Looking at the future of of nuclear energy, policy, and economics and how they impact our world. Hosted by Michael Seely, AtomicBlender aims to be the best source for information and perspective on all things related to nuclear.

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Why Sand Will Power India for Centuries
5 месяцев назад
The High Cost Of The UK's Nuclear Dream
6 месяцев назад
How The West Powers China's Nuclear Plans
7 месяцев назад
Why Is It So Hard to Stop Meltdowns?
11 месяцев назад
Hawaii is a Nuclear Paradox
Год назад
Год назад
@Microbex 5 часов назад
Why not make a bottom filled with vertical control rods over a large area?
@Chuck-b1r 8 часов назад
Stop listening to Democrats. Problem solved.
@ManahManah77 10 часов назад
I prefer to call them an “unrequested fission surplus”.
@792slayer 11 часов назад
As usual, if you want something crippled, over cost, and decades behind schedule, add a government agency into the mix.
@tandemcompound2 21 час назад
how bout the cost of babysitting 85 thousand tons of High Level Nuclear Waste underground in Yucca Mtn for 2 million years? Oh right Yucca mountain is cancelled. Cant even get that done.
@hoboonwheels9289 День назад
We need management not politics to get anywhere.
@bftjoe День назад
3:30 You are completely wrong. The lack of ability to economically scale up and down in response to varying electricity demand and production means nuclear is even more unviable with more solar and wind. High renewables make pumped hydro, batteries, and other storage more viable, not nuclear power, which must be run at full capacity due to the high fixed costs. Nuclear should not be more than 20% or so of current electricity production, and this should only go down in the presence of increased storage and renewables available on the grid. Most new fossil plants are gas peakers for a good reason.
@cinemaipswich4636 День назад
If the government does not co-fund the build, they will have to, eventually. It's their secret "white elephant" tactic.
@PercivalFakeman День назад
Nuclear power was so expensive, it broke us.
@harryjvoughtiii9835 День назад
@cvoltage День назад
I feel like the growing number of EVs on the road was overlooked as a leading drain on the power grid. If there are as many fast chargers as there are gas stations the current grid will buy the farm faster than you can say bobs your uncle.
จีนมีประชากรมากที่สุดในโลกรวมทั้งประชากรเชื้อสายจีนก็กระจายอยู่ทั่วโลกด้วย ทั้งอาณาเขตพื้นที่ก็มาดูด้วย รวมประชากรในจีนทราบว่าไม่น้อยกว่า 1300-1400.ล้านคนจึงใหญ่มากการปกคริงก็น่าสนใจครับ
@T8ersalad День назад
I dont like how i cant tell what’s sitting behind you on that desk….
@jeromehaymaker5071 2 дня назад
How about the refueling? Must it be shut down and turned off during this operation?
@TheAL9090 2 дня назад
umm reactors are a new technology like in the last 100 years new... not 1000s of years
@peterm.eggers520 2 дня назад
No mention of modular molten salt reactors mass produced in shipyards? ! No mention of thorium based molten salt reactors?!
@Toramt 2 дня назад
The problem with nuclear fission plants is it results in radioactive waste and potential contamination. In a disaster, which occurs because of design issues, corruption in the build or operation process, or incompetence -- none of which are going away, you now have an area of land that is essentially uninhabitable for generational time periods, and also requires specialized hardware to even detect. If a dam fails, a valley is washed away, and you can rebuild next month. A nuclear plant burns, land is contaminated, and nobody can go there for generations, but only if society remembers that fact or someone bothers to check. Show me a nuclear technology that is somehow immune to corruption or incompetence, or where its failure modes aren't "only people with a Geiger counter will know this area is no-go for the next many generations", and I'll be all for it. Also, show me a path to storing the resulting spent fuel and low level waste that is also immune to corruption and incompetence, or where its failure modes aren't "the groundwater for this metro area is unusable for the foreseeable future". I don't think we've ever had a case where a hydro, coal, gas, solar, or tidal power plant failed and we've just had to write off an area for the next several generations. The outsize risk and invisible nature of the danger does not play well with human risk and profit calculations.
@bulgingbattery2050 2 дня назад
3.6 Roentgen
@brandonblue2994 2 дня назад
Over-regulation and inefficient design killed American nuclear energy, I mean our nuclear powered submarines and destroyers are perfect examples of how nuclear energy can work, scale and still be safe.
@TuxedoTalk 2 дня назад
Government corruption. There, I just saved you 30 minutes.
@Craig6844 2 дня назад
Have you seen the tofu building in china. Yeah i dont want tofu nuclear power plants. Stop priasing the CCP who are activity using slave labor and ethnic cleansing as a poster for what can be done. Soon what can be done there will be coming here and you wont like it.
@Gallo_ii 3 дня назад
Did he say "... out of thousands of years of experience..."? Nuclear fission?
@stalbaum 3 дня назад
That is a cooling tower.
@dariusdareme 3 дня назад
NuScale has a contract for a few small modular reactors (SMR) here, in Romania.
@stephenbernard3003 3 дня назад
Many new renewables projects are costed as solar/wind + batteries. They’ve already included that in the price.
@ashtonmiller-z1n 4 дня назад
well we now have a good final last failsafe thise days that bascly alowes only melted nuclear fuel to drain out of the bottom of the nuclear reactor chamber into a detcated drainage basin that super duper shelded to contane all the radation just for this kind of thing. if the fuel melts then a open valve will drain it out that due to the leck of water to modrate chain reactons starts to stop chain reacting and then starts to cool down rapidly also due to the fact that lqiuid nuclear fuel is far denser then water when the nucleaer fule melts it exits the reactor chabler first bacsly. also we make shure if the fule melts it stays way from any water ina shelded dranage basin. 3-4 gen nuclear reactors all have this failsafe in mind.
@dDAMKErkk 4 дня назад
@evacuate_earth 4 дня назад
I think the regulations should just say you must be covered by insurance, then let the free market insurance business set rates for the advanced designs.
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
I'm pro nuclear but it looks quite likely solar & storage is now or soon quite economic in sunny locations. With panels having fallen to 10 cents a watt 1GW reactor Vs 4GW solar & 15GWh storage $4B & ~4B = ~$8B Roughly the same output and this solar farm can load follow 4GW of panels as of today are only ~$400M If we can get reliable 10k cycle battery storage systems fully installed for ~$100/KWh (currently closer to $300) then solar & storage in sunny locations will be cheap
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
Was a huge mistake to stop building nukes for so long. At least 1 reactor per year should have been built in the USA to not lose the skills and knowledge Same for Europe
@DavidCastain-q1s 4 дня назад
You take a bad idea and you make it better still a bad idea people like you convict the innocent
@aaronburdon221 4 дня назад
Im all for nuclear power as long as the fail safe systems are EXTREMELY redundant.
@areus2016 5 дней назад
It's obviously because we don't yet have a large enough slipper.
@trevorreece6999 5 дней назад
Canada is also a major contributor to the geniva hand book. It is in all of our best intrest that hey have a good supply of beer and the hocky season runs long.
@mikeall7012 5 дней назад
Solar at a 30% CF is generous. It's more like 20%. What no one talks about is the voltage stability. You need a large synchronous machine to support inductive and capacitive loads. Wind and solar do not produce very much reactive power.
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
Batteries solve that issue Solar plus batteies will likely be cheap enough to do bassload or even load following at a good price very soon Solar is already cheap enough Ideally batteies need to go from the current ~$250/KWh to ideally sub $100/KWh fully installed
@mikeall7012 4 дня назад
@@kaya051285 that's not correct. Batteries output DC and need to be inverted to AC. And cannot provide reactive loading, inherently. You can add electronics to help correct the power factor, to meet the reactive loads, but they are highly inefficient, costly and no product exists above small transmission loads, for localized areas of a grid. Large synchronous generators can provide, and quickly adjust, large reactive power changes. Most of the loads on the grid are inductive, meaning if you don't provide enough VARs, you will brown out the grid. DC generation provides no reactive power. Wind generators are very small and can only provide minimal VAR loading. Batteries also don't change the sources capacity factor. You still need 5 times the capacity for a solar farm to replace a nuke or coal/gas plant. In other words, you would need 5GWe of solar to replace 1Gwe of coal/gas or nuclear power. Additionally, the battery banks that have been built have been plagued with fires and several were destroyed already. Lastly, these are rhe reasons a "clean city" has yet to be developed. A couple of municipalities have looked into it but could not get past the technical hurdles, in an economic way. I would challenge folks who are interested in this topic to familiarize themselves with the power triangle and the differences between real, apparent and reactive power. That topic is absent from most media reports on this topic and it is incredibly relevant.
@ahack14 5 дней назад
I’d rather them put a nuclear plant less than 1 mile from my house than a bunch of 600 foot tall fucking turbines
@lonecandle5786 5 дней назад
Doesn't nuclear have to paused for cleaning for extended periods of time, so they are not always on?
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
This used to be a problem but like F1 cars the refuling period has been constantly reduced Now it's approximately 18 months on. Then about 25 days off for refuelling and some maintenance and checks before then again return to running full power for 18 months
@lonecandle5786 4 дня назад
@@kaya051285 Thanks for the information. A key power source being down for 25 days every year and a half seems like a big drawback, and quite an asterisk to the claim that it's always on.
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
@lonecandle5786 you get to choose when you take them offline for refueling The issue with say solar is if you have 20 solar farms. All 20 will be producing zero at night If you have 20 nukes you can keep 19 on constantly by cycling the downtimes so one goes offline as another is going online. You wouldn't get a situation where all 20 are refueled at the same time If you assume 80 week runtime and 4 weeks tefuling. And have 20 reactors. You keep 19 on constantly and one is down constantly for refuling In reality though most nations have low and high seasons. So eg france summer is low demand so youd refuel in the 6 low demand months when being offline is no issue and also when proces are cheaper so thr lost income from being down is less Also you can design a nuke yo run for 3 years non stop. The Canadians have a different type.of.reqctor which can be refuel withiut taking offline. But it's not a big advantage Or rather your idea of.heing down for 3 weeks every 18 months isn't a big downfall Also to note Coal and gas plants Also need maintiannce and down periods. So do wind farms. And solar farms etc
@mattdombrowski8435 2 дня назад
@@lonecandle5786 Eh, to me 95.6% on is close enough to round. Contrast to solar, which should average about 50% or wind, which depends on the weather. Also, traditional energy sources also need maintenance, although I don't know how often or how frequently. If you only have a single reactor it is a big deal. As part of a grid, not as much imho.
@mitchellscheer677 6 дней назад
*subsidizes every other energy source for decades* nuclear is so expensive!
@Mrhootyhoot1 6 дней назад
"There has been a nuclear accident in the Soviet Union and the soviets have admitted that it happened"
@douginorlando6260 6 дней назад
Low cost electricity from nuke reactors will solve water shortages and allow feeding billions of population expansion
@arguescreamholler 5 дней назад
Nuclear Power Generation destroys water turning it into tritium. We can't drink tritium water.
@BladeTheWatcher 6 дней назад
Nuclear doesn't compete with solar and wind. It is competing with oil and gas. And is losing. Badly. World politics - shaped by the US - is still determined by oil and gas. Get it cheap for your own country, and make it as expensive as possible for the others. Sustainability? Climate change? Who cares! Caring for the environment only works if all players collaborate - if you do, while the others say "FK it!", then you lose.
@arguescreamholler 5 дней назад
Due to nuclear energy and radiation we have global warming from the releases into the environment.
@victorco.6308 6 дней назад
bureaucracy harms geopolitical influence and economic development of the United States
@henningvisser1108 6 дней назад
The most toxic virus on earth currently is politics. It kills anything in its path. The only antidote is man with common sense, using his voting power.
@cursedtyrany8199 6 дней назад
us blindly killing indian nuclear scientist from 60s to early 2000s also us in 2024:- 0:01
@Bfjoll 6 дней назад
Do we still have companies with the expertise to build nuclear power plants?
@kaya051285 4 дня назад
Not as much as china or Russia or South Korea. But more than most other nations
@Zenas521 6 дней назад
I hope China nuclear power plants don't suffer Tofu dredge, for the sake of the innocent Chinese people. I don't give a ef about the regime.
@jonathanrobertson3406 7 дней назад
Best Dr. Evil Voice: "What? I am going to replace the entire world's nuclear plants with impossibly inefficient and unfeasible facilities that generate power from hamsters!..... What? You... you just don't get it, do you Scott? You just don't You don't! Shhh!"... "Shhh!" .... "The is a whole bag of "Shhhs" with your name on it, Scott."
@fireofenergy 7 дней назад
I feel compelled to mention the (overall) _EROEI_ of renewables. The more energy input, per output, the less efficient.
@fireofenergy 7 дней назад
@fireofenergy 7 дней назад
How dare clinton terminate advanced reactor research and how dare Biden/the kamela even allow overly excessive and stringent regulations (even as they cry climate change).