Hidden Forces
Hidden Forces
Hidden Forces
Why does the price of gold futures matter to people buying toilet paper in Nebraska?
How can we stop social media from eroding our democracy?
Are we really in a new Cold War with China?

On Hidden Forces, media entrepreneur and market analyst Demetri Kofinas uses a financial and cultural lens to help listeners make connections, challenge consensus narratives, and realize novel solutions to complex problems. Entrepreneurs, investors, scholars, artists, and others seeking to understand today’s complex societal problems trust Hidden Forces to give them an edge.

Michael Casey and Sheila Warren write that Kofinas is “a master at drawing big-picture narratives” around complex problems, while Nathaniel Whitmore says Hidden Forces is “one of the most unique podcasts in the business space because it comes at business and markets topics with an interesting and broad, polyglot lens.”

Podcast episodes feature a wide variety of luminaries, visionaries, and contrarians.
@baker9020 День назад
as always he is struggling to prove his thesis learned from dead economists. inflation reduction and real interest rate reductions during the last 25 years were due to globalization and free capital flows. the real issue that he and others of same view will NOT talk about is the income inequalities that cause the public debt to increase, it's baked into the cake via institutional tax law etc. two income imbalances are unsustainable: 1 foreign - current account deficits and 2. domestic - returns to labor vs capital. fix these and public deficits will go away. this is political thus the difficulty in change until crisis. until then we will see larger public deficits and a divergence between goods & services inflation (gdp) and asset inflation (stocks up, home prices up) and homeless will grow.
@florianbuerzle2703 День назад
Hopefully this compensation package will fail. Giving Musk stock options worth more than Tesla has ever made in profits would be economically insane. But I'm not very optimistic about that, as it seems to be a typical symptom of our "post-modern" economy - valuing the market cap far more than the fundamentals of a company. What worries me most is not the irrationality of retail investors in this regard - they've always been irrational. It's the irrationality of corporate investors that I don't understand, of which Tesla is just one example, others being "platform companies" such as Uber, Airbnb or WeWork. It seems that sustainable business models are no longer a primary concern for investors.
@roc7880 День назад
rather Big Cojones, I am happy that the kids who only talked about crypto before now they have more wisdom.
@QTRResearch 2 дня назад
Surgical, razor sharp, devastating analysis.
@Nardiumms 2 дня назад
6 years ago, you shared some very relative thoughts to 2024 & AI
@timbartlett4898 2 дня назад
Instead of being discontent… Start your own business…it’s coming out…it’s his ambition and his idea …crybaby
@tlindsay1007 2 дня назад
How was this delusional Democrat able to get any votes?!! Is there something bad in the water in her district? She's so bad, I laughed out loud on her ridiculous answers!
@jamesu6241 10 дней назад
The inconvenient truth is, in the 1970’s, the US courted and won over China to its side, as a counter weight against the Soviet Union during the so-called Cold War 1. As a price, US pledged “there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China” in the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué. US swiftly abandoned Taiwan (Republic of China) by switching recognition to the communist China (People Republic of China). After winning the “Cold War 1”, during the next two decades US multinationals reaped enormous benefits by using China as a low-cost production base, like what they had done with smaller East Asian countries previously, and now trying to do the same with Vietnam (yes, also run by communists) and India (governed by the increasingly authoritarian Modi). Cheap imports from China, at the expense of Chinese laborers’ health and environmental degradation gave rise to the Great Moderation, a period of low inflation and prosperity in the US that ran from Clinton years until the self-inflicted Sub-Prime Crisis and Great Recession in 2007-09. As it becomes prosperous, China is no longer content playing the US sweatshop. Faced with an increasingly assertive China, which could not be pushed around like the little brother Japan did in the 1980s, the US tune has changed once again. Every US action over the past century smack of self-interest, selfishness and hypocrisy!
@GregInATX 11 дней назад
The R in idea is silent.
@roc7880 11 дней назад
i discover Mr Napier a few days ago, and I like that he is an economist who develops models to explain reality not fits reality to a theoretical model.
@BatmanBoss 11 дней назад
It’s coming at us fast. Excellent interview thanks.
@ABCDEFG12468 4 дня назад
Well then You have... Ziiip Ziiip Hold on my AI is processing... Eternal Life.
@nickm1727 11 дней назад
Fantasy land, but i did like his book Superintelligence. We are heading for Mad Max but there will be islands of the super-rich who have managed to accumulate wealth by destroying value from every other useful endeavor of human existence that is not "AI buzzword".
@togoni 12 дней назад
Yap, AI will be used for only good 🤣🤣🤪🤡
@Mdaddy4 12 дней назад
It’s already too late for US to win a conventional war against China
@NickolayKhazanov 12 дней назад
Individual realities sound like a nightmare. I strongly suspect that despite generational differences there will continue to be extroverts and introverts. Most AI-related thinkers like Nick come across as the type of people who don't like dealing with other people, so the meme of the individual reality is appealing to them. The mistake they make is thinking that if you make a virtual reality that "satisfied" all of a person's optimal expectations they will by definition like it no matter whether they are an introvert or extrovert. As an extrovert I talk to other people at a bar or a party because sometimes it's weird and uncomfortable, because other people ask me questions I don't expect, and because I don't know what my optimal expectations are - a customized virtual reality is by definition something I would loathe.
@jamesderoc6717 13 дней назад
"Solved World" nonsense
@hexwrench4433 13 дней назад
I always wondered how Shodan would come into existence.
@mistman5640 13 дней назад
I am always interested in learning Italy's geopolitical strategy from late 19th century to early 20th century.
@RRsalin 14 дней назад
This analysis is simply outstanding
@desabres9182 15 дней назад
Gingeras known with his bias towards Greece which can be seen at this podcast a lot.
@xialiu8608 16 дней назад
中国产品靠性 价 比取得客户信任
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 16 дней назад
*Tesla China is NOT THE MAJORITY OF TESLA IT'S 30% this guy is a complete LIAR* 😂😂😂😂
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 16 дней назад
*Repressive policy of China, HaHa, America prosecutes political rivals also, Russian Collusion hoax by Democrats that fabricated a dirty dossier.* 😂🎉😂🎉😂
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 16 дней назад
*This guy is full of crap FSD can now drive from your garge to the car park at a shopping centre parking itself, parralel parking, smart summon and banish happening.* 😂😂😂😂
@hunor6 17 дней назад
Haters are gonna hate.
@robertprawendowski2850 17 дней назад
@markandrews2883 17 дней назад
Elon is getting paid nothing! He will have the option to buy shares at a discounted agreed price. The shares are already waiting for Elon to buy them.
@muneebconstance2223 17 дней назад
Time for a Hedera update...please
@oakbz 18 дней назад
You should do an update interview with Leemon soon. Great first interview, needs a part 2.
@muneebconstance2223 17 дней назад
Yes please
@anuragsinha2013 18 дней назад
Stop it! You are wasting everyone's time.
@EZ.EV.2035 18 дней назад
This is an interesting watch. A lot of their charges are legitimate concerns about a company struggling to survive and grow. It's interesting to me how much vitriol there is though. The mission of the companies is to improve things for the world: reducing reliance on fossil fuels; developing the technology for interstellar travel etc and they just trash it as 'idiotic' and use Elon's lack of university degrees to prove their points. It's a sad little cesspool that lawrence and gordon and demetri wallow in. I will say that it is easy to see how wrong they were in hindsight. It's hard to predict the future and especially to believe it. Even today, in 2024, it is hard to imagine where Tesla's many industries will end up. It's easy to trash it and say they will never work (autonomous driving, optimus, solar). Only time will tell. And by the way, I've looked up Lawrence Fossi's articles and I can't see any stories about Trevor Milton and Nikola Motors. Here is a CEO who ended up being convicted of fraud and I don't see his 'in depth' analysis of that. I guess is doesn't make enough money or get enough clicks.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 18 дней назад
NOW ON LIFE SUPPORT: There is intensive mind control taking place using AI maliciously through satellite and biochemical warfare by supremacists, terrorists and communists. Please report to the highest level of governing bodies and intelligence agencies. I have been poisoned, harassed physically and mentally, raped by lesbians and ignored by the police, agencies and churches nationally as have my children. I and am under constant attack from my government and international WOKE military
@mbican 19 дней назад
TSLA price increased by 20x since the compensation plan, Elon wouldn't get anything if the price didn't go up. So he totally deserves to work for free for the past 5 years. Who wouldn't work for free creating hundreds of billions in value for shareholders?
@OurTeslaFuture 19 дней назад
StarLink over an embargoed area was legally not allowed to be on and was never “on”. Spreading FUD about Elon deciding to “turn it off” during an operation is simply not what happened but easy to smear Elon.
@macros4129 19 дней назад
Elon did the impossible. He deserves his bonus.
@Lynchie1985 19 дней назад
Elon is a net positive to this world. His achievements stand for themselves… go land a rocket pal
@justingoretoy1628 19 дней назад
I disagree that the war was always just a matter of time due to Russia's intent on dominating their near abroad. Recall that the Russians consistently and in good faith attempted diplomatic offramps to the Ukraine issue. The real problem is that we are intent on denying Russia a sphere of influence while expanding our sphere of influence into Russia's. When the people of the DP/LPR wanted to exercise their will to liberty we backed Kiev's war on them, when the people of Kosovo did, we chose to back the separatists that time instead. The consistent lowest common denominator is the expansion of Western interests and leverage into other regional hegemonies.
@iansean7921 19 дней назад
The level of contempt this guy has for Elon is hilarious. "Nooo! You're doing capitalism wrong Elon! That's not sound board governance! That's not fair!" If you don't like the stock, just don't buy it.
@doncarlodivargas5497 19 дней назад
Are you confusing scam with capitalism? Capitalism are based on rules, scams are based on peoples gullibility
@iansean7921 19 дней назад
@@doncarlodivargas5497 Market demand sets a stock price. Who are you to judge what people are willing to pay for a stock? Following your logic most of the stock market is an overvalued scam and is taking advantage of "gullible" buyers.
@doncarlodivargas5497 19 дней назад
@@iansean7921 - you didn't listen to the podcast you? People like you think you are the clever one, refusing to listen to others, it's the same story over and over again, that's why this is not the last time
@iansean7921 17 дней назад
What are you going on about Amigo? I did listen to the podcast (unfortunately), but that doesn't mean I'm going to whine about Elon because he's winning the game other people invented. Also, I don't own any Tesla stock. traders can make their own decisions.
@doncarlodivargas5497 17 дней назад
@@iansean7921 - there is a lot of rules and regulations around handling other peoples money, "capitalism" does not mean the law of the jungle
@ArturoGarzaID 20 дней назад
Elon is a fraud. He’s not a genius, he didn’t start Tesla, he barely knows anything about physics and is a narcissistic sociopathic doofus who needs to be ousted from Tesla before it collapses like a house of cards. The Tesla board are money hungry leeches that are just there to stuff their pockets and it’s true they don’t do anything but agree with absolutely everything Elon says, because he’s literally paying them to do just that. They couldn’t care less if Tesla fails, they already cashed out millions in Tesla stock.
@HKCool-hj4bs 20 дней назад
@joeschmoe3665 20 дней назад
How much of a horrible c-nt must you be to fire your workers and demand 56 billion - Elon Musk
@alldecentnamestaken 20 дней назад
Great interview.
@mxltn 20 дней назад
Lawrence Fossi like a parasite trying to build his own brand shitting on Musk. Lawrence, you will not be able to make a 10th of what Elon has done in 10 of your lifespans.
@davebarbetta 20 дней назад
A very one-sided discussion, it would have been better to include counterarguments rather than all this straw manning.
@michaelgoodrich5309 20 дней назад
There is already a mountain of pro Elon/Tesla information out there. This deep dive into the other side of the coin is valuable, even if me/you do not agree with it
@Colombiaguapo 20 дней назад
There are no counter arguments to elons pathological lying
@togoni 20 дней назад
Lawrence sounds a bit like Ronald Reagan. ✌✌
@RumchugMusic 20 дней назад
Musk is merely the world's richest carny. I don't care if he walks. He doesn't deserve such a pay package especially when the stock is in the gutter.
@gerritjanboeve 20 дней назад
Great interview. Hope musk doesn't get a single cent.
@Julian-pj2zi 20 дней назад
I don't really know much about Tesla or EVs in general, but I'm sure I've seen very impressive looking videos on RU-vid from Tesla drivers, showing off the latest FSD. and i know James from Invest Answers says his Tesla with FSD drives him everywhere with basically no or little intervention from him. So what's the actual truth here? Do the cars with the latest FSD 12 (or whatever version it is now) drive themselves or not?
@francistaylor1822 20 дней назад
No ffs
@Colombiaguapo 20 дней назад
There are literally ghost RU-vid channels where the owner was “unalived” by FSD. Also, a lot of those videos edit out the times they have to intervene. Teslas FSD is level 2 autonomy and will never reach a higher level due to the hardware. Mercedes and GM both have much more advanced self driving software. Teslas self driving software is vaporware
@DontDrinkTheFlavorAid 20 дней назад
Can we stop comparing Tesla to Apple? Apple's products work as intended and they don't promise vaporware next year.
@mohammadwasilliterate8037 16 дней назад
*Tesla grew faster over $10billion than APPLE, sells best selling car 2023 for a car worth double the previous best seller.* 😂😂😂😂
@DontDrinkTheFlavorAid 16 дней назад
@@mohammadwasilliterate8037 Owning a Tesla isn't the flex that you think it is, any brokie with a pulse could have bought one of Elons brown bananas during the last four years. It's kind of funny that as the company comes crashing back to earth that $imps still want Elon to get his $56 billion dollar parachute.
@Ozvideo1959 9 дней назад
What astounds me is governments around the world are effectively allowing Tesla to beta test FSD using members of the public. Tesla should have to demonstrate FSD works 100% to the satisfaction of regulators before it can be released to the public.
@selfretired3025 20 дней назад
"Imagine you're on the board" "Here's what you might say" (Leading the witness) "We did this but didn't do that" (Assuming the entire Board of a major Corporation is ignorant) Let's ask ourselves why this attorney feels the need to put down the Board of a company over and over and blame entire scenarios on one individual. He has a personal ego issue with Elon. He's probably better at lying than accepting "not all companies operate the same... not all companies conform to political rules=lies"
@Cotonetefilmmaker 20 дней назад
It’s because this is the board of a giant company that is included in the sp500 meaning everyone’s retirement depends on it. Despite that the company lies through their teeth and allows their CEO to manipulate their stock price with all sorts of of bullshit. Ask yourself, wouldn’t you be fired pulling the kind of shit he does ?
@selfretired3025 20 дней назад
@Cotonetefilmmaker this attorney is spewing one fabrication after another and the facts he states are scattered within. Neither you or I were in that boardroom... and neither was this attorney. It's propaganda, as far as I'm concerned. Fabricated to make you believe anything he says. I encourage you to listen again.