Oorah is a non-profit Jewish organization providing year-round activities and educational opportunities to Jewish children and families. Oorah's mission is to give Jewish children and families a chance to have a share in our heritage. From Jewish summer camps and weekend retreats to tutoring and adult learning opportunities, Oorah runs more than 49 different programs each addressing a specific need in the Jewish community.
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Oorahthon Winners '24: 7K! A Kallah's Dream
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Why Does Oorah Spend 26k a Day?
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"I got no money!" | Oorah Auction 2024
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Spend Purim with us!
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From 9 to 99 | Worlds Apart?
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Israel is different.
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Oorah Rebbetzins Retreat: The inside scoop
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Oorah Purim Mesiba For Bnei Torah 5784
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His son is in Gaza and he wants WHAT?!
5 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
ChillZone: It's a party every week!
8 месяцев назад
This war is PERSONAL
10 месяцев назад
@bleachyfishy 2 часа назад
This doesn’t make any sense my nigga
@nickfromm5315 5 часов назад
You're telling me this is what happens when I donate my car 4 kids?
@prolmandabeast6192 8 часов назад
@prolmandabeast6192 8 часов назад
#FREEYAPDOLLAR !!!! ✊✊✊💸💸💸💸
@prolmandabeast6192 8 часов назад
@prolmandabeast6192 9 часов назад
@prolmandabeast6192 9 часов назад
@paulveriteverite1004 16 часов назад
Rabbi you BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOSED instead of PRAISING Hamas !!?? Killed, RAPED, Amputated babies KIDNAPP your PEOPLE ???are you CRAZY !!??
@Vvvvvvvvvv848 15 часов назад
He’s not praising hammas are you brain dead
@cornishpasty7853 21 час назад
Thats what ge gets for letting a big brother in his house, i mean doesn't he know were in a 黄瓜饭加大鸡蛋 shortage?
@marissamestre3075 День назад
😂 Hamas:😳😰 Lipa:😈
@islesofshoals 2 дня назад
@Shins_Shins 3 дня назад
Gives us back yapdollar
@MedusaQueen729 3 дня назад
I am a Christian but I love this song because a portion of Christianity believes that Jesus our Messiah will return to take us home on Rosh Hosannah. Paul wrote in the New Testament (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52): For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we that are alive, that are left, shall together with them be caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
@ishymaru8613 3 дня назад
@robinanders3954 4 дня назад
Read Genesis 10:1-5, note vs 3. Tells us point blank Ashkenazi came from Noah's son Japeth, who was father of the gentile nations. Noah's son Shem was the father of the Israelites and other semetic people. Leviticus 13 should give you a good physical description of the Biblical Israelites, as it covers skin diseases that dont effect all nationalities. It's clear these problems only happen in 1 certain type of people. And its beyond clear it's not these white Europeans weve been told were jews. If you read it you'll understand. Talks about the priest having to seperate people from the rest of the congregation and declare them unclean if their skin started turning white or they began to grow blond hair in their heads and/or beards. Read it, you'll see theres no way some of these skin conditions could possibly apply to white people. Even says the priest could declare them as clean if they're whole bodies turned white, from the head to the foot. That's pretty much describing vitiligo you guys. And if you'll read Deuteronomy 28:15-68, this tells us where Israel is today. As those are prophetic curses of the punishment GOD would put on them for continuing to participate in the filthy evil practices of the wicked nations that lived around them. They seduced them into their evil ways, little by little. Same as today. And the Bible litteraly says Israel was sent into hard slavery, to a people their fathers never knew, in chains, by way of ships. Theres some other very specific prophetic curses in that chapter that 100% fit a certain people and so do the physical descriptions that we can clearly see when reading the whole Bible in context. Theres more Scripture to show they are a black people. We are told that Noah's son Ham founded the African nations. One of his sons was Kush which all history admits was black. Well Kush full blood Brother was Mizraim, the founder of Egypt. So we know Biblical day Egypt was black. Even "Egyptology" (which was created to hide the truth about Egypt) now admits the earliest rulers and people were black Nubians. And all through the Bible we see notable Israelites being mistaken for these Biblical day black Egyptians. I been reading the KJV for nearly 45 years. By the time I was 10 I could see who the true Israelites really were and who they def are not. And now I'm watching the prophecies concerning all this Truth being revealed, the imposter "jews" of the synagogue of satan, the restoration of the true nation of Israel. The imposters are going to be removed from the land of Israel yall. Go read Ezekial 36 cause you are truly about to see that happen. And then the return exodus, the true people returning to their true homeland. Oh and if you know about this, you may want to look into it. Know how JESUS called the pharisees and scribes a "generation of vipers", said they were "of your father the devil", told them they were not Abraham's children...well go take read Joshua 9, about this tribe of cannanites that tricked Israel into not destroying them along w the other cannanites. And how Israel made them servants to the temple, to hew wood and draw water. Later in the Bible we see these people being madescribes, experts in the law. These same cannanites who go all the back who literally were of the bloodline of the fallen angels, the serpent seed, just like JESUS called them. It wasnt just an insult. It was fact of what people we really are. All this is important folks. We are warned of these imposters of the synagogue of satan in back to back chapters in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9! It's like that for a reason. It couldnt be more specific and says the exact thing in both Scriptures, FOR A REASON. Need to look into this now so that as the Truth begins to come out, you arent angry at the wrong people, the true children of Israel. As GOD did say HE will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them. Many Christians were fine quoting that Scripture when they thought Israel was white. I wonder how many will still stand behind that when the truth is shown to the world, that they were/are black? Get your heart right church. Paul told us not to boast against the natural branches for a reason. Do you see what being a "grafted in gentile" entails? I wouldnt think you could be a grafted in branch if you have hate in your heart for the natural branches. Lets just be happy were getting to watch these prophecies come to pass before our eyes and be happy for the true Israelites and not jealous of them. GOD severely punished them for turning against HIM. of course HE is going to keep the promises of the restitution of physical Israel in these end days. Plus they must return to the land of Israel for much of end time prophecy to happen exactly as Written
@neandershaul 5 дней назад
I wanted to share something deeply meaningful with you-a speech titled "Hirhur Teshuva: Stirrings of Forgiveness" by Rav Soloveitchik. Originally delivered in Yiddish and lasting over an hour, I've carefully condensed it into a powerful 29-minute English version. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-O5brKB3UklY.html
@YHVH1483 7 дней назад
You're sick
@nekrozofareadbhair3774 7 дней назад
Well well well, the jokes write themselves
@overseerbomb7632 7 дней назад
@Vvvvvvvvvv848 7 дней назад
@spriggina_fan 8 дней назад
@general_-rt4bt 9 дней назад
@ashwag828 9 дней назад
كيف العرب في الاعلى واليهود في الاسفل لا فضل لعربي على اعجمي الى بالتقوى فقط لا لون ولا عرق ولا DNAتفرق عند الله 😁
@realghostles 10 дней назад
Xiao hong shu!
@Galilee87 10 дней назад
Tell me why he sounds like a male version of Kamala? Saying tons of words, but yet nothing at the same time...
@RoProReal 11 дней назад
@cryogenik_ 11 дней назад
@WesHampson 11 дней назад
This is legit insane
@wildboargaming1858 12 дней назад
I can’t believe they’d do this to Fiveish…. Sad
@iconofthicc6086 13 дней назад
Well well well…
@Abdou-y9o 14 дней назад
Just leave Palestine and you will have peace for everyone
@jeffreyhicks6585 15 дней назад
whenever I read the Quran I sense that it is speaking about the same God
@BestPKSA 15 дней назад
This rabbi is sooo close to be an actual Muslim he just needs to learn more about Islam cause clearly he got alot of misinformation from zionists
@threesmokepatrick 15 дней назад
@reemaarif5621 16 дней назад
Dear Rabbi, It is my encouragement to you to read the Noble Quran. The Holy Book is the final warning to the Children of Israel. In fact, your people are mentioned countless times throughout the Book. Allah/Elah is the author of the Quran. Instead of saying, “I don’t know why…” and choosing to stay ignorant, make genuine effort to acquire the knowledge. Knowledge is POWER! You’ll be surprised.
@Number1_radio_flyer_fan 16 дней назад
Well well well
@Ларатео56 16 дней назад
Однажды ,когда только Ютуб предложил мне послушать Мотти, под одним видео с ним я прочла коротенький комментарий: Осторожно,Мотти вызывает зависимость. 😊Да ладно,подумала я...мне 67 ..я уже столько слушала прекрасных голосов. И вот прошел с этого момента год и мой плейлист полностью состоит из песен Мотти!!! Нет ни у кого такого голоса, нет никого,кто пел бы с таким искренним проникновением ,вкладывая свою душу и сердце, ко Создателю,Вечному и Единственному Богу! Будь благословен,Мотти!
@SkyfartEpic 16 дней назад
i fw this heavy ngl
@RomeoYouMust 17 дней назад
This content is below mid to the instagram reels that blessed us the summer of ‘24 Give Fiveish back to the people!
@Tipusultan-chico 17 дней назад
We want peace simple as that
@nabilfreeman 17 дней назад
@hhhhhhh_hhhh 18 дней назад
@hoppednutzxd3422 18 дней назад
unban yapdollar
@KlonoaPrime 19 дней назад
3:36 Why did he eat the foil
@FullyAutomaticAddict410 19 дней назад
This was very disrespectful!
@94Jackal 20 дней назад
@saftu835 20 дней назад
free my boy YD 🙏🙏
@TakaOh 20 дней назад
xiao hong shuuuu
@carterwalker4065 20 дней назад
@RP-qq5sx 21 день назад
My husband is in this amazing video!
@LeahFriedman-gj9qo 20 дней назад