Frederic Larson Photography
Tule Lake Interment Camps
14 лет назад
The Danger of Metal Bats
14 лет назад
Cranes Clear Golden Gate Bridge
14 лет назад
New Years Day Sunrise
14 лет назад
Santas invade San Francisco
14 лет назад
Santa Sings at Union Square
14 лет назад
Dancing Flames
15 лет назад
Hot Air Ballooning Over Napa Valley
15 лет назад
15 лет назад
The Tunnel Singer
15 лет назад
Blue Angels Over the Bay
15 лет назад
Zero Gravity
15 лет назад
Treesitters of Berkeley Come Down
15 лет назад
Palace of Fine Arts
15 лет назад
The Stink Flower
16 лет назад
Air Guitar Championships
16 лет назад
38th Annual S.F. Pride Parade
16 лет назад
My First Hundred Years
16 лет назад
Bay to Breakers Craziness
16 лет назад
Here Rover!
16 лет назад
Moths to the Flame
16 лет назад
Longest Conga Line
16 лет назад
The Lady's of Asia SF
16 лет назад
Hydrogen Exploding Bubbles
16 лет назад
Ladybugs by the Thousands
16 лет назад
Getting High
16 лет назад
Tibetans Protest Against China
16 лет назад
@edbavoso7679 4 года назад
a safer place than being around Democratics or BLM..I wish I was joking
@808longjon 5 лет назад
We are working on this boat. Today 3/27/19 we are undocking
@dreamoff9849 6 лет назад
holy sht, the mon is so close(it's a local hologram, in case somebody doesn't know). and nobody cares!!!!! Sheeple!!!! And don't you tell me that the moon's size is because of some ice crystals, or some other bullshit!!!!!
@eza1835 4 года назад
Holy moron
@kellanmorrisskiteaching 6 лет назад
I think we should reopen Alcatraz!!! Hillary can be the first one in. LOCK HER UP
@philipmorphew6301 6 лет назад
A shameful past when it imprisoned Japanese Americans.
@Jinks1447 7 лет назад
I like seeing full moon setting. It turns a yellow-orange color and looks like a big round ball of Muenster cheese!
@subsWithfewvideos-fp9fu 7 лет назад
I thought it would be a comeback for people calling you a bald head or a bald eagle
@starfishstudios7251 8 лет назад
@stephenbruce4052 8 лет назад
Bird man for life xo
@danimal097521 9 лет назад
@zgc7009 NO great white ever has stayed in captivity for 5 months. The record is 44 days....and that shark was released..and died less than a week later. They can't be kept in captivity because they do NOT eat. At least look up these things before spouting off like your knowledgeable.
@katiepatronis9130 10 лет назад
that shark is most likely dead now
@giovannipace1114 10 лет назад
the best record store in the world...sigh....sigh!!!
@ladycharsw 10 лет назад
Hi, I love The Parrots, but I have never been on Telegraph Hill, and I would like to! Char, a young senior cowgirl Fresno, Cal
@sen5i 10 лет назад
i heard and met this lady in the 90's in SF, very cool post nice one
@INDLIS 10 лет назад
It was Warden James Johnston who used the dungeons but only during the first 5 years when it first opened as a Federal prison. Prisoners were kept in the dark (The lights would be switched off) and would be left alone with nothing but a bucket to relive themselves in and a restricted diet of bread and water (just like in the army days). Sometimes they'd be handcuffed and chained to the wall or bars. The last time they used them, was in the late 30's with Charles Berta. He got into a fight with several guards before he was overpowered and knocked out by Associate Warden Miller. Miller threw him into a cell, then handcuffed him for 8 hours until Warden Johnston decided enough is enough, and that the dungeons were over. Guard Clifford Fish was the one who first got the order.
@LEXPIX 11 лет назад
Great sequence.
@d.dihater2599 11 лет назад
Around 1938-39.
@McKeonMeyhoff 11 лет назад
Do you pitch at the college level, where there are 6' 6" 240 lb guys swinging a metal bat on your doorstep? Zero time to react. That's how I got hit.
@HenryPPMN 2 года назад
Same thing happened to my buddy in 2010 with a composite bat. Ended up in a coma but thankfully made it through. Anyone who claims “it can happen with wood” is missing the point
@IACSC 11 лет назад
My wife and I love this man. Great professor, and is still a child at heart, even when professional. He explains everything in ways that most people ignore. The new Carl Sagan, with a dash of ADHD and comedy.
@CuTanita 11 лет назад
not sure if trolling ...
@gq2055 11 лет назад
Mob of the dead
@hgwilt1 11 лет назад
What does rack um mean, and for the guards ring in outside B mean?
@hgwilt1 11 лет назад
When did the warden decide NOT to use the dungeon anymore for prisoners?
@INDLIS 7 лет назад
Disney girl 30 Gwilt In 1939, and the last inmate to use it, was Charles Berta.
@kellanmorrisskiteaching 6 лет назад
When the Feds got involved and made um stop. Shame. They deserved to spend the rest of their live in the dungeon. Oh well.
@uspalcatraz4355 6 лет назад
Yes, it was 1939 or 1940. Berta was down there but he wasn't the last.
@3333sweetie 11 лет назад
do the animals feel free in captivity?
@audinos4827 11 лет назад
You should have gone to St. Mary's Cathedral instead. It may be a hideous piece of modern architecture compared with Grace Cathedral, but you would have found Jesus in the tabernacle and nobody would have kicked you out.
@roblox1017 11 лет назад
i wonder if you can go underground in mob of the dead that would be awesome!!!
@roblox1017 11 лет назад
look at the cars they had back then 0:26
@louisel3994 11 лет назад
Wow 18 her life is ruined now? I hope she goes on to find a nice man and maybe have a family of her own all that would have been taken from her so sad!
@SoulSistaNumberOne 11 лет назад
Rest In Power, Ms. Woodmore.
@WacoBurning 11 лет назад
When the ranger said that sound means we got cha, you're not leaving anymore! I guess what he said didnt apply to the anglins and frank morris because they left of their own accord...
@WacoBurning 11 лет назад
@Mougex 12 лет назад
So great, Beautiful bridge and spectaculars picks. Thks à lot for posting it
@num9090 12 лет назад
Well I used to work for Vol'jin, so.....
@num9090 12 лет назад
Wrong actually, you're statement clearly illustrates the fact that you cannot distinguish a killer whale from an escape pod. Though in fairness a lot of people with an untrained eye make the same mistake.
@mrsuarez430 12 лет назад
I have a reef aquarium my babys are happy as can be I bet if they had a choice they would haul ass into my tank! prison my ass agree wales and dolphins another story but fish and there short memory are actually better off in captivity imo
@mrsuarez430 12 лет назад
Holy shit people are dumb as fck reading these comments make you realize it it is not a prison its not abuse if there are fed properly and healthy the wilds harsh they actually escape it by living in captivity
@dflores012207 12 лет назад
I can't believe those 2 bastards received $900,000 from the zoo. Because of them tauting the tiger... that beautiful animal god killed and now they have a lot of money to snort all the coke they want. This justice system sucks!!
@DolanDuking 12 лет назад
give me the french fries
@kentokhromatic 12 лет назад
What are these "Media Offline" messages?
@swat007jp 12 лет назад
More videos about thisplz
@thebrantacanadenis1x 12 лет назад
No, that was in Seaworld, Monteray Bay actually is pretty good at taking care of their fish and all of the great whites were released later. It is close to impossible to properly care for whales and dolphins but sharks have very small brains so they can't experience boredom or loneliness.
@TheChoada 12 лет назад
Just those three animals dont belong in captivity? Do you realize how much weve learned about the animals that scientists hold in captivity? How much the conservation of these animals has been furthered by their display in places like aquariums? What a minescule number of the species we hold in captivity? Did you know that most animals held in captivity are much healthier and live much longer than those in the wild? The wild is actually pretty shitty for most animals. They merely survive.
@Librarypencils 12 лет назад
The shark died a week after being in captivity. How long will it take for people to realize sharks/whales/dolphins do not belong in a prison
@apeticca97 12 лет назад
bbcor is now in effect because of this reason
@peterlawrence6120 12 лет назад
I completed the Scrap4treasure program. Learned a hell of a lot. Now I visit my local junk yard and take away stuff they don't want (but I do). I've got a pile of silver that I'll have refined when the price goes up a bit. For now, throw that junk away - I'll gladly take it.
@Overlord666fishy 12 лет назад
Whales always swim in 'pods' sharks on the other hand can hunt on their own or in packs. Use you're own advise ''research your information from valid sources to form a sound knowledge base of nature related issues'' You idiot and stop misleading people
@kingkongzilla34 12 лет назад
I hope you're not serious. That is a shark, this is a fact, you shouldn't even be questioning it. Are you really this ignorant of marine life, or are you just trolling. I have no idea how you could make this mistake, it's just plain ignorant
was that mrs.siskin on the part 0;29 cuz if it was she is in my school wca in sausalito
@Carl-LaFong1618 12 лет назад
that was George Takei's first home.
@mothahen123 12 лет назад
@cotaman7 thanks alot and yes, he's doing much better now!