Red_angel wyut yee
Red_angel wyut yee
Red_angel wyut yee
Taking a break 😱💯 (might come back soon)
Man I love gacha.. (and Undertale)
Errorink 😎🍞
I even have ocs chat 😈🔥
oh I’m gay
I forgot to post please come back
28 дней назад
Reddi’s birthday(?)
3 месяца назад
Stfu || shitpost #2
4 месяца назад
Turning my ocs emo part 1 (shitpost)
5 месяцев назад
Ink kidnaps a kid (totally not illegal)
5 месяцев назад
8 месяцев назад
Shitpost || Errorink Family
11 месяцев назад
11 месяцев назад
Год назад
Год назад
Год назад
How she defeated killer:
Год назад
@Saimatsu_supermacy День назад
Ever since grandma died, my mom changed a lot, she favorites my sister and brother but I feel like an outcast, a stepping stool, I have no friends irl, my mom told me to suck up all my online friends because they’re a bad influence on me, but sis and bro are having freedom to do anything and I’m just locked in this cage of tears, people used to bully me because I cry but I cry because my grandma died, my mom says that my sense of style is too tight and grandpa won’t like it, but my sister wears jeans and it’s okay, everyone is happy in our family except me, I can’t fit in, and I will never fit in, my dad always shames me because of my grades, my brother is sus, he always looks at woman pictures in insta, and my sister drags me to clean the house all by myself…I wish the doctor gave grandma medicine so she could’ve been alive, I wish that grandpas death won’t make it All worse…
@KitTheCat4 2 дня назад
My mom heard it and she asked me what I was watching 😭
@St4rberrie_Dragonz 3 дня назад
Kind of a stupid vent, but here i go. I had to take a shower and my parents shoved me in the shower and my dad hit me 5 times and held ny mouth closed and said "shut up" (it was all cuz of me sqying te water was hot and the cold thing would not turn on and he used it this morning but he did not bother to check it.)
@clxudyskyye 8 дней назад
i need freedom. my parents say that i should be rude to the people who were rude to me first. but then i get in trouble? how does that make any sense. my teacher thinks im nice, and i can be nice to my bully, but how can i? she shipped me with someone older than me yet i clearly dont have a crush. just bc EVERYONE in the class said she was in a relationship with a friend shes known for a long time. she ships ME out of everyone who did that? wow. and she only tells on me but not anyone else who was rude. i wish me and my friend’s friend helped me tell on her when we were younger, but only helped my other friend. and then they stole my stuff. im kinda tired of being friends with everyone. i need alone time, i feel like i wanna kill the entire earth. i dont even want my friends except for 3 of them rn. the three are nice and they make fun of my bully for me to be happier, my other friend does that, but they actually make me happy. i actually play with those 3. and the other, shes a bit mean, but thats how we show our friendship. and our “comforting”older friend, shes always on her side, not mine. i feel like i wanna commit murder or the thing. thanks for letting everyone here vent. the only thing keeping me from doing it is my fears and the fact that all the people i love (or used to, or that love me) will be sad. another thing: i feel like im a therian, and my sis doesnt support them, so i can onlt do it while at my friends house, who also thinks shes a therian and her dad supports them.
@LukystoryRP 10 дней назад
@_PL4N3T_ 11 дней назад
At dinner one time, my dad noticed I wasn’t eating. He said “why aren’t you eating?”. I told him i just wasn’t hungry. He said “again? You haven’t been hungry for a few days”. Later i saw him inside and he said “you know if you want to lose weigh i can help you. You can’t just stop eating.” I was drinking water and i almost chocked. I told him it was fine and went to my room and had a break down. The next morning when i got up he asked “what are you going to eat for breakfast?” I was drinking water again and shrugged, “do you want me to make you pancakes?” I shock my head and went to my room. I know what im doing is unhealthy but its also kinda addictive. I dont know, my dad seems to be the only one noticing that i have been eating less. My mom noticed once, but it wasn’t the same when she told me she had noticed me not eating as much, i told her it was just happening, then she sort of shrugged it off like “well that’s that”. God i wish i was normal.
@Stardustnew 11 дней назад
Soo- I don't really like life anymore😃 my (Biological) "dad" is a perv and he weird to me and my sister! I hate it so much😊 And she is so little that she (my sis) doesn't even seeWHA The heck he is, so my life is hard for me, I know others have gone thru worse but still, PLUS try adding puberty in the mix and try to go and HuG hiM. Sorry if that's alot, I don't know who is reading this but I hope you take care of yourself❤ (we'll say im 8-13 cuz I ain't saying my irl age on here)
26 дней назад
Ok..maybe gonna talk about it but when i feel better
26 дней назад
I COME BACK 👁️👄👁️👹👹👹
@red_angelwyutyee2589 26 дней назад
26 дней назад
Im happy you Come back​@@red_angelwyutyee2589
@AveryOfficiaI 27 дней назад
I can’t stand it anymore. The constant barrage of cruel words, the whispers behind my back, the stares that burn into my skin like acid. It’s not just at school; it’s everywhere. Home used to be a safe place, but now it’s just another battlefield. The bruises and cuts heal, but the scars inside me don’t. Every day, I’m reminded of how worthless I am, how I don’t belong, how I’m not enough. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? I see other people living their lives, smiling, laughing, and I feel like I’m trapped in a never-ending nightmare. Every time I look in the mirror, I see someone I hate, someone who is ugly and broken. The voices of my tormentors echo in my head, and I can’t silence them. I try to push through, to pretend everything is fine, but inside, I’m screaming. I’m exhausted from pretending, from holding it all in. The pain is overwhelming, and I feel so alone, so utterly alone. I reach out for help, but it feels like no one really understands, like no one really cares. I’m drowning in this sea of despair, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep my head above water. All I want is to feel like I matter, like I’m not just a punching bag for other people’s cruelty. But every day, it’s the same. The fear, the shame, the self-loathing. I just want it to stop. I want to escape this hell, to find some peace, some sense of worth. But right now, that feels impossible. Right now, it feels like I’m destined to be this broken, hated, and forgotten girl forever.
@Smleempy Месяц назад
Alright, let's do this. I gained awareness in grade 4, and now I feel like an outcast because everyone around me has fun, still playing pretend and what not. I joke around to hide my depressed face since people always comment that I look tired and it's annoying as hell. Even with asshole people I can't act out at them because people would start to hate me. Some people bully me and every single adult I've tried to tell, tells me to shrug it off and annoy them. And it never work. Sometimes I wonder if the people I ask for help from didn't even have a childhood. I've gone through so many problems, ptsd, and what not. But I don't want to die because of the feeling that I'm wasting my potential. Thanks for reading this.
@Stardustnew 11 дней назад
I'm super sorry that happened to you :( I hope you have some friends to show you some love❤️ EXTRA BUNNY FOR YOU❤❤ (\_/) (●×●) (>❤
@Cokkiemonsteers Месяц назад
Sometimes life just…sucks and flops.it really does.And yes I’m venting here because my family isn’t gonna care and I don’t wanna put pressure on my friends. I need help. I’ve wanted to do SH (iykyk) for a while now.But I can’t.The only thing keeping me from doing it is 1 my cats, and 2, these stupid messages that have been floating around on videos like these saying “Don’t commit,it might take away your pain but it will pass it on to another…” and it just makes me feel bad. The worst thing is that when I accidentally hurt another friend everyone blames it on me. I’m NOT a pick me but I will just be straight up. I am the smallest friend in the group. Meanwhile all my classes. And this started in 3RD GRADE! 8 AND 9 YEAR OLD ME HAD TO SUFFER THIS! This has been going on for idk how long, but back to the friend thing. Once again, I’m the smallest in all my classes and out of all my friends. But when I accidentally knock smth over/down or I accidentally hurt my friends, they make me feel like a giant. A beast. And they don’t know how harmful that is to me. I also get body shamed for being “too skinny” but I don’t really gain weight from eating. But I’m healthy, so idk….But it’s not funny. I complain about this to some of my friends, but they just say “Omfg shut up you’re making us feel bad. Are you calling us fat pigs or smth?we get it, your skinny and slim and whatever” and I just freeze.. Do they not know what body shaming is? I also have ADHD so it’s hard for me to focus. Whenever my friends are talking I loose track and focus on something else, or I can’t sit still or something.And the boys in my class bully me for being short or bad at smth and it’s NOT FUNNY! Im just gonna end it here. Also some people need to understand that Venting on other peoples vents is rude! Ex:yea I’ve been down since my grandpa died and I feel like I wanna die… (comment)m *vents* It’s just rude, anyways, bye.. -Isabella
@Delia-tc5wx Месяц назад
I'm so done I can't do this anymore I want to sh, I'm 3 months clean. I'm so done with life. Everything is going awful this year sucks I can't wait for it to end. Why did they take him and not me. It's not fair it should've been me. I wasn't even with him when he died it's all my fault we should've never free fed I was too confident the medicine helped and he would get the surgery but I wasn't there when he got put down and I'm so fking tired of everything and nothing is happy anymore I want to commit I'm acting all happy all the time but I see a photo or video of him or a cat that looks like him and I'm holding back tears or sobbing for hours I wish I could just have 10 more minutes with him I want to scream I'm crying so much it's been 3 hours and I can't take it anymore he was only like 7 and my other cats are great but he loved me like not even my parents have and they try comforting me and so do my friends but it doesn't help and I try to not break down randomly at school and when I'm out and it's too much to deal with knowing in a matter of time all of them will be gone, I'm thinking about begging my parents for some sort of other kitten to take my mind off him or one of those 3d art things where they put the pets fur and whiskers in it but they'll say no and then we all end up crying and I tried giving him everything I could when we buried him, I have a matching bracelet I never take off, I gave him his favorite stuffed animal of mine, his favorite blanket, and some treats but it's too much to deal with and I'm hanging on by a thread here and I try watching different stuff and collecting different stuff but it doesn't help or take my mind off it...
@FBI-10th Месяц назад
So I feel like I’m disappointing my family my grandma is mad at me my friends are mad at me and I’m mad at me I’m trying to find ways to help my happiness grow but I can’t everyday it’s the same “you should dress more lady like” or my grandma says “hoddlum” I just want to be normal but nothing helps the only people I have that help are Iva my dad and my mom I just feel like I’m disappointing my family (thank you for listening 💔)
@ChimpkinNugget Месяц назад
My besti of 2 years left me because i told her friends she threw up, now i feel like my life is broken because of one small scentance. VENT2!: all my friends are moving away and im being left and i have nothing but family .VENT3!: a male karne at walmart told me i was a disappointment for wearing a crop top and told me i look like a sl>>.VENT4!:im to afriad to ask for help but i cant the more i try the more i feel useless.
@RandomNerdStuff-12 Месяц назад
So i have this friend who juat recently found out what LGBTQ was because of me and now she's saying she's non-binary and thay she feels like SH-ing and i kinda feel like its my fault but also like she might juat ne confused. Its all she ever talks about and it makes me feel so confused about how i feel. I don't know how i should feel. Should i feel bad because she's sad and its my fault or should i try to surround myself with more positive people because its resulting in a decline with my mental health? She keeps saying stuff abour wantinf to SH which makes me really uncomfortable because i startinf SH-ing in 3rd grade and juat recently stopped. Its a sensitive topic for me but i dont wanna tell her because i feel like she'll think i just want attention. The thing is, ive had so much more trauma in my life than she had and ive been alone in my life until i met her. But now im starting to feel alone again. I dont know hiw ro comfort people since i was nwver comforted when i was growing up. Either my siblings laughed when i cried, my parents yelled at me, or, if we were in public, they said i was faking it. I don't know how to show or understand emotions since i grew up in a world where my emotions were discarded and everyone else's weren't. I dont know how to talk to her about anything at this point and im slowly starting to see a decrease in my mental health and i almost starter SH-ing again. It probably isnt fun for her, but also, its not as big of a deal as my problems, which i feel so bad saying. I always feel like i need to put others before me because again with my whole famolt thing and that other people's problems matter more than mine, but im trying to look at thinfs objectively. I have so many more problems than her, but she talks about hers a lot more, which causes my mental health to be worse. Theres a lot more i could say, but i just realized how this already was, so, thanks foe listening.
@richardbrisco8821 Месяц назад
@Ga_Asore 2 месяца назад
Lets just remember that canonly they dont even know eachother's names
@Yuma_sann 2 месяца назад
@hannahbeelov 3 месяца назад
wait . Error has 5 tongues😨
@Mama_NootMare200 3 месяца назад
happy birthday ヾ(^▽^*))) ノシ(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧✪ ω ✪ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@red_angelwyutyee2589 3 месяца назад
@_VAL_IS_HAPPY 3 месяца назад
A lot of friends for Reddi! 🥳🥳🥳
@red_angelwyutyee2589 3 месяца назад
@_VAL_IS_HAPPY 3 месяца назад
@@red_angelwyutyee2589 🥰🫶🏽
@BR1A_w6sH3r3 3 месяца назад
Height difference is canon lmao
@you-are-astonishing 3 месяца назад
#Errorink4Life 👇🏼
@fa1riig0r3z_ 3 месяца назад
10 months ago and 1 comment are you serious-
@iamsosleepdeprived 3 месяца назад
@ea._.van1 3 месяца назад
I had a drunk af error trying to seduce shattered with lust wanting shattered as well while nightmare is trying to have a peaceful fucking sleep.
@-themostrandomperson-8540 3 месяца назад
I don’t ship, but I’m the kinda person who draws ships for fun. Also, I stand Ink beating up Error 🤭
@Mr.K1tty 3 месяца назад
why are they like tat
@Lazybones-bro 3 месяца назад
Lol I have a dream sans skin that look like this😂
@Edu91939 4 месяца назад
@NightMoon_2024 4 месяца назад
Wow, I think Error is going to do Ink, but I'm not going to tell you, ok? I liked the video. 👌😂🤎💙
@_Flxwer_dxisy 4 месяца назад
@TheNuggetMango 4 месяца назад
I love the video lmao 😂 Btw what's the body type (character) for them? I can't find it 😭
@TheNuggetMango 4 месяца назад
Woah you’re quick-
@red_angelwyutyee2589 4 месяца назад
It’s just a blocky character, I did it by removing every body part 🥰
@TheNuggetMango 4 месяца назад
@@red_angelwyutyee2589 Oh okay, thank you so much! I was wondering why the Dennis body looked so weird- (the arm is broken 💀)
@red_angelwyutyee2589 4 месяца назад
@@TheNuggetMango I’m always online 😇 (but I never have the time to make videos bc of my finals 💔)
@TheNuggetMango 4 месяца назад
@@red_angelwyutyee2589 That's alright, kinda relatable
@CreativeNameGoesHere 5 месяцев назад
I might get cancelled for saying this, but at least it was an adult-adult encounter. The younger the persona, the crazier the interactions seem to get, I'm sure others can probably relate.
@WolfSans404 5 месяцев назад
*Laughs in chai user* You get chats like those all the time here, or at least I do🥲🙃 .....I'm more than traumatized... 🫠
@_Flxwer_dxisy 5 месяцев назад
@Catlover29292 5 месяцев назад
Was that child in the water
@red_angelwyutyee2589 5 месяцев назад
Yes that’s a child in the wotah. How did u get here so fast 😶
@NightMoon_2024 5 месяцев назад
My God, Error is carrying Ink! 😂😂😂
@red_angelwyutyee2589 6 месяцев назад
Ok this was like months ago and I’ve changed a lot since then, and so did my style. Y’all can still vent if you’d want to. Edit: I’m glad people r starting to open up, remember everyone is always loved and everything’s going to be over soon. 🫶
@larissabonicontro7645 6 месяцев назад
@CallForMilk 6 месяцев назад
Breath in, breath out. Ok. So, basically when I wasn't even in highschool I had a whirlwind of slow pain. Started with betrayal, then some form of bullying. Now I have a multitude of issues. Now enter the next grade, I slowly heal but also gain more pain. It's a rollarcoaster of my emotions, mentality, what's left of my morality, my dying sympathy and empathy, and my twisted, slightly splitted, personality.
@purple_bird_cat 6 месяцев назад
I have 2 mental disorders, and some trauma. my mental disorders are ADHD and PDA, and my mom unknowingly gave me trauma. I won't say what, but I get really scared when she gets angry. trauma caused me to think of myself as an a**hole every day, but it's hard for people to see that, because I hide it with a smile and my ADHD. I also can't sleep until it's morning, and then I wake up at 1pm. I don't get much sleep these days, and I could possibly be depressed, because my parents think I might be sad, but also because I think of myself dying when I do get to sleep. I'm already a dead person in my dreams, so I can't die there. this doesn't help as much as I thought, but it helps a little to tell this. I feel like a bit of weight on my chest has lifted, knowing that people will see this, even it's a small amount. I just heard my dad cry irl, and it's 12:28am.
@red_angelwyutyee2589 6 месяцев назад
Aww, I hope you’re doing okay dude. Life’s hard but there’s so many incredible things you can still do, just so you know I’m proud of you because your still here today (Get some sleep or else I’ll l fill your wardrobe with cats)
@purple_bird_cat 6 месяцев назад
@red_angelwyutyee2589 6 месяцев назад
@purple_bird_cat 6 месяцев назад
"paperjam stop!" PJ: I DON'T LISTEN TO IDIOTS got the idea from how error always says 'I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM NOBODY' to nightmare😂
@-Da_Local_Gay_Sans- 6 месяцев назад
*Laughs in talkie user* ☺️ I still get those chats tho...🥲
@meowwzy 6 месяцев назад
@meowwzy 6 месяцев назад
@red_angelwyutyee2589 6 месяцев назад
@_Flxwer_dxisy 7 месяцев назад
Nice ❤🎉
@mariechan762 7 месяцев назад
Your ocs are so prettyy 💙💙💙💙
@red_angelwyutyee2589 7 месяцев назад
Ty 🥳