Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn Official
Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn Official
Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn Official
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Tawheed And Salah - Khutbah
28 дней назад
Месяц назад
Good Treatment Of Parents - Khutbah
Месяц назад
@sakiahdarajatun4689 11 часов назад
Jazakallahu khair. Barakallahu fiikum
@MMAFLIXCHILL 13 часов назад
Beautiful and well articulated message.
@zamanalli3258 19 часов назад
Ha Allah thou art the most gorgeous creator of the universe
@tektako 20 часов назад
What AT will say is that he doesnt actually own anything because none of it is on his name
@bflorida5072 День назад
Did not hear about Andrew’s behavior described here for a long time … What are the sources? But generally correct advise
@GenerationZ0 День назад
Very good lecture - thank you again Jazakhallah Mr Husnayn
@GMMP_ День назад
جزاكم الله كيرا
@jameswalsh2427 День назад
I wonder if Andrew Tate is using Islamic faith rather than a positive reason. He calling his females , his Bit ? C# s , is serious lack of respect. This is beautiful spiritual and moral advice in this video. James J Walsh in Limerick city Ireland 🇮🇪
@JohnScorar День назад
I like Andrew Tate as the left hate him but as they are tied in with islam they have to go through a series of mental gymnastics to explain the fact. Usually its he isnt a true Muslim. Andrew Tates problem is the affliction of all low level criminals, his weakness is ego. It cant be worked out by going to the gym, a hedonistic lifestyle or using the word matrix one more time.
@user-yi1vn6bs4o 2 дня назад
Islam religion is nothing but hatred, mutuality women , teaches you hatred and killing others is something to be rewarded. I glad and pray Andrew Tate gives up your cult
@user-lr7cu9pg9y 2 дня назад
Subhan ALLAH Alhumdu lilah ALLAH ho Akbar ma shaa ALLAH
@sherrygarey1628 2 дня назад
Sorry wrong person 😊
@chris2489001 3 дня назад
Andrew doesn't care about the nitty gritty of Islam. He likes it because it isn't evolving with the times and behaving in a weak manner. He isn't trying to be a great Muslim. He has his own views on life that he isn't going to change for Islam.
@SalamatuAnde 4 дня назад
@SalamatuAnde 4 дня назад
Every Friday night,
@SalamatuAnde 4 дня назад
MAA sha'allah I also love listening to it because I don't know how to read too😢
@Anonymouse242 4 дня назад
Andrew Tate only became a Muslim for protection, nothing more and nothing less. I thought it was apparent from the beginning when he walked out with a Quran in his hand the first time his home was raided.
@jonathandavieswales 4 дня назад
The repugnant TATE is no more of a MUSLIM than a chocolate tea cup. Its GRIFT! He knows that muslims are so gullible they fall for anything . WAKE THE F UP!
@padmac8176 4 дня назад
But I fear you might be wasting your time with Tate. He is a narcissist or at least gives off that vibe. I don't think he really cares.
@padmac8176 4 дня назад
Im not a Muslim and am about as Western as it gets in terms of my sensibilities, but i really enjoyed listening to your message to Andrew Tate. You have a very calming voice and you speak with compassion. Im almost considering Islam myself now! 🙏
@alanw4822 4 дня назад
Yes pls !! Advise one and other for the love of god lol
@alanw4822 4 дня назад
He only did it to get more followers and money lol Clever guy !
@giuseppevittoriovitali 4 дня назад
If satan loves satan how will his kingdom stand?
@JonLettsGuitars 4 дня назад
Are your parents blood related by any chance. Because your iq seems to be affected. You have no sense whatsoever
@JonLettsGuitars 4 дня назад
…but…but…but. You are a disgrace to humanity.
@LeonOrenValentine 4 дня назад
Oh, it's Pronounced "Uh-L-Ah"..? I thought Their Name was Pronounced "Ah-Lah". The Muslim Accent is absolutely Beautiful..! 💜
@LeonOrenValentine 4 дня назад
Or would it be Called "The Islamic Accent"..? Sorry for my Ignorance here. I've never Research this Topic Properly.
@ronny9407 4 дня назад
Gee. You can't advise without Islam? Take my advice without Islam. Tate cusses bitches swears and calls women bitches. Now is that islam?
@maydaygoingdown5602 5 дней назад
I mean no disrespect to you sir but at some point you will realise that Andrew is only a Muslim when it suits him to be one. Until then you are all simply being played.
@brianmauk5126 5 дней назад
Not judging Andrew, but judging by his actions and the words thus far. I see an actor, I see someone playing a part. I see someone that has thought the psychology of his acting part, out very methodically and has rehearsed it to where he believes it, thus making it believable in his words. There is a human behavior that I have noticed amongst us humans to where we want to give the impression of an alignment and a supposed adherence to any certain religion, under the guise of validation. This is usually very detectable when a person, cherry pics and bullet points aspects of a teaching/doctrine that tends to suit their acting part, with the rest seemingly discarded without contemplation. Or, the title of said religion is simply being used as that, a title. This is usually evident by the mention of a religion, and ends there, as they carry on words and actions that do not seem to support their supposed, adherence to, said set of beliefs. Once again, cannot judge what’s in someone’s heart. But I don’t believe in being blind, if a joker is dancing around in front of me, claiming righteousness.
@ThatVeganTeacherYouTube 5 дней назад
If your religion is not telling you to stop paying for the rape, torture and murder of innocent animals, then it is useless. There’s no right way to do the wrong thing. Eating animals is completely unnecessary is cruel, and therefore if you do it, you’re a cruel person. There is no reason to steal eggs from any birds or their wings or their babies. There is no reason to steal milk from a cow. You’re not a baby. You’re not a cow. You don’t live near the north pole, you live near a store, so buy lentil beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, and every vegan item in the store. If you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser. If your religion is not reminding you to be kind to everyone to do your best to be Vegan, your religion is worthless.
@ThatVeganTeacherYouTube 5 дней назад
If your religion is not telling you to stop paying for the rape, torture and murder of innocent animals, then it is useless. There’s no right way to do the wrong thing. Eating animals is completely unnecessary is cruel, and therefore if you do it, you’re a cruel person. There is no reason to steal eggs from any birds or their wings or their babies. There is no reason to steal milk from a cow. You’re not a baby. You’re not a cow. You don’t live near the north pole, you live near a store, so buy lentil beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, and every vegan item in the store. If you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser. If your religion is not reminding you to be kind to everyone to do your best to be Vegan, your religion is worthless.
@MohammadIrishNative 5 дней назад
I ❤
@adamhowarth8497 5 дней назад
Just because we don't believe in Muhammed?!? If we despised you, we wouldn't allow you to build them monstrosities and let you run free in our societies and democracies?!? It's your views of this that are causing you problems. Your answer is to choose your camp our option Jesus loves everyone 😫 where do we go from here?!? Tates doing it for clicks so let's not even get twisted by that. He may also think it will help him with impending court cases, probably will...
@ThatVeganTeacherYouTube 5 дней назад
If your religion is not telling you to stop paying for the rape, torture and murder of innocent animals, then it is useless. There’s no right way to do the wrong thing. Eating animals is completely unnecessary is cruel, and therefore if you do it, you’re a cruel person. There is no reason to steal eggs from any birds or their wings or their babies. There is no reason to steal milk from a cow. You’re not a baby. You’re not a cow. You don’t live near the north pole, you live near a store, so buy lentil beans, rice, potatoes, carrots, and every vegan item in the store. If you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser. If your religion is not reminding you to be kind to everyone to do your best to be Vegan, your religion is worthless.
@killuminatiuk3697 5 дней назад
Seriously why can't you muslims just leave people alone! Stop moaning and STOP trying to convert people!!
@cryptobra5933 5 дней назад
Jesus is King
@blessedlife1206 5 дней назад
In Christian religion the Bible Matthew 7:5, says, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye". We are not here to correct each other because it’s the Holy Spirit that is one who teaches and corrects us. We are here to love one another and leave the judgement and corrections to God.
@kimberlyreynolds3659 5 дней назад
Bro is fighting the good fight - and his displays are apart of it. Trying to suppress a free thinker is being silly, he would def have a good response that explains what you are unable to see due to your servantry.
@jamesgalvin1004 5 дней назад
Islam is toxic
@ParallelNews-4u 6 дней назад
Before you fall asleep, close your eyes and transport yourself to a place where happiness resides. Can you see it in your imagination? How spectacular you look! That car, that job, that home, that perfect partner, that vacation. Now, follow these instructions and your wishes will come true. When you wake up in the morning and become aware of yourself, remind yourself that you have agreed to and accepted a new role. This new role, like in a movie, promises great rewards and is life-changing exactly the way you want it. All you have to do is block out any negative thoughts and force your mind to think happy thoughts. That’s it. That’s the secret. Cheat code Vision+Kindness=Ubandance Play the role of a good, friendly person who wants to help others and has big dreams. See those dreams come true. Keep practicing this secret, and you will thank me. Remember, the more you practice, the more abundantly you will be blessed with wealth and abundance.
@ParallelNews-4u 6 дней назад
I was anticipating a call to order. a Bit late, but we will take it.
@_imV 6 дней назад
His conversion was a tactical move... Are you all blind?
@titkosnagyon 6 дней назад
@jesseambrose9285 6 дней назад
Didn't Muhammad have a 12 year old wife that's why Andrew converted
@andrewmaze3479 6 дней назад
Mate there is no such thing as alia Mohammad was a false profit Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior there is no other way into the kingdom of heaven but only through Jesus Christ wake up bone head Jesus is the king of kings
@LeonardojavierMellaretamal 6 дней назад
❤❤❤❤.❤. Leonardo Javier mella Retamal Chile curico saludos cordiales príncipe
@soumayamostafa2684 6 дней назад
he doesn't care
@dogermanos 6 дней назад
I learned so much: So the real life is not here but hereafter (what's the proof?)... and believing in Allah is the only religion. So much separation with any religion... no wonder hate and wars are everywhere :(( Andrew Tate chose this because he wants you guys on his side, most probably because of your money.
@hikmhshm9255 5 дней назад
What is your background religiously?? Afterlife judgement day hellfire/paradise is certain and as muslims its all part of the creed, we believe this because Allah/God revealed to us this knowledge through the Quran and also other past scripures confirm this
@l0l287 6 дней назад
Jesus Christ is our lord and savior amen
@wtfitsjunex 6 дней назад
brother in humanity, i admire how you make the book as a medium to unite us, i might not use the right words here in this comment but my point is, thats the right thing to do, im an aetheist/former roman catholic.. but i still follow the rules of the book as my moral code. wether what religion it is as long as it is morally the right thing to do, so lets admire and listen to this man, now im enlightened that islam has that giving of advice .. and thats the best thing to do instead of bringing some one down more.. lets use our religion to unite not to divide. cause turst me diversity is spreading like wild fire and this will destroy humanityy
@Caggor 6 дней назад
The bible says the truth 💯🙏👏👏👏