Bethel's Rock
Bethel's Rock
Bethel's Rock
BIBLE IN A YEAR w/Pastor James - Week 8
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BIBLE IN A YEAR w/Pastor James - Week 7
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What happened on Good Friday?
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Promises | Life Hacks | Episode 012
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Rest | Life Hacks | Episode 004
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Mission | Life Hacks | Episode 009
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Authority | Life Hacks | Episode 003
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Prayer | Life Hacks | Episode 002
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Spirit World | Life Hacks | Episode 006
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Truth | Life Hacks | Episode 007
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Unity | Life Hacks | Episode 005
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Death | Life Hacks | Episode 1
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Stewardship | Life Hacks | Episode 10
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Worship | Life Hacks | Episode 008
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Mental Health | Life Hacks | Episode 11
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THE SHUNAMMITE WOMAN | Legends - Episode 8
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BENAIAH | Legends - Episode 7
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3 месяца назад
@tashamariekell7065 День назад
Not sure if you are aware, the background music is so loud on week 24 and 25 I cannot hear Pastor James. Thank you.
@gwenholmberg9638 6 дней назад
How do I share God with other with out being offensive
@gwenholmberg9638 6 дней назад
Thank you Alex
@michelebenyo1694 16 дней назад
Glad the music stopped!
@gwenholmberg9638 27 дней назад
Hi Alex it’s Gwen what’s the reading for this week when you get done
@BarbaraRakozy-qb6pn 27 дней назад
Concise answer to your challenge question…., The Covenant of Salt…. Refers to the lasting preservation salt gives to something, so in this instance the everlasting covenant between God and the house of David 😊
@BethelsRock 27 дней назад
Well done Barbara!
@gwenholmberg9638 Месяц назад
Thank you
@user-gv8ml6rj6t Месяц назад
Is this guy for real. His crazy take may work on impressionable kids but logically thinking grown ups ….. nope. What a nutter.
@sandrabowman8935 Месяц назад
@user-xt1kj1mr8u Месяц назад
Jesus we love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢😢
@gdixonfitness Месяц назад
Yelp at the Cross!
@davidkorte1085 Месяц назад
So proud for you Amy. Great sermon. Praying for you and your family. Love Aunt Karen
@AaronFew Месяц назад
If the poster or the preacher reads my comments about not asking what my objective would be if I were Satan it wasn't necessarily for people who aren't actually asking that question themselves and thinking about it themselves but the people that are asking that and going to the Bible to figure out what Satan does then it's healthy to ask that but doing it on your own and thinking on your own and coming up with your own conclusion putting yourself and Satan's shoes that is what we should not do. What if we are trying to put ourselves in Satan shoes to figure out how Satan might be getting us and hindering us what is he using against me or knowing who I am where is my weakness that he could come in and going to the Bible and finding out this is good if we are asking God to help us understand help us to know where Satan is getting me help me to know where I'm vulnerable healthy good productive but I see some comments that people are really saying if they were Satan they would do... They're actually putting themselves in Satan's shoes they're actually considering if they were Satan they actually initiating imaginations about being Satan and then just saying if I were Satan I would do this and that's it and they need to know that that is not appropriate. If they're going to be saying something like that they better be following with what the Bible says Satan is doing or what he has done and what he can do this should be teaching not playing a if I was, what if, what would I do if... Dangerous.
@AaronFew Месяц назад
By the way I didn't say anything different than what the Bible says Satan already does. We shouldn't entertain these questions The Bible says to think on things that are good and pure and true but tells us to cast down imaginations. If I was Satan I would do it Satan does because I would be Satan. But I'm not Satan and so I don't think like Satan and so if I was Satan then either Satan would be good or I would do what Satan does. Would anyone ask the question " if you were God what would you do" or does anyone say to anyone else or to themselves "if I were God I would do..." We don't ask these questions we don't answer these questions or consider or think about these. The Bible tells us what was what is and what is to come. It tells us the truth. It tells us what Satan does and if we were Satan then we would do the things the Bible tells us Satan is doing because we wouldn't do anything else we wouldn't do what we would do because we aren't Satan and if we were Satan whatever we say we would do we wouldn't we would do whatever Satan does because we would be him not us we wouldn't think like us. God cannot lie because God is not a liar there is no lie in him He has a nature He has a DNA if you will He has a character He is made up of certain things and he can only be what he is God does not say if I were you archangel Michael I would do this or if I was a human and not God I would be like this. God can only be God and if God is a human he would be Jesus and look at that That's exactly what happened and so if we were Satan we wouldn't be doing what we would be doing we would be doing with Satan does because we would be him So we should not think on these things and ask these questions of what ifs we shouldn't be entertaining things that will never be true we should not be in La La Land thinking about things that are fake we should not be thinking about fiction this is dangerous or it is potentially dangerous it has potential to give an open door to anyone to the person saying if I were Satan or to the person reading about all the people saying if they were Satan. Would God be pleased if you ask somebody what they would do if they were Satan? Do you think God would be pleased if you thought about an answered the question if you were Satan what would you do? Do we think that this is pleasing to God I think he would be upset about this I don't even know I can't say he'd be angry or sad but a mixture of both I just know he would not be happy or pleased He's not well pleased with this entertainment we are to be having our eyes on heavenly things and thinking on heavenly things and thinking about what we are doing right now what we are doing at this very moment and not thinking about if we were somebody else especially Lucifer especially the leader of this rebellion movement. Asking someone the question or thinking about the question and answering it, this at this moment is not loving God it is not having faith in God it is not even being in truth or thinking about truth it is leaving reality what we know is real and exist that we don't have to say what would we do if we were Satan we know what Satan does God informs us about his schemes and his traps and that he's a liar and a deceiver and a murderer from the beginning that he transforms himself as an angel of light that he used the scriptures to tempt Jesus to sin and we know he entered Judas Iscariot we already know what we would do if we were Satan but why would we even go that route. Why would we not take into consideration and have compassion and actually think about the words that come out of our mouth and the effects they can have why would we not think about newly born again people how this could harm them why do we not think about people that are so close to being redeemed or perhaps the Satanist that might see this and love it until all of their brothers and sisters and accuse us to God Satan has authority He can do things we can open the door and invite him in and what what a better way to do that than to think about what it would be like what we would do if we were Satan what is more inviting than that Satan wants us to be like him someone could really think about this and The devil see an opportunity to take advantage of somebody thinking about what if they were him he could come and help you answer that He could come and give you an idea give you a real good idea what you would do if you were him. This is what we're playing with when we set our mind on Satan. It doesn't matter if we're messing around with what ifs or hypotheticals that is what we're putting our brains on it's just inviting.
@dillonharr7628 2 месяца назад
Honestly the whole concept of hell makes no sense
@AaronFew Месяц назад
Why's that brother? This world makes no sense either but It's still moving along 🙄
@Bub8les5 2 месяца назад
@Harley2010SG 2 месяца назад
Exodus 21 7-11
@vetofwar8184 2 месяца назад
@sogrim4816 2 месяца назад
Stop spreading the gospel. It's B.S. and an embarrassment to humanity.
@jlabrie888 2 месяца назад
And yes heaven and hell exist. The Satin is real his demons are real. And I know which of you have them. Keep it up and I will snatch away your vessels.
@AttemptedPretzelMaker 2 месяца назад
Proof? Bible isn't proof as it was written by people. I'm a christian, I have my proof, but not saying untill I get yours. Most likely none, im going to guess?
@AaronFew Месяц назад
Your going to kill people?
@tubedude54 2 месяца назад
Hell is real... it's just not what mainstream religion is telling you.
@jlabrie888 2 месяца назад
So you will indeed be ignorant to truth when it comes across you. It’s right in front of you.
@AaronFew 2 месяца назад
I wouldn't use that tactic. I would disguise hell as the sins of this world. Just as Jesus righteousness is an earthly manifestation of the Kingdom of God. Sin is pleasure and easy. So don't call it sin but make it look good to the eye and sweet to eat. There are people who can't wait to go to Hell bc they believe Satan will rule hell and the doctrine of Satan is "do as thou wilt" no Satan doesn't tell obvious lies. He more often takes the truth and tells lies about it. Sure heaven and hell exist. But if all your family is in hell and Satan is the head angle who'll be in hell and led the angels who followed. We will have a blast in heaven. Truth is God will be King of Hell also. And all in hell will serve God in an unpleasant terrifying way. They will call Him as He is. The Holy One King of kings, Lord of lords. But in eternal fire and regret where the worm does not die. IDK what the worm is but I wonder if it could be the brain and implying they'll remember all the rejection and contempt and intentional sin just to show "they're the authority not God" and all the love God had shown them gently and consistently though they said I hate God be gone... Idk
@celtdawg01 2 месяца назад
What is sin? BTW the Messiah’s name is Yeshua not that fake Catholic name.
@AaronFew Месяц назад
@@celtdawg01 sin is transgression of the law or knowing the right thing to do and doing the wrong thing or anything done without faith this is sin. And by the way His name isn't Yeshua it's God is salvation it's Lord it's Christ Yeshua Messiah hamashiac. And just because the Roman Church has taken Jesus and made their own Jesus and follow him and not the real Jesus Christ doesn't Make the real fake because they have imitated him. What you're saying is a Muslim ideology that I need to know the Hebrew in order for God to speak to me or for me to have a relationship with God I read a English Bible and if I call on salvation I don't need to say Yeshua or Jesus and they're the same person The person I called Jesus he is Yeshua and it doesn't tell me anywhere be careful not to call me Jesus be careful make sure you call me Yeshua see God would know that this was an issue if it was and he would have prophesied about it and warned about it but I bet you call Paul Paul don't you and not Shaul. Or I'm sure instead of referring to Yochanan by his Hebrew name you use the fake white man English name John. I know what John too I just seen him the other day people are so deceived....
@lynnlink4629 2 месяца назад
Truly lucifer succeeding in this lie! In just moments after death a person will know that apart from Blood Atonement of LAMB of GOD, JESUS CHRIST, they are heading for hellfire and damnation forever! 🧔‍♀️✨⭐💥🙏 Read THE HOLY BIBLE! Only WAY, TRUTH, & LIFE!
@timtimms7818 2 месяца назад
You are not a descendant of Hebrew Slaves. White people were never slaves in Ancient Egypt
@juicyjay999 2 месяца назад
At the end of the period, there were a growing agricultural slavery. The people enslaved in Egypt during Islamic times mostly came from Europe and Caucasus (which where referred to as "white"), or from the Sudan and Africa South of the Sahara through the Trans-Saharan slave trade (which where referred to as "black").
@AaronFew Месяц назад
If somebody is born with the spirit of God and washed in the blood of the Son of God and we are called sons by God if he calls us his son he called me a son I know I'm his son he adopted me and I have his spirit in me I am a son of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. I am a son of the God of David and Isaiah and of Mary of Moses I'm the son of the God of Matthew Mark Luke and John James Jude Timothy I am a son of faith and my ancestor was made a promise by God and against hope he had hope and God. My ancestor is a father of faith His name is Abraham. I have died and been buried with Christ and raised to new life and is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me is Christ not a descendant of Hebrew slaves? If someone is a believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and they're born again with the Holy Spirit you are lying to that person if you tell them you are not a descendant of Hebrew slaves. You're lying to that person if you tell them that they are not descendants of the family that God has adopted them into. They are in the family of God all of them white black Latino Asian Filipino Cuban native American boy girl trans there are none of these anymore if they are in the family of God now we are all sons of God we are all children of God we are all brothers and sisters in Christ King David is my brother Moses is my brother Sarah is my sister Rachel is my sister telling someone that they're adopted but they're not their family is just messed up in many kinds of ways. People who don't even have an earthly family and whose father was Satan and caught on the name of the Lord they called for salvation and were saved and have trouble still dealing with not having family but they have a new family a spiritual family a real family and it is all of God's children that is his family now they are not whoever the old them was that person has died they are new they are born again they are a new creation in Christ to tell him they're not descendants of God's children just completely hinders them and their power to walk in Christ to walk in the spirit and have boldness against Satan when he comes and tempts. I will call those who are not my people they will be called my people they might not have been descendants of Hebrew slaves but if they're in the family of God they are now descendants of Hebrew slaves we are to encourage and edify and to tell the truth. We're not to be presumptuous and say that there were no white slaves in ancient Egypt. The Bible doesn't say there wasn't any white people and it does say that there were strangers and foreigners and aliens it does say that there for many different people from other nations from other lands. And what is a white person South Africa is full of white people and they all call themselves Africans and they are and they're white and Africa is where? And just because somebody is white this day doesn't mean that they don't have the blood of a Hebrew slave. Do you know it takes only one or two times to completely change to being white. You could have two mixed parents your grandparents they were mixed and your parents were mixed and turn completely white are you white though. Do you know people's bloodlines do you know all the slaves that were in Ancient Egypt? Are we told all the different kinds of people that were slaves in Egypt? No it doesn't tell us all the people and how could we ever know all the people? Encourage edify speak on the things that are true the things that we are told and don't assume that what we're told is entire don't assume that if we're told about a group of people that there wasn't other people in that group don't assume because it says one thing and that there's no other details that those details aren't possible and don't exist don't conclude something based on what you don't know it's presumption and assumption we know that the Bible is truth we know that gravity is true we know what is true but we don't know everything we are not God and God does not tell us everything if there is something insignificant to a story God doesn't add it to the story because it's not what's important and it doesn't have any significance now if it says and there were no white people and no black people or there were no Romans and no Sumerians then we can say that those weren't there with confidence. And we wouldn't be able to add anything to that because he said there was none so if there was none of those things and God is talking about an incident and he mentions there were Levites and he doesn't say if there was anything else we can't add that must mean there were these people and these people because when God was telling us who wasn't involved he didn't mention them so that must conclude these were there too. This is how things get made up this is how people lie to the brothers and sisters and put them in danger and hinder them and confuse them but glory be to God that he repays more than what gets stolen from us when we are done wrong he makes it right and gives even more.
@timtimms7818 2 месяца назад
Hey ESAU, you will spend eternity in HELL. OBADIAH 1:18. MALACHI 1:4 KJV
@williamslaughter8037 2 месяца назад
John 3:16
@juba0306 2 месяца назад
Hell is the complete and total absence of GOD. That is more terrifying than any physical place could possibly be.
@simontodoriki1385 2 месяца назад
@tinarook6707 2 месяца назад
It’s called music. Satan reaches people through music.
@AttemptedPretzelMaker 2 месяца назад
Liar liar pants on fire :D
@AaronFew Месяц назад
Satan reaches people through rejection, and schools, and people, and get this Satan uses love against people he uses food, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, religion, he uses entertainment, yes he uses music. Most scary of all he uses the children of God. He uses us more than we realize and he turns us against one another and he keeps us from reaching people effectively and he uses us to offend and make them either run away or more intentionally hateful and showing off their sin and being more obnoxious in it just to get us trapped and ineffective. He uses whatever he can. He uses God against us. He imitates God's kingdom and he imitates a believer. He uses whatever he knows he can use against us. There's nothing he can't use. He can make someone think they're saved and they do good deeds and go to church and profess to know God but they don't and aren't really seeking him with all their heart soul and mind. Which is the perfect place. They assumed they're born again and do some things but inwardly they're still without Holy Spirit but think they are because they say Jesus is God, they say, "I know God has me" but they have never repented. They accept God but they never died to themselves. They never had Godly sorry which worketh true repentance and a real understanding of the need of God for help. Satan uses all things. We need to know How and be serious about the Armor of God Satan even appears as an angel of light.
@mikederleth3442 2 месяца назад
The father of lies deception and murder,, it’s a real place people, don’t go there!!! Believe Repent Jesus is KING
@johnlavolpa4113 2 месяца назад
How can satan lie when the bitch don’t exist?
@celtdawg01 2 месяца назад
If I was the devil I’d give some guy a vision so he could convince people that it is a bad idea to keep God’s laws. Oh wait, he already did that.
@AaronFew Месяц назад
I don't know why he would bother doing that when people naturally don't keep his laws and if we take a look Satan doesn't do things like that and for some people he knows what will hurt them and it would make sense that he would Make someone think they can keep God's laws and not transgress in them which we can't any of us do and Satan doesn't need to do all that because man already does that in his own ignorance Men do that on their own and don't even need Satan to waste of time with that and someone should know better if that happens because it says whoever teaches the least will be leased and whoever teaches the greatest and does them will be greatest and it tells us that if anyone comes and tells us anything different than the gospel and what's in the Bible in a contradict it not to listen to them If Satan were really smart he would realize he can't win and would give up. But it really if I was the devil I would realize The position that my sin has put me in and realize it's not good and it isn't helping me any and that when I get finally defeated because I know it's true and I know my last time is going to be short when I'm finally thrown into the fire I'm not going to even remember how many people I did or didn't keep from God I won't even remember or care and nobody is in the lake of fire yet so I don't know if that when the hour of testing comes and God pores his judgment out in the dead or risen from the graves I don't know that God's final appearance and working might just cause all people that I thought were going to hell to repent and ask God for mercy because then they will really know God is real in the Bible is real and they will see God's judgments and there won't be anything ever to be like it and people will be scared out of their mind and it says every knee shall bend and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord and so I should just quit while I can I should repent and ask God to have mercy on me and to save me... This is what I would do because I don't think like Satan and I'm not Satan if I was the devil I would do what the devil does because I'd be the devil. If I were God I don't know what I would do because I'm a human I would do what God does because I'd be God. But I'm not and so I wouldn't ask myself what would I do if I was God and we shouldn't ask ourselves what we would do if we were Satan what we should do is ask ourselves what am I doing this is a question that is beneficial The Bible tells us to think on things that are good and pure and true not to be in and dreamland or imagination land or what if land we don't have a what if we have a what is and what will be and we have a what we are to do now
@celtdawg01 Месяц назад
@@AaronFew sorry that it went over your head. I was referring to the heretic Paul.
@AaronFew Месяц назад
@@celtdawg01 okay, and that's fair. Many would be offended by you saying this, and they're the religious people who don't use the sense God has given us. I'm open minded to even saying "I'm only human, I could be way off about such and such." I understand probability. I also understand truth's and facts (kinda the same thing) and scientific method. I understand testing things and logic. Paul had a vision or out of body experience and most new testament is his letters. How do we know this Torah scholar, "Hebrew of Hebrews" Pharisee. Didnt study scripture from the womb, he told someone "I'm a Roman..so was he gentle or Jew? Did Roman authority take a kid and teach him things to make him believe he was this figure than Romans kill him... Today, schizophrenic, homeless, etc people, random people with family and career turn and murder the ones they love and lie to jail about it. Other just stay honest yes that's me I did that I think about that etc. Did Romans try to use someone to persecute Jews. IDK.... Whats Paul's motive do you think, if your conclusion is true. He's, selling a script if you will.
@AaronFew Месяц назад
@@celtdawg01 I believe we shouldn't listen to rumors but the direct sources first and go from there. Not Paul saying Jesus is the truth as he claims. But first test Jesus, the subject at hand. Then go forth
@AaronFew Месяц назад
@@celtdawg01 to be fair, anyone communicating about the reality of a "God/Creator/higher authority" tells some form of herecy or blasphemy as we are human only. Not God
@bryan922 2 месяца назад
I love this analogy, since I first saw Francis Chan do this years ago it has stuck with me.
@Breakingfreefromthecross 2 месяца назад
Who is the Father, and what is his name?
@Breakingfreefromthecross 2 месяца назад
Didn't you get the meme? Jesus is 666!
@Breakingfreefromthecross 2 месяца назад
Can you show me in the Old Testament where it talks about hell?
@conradnicoll 2 месяца назад
Hog bilge! There is no eternity. There is only now.
@bradykenny5485 2 месяца назад
The devil convinces so many people to just be apathetic about their mortality and it’s really sad. Worse than those who fear death are those who are apathetic.
@ggfraz9581 2 месяца назад
Thanks brother
@user-ds7mr9wt3c 2 месяца назад
Eternal darkness
@metaparcel 2 месяца назад
Don't worry we reincarnate until we learn our lessons.
@anthonyjones252 2 месяца назад
Amen 🙏
@marquiswimberly2879 2 месяца назад
@AWade-gk3uq 2 месяца назад
I LOVE a good sermon illustration! Helps us see the bible in 3D.
@truthfullygamers 2 месяца назад
I like that
@stevedobson9136 3 месяца назад
I am wrestling with my addiction to sugar and want that addiction to be good. I have Parkinson’s, please pray for complete healing. Thank you!
@jessej.kaplan9153 3 месяца назад
Praying now. By Jesus stripes you are healed, Steven! Be Set free in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
@alexpreston3385 3 месяца назад
Praying for you Steve