Dave Scott
Dave Scott
Dave Scott
6x Ironman Champion providing you the best nutrition, race, training and strength advice. First inductee into the Ironman Hall of Fame.
Donuts are a no!
4 года назад
Mad Max "Asks the Man"
4 года назад
4 года назад
Why Compression Socks?
4 года назад
Perfecting Your Kick on the Swim
4 года назад
Ask the Man: Swim Form and Pacing
4 года назад
Mastering Bilateral Breathing
4 года назад
COVID Fueling
4 года назад
Ask the Man: Ironman Race Pace
4 года назад
Tips for Anti-Aging and Eating Well
4 года назад
Quick Tip to Improve Your Swim
4 года назад
@thestreakpodcast 9 дней назад
Is it an Eisentraut?
@chandrashekharmysa3692 18 дней назад
Super please give tip for in back stroke arm push
@urba-link3576 Месяц назад
Honestly, it's like this video was made with my main problem in mind: over rotation of hips and consequently legs splaying. 👍👍👍👍
@urba-link3576 Месяц назад
Thank you so much!! I could never get a straight answer about how much hip rotation compared to shoulder rotation. My hips at 45° means legs splayed and balance problems. You also lose the tension in the core that the shoulder hip differential rotation produces. The coiled spring effect so to speak. Thanks so much, it's been a mystery for me for years.
@coltthestarsheriff3544 Месяц назад
I was trained as a child in bilateral freestyle. I could never used to one side breathing. Actually, i tried swimming with unilateral breathing for years, my stroke was literally useless.
@14c3k5 2 месяца назад
It is simple: breathe according to rotation.
@farminginspirationcambodia201 2 месяца назад
Great tips. Thank you so much ❤
@official2061 2 месяца назад
As self learned I'm glad find this video and he say the truth about kick, i'm always add backstroke with only flutter and dolphin kick before swim freestyle and yes is really help me a lot to feel my kick and stability for my body.
@user-gi9cl5yt4w 5 месяцев назад
It's never over, till it's over!!!!!
@simplyKr324 5 месяцев назад
thanks, I'll try it later;)))
@Welikeyoutube 5 месяцев назад
Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts are better fat sources than protein.
@adityanegi643 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Man!
@claudemohler2957 6 месяцев назад
So exhale through your mouth?
@tomslawsky4111 7 месяцев назад
12 to 15 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions constitute strength training? You should stick to nutrition and not really talk about things you’re not well-versed in such as strength training.
@maisetas 7 месяцев назад
i canswim 1:45 2k but if i breath through my off side i can manage 2:15-2:20 400m
@HankSnatchez 8 месяцев назад
The beauty of keto and IF is that you dont have to work out as much to get results and honestly without carbs its really hard to exercise every day and get through the rest of your life. I do Hiit 3 days a week with a couple of long walks and a few bike rides. Im 53 so my days of crushing 5 crossfit classes every week are over.
@mamamatt7774 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. This was really helpful after a sickness of almost four weeks (and honestly not sure even yet am I ready to start training again). I've been stressing about my health since week two and this is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
9 месяцев назад
It's strange how evolution totally missed what modern people just learned under an extremely short period of time, and as a result we are incapable of moving without an artificial heel ...
@vits-swimtrainingevolution9886 9 месяцев назад
Hi Dave, and everyone, the video is still online - so once again, - thats from the 70-80ies, wrong programming, that makes me and people sad. You should'nt further lead people the wrong disadvantagable way. Way better dryland system available today.
@lgdneuro9586 3 месяца назад
You keep putting this on quite a few Resistance Band training videos yet you dont say anything else? Care to elaborate on which better dryland system? insteand of bashing all resistance band training videos. There is even scientific sport journals that support the resistance band training method to improve swimming performance.
@vits-swimtrainingevolution9886 3 месяца назад
@@lgdneuro9586 Just because thus old products and methods are bad but are still recommended as good, I don't have to publish my method I d discovered and concepted, this is my development and current business model. Anyone who is interested in achieving new performance levels, or in business cooperation is welcome to contact me. Also providers of those old methods. Regardless of this, I will continue to explain that the current dryland swim training products and methods are actually not good but bad, at least to help as many people as possible with this information. Everyone can think and decide for themselves. For many years I received wrong instructions myself, I didn't make acceptable progress with it despite a lot of effort. I got injuries and pain. I lost time and money. I am honest and open and share my experience in that way. Who is interested in more can contact me personally. Best Peter
@AndrewPick6 10 месяцев назад
Did you say you recommend do all lifts in the 8-15 rep range?
@darrellhorner500 11 месяцев назад
DAVE'S A GENIUS 😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mehmetkupeli2073 11 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@brennus01 Год назад
@Dave Scott you are awesome. Even though this is a short video I keep coming back to it as a reference. Many things you say in this vid work so well but aren't heard anywhere else.
@garygreen1192 Год назад
@robertbrandywine Год назад
I've watched some of the "quiet" swimmers and they only kick once per arm stroke. It appears to me that the foot has 3 positions, up, down, and neutral. When these people kick, one foot goes from neutral to up and then down. The other foot goes from down to neutral. So the movement is neutral, up, down, neutral, then repeat. Or am I wrong?
@Berelo320 Год назад
Thanks Dave
@jonb9194 Год назад
It's a beautiful thing when the arm and shoulder rotation matches the leg and hip forces, allowing the core to relax. Also, I've never seen a distance running world record holder that had their shoulders locked up and their arms swinging in the sagittal plane. It's a mystery how this idea of the arms moving straight forward and back even got started.
@MellifluentMelli Год назад
As a newer runner, I started running during COVID and relied on online resources to learn. Nearly everything online advises that correct running form means arms should swing forward and back *only* and rotational movement should be limited as much as possible. I’ve been running like that robot described in this video and could feel something was off, especially because I wasn’t getting faster despite steady and consistent training. I recently started really examining how long distance runners actually move and was trying to add in that bit of rotation myself, hoping it was the right thing to do. I felt that magic you talk about when things line up and knew I was on the right track - and finding this video has finally confirmed it! Glad to have some actual pointers instead of just kind of feeling my way through it every run!!
@RDLMan Год назад
I was looking everywhere for this video. I remember watching it last winter and it helped a lot. I searched my liked videos and I finally found it! This channel is super underrated.
@DaveScott Год назад
Glad it helped!
@hunggia5523 Год назад
The clearest explanation of exact time of breathing in freestyle swimming.
@DaveScott Год назад
@hadasitalki7247 Год назад
Thank you Dave❣️
@thaidomain Год назад
I am a bit confused. At one time I noticed you say to enter the hand in neutral position, at other times you say to enter with hand flat on the water ?
@DaveScott Год назад
Neutral wrist with flat entry 👍
@tortypapa Год назад
I have been searching for a video regarding this aspect of my stroke. Finally found a truly perfect explanation and tutorial. Thank you so much. This has probably saved 5 seconds on my 100 through 1500.
@DaveScott Год назад
Glad to hear James!
@The_one_and_only_chipi Год назад
Hello im coco from reality and someone told me to subscribe
@mikenorthern1024 Год назад
Awesome!! I’ve never had a swimming lesson. Started watching your videos. I’ve been working on the 11 and 1 entry and was doing the S thing underneath. Will definitely work on this underwater pull method. Thanks!
@DaveScott Год назад
Keep it rocking!
@kara1595 Год назад
just tried the kicking up, i moved forward faster n less tiring.
@LifeisbetterwithaMalinois Год назад
Thxs do much! Was wondering about this the last few days!
@dsmith6868 Год назад
I have been doing this for years but with a frog kick instead of the flutter kick. You are absolutely correct in that you need to keep your head back, abs engaged to help prevent sinking. I kick as I'm bringing my hands back similar to the timing of a breast stroke but I keep my hands together and fully extend my arms behind my head (which adds an extra stretch) then pull as I finish my glide. This is my favorite backstroke. I just found out today in another video that it's called the old english backstroke.
@Fifty8day Год назад
The thing I love about swimming is there’s a lot to learn
@DaveScott Год назад
never ending!
@udayanmustafi3963 Год назад
@udayanmustafi3963 Год назад
@Fifty8day Год назад
Thank you so much.
@111soreal Год назад
Wish I knew this before I tore my Achilles…
@leolovell6218 Год назад
Maybe you should have shown the stretches.
@DaveScott Год назад
Look for some updated videos shortly.
@stepanviktorov9015 Год назад
Ничего не понял,но было очень интересно.
@RedShipsofSpainAgain Год назад
Dave, regarding salmon, you say to eat wild-caught, which I think is a good idea (vs farm-raised). Is there any disadvantage to buying frozen wild-caught salmon (vs fresh wild-caught salmon)? The frozen variety would keep much longer in the freezer. Also do you have a particular brand or grocery store you'd recommend for finding wild-caught salmon? Lots of companies sell wild-caught salmon, but I have no idea which ones are trustworthy to purchase from. Thanks Dave.
@RedShipsofSpainAgain Год назад
Dave, to clarify, we should still be taking in simple carbs while doing our hard training workouts, right? Because we need to have sufficient glucose to complete the training workout at the target intensity and target duration. But then after finishing the workout, we should abstain from any food for 40 minutes? What if towards the end of our workout, we're bonking and need a gel or some other simple sugars to get us through. That seems like it would be "cheating", since we could technically take a big serving of gel 3 minutes before we finish the workout and technically that would still qualify as "fueling DURING the workout" rather than AFTER the workout, even though it's only by a few minutes. So when, during our workout, should we take in our last fuel for that workout?
@wordupmybrotha Год назад
Awesome video and advice! Makes sense that changing the wrist angle causes the palm of the hand to continue pushing the water back. On the contrary, flicking the wrist causes the wrist to push water up, which doesn't help.
@wordupmybrotha Год назад
I really appreciate the precise timing of the inhale and exhale relative to the position of both arms!
@jseales86 Год назад
I had been dropping my right shoulder and left hip. For a few years, I couldn't figure out how to correct it. I then worked on single leg drills in the mirror. I realized that I when I was letting my left left (standing on my right) I was not getting any rotation forward, shutting down my right glute. I added a little rotation in, focusing on keeping my right nip level and forward when driving my left knee, and I felt so much more relaxed and fluid. The minor rotation is key.
@saravanan335 Год назад
Super video