Graham Cargle
Graham Cargle
Graham Cargle
Hello and welcome to my channel!

I'm Graham, an au pair and traveler who's tackling life one day at a time-with the help of coffee. I'm here to help you accomplish your dreams of traveling and exploring the world at little to NO cost. I talk about my experience as an au pair and how you can make your dream into a reality! Whether you need help finding a perfect host family, making friends in your new country, or traveling cheap, I'm your guy!

Let's keep in touch!
Follow me on Instagram: @aupair.graham
Shoot me your questions: grahamcargle@gmail.com
3 года назад
8 MONTH AU PAIR UPDATE -- I matched!
3 года назад
3 года назад
@indiasmith7902 День назад
I spoke with someone at ATP and it wasn’t realistic. I’m a mother of two and they told me that I can’t work while in school, the loan they offer through Sallie Mae is $109K and once you become a CFI with them they only make $30-35K a year they said it would be hard to afford the loan repayment and cost of living but you’ll get your hours. So I said no to ATP as well
@matthewhildebrand1845 2 дня назад
I know this came out a year ago but how do i find a flight school that works for me
@MegaZboo 27 дней назад
It’s not like you’re going to be flying passengers on a triple 7 over seas once you pass a check ride or two. There has to be a lot more training and flight hours once you get the cfi.
@TrialofGenos Месяц назад
I'm going to start off by saying in the intro.You stated that you are not saying ATP Is a bad school. But the title suggests otherwise. I'm not sure about everybody else, but when you start. The video immediately contradicting the title you chose. Makes me not want to finish the video. So I'm going to find me another video I NEVER watch another one of your videos because of that specification. You may think I'm overreacting, but if you went to high scool. And your math teacher says, "As a math teacher I'm going to prove why you don't use math in any job." Then the next day you do your own research and find out. There's no job that you don't have to do math. Would you continue going to that math class?
@selenalabrado9142 Месяц назад
thank you so much for your videos!! did you have to get your background notarized prior to your apostille?
@grahamcargle Месяц назад
You’re so welcome! I honestly don’t remember, but I don’t think the order matters.
@hussein5743 Месяц назад
They told me it's a 109k loan
@chusett 2 месяца назад
Most of these issues stated here arent specific to ATP. CFI's not being happy? Not making a lot of money? Yeah thats an industry issue. But the point of doing CFI isnt to go retire and ride off into the sunset. Its to accumulate hours. Its a means to an end. Anyone that genuinely doesnt realize that.. I dont know but maybe they need to reevaluate a lot of things. As far as ATP, they do state everything to you clearly before you sign up. You literally read through paths of students and you see most will avg about 3 yrs before they land a job at an airline. I didnt actually sign up, I ended up working in a vets office and hope to go to vet school. But just stating my experience with many flight schools as well as largely known issues in the industry while doing my own research.
@essel23fly 2 месяца назад
I'm currently at an airline layover and been surfing RU-vid and this video came up... Yes, you are definitely not the type that ATP would be good for. I went through ATP years ago. ATP is for someone that that has been interested in an airline career for a while, someone that understands what they are getting into and maybe has been flying flight sim or has been an av geek for a while. ATP will absolutely not hold your hand, they just provide the pieces, it's up to you to assemble it so to speak... I absolutely loved my time at ATP, it was so airline training centric that I was probably better at doing IFR flying with checklist procedures than knowing how to fly VFR in a Cessna around my local area. The ones that did not make it in my ATP class were the ones that came in expecting ATP to show them the way.... It's a give take relationship, in exchange for processing you quickly so you can get your ratings, they sacrifice the personal touch. But still, I loved my time there. As far as the CFI arrangement they have yea they absolutely take advantage of you, but once you make it to an airline job it will all make sense, it's better just to fly as much as you can making no money so you can apply as fast as you can vs being at a "nice" CFI gig.
@tyguy2936 2 месяца назад
Are you technically working while going to school? Wondering how you pay bills while being in "school"?
@coloradomonster419 2 месяца назад
Total scam... Total DUMP! ATP's instructors were weird and unreliable! They have like a 90% dropout rate. They say its because others were "uncommitted" and your experience will be different. Of course it isn't though! Everyone I started with had quit within 3 months!! Don't be a sucker at ATP!!
@yaircordova88 2 месяца назад
How much money I should to give the agency????
@lindationsadventures 3 месяца назад
From now on when I fly im asking the pilot if he went to ATP 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@genxpilot69 3 месяца назад
Im looking into Pheonix East Aviation. Touring this weekend. Thanks for the video.
@RoIDGAF 3 месяца назад
ATP is whatnit is... pay for play
@Forgivefull 4 месяца назад
I been doing as much research as i can, especially with me having Type 2 Diabetes and being 34 years old as of today as im writing this. Not only do i have this going on, but crippling debt as well. I always wanted to fly since i was young. From my local mom and pop to Blueline Aviation to ATP, i think any flight school will be a good trainer since i relatively have nothing else going on in my life. Single, no kids. I hear better things about Blueline than ATP, but at my age (assuming when ill start) if i hunker down and put the pieces together i think ATP would essentially give me somewhat a guarantee, assuming if im (or anyone) too incompetent. What i realize growing up is if you stick to it and if youre serious things will fall through, like college for example. I went to college dropped out and tried to go back and half the stuff i did i hardly retain, but that was because i didnt take college seriously. Now that im older, if i do decide to go back to (any) school i know that i would have to take it seriously... and if i go to ATP for example i will take it seriously because i know money is involved and the last thing i want to be is THAT guy the fucks up. I think ATP and any school flight or not is just "fast tracking" you (anyone) for the career change because in a nut shell thats their investment. And if ATP is partnered with an x-amount of airlines, youre essentially just shifting your life to a new career, and theyre just the middle man so to say. As we speak im still looking keeping my options open, but at this point in my life i dont mind being the sheep and following the herd. Been making minimum or slightly above minimum all my life, and starting off at $100 per hour as a F.O. dont really seem that bad. And im sure if youre making pennies to the dollor some of those pennies will go to your loan that you took out for school. Lets say its ⅛-¼ of the loan you paid of by being an ATP flight instructor. Once when you become a F.O. assuming the loan is $80k-$100k, all you have to pay is $70,k/$75k-$90,k/$95,k (assuming i did my math right) and within a year or two that can literally be paid off, assuming if there are no other obligations like rent, insurance, car note, cellphone, etc. I also joined the Navy when i was 27 and when i joined i realize youre not too young to learn, and you have to take things seriously. So ending on this note i do appreciate your video, and it does give me an insight on what to expect if i do decide to sell my soul and go to ATP. I do hope to see you in the skies. "Aim high" "look ahead".
@davidkellymitchell4747 4 месяца назад
For the same price you can be a heart/lung transplant surgeon. Lol! You can brace yourself when they won't give you a price and say "Come in and let's talk about it." Most of my friends now deceased never went through all that, they got most of their training in the military and only had to learn to fly the specific planes. Poor kids don't have a chance today.
@jonathangregory1059 4 месяца назад
I personally had a different experience. Where they had a phone interview with me asking about my background etc. a bit different. But I agree with most of it
@jaredmarban9771 4 месяца назад
ATP - the swift of flight schools
@furmanvit 4 месяца назад
so what school did you choose?
@teecee9926 4 месяца назад
Cry me a river
@jasonnayton5298 4 месяца назад
What if it’s them that makes you uncomfortable in the house? Like I dont know a solution to that
@silvercrystal3 5 месяцев назад
As a native German speaker who's currently learning Japanese for 2 years, to be totally frank, as a foreigner I wouldn't want to study it either X'D Just let me tell you one thing about German.. This language is darn hard, even for natives at times, but once you get into a like native++ level, then the language's puns and extremely creative possibilities in compounding words together (that shouldn't even exist in a dictionary) can be a really impressive way (for folks listening to you) in expressing your thoughts so harshly direct and charmingly, that it would just lack the overall deeper impact while trying to express the same thought in English, or many other languages that just lack the underlying 'roughness'. German is known as The Language of philosophical thinkers, and while it recently became an internet meme to nitpick on German because of its long and really unrelated-seeming words and the (somewhat dry-sounding) style of pronunciation, you're getting a true gem in terms of playing with words or spreading black humor in a way that has yet to be seen in most other languages~ Aber naja - wer nicht will, der hat schon :] edit: But yea your point got me with the lack of sunshine within the spirits of german folks XD In Japanese, the Kanji for Germany is represented by this one 独 - and guess what.. Its meaning besides "Germany" is "single" or "alone" - all coincidence..? X'DD
@ttrruaminpn5755 5 месяцев назад
To be honest I don't really care about male or female because I have 2 boys but people stereotype female as nurturing gender and for parents who has daughter usually male au pair is out of question. Also, host expect minimum to moderate housework assistance like dish, laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Which again stereotypical female role. I wouldn't mind since I could use strength of male au pair in pinch like moving grocery or furniture instead.
@garyradtke3252 5 месяцев назад
I have used the advertising reasoning for everything for years. I grew up and have worked in small businesses for my entire life except for my service time. I worked for an auto repair garage owned by a family member that had been in business for 30 years before I started working there. The only advertising he did was in the Catholic and Lutheran church and maybe some school papers. The 12 years I worked their I can't remember many times we weren't at leas week out on appointments. These small adds, word of mouth, honesty, and clean reliable work is what built the business. We weren't the cheapest place and didn't get into price competitions with others and we had good customers.
@rotagrota1697 5 месяцев назад
Hello I'm looking for a host family in Canada.. can anyone help me please?
@OUpsychChick 5 месяцев назад
It is interesting because we are actually looking specifically for a male au pair for the very reason that we REALLY want someone to play with our boys. Our boys are SO SO energetic and we want someone who can keep up. So many of the girls we have been interviewing just don't seem to be as energetic.
@miltonmungani4249 2 месяца назад
Hello can i inbox you.I am a male agef 25 and i am looking for a host family
@jeff6431 9 дней назад
i'm headed to Shenzhen, China in 2 weeks just for this reason! So many families in China are searching for a male role model. I'm 31, spent years as a coach, broadcast producer, and cell tower climber.
@dsd-downshiftdave8056 5 месяцев назад
This was a eye Opener However, you didn't mention what you did instead🤦
@KunekuneTravels 5 месяцев назад
In Australia we call a flight school like that "a sausage factory"
@vla179 6 месяцев назад
I looked at some au pair profiles and I saw a lot of girls posing and looking very inappropriate…. It looked like they are in Tinder 🥴
@grahamcargle 6 месяцев назад
YES! I have literally NO idea why girls do this… it’s not flattering for the context of the job 😅
@vla179 6 месяцев назад
@@grahamcargle my husband and I are seriously considering an au pair and we are leaning towards male one instead of a female one… I’m not sure if a male au pair will feel comfortable with a 3 year old and 7-8 months old baby…. But just by looking at the profiles it seems like boys are more professional than the girls….
@grahamcargle 6 месяцев назад
@@vla179 that’s so sweet! There are sooo many sweet and loving guys that dream of being an au pair, but never get the chance, so this warms my heart ♥️ I’ve honestly been so impressed by the bro pairs I have known. All very professional and kind.
@aloha4102 6 месяцев назад
I can't create a profile. It says that my profile cannot be accepted. Please help me 🥹
@danielalexanderadnan6940 6 месяцев назад
I want be aupair to 😢
@iamdini_ 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for the tips, it's very helpful for me!! Soon I'll organize my aupair profile and start looking for a hostfam. Wish me luck🤞
@grahamcargle 6 месяцев назад
You got this 💪
@Bigmad_official 6 месяцев назад
ATP will get you where you need to go if you're willing to put in the work. They're not babysitters, they're not your parents. YOU are responsible for learning, asking questions, and demonstrating knowledge. There is no "it was alright-ish" Its either SAT or UNSAT. Is it worth it? Depends. Read below.... 1) Now, its VERY expensive. I was quoted about $117,900 for 7 months. 5 Months in, they told me that I needed another $12,500 to finish the program. *HINT* NOT 7 months. The first 2-3 months is spent on your PPL. Instead of the required 40 hours, they make you get 80 hours (Gives ATP another $20,000-25,000). 2) *THIS PROGRAM IS NOT 7 MONTHS!* Its only 7 months, if you NEVER get sick, if you fly 7 days straight, and no outside factors (family stuff, religious things etc.) and that depends on your instructor. 3) *BE AWARE* ATP has been doing some SHADY stuff. This is my PERSONAL experience as well as several other students: I was scheduled for CFI classes in the middle of the month (15th). They emailed me at 830am on the 8th saying I had to be in class by 930. No advanced warning or anything. THE DAY OF. And if you're absent or late, they charge you a $150 late fee and kick you out of CFI. They are doing that because there is not enough students for instructors, and they cant guarantee jobs for their new CFI's. This problem could be mitigated by them assisting in finding their new CFI's a job, or by creating partnerships with other flight schools. ALSO in other phases of flight (private, commercial, instrument) You get "Proficiency Flights" These are "Free" flights (about an hour long) to help you prep for the check rides. When you get to CFI, there are none of these flights. You get 3 flights (6 hours) in the right seat. If you need more training, you are charged FULL PRICE for it and it comes out of your loan. If you dont have money, they will want you to get more money. CFI's dont get paid on the ground, only in sims and in the plane. 4) ATP helps you get your license and certifications quickly. You are required to know the material. They don't hand out certs like candy. It is an INTENSE course. After your PPL things speed up exponentially. You'll blink and be in CFI before you know it. This course is designed for speed and accuracy. Its not a "fly on the weekends" program. You fly every day, followed by a ground class. Even though you only spend 4-5 hours at the facility, its physically and mentally draining and if you're not good with stress, its gonna be a rough year. There are no breaks with learning. Just because you leave the training center, does not mean you're done for the day. You go home and spend another 4-6+ hours studying for the next day. 5) The training centers have full cockpit simulators, with graphics from Microsoft Flight Sim 1982. Idk how a company spends thousands of dollars on a simulator and no graphics to help the student. The simulators are good for learning to program a GPS and thats about it. You cant do ground reference maneuvers, the sim does not fly like the real aircraft either. Its more difficult. But they say: "If you can fly the sim you can fly the plane" leading to over corrections in the actual plane. Overall, ATP does gets you your certs. However, the length and price of the program is different for everyone. Dont fall for the 7 months 0 to hero. Plan for 9-12 months. The instructors are great, they care and want to make you successful. The instructors are the best part of the program. The company? Is just a company. They're trying to maximize profits, and competing. There is rumors of a potential lawsuit against ATP for False Advertisement (regarding price and timeline).
@pablollega3368 6 месяцев назад
Any flight schools you guys recommend in Orlando Florida?
@leonel8654 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this information. I feel better seeing this useful info 😊😊😊
@grahamcargle 6 месяцев назад
Glad to help out!
@gvue4396 7 месяцев назад
ATP is also 7 days a week and its 118K, you really have to commit.
@Bobm-kz5gp 7 месяцев назад
I recommend joining one of the Militarys, I got my private pilots license first then I joined the Army and went to flight school , helicopter training, all new pilots go to helicopter training. You will start off in the TH-72 now instead of the TH-55 that I started in. You stay in the TH-72 through training. Contact, Instruments, and Combat Skills (it’s called war fighting now I think) then you go to your choice of helicopters according to your academic training grades, other wise you go to the helicopter they need pilots in. After flying 10 years in the Army, mostly IH -1H {Huey’s) and the U8F and C12D fixed wing. I got hired by American Airlines and flew 17 years for them retiring as a Captain on the 727 and 737-800. If you graduated from college I’d join the USAF, Marines, or Navy. Good luck!
@lifebyflight1 6 месяцев назад
Very outdated advice
@lulumink0 7 месяцев назад
An au pair is cheap? C'mon. No former au pairs is a red flag? What have you been drinking?
@grahamcargle 7 месяцев назад
In Europe, an au pair comes out to be 200-350€ weekly. Paying for a live-in nanny at a standard hourly rate of 20€ would come out to be 600€ weekly. I didn’t say having no former au pairs is a red flag. I said them not letting you talk to their former au pairs is a red flag. What I’m drinking is clearly not as good as what you’re drinking 😅
@mcmerry2846 7 месяцев назад
I don't like people in general...but starting as an Au-Pair in a new country was the way in 😂, I have literally forced myself to learn... Its hard as an introverted, still I'm thinking about starting with senior people help... He elders are better to share with, the communication with them is easier
@Sherrycavaliere70 9 месяцев назад
ATP WAS RUDE ON THE FIRST 3 calls when I called They told me I was too old 😂
@flawlessjulian8351 7 месяцев назад
How old are you
@connierodriguez3338 9 месяцев назад
So where did you choose to go to school? If it's a four-year degree school, that's only for some people..... Then what?
@johnshelton9441 9 месяцев назад
you are very good!!
@flyby9741 10 месяцев назад
For your language qualification tests imagine airplane scenarios and how you will react in that language.
@denniswest9038 10 месяцев назад
I just stopped going to ATP school in May . You’re right, they just push students through and hope you pass your checkride. And if you don’t they drill your instructor. I received an unsatisfactory on my GPS holding pattern - we had only practiced them once because my instructor said the DPE that they use only tests on a VOR holding pattern, so that is what we practiced. The DPE decided to switch it up that day. I received almost no ground school training during my time there with 3 different instructors. I had also talked to a different flight school and the owner of that school said if any CFI/CFII completes their training at ATP and applies for a CFI position at his school they just throw the application away because they know that the person did not receive good enough training to teach others to be safe pilots
@Musiqman76 9 месяцев назад
The logic from that flight school owner is spot on and makes total sense. If someone is an ATP graduate with their CFI and they were NOT hired by the flight school that trained them, that is a huge red flag. If I were an owner of another flight school, I would be hesitant to hire them as well.
@jonathanmoore9661 10 месяцев назад
I’m at 1450 hours, went through ATP, instructed for two and a half years, and will be heading to the airlines shortly. ATP provides the ingredients, it’s up to you to assemble the recipe.
@apexdeer9362 9 месяцев назад
Do you have to instruct or can you do other things to get hours?
@TheFlying-Cyclist 7 месяцев назад
@@apexdeer9362 you can do other things to build hours. Banner towing, pilot for sky diving, etc.
@TGIStuffyt 6 месяцев назад
Hello Mr. Johnathan I am an Indian student studying in nigeria and i am in class 10 right now, I aspire to become a pilot and I would like to join ATP Flight school to become a pilot... Could you guide me on this and the other things I need to work upon and how I can do graduation besides my flight training Please help me out I look forward for a reply 🙏🏼
@jonathanmoore9661 6 месяцев назад
Get hours however you can!
@jonathanmoore9661 6 месяцев назад
Hello! I would be happy to offer advice but ATP only trains foreign students after they go through a process with TSA. I would recommend calling ATP as I am not familiar with this process. Best of luck to you in your journey!
@JeffMorrisonAdventures 10 месяцев назад
Former students talk smack about every CDL school also. Ive been through 2 of them class B then up grade to class A. They both got the job done. Sounds like ATP does something similar. Cant wait to hang up the trucker hat for a pair of aviators.
@user-jl7hx1zz6d 10 месяцев назад
Horrible experience and the instructors are just racking up hours on your dime. Just a business at the end of the day.
@eddiew1904 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for your opinions. I am looking for a CFI job recently.
@josephinediaz4581 10 месяцев назад
Hello sir just now I search this aupairworld about this I want to know if this can recommend to all people or country like Philippines, I'm a Filipino and I'm looking for job to work anywhere in the world but I don't have any idea, can you give me some details about it? thank you and God bless 🙏
@steveo601 10 месяцев назад
My 16 year old has 3 solos under his belt. One cross country solo at 25 hours, here in Ft.Wayne, IN. His plan is to get his ppl then follow through with either a local college program affiliated with his airport or a flight school in surrounding states. He’ll be there soon!