Mangudai Kharyshkyr
Mangudai Kharyshkyr
Mangudai Kharyshkyr
Mongols Veteran, maining them ever since. I've been sharing games and ideas on how to play their nonconventional style.

Currently between 1400-1450, floating between Diamond III and Conqueror I. Taking it easy.

Mongols FFA, Cheeky Sacred Victory
Месяц назад
Mongols vs. OOTD.
Месяц назад
Mongols vs. Abbasids, Diamond I
Месяц назад
Ranked Placement Match 3. Mongols vs English.
2 месяца назад
@parusmaze7681 4 дня назад
It's beasty wife
@jamesdenmark1396 7 дней назад
you want to kill all deers hhhh
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 7 дней назад
@haroldhunt2505 8 дней назад
Let's see the build order my dude!
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 7 дней назад
Basically start with villagers on sheep instead of wood and manage them as in the video. Pretty simple actually, but it's very tight. I'll need to make a better video soon!
@NihilNovi 8 дней назад
strong gameplay. keep it up!
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 7 дней назад
Thanks, my friend! Glad to see you around :) If you'll ever try Aoe4, I got you settled, also I'm curious, how the game comes across for someone who doesn't play it.
@gsdasda 8 дней назад
Nice video my man!
@gokayyumuk3246 8 дней назад
perfect match
@rfmvoers 10 дней назад
7:10 LOL at in a metaphorical sense. But you're right. I'm trying to learn your horseman rush, but I have to fight my urge to scout more of the map at this early stage.
@anayizisikerm 11 дней назад
english is a weird civ its like how tf can we counter a civ that totally has both defensive and offansive advantages while making it the easiest civ at managing the macros and spamming sparchers. yet appreciates for your great efforts. I also main mongols and u re my fav mongol player.
@jorgearmandoperez1450 12 дней назад
fav chanel now keep it up man
@evanwalters6574 12 дней назад
If you find yourself losing focus and not knowing how to play late game so well, play team games. Usually team games go longer, so you end up in imperial age more often. I love late game because I used to team game a lot, but I'm opposite to you in that my Feudal/Castle isn't as good.
@yesunutomo9722 13 дней назад
keep up the good work. I'm currently at Plat 1 and learning much from your strat
@FletcherTime 13 дней назад
Was very fun to watch live
@SoftNoize 14 дней назад
GG man, thought you played well and delayed his cow boom while establishing the trade. You could have bought your age up with your 3K gold and go castle way before him. By the time he is up as well you'd have a mango and a kuraltai parked in front of his base.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 12 дней назад
I think I was way too focused on the whole siege that was going on, I realized that I had gold left but decided to spend all my food for units. Besides, I have a bad feeling, don't know how to put it, somehow it feels wrong to buy my way to age3, I know it's irrational and I should not hesitate about it and secure my win. The trade was going well though, could have used the villagers from the trade-line to build a tower around the south wall. Next game I'll throw my dearstones on the pit mines, to deny it for good :) And give some speed. Also, keeping my mangudai separated from keshik would be better too. Thanks man :) But I think I lost too many units before anything..
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 12 дней назад
Also during that siege, I could send the ram back to the vills while I focus my eco and take my time with it. It feels like it has to get rused by all means and this sense of urgency leads to sub-optimal decision-making
@kurdbun4484 14 дней назад
Are you from persia?
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
No. you can check my location on aoe4 world.
@jamesdenmark1396 14 дней назад
You won this game, but you you gave up, you could have killed all his villagers, you should just have gaved him your traders to kill them, buy you time to save your villagers...while you kill his villager, the game was over, as soon as you ran home, he was in charge of the game :D
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
You are right, I could have cleaned up those cav units of his from my base with units I would produce. Besides, I could have bought ressources at the market if I needed to make additional defensive units, but his situation looked even worse in his base and I could have done much more damage. Even after the exchange, I had more villagers than him, not counting the traders that I could have created again after restabilizing.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
18:40 those villagers under the TC were waiting to get kill3d xD
@jamesdenmark1396 14 дней назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr the only problem you went back, i never go back, you were closer to his villager, you had more units in his base, and your villager could been moved to another location, just send your traders to his base, buying you more time, but its easy to talk now :)
@evanwalters6574 14 дней назад
I don't ever really move the 2nd market to the corner. This is because if you select all markets, then right click the market you want your traders to use, then Shift + right click the neutral market, all traders will use the more distant market. If my market in the corner is being raided, I just tell the traders to go to the market in my base until I hold the raid, then I tell all traders to start using the corner market again. He was also raiding the bottom corner a lot, you could have just taken the traders and settled for a shorter trade route and told them to go to the neutral market on his side of the map. He probably wouldn't have scouted that for awhile since he was staying in his base and going for farm transition immediately. If you deny some wood, such as building a tower on the other side of the woodline out of the line of sight, that could have worked too. However yes, it is a bit difficult to hold and chase enemy cavalry around. If you scout them going for stables, I sometimes just go for a 2nd TC instead, with a later trade transition. Then, they think there's no trade since you went 2TC. Hope this helps!
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
It really sounds interesting what you are saying about the market, I'm not sure I understand entirely how this works, but the prinicple is to change to the shorter market that's in the base in case of danger, right? In times of raids, it's even ok to get 30-40 gold per trade, which means that if you have 5 or 10 active traders, the profit is still good. In a recent game, I made a market close to my base, it was a short 30 gold route, but when I moved it a woodline further and reached 5 active traders, it turned into 45 gold. The switch to the opposite market is really chaotic, I think the opponent would be in a state of confusion for some time in case of such a switch, but it might have worked, indeed. 2 TC is good but I feel like investing my resources elsewhere, for some reason I kinda stay away from a 2TC and it feels very situational, but it offers a more concentraded base layout without the hassle of defending trade. Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate all the feedback I get from you guys around here. :)
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
I watched it again, I should have built another market in my base and switched to the short trade, built 3 towers in my base and I would have had a big advantage here.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
And about the 2nd TC, you are right vs. HRE, because if they go AGE4 Landmark you need to not fall behind in villager production.
@evanwalters6574 14 дней назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr I think the 2nd TC is situational depending on what civ youre up against. Of course, against China and Abbasid, they will out boom you if you're on TC so the trick is to just make a trade boom instead.
@evanwalters6574 14 дней назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr yes, switch to the market in base during times of raid.
@tim-jim760 14 дней назад
I'm playing HRE in solo (gold 3), and experimenting with Mongols in team games (Gold 1). Really fun to see how differently they play at a high level. Would towers in-between the river gaps have helped you be prepared for those knight/horseman raids or would he just torch them? Also Is it viable strategy to not contest relics, but just patrol outside his base for returning monks and kill them there?
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
Tower would have done a great deal here and at gold 3 I can only recommend building them to secure your position. Definitely towers would have been good here, along the river, and if he would attack them, this would make it easier for me to reach him, so he'd not be able to torch them down. And towers in my base would have been great too. I think this was my mistake in this match. Both patroling and contesting relics is a play, it's imperative you scout around the HRE cathedral and to deny relics. I like to sit on them with cav, but it's hard when you need your units to defend your tradeline. It's ideed best to split your army into smaller groups and to reinforce accordingly, but this is hard to do, because i was used to one large army.
@underwater372 14 дней назад
I hate playing vs mirrors so much, it's annoying to meet same mongol intense agression against you :D I prefer it only one way
@Truth_seeker7 15 дней назад
Any advice on english man ive been struggling soo hard against english been tower rushed in the dark age, feudal rushed, and etc just so abnoxious
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 15 дней назад
@@Truth_seeker7 check out some of my other videos on English. You can consider going for a horsemen rush and still go mangudai in age2. If it's too hard, mix in archers and do a keshik archer strat 2 tc king is easy to beat. I have so many vids on how I destroy English, have a search
@thosethickstrings 16 дней назад
Bro just play AOM
@cannibrel 17 дней назад
can you do a video or post showing your key binds plzzz thanks khan
@cannibrel 17 дней назад
i l ove magnudai
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 14 дней назад
Me too. My favourite unit :) I will do the video on hotkeys later, because I am only 80% happy with it.
@SoftNoize 18 дней назад
Whatis the best way to tackle the scenario where the opponents first secures his resources with tower and walls and then goes mass archer + spears feudal all in? I am having a hard time to counter if after committing to magudai + kashiks. All the mobility becomes useless. I generally try to pivot back to mass archers but I get out tempo'ed. Happened 2-3 times recently vs HRE typically
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 18 дней назад
Well yeah, this is the worst case scenario.. And it's a tough matchup because you can't damage their eco. But you can try the following: 1. You can still harass with mangudai and khunters from over the treelines, do not stop your attack and try going in early, micro the spears with mangudai, you have to keep him in his base. 2. Keep him in, make him go for farms by denying any other resource. If his sparchers go out, you can harass his unit, provided you have equal strength. 3. Build a good trade network behind this. You need to have better eco to win this, so make sure you get markets early, go for the hunt instead of sheep. Most importantly is to not give up your control and allow him into your base. Worst case scenario, you can transition into archers as an auxiliary unit to deal with spears.
@jamesdenmark1396 18 дней назад
Love it...i notice u been away...welcome back
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 18 дней назад
I'll take shorter breaks, promise :) Nice to see you around here man
@jamesdenmark1396 18 дней назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr I think you need to have aoe4 in your title somewhere, like "if japanese have samurai in aoe4, ignore them. mongols vs...." because then we get more views...
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 17 дней назад
@@jamesdenmark1396 I can select the game when I upload the video, so I think this should do the trick. I'd much rather invest a few minutes to make a nicer thumbnail though :)
@rfmvoers 18 дней назад
@UnknownSome 18 дней назад
Great video, keep going on👍👍
@Impromtu.Hijinks 24 дня назад
great tutorial
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 24 дня назад
Thanks, unfortunately it's not updated anymore for the current season. There's a video for the patch, make sure to check it out.
@schnabeldoktor229 25 дней назад
Hey, great stuff! The only big thing bothering me: use your kurultai! if you cant micro it to come forward, at least leave it closer to your base to heal defending units. Sadly, its positioning meant it was basically useless. But keep up the mongol uploads! See you on discord!
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 25 дней назад
Hey man, thanks for passing thru here! I've been told three times..., it's an eyesore to see a mongols player not using his Kurultai, it's a lot of wasted potential there, so I get it. I am bothered with the things I do in the heat of the moment too haha. See you around for another productive raid!
@jamesdenmark1396 26 дней назад
This player should have been the easiest oppount, i think you were frustrated and that's why you lost....I understand he came to build a tower, but you had two horses to counter the attack, and deny him gold... the placement of the towers was also weird at the start, but later it gave something in return, he denied you wood...and made you focus on the defense....
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 26 дней назад
My conclusion remains that I was lucky I could kill the two villagers initially, but I threw that advantage, I should have built the tower on gold. But I agree, my discipline and temperament is dragging me down, I get angry and frustrated easily and lose focus and this can kill many opportunities.. This is what keeps me playing, I hope to become more anchored and relaxed,
@FletcherTime 27 дней назад
Khans Hunters also effect teammates. I think it will be interesting especially when mixing with longbows and Zhugenu.
@l0cker83 27 дней назад
How much time in game for you to build such an army?
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 27 дней назад
Damn, this was from season 5 or 6 in low platinum I think haha. With double production you can get this kind of army very early in feudal. Especially if you go only horsemen as meele.
@chingiskhan3797 Месяц назад
Any advice on man at arms of holy roman empire. Cant do anthing to them
@Truth_seeker7 Месяц назад
Any advice on dealing with abbasid, ayubid , or malian? Stg i havent won a single game against them since patch its so fucked swear.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
If you are seeking truth, my advice is to insist early with abba and ayubbid. Abbasid needs to be delayed early on (Keshik and Mangudai) while he makes 2nd TC. Behind, you need to boom too. Ayubbid needs to be rushed, prefferably dark age with horsemen. If towering, go for meele cav. Malian is a different story and I feel like going for archers or support infantry is a good choice. I am figuring stuff out as well, so I can't say 100% that I found the solution.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
Btw, there are matchups on my channel vs ayubbid especially. Check that out. Malian is still a tough matchup, it's said that you need to tower, you should try that one.
@jamesdenmark1396 Месяц назад
i misssed the live stream :(
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
@@jamesdenmark1396 it was spontaneous just decided to go for it. Might do one tomorrow evening again, :D
@jamesdenmark1396 Месяц назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr where are you located?
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 27 дней назад
@@jamesdenmark1396 Romania, btw add me on aoe or discord if you want.
@jamesdenmark1396 27 дней назад
@@MangudaiKharyshkyr which channel are you on on discord, im more on slack,,,i can imagine i need discord channel url?
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 27 дней назад
@@jamesdenmark1396 just add me, Kharyshkyr is my user, or add me ingame. :)
@underwater372 Месяц назад
Rare example of Conq mongol without tower rush meta.
@loweloking88 Месяц назад
@@underwater372 yeah mangudai rush is way better and more potent/easier than tower rushing. AND it’s more lore accurate ❤️
@loweloking88 Месяц назад
Mongols are going to be so obnoxious now man. Just mangudai/Hunter and horseman spam in feudal till you get trade up. Crazy
@neothypp Месяц назад
This is the way
@l0cker83 Месяц назад
I was waiting for this one to drop🎉
@Truth_seeker7 Месяц назад
Idk if im just not good with deer stones but i still prefer silver tree
@MangudaiKharyshkyr 27 дней назад
@@Truth_seeker7 sometimes the cheaper traders would come in handy...
@azmizubaydi851 Месяц назад
There is cheat codes for resources but only against AI
@azmizubaydi851 Месяц назад
Bro whats your discord?
@rfmvoers Месяц назад
Can't wait to try them out (Friday night with my team). Also a great change that we can use the scouting falcon from the group selection (instead of needing to select the khan individually).
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
Yees, that's awesome, hated the fact that you always had to make an extra action for that. Not only that, but now the khan doesn't stop anymore to drop the falcon. Lots of good changes in QoL.
@gokayyumuk3246 Месяц назад
Mate, you can build a market in your base area with 3 villager after that you can send away to back corner of map. you can gain time with that movement. Well played.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
But I need that tower in that corner with the market, plus ideally another one on the way.. I don't go silver tree, the tower speeds up the trade eventually, so it adds up, at least that's my rationale
@l0cker83 Месяц назад
This is so cool, ive been studying and trying to use your horseman rush but i still cant beat ai on hardest.
@tutorials7267 Месяц назад
Even I play as mongols only, can we try team games anytime ? I am gold btw
@tutorials7267 Месяц назад
This audio is very good compared to the previous one. Great!!
@midnightoverlord9365 Месяц назад
What you should do is get enough horsemen in dark age (about 5), commit to torching the tower down and kill those 5 villagers. If you do that it's a free win basically.
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
@@midnightoverlord9365 I didn't know that, but this is valuable info. Thanks!
@jklsghdo Месяц назад
Grats bro! Well earned
@tutorials7267 Месяц назад
i think you need a to talk clearly and lower your game music sound a lil bit so we can clearly understand what you are saying. Anyways even i love playing as mongols and discovered your channel recently. i hope to learn from you. Thanks
@MangudaiKharyshkyr Месяц назад
You are right. The problem is that I blast the game on full volume when playing and my commentary is intermixed with some Mongolian lol. I was looking for noise cancellation methods to improve the quality, I'll make sure to get it right soon. Cheers for watching !
@chingiskhan3797 Месяц назад
Dude you did not kill a single one. Try atacking same one
@underwater372 Месяц назад
mangudais are useless