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There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque'
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Islam - The Religion Of Peace?
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Can Science Answer Moral Questions?
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Global Warming Psycho Talk
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Proof For The Existence Of God?
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Consequences Of False Beliefs
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Philosophy, Logic And Reason
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Why Science Is Blind To Religion
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Atheist War On Christmas
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Abiogenesis vs Creation
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Think For Yourself
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Advantages Of A State Religion
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How To Become A Better Christian
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Why Children Deserve Eternal Hell
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@anitanoecker2569 15 дней назад
Thank god I am an antitheist.
@oldhickory4686 26 дней назад
I understand the horrible things he experienced with his mother, but this man is sitting here choosing his own fate. He openly admits I will never turn to God "while I'm lucid". Well, you must be "lucid" to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 1 KJV 18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:..
@divemylollol6152 28 дней назад
God loves atheists they don’t bother him
@user-qu3em4iq3v Месяц назад
A great loss for mankind. Marvelously wise person.
@johnl9595 Месяц назад
So many lost souls in this world and here. God will not force you to love him. He will not force you to be in his presence. The arrogance is incredible. Go watch some NDE videos of people who ended up in hell and see what the future holds for you.
@johncody2209 Месяц назад
CNN interviews an intellect. Like a monkey interviewing a genius. Anderson Cooper sitting in front of Christopher Hitchens is an insult. The equivalent of a dumb blonde interviewing a great philosopher.
@GrapeApe74 Месяц назад
Even riddled with cancer, he’s so sharp and eloquent. I listen to all his interviews to pick up new words I’ve never heard before and try to incorporate them in my daily life.
@arturoalfredocevallos-garc247 Месяц назад
I bough his book "God is not great" and I loved it. I said to myself "I must learn more about this man". This was around 2017. I quickly found out that he had already died. But the fact that he had already moved on didn't stop me from learning about all that he had written or said.
@TaxEvasi0n Месяц назад
This man will be in for a shock at the resurrection on that great final day. I can only imagine a Job 2.0 scenario, but on steroids. God may not entertain his shenanigans, instead show him all the evidence Christopher had access too and the logical fallacies he committed whilst denying the Creator of the universe.
@vladtheemailer3223 Месяц назад
No, he won't be shocked because he is dead and gone.
@TaxEvasi0n Месяц назад
@@vladtheemailer3223 Every man will be resurrected from the earth, to give account of himself. Hitchens is asleep in the grave, and he will be reanimated one last time to answer for his life.
@tomashultgren4117 2 месяца назад
Hitchens was unsurpassed in his ability to expose stupid malignant religiosity and authority. His eloquence, brilliance, wit and humor were unsurpassed. As was his proclivity in picking only the very worst aspects of the things he hated, and to consistently and to very deliberately misinterpret everything that could be construed as positive. And he was amusing - to a point. You can endure only so much negativism - warranted or not. Where is the positive alternative? He had vaguely mentioned leftist views and Marxism - he was not nearly as erudite on those topics. And then science, which he claimed to embrace wholeheartedly, without having a clue what it is about. He had no training in science. He just trusted Dawkins. That is by definition - faith. Faith in its pure form. What we do know - even from Hitchens himself, although of course not as eloquently as you might wish, is that he found his real comfort in two things - cigarettes and whiskey. He dismissed his abuse of substances with his usual arrogant flippancy. Those two substances killed him - by his own choice.
@fosheimdet 2 месяца назад
0:16 "Light comes from heat" 😂 He's not wrong
@SleepyPenguin-8og 2 месяца назад
He said moist. Women are offended. Lol.
@SleepyPenguin-8og 2 месяца назад
Adolf hitler ghengis khan and osama bin laden dont have anything on covid19.
@kenclayton5088 2 месяца назад
The best......daylight second
@SuperJuul81 2 месяца назад
Beautiful chairs
@randomthoughtstoday 3 месяца назад
Hopefully he accepted God.He may be going to hell.
@theborderlinegiant Месяц назад
just like you might if you picked the wrong god out of the three thousand god claims
@scuttyark 3 месяца назад
You can lead an Athiest to LIES but you can't make them STUPID!
@OnlyScienceRules 3 месяца назад
Oh Hitch 🤘🏼☀️🎩🍷 Why did you have to go so early! His bestseller “God Is Not Great” was the reason I first woke the fuck UP from years of superstitious dreaming. Of course the other horsemen + other intellectuals such as Lawrence Krauss, Dan Barker, Brian Greene, Michael Shermer, Hitch’s friend Stephen Fry, and also 20th century scientists such as Hawking, Sagan, Asimov and many more followed. I’m glad to have accidentally discovered Hitch’s book, bought it and read it in the first place. I’m forever glad! Salute to intellectuals, honest scientists, and salute to anyone who consciously chooses to work and strive to contribute to science and civilisation & oppose ancient, infantile, primitive, long outdated archaic superstitions, regardless of the brand name and logo! Religion doesn’t condemn slavery; it advocates and endorses it! Along with so many other different forms of crimes against humanity and against life! Religion also hijacks morality and claims it’s the source of it, whereas religion itself is the opposite of what’s moral. And morality isn’t this absolute, dogmatic set of orders. The fact about morality is that it is very much subjective, situational, flexible and so it does evolve, unlike religion (unless “made to” be reformed forcibly, ergo religious reformations throughout centuries, a.k.a. Enlightenment reforms, a.k.a. Renaissance).
@philmulrooney7020 3 месяца назад
One of the brightest flames of his generation, “Drowning in powerlessness” a better description of being in treatment for Cancer I’ve yet to hear❤
@user-nb3mq3cg8k 4 месяца назад
@doctorsocrates4413 4 месяца назад
Hitch was a wonderful human being..i never had the good fortune to ever meet him sadly...rest well chris.x
@fol6154 5 месяцев назад
With two of his family members taking their own lives, that would no doubt break any person. Could it possibly make him question if there is a God? And if so, why did he not intervene. I have seen many of his videos and how constant he stands on his opinion that, there’s nothing after this life. but I did not know of this part about his family.
@RabbiMahdiAmin 5 месяцев назад
sdkfjh84 384oy4 w84w34.....😂😂😂😂😂...9123 in jahannam.
@michaelmcfate1156 5 месяцев назад
I thought cigarettes gave you lung cancer not vocal cancer?
@cherylween4973 5 месяцев назад
What was Christopher drinking?
@dominic6055 5 месяцев назад
Christopher Hitchens reminds me of David Icke, but without schizophrenia 😄
@jpmcglynn 5 месяцев назад
He made he own bed. He wouldn't let of his resentments.
@dominic6055 5 месяцев назад
like people that don't resent they never die? 🥱
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
Hitchens had a very comfortable life BECAUSE he rejected the Idea of God! What he did was "sell his soul" to the devil for 'money' in return for his 'eternal' soul. What will you give in return for your soul?
@MrReasonabubble 5 месяцев назад
Perhaps not most but certainly many of us will eventually be faced with the knowledge that we have a fatal disease and are living on borrowed time. I can only hope that if that applies to me I can face it with this degree of courage, grace, dignity and steadfastness to my principles. I spent the first twenty-odd years of my life as a dedicated Christian. Having in my view escaped the tyranny of that religious belief, I hope I'm not tempted to return to it in the face of impending death.
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
If you decide to 'reject' Jesus the Messiah... then only 'death' awaits you! P.S Death is NOT ceasing to exist. It is 'eternal' separation from God who created you! It's YOUR choice!
@mmjhcb 5 месяцев назад
You HOPE you're not tempted to return to it in the face of impending death? Wowee-wow-wow-wow!
@MrReasonabubble 5 месяцев назад
@@jimhappnin1425 only death awaits all of us, Jim. It just took me until well into my adulthood to realise that and be freed from having to live delusionally. If you choose to believe otherwise then of course that's your prerogative and I don't begrudge you it. I should have qualified my original comment by saying that not only do I hope not to slide back into the Christian faith, as many do when they are feeling desperate for consolation, but also I hope not to be taken in by any of the other religions on offer.
@MrReasonabubble 5 месяцев назад
@@mmjhcb yep, that's what I said. I've known people literally on their death beds that suddenly "found Jesus" - but that's likely a fear response, and I would like to think I can stay true to myself until the end.
@mmjhcb 5 месяцев назад
@@MrReasonabubble True to what? Nothing? Okay. You go for it.
@stefon815 5 месяцев назад
Solid man
@A-man-in-the-box 5 месяцев назад
Hitches is the reason why I got over my fear of hell and he made me understand that religion is something that just divides people I know this is ironic but may God bless his soul
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
If you have no fear of hell... your most likely going to end up there! 'Time' is VERY short!
@A-man-in-the-box 5 месяцев назад
@@jimhappnin1425 I have faith that God has better morality then people like you
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
@@A-man-in-the-box OH????? "People like me"??? Do you mean the kind of people that are willing to 'warn' you of your 'eternal' mistake??? Oh well... I have 'faith' that fools, such as yourself, are simply too stupid to know the LORD your God! And if YOU don't know who the LORD your God is... then the LORD your God will NOT know you! You have condemned 'yourself'!!
@jeffdumpster1470 5 месяцев назад
They say you stand before god and await final judgment if true Hitchens without doubt could argue his way into heaven.
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
No he can't! He 'rejected' Christ! So all he could do is pay for his own sin!! And the wages of sin... is 'death'!! "Hell" is simply 'eternal' death!!
@samrichards8609 5 месяцев назад
Learn a lot of this bloke. Rip
@charles-iii6759 5 месяцев назад
After all this years since his passing, I still struggle to believe he's gone forever.
@massoodn9410 5 месяцев назад
One of the greatest man ever.
@shortmashins4031 6 месяцев назад
Evryone greatest fear is 'where do we go from here'
@jimhappnin1425 5 месяцев назад
And the answer is: If you call on the Name of Jesus the Messiah to forgive your sins... you go to heaven. If you 'reject' Jesus the Messiah, you MUST pay the price for your own sin! And the wages of sin... is 'death'!! It's YOUR choice!
@littleleaf8541 6 месяцев назад
@mrmawson2438 6 месяцев назад
I miss Christopher Hitchens 100%
@armandocardenas9486 6 месяцев назад
I hope God has mercy on you
@Unorthodox_Style 6 месяцев назад
Hope he is with God now. 🙏
@shortvids6547 6 месяцев назад
He says things the audience agrees to, but they are based on wild assumptions about people's values. Doesn't prove anything. Science is something we can replicate. Do this same presentation in an Arab culture and they will shoot you. So this idea that "we can all agree..." Is suddenly science is doubly wrong. First no people cant agree. Second, agreeing isn't science. You can all agree on 2+2=5 and its still wrong. Not only is there no proof that 2+2=5 which is a bad start. But 2+2 is 4 and it is always 4, it can be proved. Having a moral bookend analysis is great, but its limited scientific pinhole view of morality. We cant prove the reuslts by replicable experiments. And science itself draws a distinction between subjective and objective results.
@philtaylor1572 6 месяцев назад
I miss you so much Christopher. X
@rahulshah1408 6 месяцев назад
I’m in a similar boat. I haven’t shed a year for dying. I’ve shed tears for the pain I’ll make others endure. It is still surreal.
@massimosaccomando2223 6 месяцев назад
He is an intelligent man and I feel his pain when he talked about his mom’s suicide.
@BellaFirenze 6 месяцев назад
Hitchens died of pneumonia on 15 December 2011 in the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, aged 62. He was brilliant.
@cherylween4973 5 месяцев назад
Brilliant with an unhealthy body.
@bustedfender 6 месяцев назад
Christ, and I thought Trump had some devoted followers…
@Whateverxo56 6 месяцев назад
@Cal-Valhalla 6 месяцев назад
Ok commie.
@1MNUTZ 6 месяцев назад
​@@Cal-Valhallacommies dont believe in God. Karl Marx was an atheist
@tie7626 5 месяцев назад
Is this bait? God wants you dead too apparently Mr. special pronouns
@dominic6055 5 месяцев назад
It's Mother Nature that dictates you dying, everything runs on cycles
@ktbayarea 6 месяцев назад
Someone else here said that they too came to love him after he died. How strange it is, “to grieve a loss of a presence you never knew was there”. I too wish I could have heard this years ago, known him. I felt the *exact* same way during chemo. Brilliant articulation. “An almost zen experience of boredom. You can’t do much except read. You don’t do great, and you’re watching poison go into your arm.” I love how he blithely addresses all these people declaring you wage a ‘battle with cancer’. “People say you should be struggling, battling… you’re not ‘battling’ it. You couldn’t be living a more passive moment than that. You feel as if you’re drowning in powerlessness”. He’s able to chuckle at all the permutations of bleak thoughts that eventually arrive at your front door, be they from yourself or [persistently,] from others. In this vein - I respect how he is simply refusing to leave this world on anyone else’s terms. Does he, in the dark, ever dare to hedge his bets? (‘With any higher power’, will always implied here, in my opinion. People will always want to know how you look at fire.) To which he replies, “I mention this in case you hear a rumor later on :) … because these things happen, and the faithful love to spread these rumors… I can’t say that by then, the entity that wouldn’t be me, wouldn’t do such a pathetic thing. But I can tell you that - not while I’m lucid; no. I can be quite sure of that.” :) Perspective is the most valuable, viable, searing thing in the world, all things considered. It would have been everything to have had the opportunity to talk to him about it all on the other side. He deserved to have some time on this planet after the battle with - after the evaluation of - mortality; to have those conversations with the world. It would help.
@jimmymac4778 6 месяцев назад
Sadly missed
@johncody2209 6 месяцев назад
Mr Hitchens will be remembered as an icon of brutal honesty.