Alex Wong
Alex Wong
Alex Wong
Original snippet of MP3 song
2 месяца назад
Digital write on Nano
7 месяцев назад
Analog read on Nano
7 месяцев назад
Main chairlift at Cardrona Snow Resort NZ
10 месяцев назад
Tilt board for smartphone
10 месяцев назад
Cardrona International Park
10 месяцев назад
7 segment display test
Год назад
Wifi-enabled mains switch.
Год назад
Digital Power Supply
2 года назад
The Matrix digital rain
2 года назад
Germaine's Luau singer performance.
2 года назад
Jazz band at Azeka Mauka, Maui
2 года назад
Hula band and dance performance.
2 года назад
Fighter Ace 360 platform side view
2 года назад
Fighter Ace 360 platform front view.
2 года назад
@ravkhangurra7522 4 дня назад
Hi Alex , great work, is it possible to drive the display and matrix screen saver directly from the raspberry pi ?
@bindhumadhavakkineni875 8 дней назад
Can u share the code and the connections to do the same?
@mafialenin 5 месяцев назад
Can we change delay times 800ms in longpressstart
@JanetDiaz6152 5 месяцев назад
how can i use cell phone camera with candle Grbl controler
@Cyberlong 6 месяцев назад
Good job!
@_WalterWhite 7 месяцев назад
Great work! I'd love to see more work from you, Alex! I subscribed!
@motogalston 9 месяцев назад
@krinodagamer6313 Год назад
I learned you can connect your AI through COM I trained an AI on my systems resources usage basically grabbing the data and predicting a better output stores as a dataframe in a csv file then the AI uses the predicted data frame with labels and everything the CPU needs for computations, the AI also grabs whatever the CPU computations values are and inputs a predicted data....by doing this is like adding ram to your system, in the terminal my PC said I had over 3255 gigabytes of ram because thats what the CPU interpreted it as, so the COM is inputing information so that the CPU doesn't have to fetch ram my computer is BLAZING WITH SPEED
@guillermoreyes9054 Год назад
Hello. I want to send and receive data between a development board with integrated BLE (XIAO Sense) and my computer. I want to send sensor data through BLE to my computer and then to a serial port so it can be read by a project in Unity and stuff happens in a virtual environment. This seems to be the perfect solution to my problem. Is there a possibility that you can share a video on how did you acomplish this set up? I don't have any experience using python to install and run packages. I am trying whitout success to follow the Github read me file for instalation and use of the tool. I'm working on windows.
@yulayr 2 года назад
Could you post schematics as well
@vineethrenjarla 2 года назад
Hiii sir, i worked on stm32F401RE with RPI 3.5 inch LCD which is perfectly working. but when i use RPI 3.2 inch lcd its showing white display i change all the pin connection based on the requirement but its showing white display sir , is there any changes in the waveshare ILI9348( cpp or .h file) library file??? thank uu sir
@alw1746 2 года назад
I don't have a 3.2" LCD so cannot say. I'd recommend use of the TFT_eSPI library which is better supported. github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI
@vinhphamquang8209 2 года назад
Can you make a tutorial and share the lib of this :3
@alw1746 2 года назад
See github.com/alw1746/RPI-LCD-STM32 for details, have fun.
@AG-ip5sg 3 года назад
good project. Please complete and share the project!!!!!!
@Reetzw0wkz 3 года назад
Does this work for any game?
@akshayshan 4 года назад
Hi! I tried compiling the graphic test code and I am getting the following error: Adafruit_ILI9486_STM32.cpp:7:10: fatal error: libmaple/dma.h: No such file or director Can you please help me with this? I tried using the waveshare ILI9486 library graphic test. That setup is working fine but it is slow. Controller STM32 Nucleo L476RG
@tonnydavila2154 4 года назад
Hi! Thats awesome! I was following the instructions that i fount at your git repo but i cant get it work can you help me? The code that you shared is not compiling, and i think is version problems
@alw1746 4 года назад
What errors are you getting? You must install stm32duino, download GFX lib and clone my ILI9486 STM32 driver into your Arduino lib folder. ST has taken over Arduino development for STM32 so there may be a problem if you're using the new version. I used the old stm32duino core for this project as it was the only core around back then.
@tonnydavila2154 4 года назад
@@alw1746 oh ok, I will try to use an old core so... I tried your tutorial about 3 times (and I checked jumpers about 30 times) and I only get white display, also I had to modify your source code because I had some compiling problems, there are 2 variables and 2 functions that the scope didn't recognize: spiSet, _trans and functions startSpi() and endSpi() I had to declare them in the class definition in your .h source to get a compilation. It's weird because spiSet and _trans are declared in the constructor but the compilator complains about it.
@tonnydavila2154 4 года назад
@@alw1746 Also, I don't know the difference about using or not stm32duino, the only difference that I get is to upload code through microusb Port. I have a stlink and and ftdi and with both I can upload blink test
@alw1746 4 года назад
Blink test works is a good sign, means your Arduino environment is ok. So what errors do you get when you upload graphicstest.ino?
@alw1746 4 года назад
If you have a webpage, show some pics of your wiring and your modified code.