Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry is a leading international journal publishing the latest research and reviews on all areas of neurological sciences.
Meet JNNP and JNIS
9 лет назад
@bcbro142 Год назад
Big pharma doesn't want this information to get out because there is no money in herbal medicine and the war against herbs is the war against God since he created the herbs for us and big pharma is the devil
@diptipman Год назад
@diptipman Год назад
Hi 😊
@elvisrand1415 2 года назад
I met this doctor on RU-vid called Dr Alaho Olu , i got in contact with him and ordered for his (ALS) disease herbal medicine. I used it for 21days. All of a sudden I just got my test result and it's negative. I went to another hospital to get retested to be sure and it is still negative, I am so excited today that I am cured..
@melisashourn1165 2 года назад
My family doctor told us there’s no medical treatment for Als diagnosis after we have spend so much money on trying to get this deadline disease cured before DR EHIMARE came to our rescue after using the Africa herbal medicine treatment my husband was reversed and heal from Als and some of the symptoms are all gone!! Thank you very much for your good work Dr Ehimare for saving my husband...
@travisdean9310 2 года назад
Make sure they don’t mess with it also how do they make sure they don’t mess with the device
@RynaxAlien 2 года назад
Negative symptoms treatment without antipsychotics?
@aiko3001 2 года назад
I want you to know ...and this is saying perhaps too much, I am a DBS participant with Schizoaffective disorder. So, when I see or listen online to professionals such as you, support my doctors and researchers in their work...to help people like me...who had no hope or way out.... I want to cry. Schizophrenia is a dark, cold, horrendous and evil disease which takes no prisioners.... There is no truce. Ever. It is a war inside a war and I believe and know that with DBS...there is hope! Again, thank YOU ❤️
@aiko3001 2 года назад
I think this is an amazing video and you are definitely "cool 😎😎😎 and totally out there!" 🤗❤️🤗 Amazing, amazing woman... Thank YOU 💘💘💘 for supporting DBS for resistant to medication Schizophrenia!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.... I'm on the verge of tears simply thinking that such an amazing woman, human being is supporting DBS for Schizophrenia...... ❤️❤️❤️
@brendaramos9177 2 года назад
When my dad was diagnosed the doc said there's no cure, but we did a lot of research and found about Dr Jude Herbal Home on RU-vid who cures this disease. Today he has completely recovered
@kazbaz8645 2 года назад
Never been asked for follow up here in Midlands didnt understand what was happening to me with the side affects. Had three lacunar small stroke holes in brain. The one thing I noticed afterwards is that one hand didnt know where the other one as well as normal .... I seemed to have electric currents through my brain at times and I got very tired indeed when not having done that much. I had very strange feelings and didnt know what was happening to me. I felt like I had to stand by back door so I didnt faint. I didnt know what was happening to me. Its not as bad now but if I have been busy I feel strange again and I regocnise it.
@janebaxter5835 2 года назад
Go see a doctor
@lauraanna6826 2 года назад
Thanks to a doctor, Dr. Gbenga who cured me from motor neuron disease with his supportive treatment.
@amycollins5192 2 года назад
I was having several different symptoms such as headache, pain in eyes, dizziness, nausea, unsteady gait, pins/needles and tingling, pain and current vision loss in right eye, as well as previous vision loss in left eye due to Optic Neuritis several years ago. So I discussed with dr and was sent to Neurologist. They first thought I may have MS due to all the symptoms but they did not see lesions so they don't believe MS, however, they saw multiple Lacunar infarcts are both sides of cerebellum. Could lacunar infarcts cause all what I described and how serious are Lacunar infarcts?
@harjeetsinghmakkar5177 2 года назад
Very nicelly done video. The eplipsy drug can also prevent retina degneration.
@chaiyoatid7996 3 года назад
I am Herpes virus negative now, Dr Madida at RU-vid did helped me cure this virus with his herbal medicine. .
@mariapatrick1795 3 года назад
STROKE is a spiritual sinkness which can be cure true herbal medicine. A friend of mine introduce me to a herbalist doctor that help me cure my husband true his herbal medicine after 11 years of STROKE the God of doctor Oje heal my husband from it, if you have same problem why not contact Doctor Oje on RU-vid herbal treatment and share experience testimony like me. I went to say a big thank you to this doctor who God used to cure my husband thank you doctor Oje God bless you...
@slavavova6486 3 года назад
The herbal medication I got from Madida herbal center I saw on RU-vid helped me reverse my pulmonary fibrosis.
@gamingguruoz 3 года назад
f8-t5 delta downtraining neurofeedback
@stefanlehmann7699 3 года назад
Honestly speaking the only research that the ’scientists’ will always do involves the increase of big pharma profits. They will never cure any disease permanently for them to make more money by keeping people reliant on drugs, and they will do everything possible to discourage others from trying other medications like herbal medicine but I thank God for my friend who directed me to Dr. Sani.I am happy to inform you all that I am finally free and completely cured of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) after using Dr. Sani herbal mixture, the formula works like magic .Always learn to follow your heart, refuse to be discouraged because there is no problem without a solution . I am back on my feet even stronger than before thanks a lot to Dr. Sani. You can also contact Dr.Sani to eradicate diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, infertility, tuberculosis, skin disease, hepatitis, fibroid etc.You can reach him through his WhatsApp number on: +2348118184266 or via Email: perfectherbalcure@gmail.com
@noelgillett346 3 года назад
recourse to dirty tactics witnesses health authorities destroying the core integrity of the entire field of toxicology, with a particular emphasis on environmental toxicology. concomitant with this overt act of mass coercion one witnesses the rise of a field called "environmental pharmacology" which entails the application of toxic burdens as "medicines" in accordance with agendas formulated by those who formulate systems of dogma involving the usual organizing principle of "compartmentalized awareness". this gives rise to a highly susceptible organism with particularly tragic consequences for the vascular system, this due to hyper-coagulation states being triggered by episodes of homeostatic stress and immune suppression etc.. this per the theories of Andrew Moulden, Judy Mikovitz and Naviaux (hyper-puringergia hence gout as witnessed by Hippocrates, to this day serving as the underlying condition purposefully ignored). strokes are routinely missed by standard diagnostic protocols, leaving patient populations with massive burdens of stroke-like angiopathies throughout the entire body and brain. as such what could once have been regarded as the Tuskegee Experiment has evidently reached the point of culmination by way of its lessons having been generalized to the global population as a whole. progress like that bodes well, does it not? so civilized and humane, reminds me of ol' Dr. Mengele and his work with Bayer. that's two aspirin for each and every huff on a balloon full of nitric oxide and Zyklon gas. party favors for the damned, I supposed. what else are tortured and abused patients supposed to do? such episodic crises occur often during pregnancy and once an initial event is triggered, subsequent sensitivity to the same adverse event amplifies drastically. poor patients get throw-away diagnoses and end up dispossessed, criminalized and scapegoated by the very authorities who pretend to not-see/Nazi the scenario in question, and all who receive salaries as professional class parasites working the system count this not as "treatment failure" by their own, personal and institutional standard, this evidently due to the fact that they themselves get paid irrespective of outcomes visited upon patients. first to be stuffed with Nazi-era psych-drugs so as to then be thrust onto body piles, the established and accepted protocols bear a striking resemblance to those of the prior, dreaded era in question. Mengele madness, the doctors themselves are once again to be seen running amok, while waxing self righteous, as though a psychiatric veneer of demagoguery and denial is sufficient so as to right a horrendous wrong. wonderful times. Kali and Shiva dance, dance, dance. be it by way of disrupting Virchow's sacred triad so as to destroy the functional integrity of the capillary system of exchange--resulting in starving oxygen deprived waste saturated tissues and organs--or by way of the famed "white rabbit", it's always and ever about the same symbols as ever: sex, fire, death and BLOOD. always the blood. sweat and tears alone not sufficient to appease the lust of the Master, it always comes down the hot red flow,. oligarchs wielding money bags will settle for no less, and those on the take remain silent per the shshshsh symbolism that applies. "nothing personal, just business", same old Medici as ever. the mafia once wore suits now dawn lab coats and sport stethoscopes. new trappings , jargon and costumes, same old m/o. it's hopeless. and all bizarre nonsense in the service of a most ancient system of social control, perhaps alluded to in Vedic literature per the sanskrit legacy that pertains. W.H.O. knows. but W.H.O. isn't talking. The Timelord does not choose to speak when spoken to. either way, your finding would appear to be a contribution worthy of praise, and more grants. even so, the big picture is the one that is being missed. strokes are endemic as varicose veins, the latter treated only after the fact and regarded as largely cosmetic in significance. same old B.S. from the papacy, the Popes of the Medici line having never been known for their frank honesty about anything, same as the physicians who carry their banner by way of the very name of what they do, to this very day. nothing but snakes wrapping around a sword, with the old world Templars who started this Hospitaliers movement holding onto the reins to this very day. truth being "what you pay for" and justice being "for sale" we feign innocence yet bear false witness to the endemic plague of bullshit now consuming all that is civilization itself. like a firestorm emanating from a most ancient and forgotten source. forgotten perhaps by all of us bottom feeders, but not by those casting the web. the owl that sees, knows more than any of us could imagine. guilty as charged. off with His head. Alice insists.
@gamingguruoz 3 года назад
just do neurofeedback for more efective results , why treat when over time u can cure ✅
@stefanlehmann7699 3 года назад
Honestly speaking the only research that the ’scientists’ will always do involves the increase of big pharma profits. They will never cure any disease permanently for them to make more money by keeping people reliant on drugs, and they will do everything possible to discourage others from trying other medications like herbal medicine but I thank God for my friend who directed me to Dr. Sani. I am happy to inform you all that I am finally free and completely cured of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) after using Dr. Sani herbal mixture, the formula works like magic .Always learn to follow your heart, refuse to be discouraged because there is no problem without a solution . I am back on my feet even stronger than before thanks a lot to Dr. Sani. You can also contact Dr.Sani to eradicate diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, infertility, tuberculosis, skin disease, hepatitis, fibroid etc. You can reach him through his WhatsApp number on: +2348118184266 or via Email: perfectherbalcure@gmail.com
@abdulmuizhmd5877 3 года назад
Looking at the professor make my disease come hahaha
@masteryola1154 3 года назад
traditional doctor who healed me from herpes virus disease this is a testimony. You can contact him on whatsapp +2348155733141 Email: doctorokoduwa6@gmail.com I suffered motor neurone disease for 6years untill i met doctor okoduwa who help me. You can in touch with him on whatsapp +2348155733141 He can also help you with other herpes disease.
@amendqureshi2676 3 года назад
My dad was diagnosed with ALS a years ago and ever since we have been spending heavily on drugs just to keep him alive and healthy, it got to a stage where my Dad couldn't go to work my mom and i had to look after him it wasn't really easy for us, we have tried every means we can to get him free from this ALS but we couldn't get the right person to help us until last month that i came in contact with Dr noble via his WhatsApp number (+2349059610643) who specializes in curing deadly sicknesses and diseases and i decided to give him a try and when i contacted him he told me he will cure my dad, that i should send him my dad details and date of diagnosed and i did. Dr noble cast an ALS healing spell on my dad and within 3 days Dr noble asked us to take him to the hospital for a test which we did and the result came out negative. Thanks Dr Noble for removing ALS from my daddy's life, for this you have done for us. We are indeed grateful my dad is fully well now. You can also mail DR via noblespellhome@ Gmail. com
@johnsonraymond7148 3 года назад
I want to first say I am thankful to God almighty for making me see this day and secondly to Dr.dohgo who restored my health back. I have been a Herpes virus patient for some time now, I have been running here and there looking for help/cure but none could help. I ran into a testimony by someone who testified how she was cured of a terrible disease by Dr.dohgo So I decided to contact the herbal doctor. I explained to him, and he said he can cure me. We started the process and he prepared herbs and sent them to me in my country and gave me directions on how I am to use it. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. I say once again thanks to Dr.dohgo for curing me of my Herpes with his herbs. And in case you want to be cured of your disease too you can contact email:( doctordohgo@ gmail . com) call Whatsapp Number +2347062142293 AND Dr.dohgo SAY HE HAVE CURE FOR THE FOLLOWING *CANCER *ALS *DIABETES *LUPUS *WEIGHT LOSS *GENITAL WARTS *MND e.t.c
@jantasurvey5762 4 года назад
@natashaday5423 4 года назад
Mental health illness is a chemical imbalance in the brain lack of dopamine and sertion levels in the brain. Brain disease and Brain damage. Great video content. Love your RU-vid Channel. Please can you do a video about mood stabilizers and the side effects. Love Tasha. Keep it up. Love Tasha xxxxxxx.
@markae0 3 года назад
Mental health illness is NOT a chemical imbalance in the brain. If it were, it would be neurological disease because someone could scientifically measure the imbalance with a (impartial) lab test of some kind. The second there is empirical evidence, the illness is no longer mental illness.
@gamingguruoz 3 года назад
its bioelectircal abnormalities for which neurofeedback can address
@koralite3953 5 лет назад
thanks! much love
@gamingguruoz 6 лет назад
neurofeedback is totally effective and non invasive
@judithgault4414 4 года назад
Thank you for your comment. We agree that if a person's symptoms are effectively treated with neurofeedback or other non-invasive therapies without intolerable side-effects that deep brain stimulation should not be pursued in those cases.
@markeccles3465 6 лет назад
If there are brain changes in schizophrenia, when did they occur? and what was the specific likely cause? Like going to a car mechanic that who wants money for repairs, damage that he may have caused in the first place.
@markeccles3465 6 лет назад
I am surprised the comments are open. First of all people should read "Adverse Effects: The Perils of Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression By Danielle Egan, September 24, 2015. Secondly the topic no one talks about is the past treatment the patient has received from psychiatry. Has the treatment harmed the patient? "The antipsychotics block 70-90 percent of the dopamine receptors in the brain. In response, the brain sprouts about 50 percent extra dopamine receptors. It tries to compensate, to become extra sensitive. So in essence you've created an imbalance in the dopamine system in the brain. You have too many dopamine receptors. And what happens? People that go abruptly off of the (antipsychotic) drug, do tend to have severe relapses." ― Robert Whitaker. Only with clear evidence of impending death, as in the case of anorexia , can a doctor justify the invasive procedure of Deep Brain Stimulation.
@judithgault4414 4 года назад
Thank you for your feedback. We agree that it is important to be aware of the risks of deep brain stimulation. Please find a link to a large study that summarized clinical risks that have been reported for deep brain stimulation for movement disorders manuals.medtronic.com/content/dam/emanuals/neuro/CONTRIB_229128.pdf It is important to note that while many of the risks of deep brain stimulation are expected to be similar, we anticipate that some risks will be new and unique to treatment of schizophrenia. In the case of movement disorders like Parkinson's disease and essential tremor deep brain stimulation has been shown to be effective in relieving treatment-refractory symptoms in some cases even if their symptoms are not imminently life threatening. For treatment-refractory schizophrenia deep brain stimulation is experimental and we currently do not know if it will be effective. It is important for the individuals considering deep brain stimulation for schizophrenia to know it is experimental at this time. At the same time it is important to consider advanced neurotherapeutics for treatment-refractory schizophrenia and not exclude this group from the opportunity to determine whether or not it is helpful to some. Individuals will need to decide at what point the risks may outweigh potential benefits if there are any. Transparency is essential to allow informed decision making and improvement in therapeutic options. We agree that deep brain stimulation will not be for everyone or even the majority of subjects, but may have a potential role, if it is shown to be effective for some, for providing options to some subjects.
@markeccles3465 3 года назад
@@judithgault4414 One out of eight had a serious problem with implantation in a recent trial. "One patient (N3) did not proceed to stimulation; he suffered a right internal capsule haemorrhage immediately after surgery..." Deep brain stimulation in treatment resistant schizophrenia www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(19)30778-9/fulltext
@markeccles3465 3 года назад
@@judithgault4414 On the "success" side I saw this video for Deep Brain Stimulation-Tourette's syndrome. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jMgomNzliw8.html
@nicanornunez9787 6 лет назад
How is a bmi <30 low, is that a typo?
@fizioterapevt 7 лет назад