@georgewogell2289 6 дней назад
hahahahha uyasno je
@AlexM-t6h 8 дней назад
This is an AI video. The way local names are pronounced is awful.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 8 дней назад
Thanks for your feedback.Pronunciation of foreign words is not easy. This goes for AI voice or a human voice. Try pronouncing words in Arabic or Vietnamese. 😌
@AlexM-t6h 22 часа назад
@@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc You can ask a local how things are pronounced.
@galacticangel5262 9 дней назад
Beethoven was not Austrian. He was born in Bonn, Germany.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 9 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. Noted.They sell his chocolates in Vienna and claim he is Austrian 😀
9 дней назад
Имате нетачан податак. Наиме, српску покрајину Косово је признало 87 земаља а не 100 како ви наводите, углавном НАТО земље без њих 5 и остатак, банана државе под влашћу САД. Остатак од 193 државе чланице УН не признаје Косово као независну, на силу отету од Србије, бомбардовањем. Значи три четвртине човечанства на земљиној кугли не признаје Косово као независну земљу (то је данас протекторат УН). Србија никада неће дозволити да самозвана држава Косово постане чланицљ уједињених нација.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 9 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. My bad in terms of the error 100 vs 83. I try to mention the unilateral attack by NATO which is mostly not mentioned in alot of other videos.
@nomadjoel111 10 дней назад
😊 👍🎉
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Thanks for your comment.
@viking4476 10 дней назад
Serbia is safe country. Unfortunately with ugly communist Cities, dirty street, crowd, unplanned buildings and houses. Nature is OK but with a lot of garbage, unarenged wildness, unplanned houses and bad infrastructure. People are friendly but very primitive and rude, so be careful what you talking.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Great insight...will visit later this year.
@VeneraPlaneta-m4c 9 дней назад
What he writes is a big garbage!!! Serbia is a wonderful country with wonderful people, the most beautiful country in the world!!!​@@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc
@Brave2standalone 9 дней назад
I guess you were raised in Monaco so everything else seems inferior!?
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 9 дней назад
@@VeneraPlaneta-m4c Serbia is beautiful!
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 9 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. Alot of Balkan and Eastern European Countries are alot nicer than Western Europe in my opinion. More authentic and better experience for travellers
@viking4476 10 дней назад
As Serbian I have to say that people here divide on two groups. First are happy with life in Serbia, watch state media and apsorb state propaganda. Second, depressive who thinks it's a poor third world country and plan to immigrate to the West. I personally think that Serbia is, underdeveloped , corrupt and very primiv dictatorship
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Thanks for your valuable insight..
@SherilynMalloy 10 дней назад
Aa an American, I am really Embarrassed by This. I am so very sorry. 👑😢🇺🇸 ✝️💟☮️☦️☪️👑😇🇷🇸
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Thanks for your comment. During my research I found this YT Channel as a good source for context about the fall of Yugoslavia - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9MLi41jNpWk.htmlsi=_tmkGaCa-J2VYdxH
@martinishot 10 дней назад
No need to be embarrassed by AI.
@vickoslavkovic2593 10 дней назад
​@@martinishotTreba da bude osramoćen osim ako nije od strane zlikovačkog us/uk nato-a isprani mozak.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
@@martinishotthanks for your response AI.
@martinishot 10 дней назад
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc This message is like the email.I get from my credit card company AI when my payment has posted.
@darkosavic114 10 дней назад
Very good job bro !!!! In 10 min you teel lot's of thing....I am impressed....👍👍👍
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Thanks mate! Here's my recent video about Serbia from another angle. Apologies in advance if some research is off - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9MLi41jNpWk.htmlsi=_tmkGaCa-J2VYdxH
@StopNLean 11 дней назад
when he called burek and cevapi serbian i lost it lol
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 11 дней назад
Thanks for your comment and noted
@puzzled012 11 дней назад
huh, cevapi is Serbian, leskovacki at least, and a type of burek was first made in Nis (by a Turk but nevertheless). it is interesting when people have a strong opinion on topics they know little about, don't you agree? ps edited (a lot of) typos.
@momaivkovic4393 11 дней назад
​@@puzzled012A što u Turskoj danas ne prave burek kakav se pravi u Nišu !?
@orthodox032 9 дней назад
Нема више Срба у Турској, због тога. 😂
@krimidzimi7893 8 дней назад
A jebote, jesi prezivio? Samo pitam, brinem se…
@mlrd2687 11 дней назад
Most Serbs don't like to see the image of the Serbian president in a video about Serbia. Serbian politicians, both in power and in the opposition, are anti-advertising for Serbia.
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 11 дней назад
Thanks for your comment..Note taken. I didn't realise this point.
@georgefenrirbitadze4757 12 дней назад
Nice one and congratulations
@EurasiaandBeyond-ur4xc 10 дней назад
Thank you! Cheers!