Support the launch of DOWN to EARTH film:

Down to Earth is an award-winning film taking you on a journey to visit the Earth Keepers, wisdom
teachers around the world who hold the keys to a better future. Join the the world on a unique mind-opening journey. It premiered at the Climate Convention in Paris and became the longest running documentary in Dutch film history.

The film is about a Dutch couple that leave behind their cosmopolitan life and embark on the journey of a lifetime. They travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across 6 continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. They gain access to tribal sages never interviewed before, without a crew or schedule, just one backpack and one camera each. And the curiosity to listen. A message of hope of the Wisdom Keepers of the Earth.
2 года назад
DOWN to EARTH Film (English subtitles)
3 года назад
Global Fire Circle - Earth Day
4 года назад
Was wir von Kindern lernen können
5 лет назад
Every day is Earth Day
5 лет назад
Sir Mark Rylance on DOWN to EARTH
6 лет назад
DOWN to EARTH - Earth Day (NL) 2
7 лет назад
Back nature - Photos
7 лет назад
Thank You - Down to Earth film
7 лет назад
Familie Winters - RTL LIVE
7 лет назад
Down to Earth Film - Gratitude
7 лет назад
@Kabira747 Месяц назад
Leonore’s response: “How true the former statement is”. The film is an unfinished project. It is now a documentary about one family’s journey. Have others emulated their adventure, or even attempted to exist the system that prevents Wisdom keepers to practice, without being persecuted, and killed, as is the case with African and S American Wisdom Keepers and their families and symathizers? What motivated the blond and blue eyed (probably Scandinavian) parents to set out on a well planned journey with three children? The film makers do not say what motivated the creation of the film and its purpose. The logistics about the family’s itinerary and countless logistics are not important here. But “how contact was made”, is important, especially since three years have passed since the film is online free of charge. Did some Wisdom Keepers welcpome the “family” and others did not, and why? Other parents take time out” from their civilized (consumer) lives and go on lengthy journeys with their children. They do inspire others. “Down to Earth” is made possible with money as curency, and with heart currents of Wisdom Keepers and members of their societies. A meeting of the Hearts is documented in Down to Earth, that shows that Space can be created and held by both residents and visitors. The film is based on priviledges people voluntarily bestowed upon each other. That is the Film’s promise. It must be upheld. A few hundred views and comments like this one, will not do. So how can its Potency be awakened? I watched this film because Mazin Qumsiyeh put the link into his Sept 02/24 HumanRights newsletter lists.qumsiyeh.org/list, recommending it. I watched, hopeful that I, too, can make contact with Wisdom Keepers; that constructive next steps for the film to bear fruit, are possible? ? To prevent the murder of Wisdom Keeping Men and Women in Central and South America? That convincing stockholders of mining ventures that “down to earth” means bowing down to Earth, not dis-emboweling her. Once the makers of ths film “come out” and declare who THEY are, they elevate their film from artful docu-voyeurism to being a tool and signal. The after-life of its making, would validate all who hosted the visiting family. The narration of “making contact” with unfamiliar but friendly,and even welcoming Beings, is timely in the context of “alein” contact” and “alien presence” in our midst. “Down to Earth” shows remote (and extremely threatened) habitations of our human brothers and sister; to a small degree their way of life; encroachment on it and securing it. For someone who is readying themselves to immerse themselves into a community where “simple living and high thinking” is cultivated, the film as it exists by itself, leaves viewers left to their own ingenuity on how to make “contact” with Indogenous People. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” is true, Wisdom Keepers disclose their ways to those who attune themselves to Creator-Nature- Spirit. Every keeper and every seeker is attuned to their personal kharmic and spiritual evolution. Humanity arrived at the juncture where the waters of wisdom converge with streams of technology. The potency of I&I (Indigenous Intelligence) meets AI (Artificial Intelligence). Humans, educated within an industrialized society meet humans educated by Nature could be explored in another film of this kind, setting the stage for another film that explores the meeting of native human intelligence, with artificial intelligentce. Sequels of the folm “Down to Earth” should include the children who played with each other, and let them speak about how they experience life today. Currently, the topic of “making contact” refers to contact with beings who master inter-stellar, inter-planetary, if not inter-gallactic travel. It is the perfect moment to garner Potental that springs from inter-disciplinary and inter-dimensional Wisdom - such as Nowaten (and all space travellers) describe. A myriad of "aha-moments" are currently intersecting, and birthing themselves into new Wisdom-Pods, like molecules re-shaping their substance into new crystalline shapes. Wisdom Keepers live in at least two "worlds" that are separated by "veils", or "tubes". Yet they navigate from one realm into others. To learn the Art of Navigation in oceans of real and man-made Intelligence requires immergence into the ways pf skilled Navigators. They too, perceive the potency of the moment, for humanity’s sake (as the creation of the Creator). They welcome the student. Because they Self-realize and treasure Life in ny realm They do not fear Death, and therefore treasure Life in all of its visible and invisible dimension, on any side of a veil. That, and Love for All that IS, is Nowaten’s universal guidance, embellished by his smile. The film is not a mere document but a responsibility, signaling us to cultivate radical cooperation to co-create ONE Humanity and a new Consciousness that is in union with SPIRIT-NATURE.
@leopemberton5439 2 месяца назад
Thank you ✌️🌱🙏🏼🧘‍♂️💚
@LookAlikescollection 2 месяца назад
dank je wel
@traceybobeldyk4575 6 месяцев назад
This has been the most beautiful 90 minutes of my life. Thank you💖
@brokenalgorithm 8 месяцев назад
I've gave up the material world once ,had more than I needed, only to return to it with nothing, made it back again, and guess what?! I'm ready to go again, there will never be anything to "gain" in the system. I am leaving it again ,very soon.❤
@lovegenhome 8 месяцев назад
@ellenkluytmans6224 8 месяцев назад
@marythomas460 8 месяцев назад
My name is Mary Jane Thomas. I am the daughter of Nowaten (Dale Thomas) whom you saw and heard speak during the making of this documentary. I live in Kansas and grew up on the Prairie Band Potawatomi reservation. I always thought my father was a great man but after watching this documentary in its entirety, I didn't even know how great he was! Before the film came to the U.S., I had sent an email to the maker(s) of the film and I introduced myself and stated that I hoped to see the entire film when it comes to the United States. I received a response along with an encrypted code for me to use as long as I didn't share it with anybody else. I attempted to watch the film just once after receiving the encrypted code. I recall watching the film and as soon as I saw my father's face and heard his calm, soothing voice, I broke down in tears! I thought I was ready to watch the documentary but I was not. It has taken me all these years to sit down and watch the full documentary and this time I did so without tears. I realized the gift he was given was used to help many people! He was a healer and a very wise man! I am so proud to call Nowaten my father! Thankful that he shared his knowledge and if I can be only half as great a person as he, my life will have meaning. I follow in his footsteps, I enjoy helping people in need no matter the situation. I will continue on this path until I join my father and relatives on the Other Side...a place I call "Home"!
@Ma-my4jx 4 месяца назад
Thanks for ur impressive story about u and ur father 🙏🏻❤️
@matidesan 9 месяцев назад
Thank you 🤍
@josephgago6217 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this film. I was overwhelmed with peace while watching it.
@deedeldeedle 9 месяцев назад
I wish I could share this with my friend.he would’ve loved this film.
@gerritgrootenboer5912 10 месяцев назад
Wat mooi om te ervaren wat ik altijd al gedacht had waar ik eigenlijk ergens altijd al iets van wist alleen zin met je schoon moeder in Afrika de taal allebei niet machtig en elkaar toch begrijpen ze is voor altijd in mijn hart dus nooit weg
@bernardcremer31 11 месяцев назад
Deze film doet me ook denken aan mevr. Marja de Vries , die lange tijd ook meerdere indigene , oude natuurvolken bezocht. Daarna schreef ze haar 2e boek, ""De balans in de samenleving"", eigenlijk gaat het ook over de onbalans in onze huidige samenleving, zoals ik begreep uit haar lezing gehouden in Zutphen op uitnodiging van Stichting Huis van de Vrede. Ook het thema "'eigendom "' / ""bezit"' is bij natuurvolken heel anders. Er is daar immers geen Kadaster. geselecteerde
@bernardcremer31 11 месяцев назад
Er is daar immers geen Kadaster. Nu is de stichting Land van Ons , LvO, begonnen landbouwgronden op te kopen , uit de kadastrale registratie te halen en daar geselecteerde boeren en tuinders op te zetten, die dan bio divers voeding produceren. Intussen heeft de Stichting al een miljoen beschikbaar. Dus wie zich geroepen voelt, melde zich aan ! Dat sluit toch al aardig aan bij natuurvolken en hun grondgebruik. of niet ? Gaarne discussie ...
@bernardcremer31 11 месяцев назад
""Wat Moeder Aarde ons gaf "". . . nog niet zolang geleden , jaren 1950 -1960 -1965 , dus voordat ene S. Mansholt de aanstoot gaf tot monocultuur in de land- en tuinbouw, waren wij ( gemengd bedrijf midden Achterhoek) Zelfvoorzienend ( behalve koffie, thee, en enkele andere artikelen ) en vooral Schuldenvrij, geen bank waar mijn vader geld leende. In de Hongerwinter 1944-1945 kwamen veel mensen uit de Randstad Holland naar Noord , Oost en Zuid Nederland. Toen familie Tom W. bij ons in de kelder kweek was hij stom verbaasd: ""Wat een eten "" .. . Maar later kwam de grote maatschappelijke omwenteling, niet alleen agrarisch. Het liedje "' Het dorp "" met ""het tuinpad van m''n vader "', doet me nog altijd herinneren aan die tijd. En, als ex analist- programmeur, weiger ik deel te nemen aan al die platformen op ""''t Internet"", email en sms is genoeg. Niemand heeft ooit berekend wat die miljarden keer versturen van al die foto's , filmpjes enz, aan energie kost. De enorme Data Centrales met hun elektriciteitsverbruik, koeling enz. Voor mij hoeft het niet. Ook heb ik en mijn kinderen nooit zelf een auto gehad. Dus: ja, deze film zou op alle scholen moeten worden vertoond door ""Hilversum"" moeten worden uitgezonden, op een interactieve manier. En er zouden vaste uitzendingen moeten komen met als achterliggende gedachte : """Terug naar de Natuur"".., stapje voor stapje , maar gestaag. Mijn eerste idee: de Achterhoek ( en Salland , Twente e.a. ) regio onafhankelijk maken van Graan import . Lokaal telen /produceren, en lokaal / regionaal consumeren en reserves aanhouden voor te korten.
@berna127 11 месяцев назад
Dankjewel voor deze film daarom zijn we dus hier❤❤❤❤
@EyraMoon-ed9cs Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom, for helping us to remember, what already lies within us. What an inspirational documentary!
@Himanta441 Год назад
Really Amazing
@ExiArts_HristoHvoynev Год назад
Amazing movie!! ❤❤
@elscouvreur3362 Год назад
@valentinadannunzio Год назад
Thank you for this. You showed us "all the world" but everything was connected, because this is how it is - we are all connected and everything is. Wonderful documentary, exactly what I needed now. We should all have children and grow them up like you are, like this I see hope...
@teunishage Год назад
younger brother and sister are listening. Dank jullie wel.
@danieladavis6594 Год назад
❤❤❤ Thank you for sharing
@pamberry6354 Год назад
Sad not to have English subtitles...
@manchu-qu9mw Год назад
Thanks for the profound video. All the earth keepers have one thing in common, of the spirituality connection with nature. The modern greedy insanity had created so much problems. There is enough food for everyone in this world. Commercial greed had destroyed the balance.
@stayawakenhealthy2539 Год назад
SO good to watch this for the 2nd time.
@cynthiakozlowski177 Год назад
If you actually reply I would like to let you know a movement has started
@cynthiakozlowski177 Год назад
And pass and share it
@cynthiakozlowski177 Год назад
I’m in
@mandybon04 Год назад
Wow!! Just WOW
@wellnessradiowellnesstv Год назад
Thx ❤❤❤
@teeniequeenie8369 Год назад
Watching this for the second time as I saw it a while back but it’s really good and worth the watch!
@sonjaweidmann3203 Год назад
Genau! Ein selbstgestrickter Pulli ist viel teurer als ein Gekaufter. Heute ist man als älterer Mensch verdächtig, wenn man mehr Kenntnisse in verschiedenen handwerklichen Gebieten und mehr eigenes Wissen über verschiedenste Themen als der Durchschnitt hat.Jemand meinte einmal, ich käme doch sicher von einem anderen Planeten, ich sei bestimmt eine Ausserirdische. Ein Priester meinte, mein auch theologisches Wissen käme doch von einer finsteren Macht, müsse überprüft werden. Ja, die ihr ganzes Leben wirklich fleißig Lernenden sind wohl bald am Aussterben, man kann doch alles googeln. Ist ja auch sehr praktisch... Die Funkantennen hierzu benötigen aber selber auch Strom und mühsam aus der Erde gewonnene Metalle, um einen solchen Dienst aufrechterhalten zu können. Schlussendlich wird sich erweisen, dass dies alles im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf Sand gebaut ist, der dereinst in alle Himmelsrichtungen verweht werden wird.
@henk-jamyland6993 Год назад
@karawana-tańca Год назад
Thank you! Wonderful people!
@tazdjay369 Год назад
Awesome, one, gratitude
@punkieponky Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing 💕
@The-Awakening Год назад
every time i see a plant being cut it hurts me i literly feel pain :(
I will be looking forward 😊 to watching this. Much love ❤️ & respect 🙏 ❤️
would have loved it if the whole thing was also translated into English as well. Interviews, can't understand. I loved movie anyway
@mvde6987 2 года назад
💞💞💞💞💞💞 Wauw!
@egon7030 2 года назад
dankjewel voor this beautuful Journey. everthing is insite us. we are all one, and take resposebilty for mams gaia. love everthing and start whit the insite.
@Misslotusification 2 года назад
4:57: Nowaten's concerns about the human life, not knowing who you are, this is why I call it the illusion.. 48:52: Life is really simple 1:1:49: I've been to places in spirit.
@erwinploeg1930 2 года назад
Wow, geweldig dat deze film hier nu beschikbaar is! Heb hem jaren geleden gezien in de bioscoop en is me altijd bijgebleven. Heb me zelden zo geraakt gevoeld: tranen van ontroering, verwondering én geluk. Een groot geschenk, dank aan de makers!
@tessadevries6498 10 месяцев назад
❤ same
@Jandejongjong 2 года назад
Check out: alan watts Master of philosophy in how to live.
@Jandejongjong 2 года назад
25:44 One of the best moments of the Docu.
@juliavanrun-kilic1744 2 года назад
This was so so full of beauty and wisdom, thank you!🙏🏻. Remembering our connexion to Spirit starts within us...
@nationofibrahim1302 2 года назад
Can I have permission to upload on Facebook this video?
@DOWNtoEARTHglobal 2 года назад
You can share this link: www.downtoearthfilm.com/payl
@mr.p9008 2 года назад
! <3 !
@jodyogima1485 2 года назад
I am an indigenous ojibwe woman my last name is Ogima and we are a highly proud society. To hear people who have no clue growing up in our culture with an influence name, using this name mkwa Ogima is inauthentic to our cultural beliefs and responsibilities we carry holding the Ogima name. This is so out of touch with our truth. We are bear clan so onething is right not much else
@Glowingriverr 2 года назад
I’m very grateful that this documentary - found me 🍀