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Ianto Jones: Highlights | Torchwood
4 года назад
Toshiko Sato: Highlights | Torchwood
4 года назад
@blackhand1193 2 дня назад
While Miracle Day had it's own charm, this seems like a fitting ending to Torchwood along with old RTD era. Especially with Jack after this event seems like having his last meeting with 10th Doctor.
@MIGHTYBOOSCH198 3 дня назад
I love John's outfit, a mismatch of different times, cowboy lower half, Napoleon war jacket and a shirt that could be from anywhere. I've always wanted there to be a Doctor with a similar mismatch but all 15 have a very singular style.
@MIGHTYBOOSCH198 3 дня назад
I can forgive Jack grabbing the gauntlet and throwing it once; but he did it twice! TWICE the second time after chasing it around and it attacked Martha a second time!
@MIGHTYBOOSCH198 3 дня назад
Owen was a great character, smart, bit of an arse but had a heart of gold, he was the bad boy of the crew. Plus the brilliant contrast between him and Jack, the man whi can't die and the dead man. Plus their personalities contrast well, they're both rouge-ish but Owen is a jack the lad whi takes himself seriously while Jack is a camp, yet masculine flirt who does not take himself seriously.
@JuiceMyRandomness 5 дней назад
I was surprised Torchwood went from this amazing quality to season 4. In all for those who enjoyed season 4 but the contrast was amazingly different! I loved season 1, season 2 was enjoyable. Season 3 MIND BLOWING, season 4… what was that??? Lol😂
@heatherhopfinger3942 5 дней назад
Welsh is the best you better believe it why I am the bloody wolfs direct descendant you do not screw with welsh
@JuiceMyRandomness 5 дней назад
Why they killed Tosh off so soon… it really pissed me off!
@EstebanCH. 5 дней назад
It was a good season, but the last scene didn't do it justice
@mj3evr 5 дней назад
Why does the kid have to pay for jacks wrongs . Not cool
@NatS3703 6 дней назад
Wish we could have seen that sex 😂
@patmeon4093 6 дней назад
got to say this scared me to death first time i saw it
@WithADashOfPazazz 6 дней назад
The Doctor and Rose left quite the legacy 💀 bloody hell
@salihreyhan3170 7 дней назад
This episode was hurtful jack knew what had to be done his grandson or all the children who dies 😮😮
@erosion271 8 дней назад
2:08 Children of Earth
@RoyCyberPunk 8 дней назад
Even though it ended on a Cliffhanger I'm glad we got this last Hurrah before all entertainment went to 💩 after 2016. Now I hope that they don't make anything anymore and just close 💩 forever.
@RoyCyberPunk 7 дней назад
@fgjsdfgjkl sure that's why they have Blackrock ESG DEI requirements nowadays and pigs fly too.
@RoyCyberPunk 6 дней назад
@fgjsdfgjkl Everything @$$w!p€ if they even touch it today they’ll ruin it
@MichaelJW72 8 дней назад
If you had told me that after the 1st two seasons of Torchwood that they’d be able to pull off something like this I’d have said you’re crazy.
@MX.Unicorn1999 11 дней назад
‘The beans are almost done.’….. ‘bloody beans.’
@TenshiCat 17 дней назад
Oh, I think this is the first time the melody of Owen's Theme plays
@pikachucetthesecond4296 17 дней назад
Usually argument scenes are too uncomfortable for me to watch but I really enjoy this one for some reason (for the most part)
@alanafowler3024 19 дней назад
As a straight woman when I first saw Captain Jack Harkness on Doctor Who, I had the biggest crush on John Barrowman.
@oliverhackett 20 дней назад
2:33 🥹
@epmeyer2273 21 день назад
15 years ago today
@user-cf1go4gk2w 21 день назад
Did I just see Peter Calpadi?!😱 16:15 Now that I think about it, where is the Doctor at this point? This was in 2009, so he is either busy with the Planet of the Dead, or is on Mars trying to stop some water zombies.
@BeepTheMeep60 22 дня назад
Ianto died 15 years ago today
@abhainnxv1554 23 дня назад
Everyone's here talking about how dark and tragic this moment was... can we talk about how satisfying it was now? The 456 were defeated using the very thing they not only used as a scare tactic, but also what they derived pleasure from. It was their own war-criminal cruelty that opened the door for them to be defeated.
@XOXheartErin 23 дня назад
tell jack?! what about rhys? this is why i could never like gwen no matter how much the writers tried to get me to
@BGSmedia123 25 дней назад
Chris Chibnall wrote this masterpiece. I just wish RTD/Moffat/Chibnall teamed up to run Doctor. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
@Gav409 25 дней назад
Anyone know what the song that is playing called?
@rtaylor7384 27 дней назад
I catch aliens. Piss off No you Piss off. love that part. lol
@qrow7215 27 дней назад
I’ve always wondered where Torchwood gets all their guns. I like to think that they buy them off illegal arms dealers and then tip off the cops about them, or Jack just has ways of getting them
@lostjedi3380 29 дней назад
Kinda wish they kept Suzie as a regular character
@JuiceMyRandomness Месяц назад
Use some timey wimey stuff and bring back Tosh in the reboot!
@JuiceMyRandomness Месяц назад
This better be coming back! I hope they don’t make the same mistakes as they did with season 4 though!
@JuiceMyRandomness Месяц назад
This better be coming back! I hope they don’t make the same mistakes as they did with season 4 though!
@JuiceMyRandomness Месяц назад
I would love Torchwood to return and have Martha and Gwen be the head of Torchwood!
@MegaAstroFan18 Месяц назад
Wonder how the eternal Death and Sutekh, the god of death, are related.
@joshuajames6898 Месяц назад
I refuse to go any further than Fragments. Torchwood is gonna stop right there. Just started watching a couple of weeks ago and I love Tosh, she deserves to feel loved and understood.
@harrythebossgamer7280 Месяц назад
1:57 Her rushing him is so funny
@user-uj6kh5el4i Месяц назад
It's Beauty Torchwood ❤😊
@AbacabTv Месяц назад
scene broke my heart
@superjoelad4905 Месяц назад
OWEN! 3:11
@julianaylor4351 Месяц назад
Never cross a mum.
@superjoelad4905 Месяц назад
Ianto call an ambulance! 🚑
@superjoelad4905 Месяц назад
I think Ianto should call an ambulance for Tosh🚑
@superjoelad4905 Месяц назад
R.I.P Owen and Tosh😥
@oliverhackett Месяц назад
Looking back on this, the cgi is bag but the acting is incredible.
@galacticreviewer Месяц назад
1:56 when your airpods die
@lysandersensale2792 Месяц назад
"I knew diabetes would be useful one day" hahahahahahahahaha. Truly a real American.
@user-rj2xr4fo6d Месяц назад
I dont need you shaun king Debbie Hartley son you have broken the law
@enderfox1699 Месяц назад
He stay in that chair, he'll outlive both of them but the condition is, his mind will snap and die, whilst the body is still alive. (Metaphorical death ofc to insanity)