Rm Photoz
Rm Photoz
Rm Photoz
Welcome to my channel! My name is Ron ( RM Photoz) this channel i will talk about all different kinds of drones and drone photography tips! I will have product reviews and opinions about these different drones!
Modified 2011 Volkswagen Jetta
4 года назад
Mavic 2 Zoom KING of the Drones?
5 лет назад
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6 лет назад
@SiteSpecialistsLLC 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. I know this is 5 years old, but this saved me. I bought an EVO in Dec 2019, did not use it, then covid pandemic, I moved across country. Just recently opened it up. First 2 missions it stopped at 1600 ft. Every time I turned off Distance Limit in the app, it just turned it back on when I exited the app setting. I thought it was just trash. Then I find your 5-yr old video. You're my hero👍😉
@Sanivlog200 Год назад
@rjrpricarde9426 Год назад
Got a question. Just got the air 2 s with the smart controller. I don't fly very far and the signal bars on the controller turn yellow and back to white what dose it means. I was flying with the antennas upwards. thanks for you advice.
@npr1300A8 2 года назад
Wow! 4.41 miles! I've just re started flying my Mavic 2 Zoom and am very rusty lol. Your video has been very helpful thank you. I noticed your video settings at 1080 60fps. Is that your preferred setting? I usually do 1080 30fps and my very old editing software (Serif Movie 6) liked that. However, I chose 4K 25fps on Friday when filming over farmland and although the quality is great, my editing software couldn't cope with the setting. I have VideoPad software too but I've used Serif for 16 years now and so am reluctant to change. Thanks for your excellent video. 👍
@kennedysingh3916 2 года назад
Watched from Old Harbour, Jamaica. Very beautiful.
@tinof5829 2 года назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Best video so far!!
@mitchcumstein9808 2 года назад
Any way to get the altitude higher than 2640ft? When I first bought this thing i was able to go as high as I wanted, not anymore...bastards
@donkey1912 2 года назад
It looked like you were getting low signal warnings a few times on the way out. I don't think I am brave enough to keep going further if I were getting those warnings on my controller.
@izoyt 2 года назад
m2p does have kind of zoom via its crop mode (but still using 1:1 pixel size, which is still much bigger better than on zoom) , where sharpness etc is actually better.
@HybridLevitation 3 года назад
beautiful, i can see most of this beautiful valley from all these photos.
@karolzalewski8168 3 года назад
Hello! which program did you use to link the pics to mavic?
@therollsroycetrent9947 3 года назад
Grew up in Wenatchee and yes there really is a Lighted Cross. I saw it one time during Apple Blossom 2012.
@joeglennaz 3 года назад
Great video! Do you mind if I ask where you filmed that? It's really scenic
@QLFProductions 3 года назад
I tried with antennas pointed down in various locations and I can't get past 9300 feet.
@mindseyewatering6635 3 года назад
HDRI-Skies is not free - they are charging 10 Euro per shot.
@troylindseyandbosaya2146 3 года назад
@NiklasMalmqvist 3 года назад
My record with the SC and the Mavic Air 2 is around 5000 feet, but for the most times I loose connection around 1000-1500 feet. Don’t know what the problem is......but at the same time, you are not allowed to fly any further...
@PowderMill 3 года назад
🐔 YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY.... I tried this antenna pointing method and achieved slightly better range, but I do believe that I’m going to add an external antenna array system to my smart controller. It’s definitely more costly, but my range is truly miserable with the smart controller. I tried taking my controller and “controlling “ my Mavic 2 Zoom with test gear set up in between me/my controller and the craft. It consisted of an omnidirectional antenna mounted on a tripod sitting on the floor. The antenna (100Mhz to 6.0GHz) was connected to a pair of spectrum analyzers. An Agilent n9340b for the higher range frequencies (“centered” on 5.8GHz with a “span” of 1GHz) . And... an Agilent 8591c for the “lower” frequencies. I “centered” that SA on 2.4 GHz with a “span” of 800Mhz to start. I narrowed down the “span” on each SA as I was able to determine what the Mavic-2 & smart controller we’re really utilizing. With me/controller walking back and away from the test gear, I was able to better “see” the better and more optimized positioning of the remote AND the built-in antennas. I also raised the antenna tripod from a low of 4’ off the ground -->>>. Up to a total maximum height of approximately 40’ (37’ tripod total + antenna base mast height of approx 3’) NOT Surprisingly enough, if you are lucky enough to have a low RF noise floor in the 2.4GHz WiFi / ISM bands and can make use of this portion of the RF spectrum , the range is significantly longer than the 5GHz range of frequencies. LOS range and propagation “rule of thumb” kind of dictates that the 2.4 would be the better range performer. The advantages of the 5GHz spectrum = LESS USAGE by other devices in your environment. (WiFi devices/ cordless phones using ISM spectrum / cellular phones/ IOT devices/ Etc..) plus slightly larger channel “slots” making use of more occupied bandwidth. Also... I was considering installing 2 SMA or BNC female bulkhead style connectors on the exterior of my remote controls, connected directly to the PCB points of termination. (using high grade RG400 or, if too large and stiff, RG316 or equivalent) This would permit me to have access to then connect virtually ANY type of antenna, test device, amplifier, etc,, to the remote control. Then.... I could connect a pair of log-per (“log periodic “) antennas directly to the newly installed connectors on the remote for testing / possibly even more permanent use. Log-per antennas are highly directional and act very similar to “yogi” style directional antennas. (Advantage = significantly higher gain / Disadvantage = Antenna MUST be Pointed at the intended target .. unlike the more ubiquitous “Omni” omnidirectional antenna which transmit and receives without directional requirements) ALSO.... for a few extra bucks, you can also add.... AMPLIFICATION!! For approximately $70-120@, you can purchase “Mini-Circuits” brand LNA type amplifier modules. I was thinking of purchasing 2x (I already have one , but it’s mounted in one of my repeater receivers) of these affordable amps. They are TINY ! You can easily fit 2x in an enclosure the size of a cigarette pack. (I am guessing... I have no idea what the actual dimensions of a pack of cancer sticks... perhaps think of the size in terms of... 1 would easily fit inside an Altoids tin with a bit of room to spare for ventilation) The power required to operate these is tiny as well. Approximately 125ma @12 volts DC.. They have an SMA female for the input and an SMA female for the output. The units that I traditionally use are “medium power” and “low noise factor” and provide approx. 30dB of power amplification. (do the math... logarithmically, of course) That’s a nice bit of increase.... One for transmitting / one for receiving. (You definitely do NOT want to just amplify the transmitter... that could conceivably make the unit “deaf”. You really want a nice balance between transmitter and receiver amplification. If on an extreme budget... (or have a wide 😞😆🤣) you could always try the “Magic of CHINESIUM” There are a ton of tiny broadband type amps available from EBay and Amazon. For approximately $20-40 @ usd, you could try out a pair of “no name” generic types of amp. I saw one listed that handles 100Mhz through 8Ghz / 25dB.... Definitely worth a shot if you are a bit cash-strapped. Just make sure you provide adequate heat sinking / dissipation and the DC power source matches up / AND that the frequency range covers ALL of what dji is using. AND.... PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL!!! IF YOU OVERPOWER THE RX SIGNAL FEEDING THE RECEIVER, YOU COULD EASILY DESTROY DELICATE CIRCUITS. ONLY DO THIS TYPE OF MODIFICATION IF YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THIS TYPE OF WORK. The “DJI Smart Controller” TRANSMITTER provides approximately: 2.4GHz = 25dBm transmission power (USA / FCC compliant version). *18* dBm in the CE / Europe version 5.7 / 5.8Ghz = 25dBm transmission power (USA / FCC ver.) / *12*dBm in the European version. This is less than the “conventional” hand-held transmitter. (You’d think that for the ridiculous price they charge for this model, they would include more power / capabilities.) I was also thinking of making up a small assembly containing a power supply, lithium battery pack and amplifiers. This could easily be mounted to a small and portable tripod. At the tip of the tripod, you could mount to log periodic type antennas. It would be a simple task to aim the antennas in the direction of where you are flying the craft. You would not have to constantly aim and redirect the positioning of the smart remote. A small cable harness could easily attach this remote amplifier unit directly to the connectors you mount on the exterior of the smart remote. Another absolutely critical piece of test equipment = A high quality cell phone that handles WiFi in both the 2.4 AND the 5.7-5.8Ghz ranges. There are several WiFi monitoring utilities available for android and iOS. They scan the available pre-designated Wi-Fi channels and tell you if they are currently in use in proximity to your phone. (Definitely easier to use than spectrum analyzers AND much cheaper - My Agilent n9340b was just over the $12,000 mark) But, sometimes you really need to have the proper test equipment available. Most especially when you are testing antennas. A vector network analyzer can also help determining antenna resonance. After I a
@702solidink 3 года назад
Aloha I have a question regards to go home altitude. What should it be set to if I using my evo around trees ?
@hnice9234 3 года назад
The difference is almost unbelievable.
@edebussc 3 года назад
Since you barely made it back on a single battery at max range, then practically how much further would you even need to go? Good to know. :)
@droneready8278 3 года назад
I know this is an old video but that was epic range...did you ever encounter any issues with your Evo...batteries or otherwise? I have had mine a little over a month and it has been awesome so far.
@maximilianmus801 3 года назад
Thank you for this video. I live here
@chetanunindracusin664 3 года назад
I got about 4.8 maxuntil lost sig and rth back save on both pro and zoom
@Mk5forLife 3 года назад
My Parrot 2.0 foam drone can beat that distance on a 4k display.
@ringerdiggsycobbsy6254 3 года назад
Today I only got 2klms
@joesup1 3 года назад
Looks like it stopped right when it was over the electrical sub-station. Or whatever that was with all the big transmission lines and poles.
@TheBrownFamilyWorkshop 4 года назад
nice photography
@Livingtheglobe 4 года назад
This is correct as far as antenna placement but there still is a lot of variables when I come to flying. In your case, you were trying on flat clear terrain, if there are building or hill and mountains around this all changes bigtime. But at the same time, I see no need to fly 3-4 miles away normally you'd want to fly within your area based on what you see initially, not 4 miles away. And as you can see you bearly got back.
@ftnwo7829 4 года назад
Does this mean you could expect to have at least the claimed range of magic?
@henrytong8707 4 года назад
If I lower my flight altitude to 160ft. The loss in range is even more noticeable. Very disappointed with this controller.
@kalikaputra 3 года назад
You fly that low you won't go anywhere too far
@henrytong8707 4 года назад
It's still not as good the the stock controller for range. Tested the same way as described here.
@MrStickmanish 4 года назад
life saver... the best video for 360 simple editing... the rest are crazy. Thanks a lot!
@rmphotoz7362 4 года назад
MrStickmanish anytime bro!
@TryllHDTv 4 года назад
I know Snoqualmie falls when I see it 😉
@MiguelVM360 4 года назад
Awesome, thanks for sharing,
@KaMRemakefan-Rutger 4 года назад
Wow, is this real? I need to test it hahaha
@Knapweed 4 года назад
Actually, the Gladius Mini can shoot at a max of 120 FPS at 1080p, not 60 2:10. Makes for awesome slow motion footage.
@PhillyDroneLife 4 года назад
I can say for sure the firmware is fine. Bugs of course that we as beta testers are letting then know about but nothing freaking out of the sky here in Philly! Thank God 🙏👍. Unless I decide to push the battery to 0%... Then it just lands. Lol.. Still no falling.. lol. At least not yet! Fingers crossed. Thanks bud for the video. Excellent points! 👏🏻👏🏻 Mikey
@ozstrayapanoramas8610 4 года назад
Anyone considering the Evo 2 needs to spend the extra few dollars and upgrade to the Pro model with its outstanding 1" sensor 6K camera. It's worth the extra dollars. The 8k model is not worth considering IMO.
@rmphotoz7362 4 года назад
I totally agree
@jasonfanton1996 4 года назад
The Evo can go further than 4 miles. I had a spotter swap a battery at 3.2 miles and went out to 6.3 miles before I had to turn and fly back. I was using the 4Hawks Raptor RS range extender up in a watch tower and will post the video after some touch up.
@dark-matters 4 года назад
I have ti's setup you have but can only get around 600 meters. Any pointers. I tested in the countryside about 5 miles of open plane land and no houses for miles. WiFi interface was low.
@SEPK09 4 года назад
Good video, straight to the meat of the matter, Ant: down cheers Man, Liked:) stay safe
@zero00044 4 года назад
Now what's the range when flying low altitude in a city, around buildings? I have a Walkera vitus and I maybe get 50 to 100 feet away at 20 feet high before the Live feed cuts out. Possibly due to interference. Weird thing is that the distortion in the feed when it starts to cut out, gets recorded to the sd card in the drone. I think somehow the Live feed on my phone gets recorded to the on board sd card instead of directly from the drone to card. So image from the drone goes to the controller, then to the phone through the wifi connection, then that image goes back to the controller then do the sd card in the drone. While it's not a terrible drone and I did get a good deal for it on Ebay (got the seller to give it to me for half the retail price and it was still factory sealed) I've had more than a few problems with it. This was my most expensive drone that normally sells for about $700 and I got it for $400. Never owned any dji drones and really want the mavic 2 pro. Especially since they may be banned for sale in the us soon due to a patent lawsuit.
@210SAi 4 года назад
Odd music for a town like Wenatchee
@210SAi 4 года назад
Weird music for Central WA but a great video
@maddmavic 4 года назад
Is there any downfalls on this antenna set up other then size . ?
@rmphotoz7362 4 года назад
only downfall is storage :)
@maddmavic 4 года назад
Mine came today and it's missing some stuff in the package I'm pissed. .is there any way to install it with out using the lil white pieces that go in side. Can I use the ones that are in the drone now some how buy modifying them to work. Or do I need the actual ones that come with the 4hawks .I mean the lil white blocks u mount inside.
@antricemccarroll2958 4 года назад
Put alien tech antenna on it
@jelarv 4 года назад
Thanks...great video. I've had my Mavic 2 (and Smart Controller) for about a week and have tried two range tests and they both only got to about a mile, even with the antennas pointed down. I live in a flat area with no major obstacles between me and the drone. Any thoughts on how to improve the range?
@TouchwoodTV 4 года назад
Urban Area's Cell Phone towers TV Stations 1st responders distal radio transmission all I get is 1.5 miles max
@darrenalkire5281 4 года назад
Nice video! Is that hwy 97 to Rocky Reach dam?
@EQUANT_ 4 года назад
I bought a Raptor sr for my mavic mini and max distance i could reach was 400m in the city. With the stock antenna and a 5$ signal reflector i could do 1500m in the same place. I'm returning this - not sure if this is how it should work or I just got a dud. Would not recommend this to anyone.
@k9chance250 4 года назад
Same problem I’m having I’m actually going to contact 4 Hawks and see what kind of testing they doing cause this is a rip-off.
@EQUANT_ 4 года назад
@@k9chance250 oh, man, good luck with that. If you end up contacting the 4hawks in Poland you're gonna be sorry you ever bought it (their customer service is complete shit). I hope you got yours from a reseller who may be able to help you out.