Planet Curious
Planet Curious
Planet Curious
The aim of this channel is to cultivate our most inner human endeavour, our curiosity. We do this by promoting humanism, science, democracy and critical thinking.

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@randomproductions9895 19 часов назад
7:50 but to demean and condem faith based off that SAME spiritually is completely hypocritical especially when both faith and science is based off of decades of assumptions being proven as fact and anything that isnt verifiable is seen as completely fiction is disenguous, we should see all possibilities as equal until there is evidence and we shouldnt see evidence as out right proof of something being true but we should see it as a verification that our assumptions COULD be true
@percubit10 22 часа назад
Think for yourself. Science can provid e a tool to better explain the universe.
@MusingsFromTheJohn00 День назад
What I do not understand is that if religion is in decline why does it appear religious fanaticism is growing stronger in power across the USA and posing a real threat to turn the USA into a theocracy?
@ronsaywack1681 День назад
Carl Sagan was one of history's most brilliant scientists and teachers. He could explain the intricacies of science in a language anyone layperson could understand. For anyone to understand life on Earth and the Universe at large, the first step is to understand the immensity of time measured in billions of years. Yes, billions of years. Take a moment to reflect on what a billion years is!
@nibiruresearch День назад
Is'n it reallity that the green line represents Allah?
@MsDamosmum День назад
Nice speech, where can I find the research and resulting data?
@vls3771 День назад
Our neighbours have been church goers for 30 years ..a few months ago on a Sunday he was out mowing the lawn ..I walked over and said hi ...no church today? He turned off the mower and said" it was a difficult decision but our family no longer follow any religion ..we have been discussing our thoughts for a few months and we want to spend more time together as a family " Ok I said Anything that tipped the scales ..? Well, he said the church as you know is a 5000 member one so not small ...in 10 years there were no updates on missions work no attempts to support any local homeless shelters no suggestions for the youth to help anyone the money kept going in and the pastors house grew larger over the years while many members struggled ...it dawned on us that the leadership has little to do with the jesus we came to follow ...the music started to sound more like childrens nursery rhymes emotional and childish praise that seemed acted out . By the way we would like to spend more time with your family also on weekends" I went back and told my wife and she was not surprised....and we have had some great weekends together sharing our time with them...🎉
@BuddhaStillness День назад
Wow, this video provides such a clear and thoughtful analysis! I really appreciate how it dives deep into the psychology of belief, offering fascinating insights on how personal perspectives shape our understanding of God
@helenhawkins2107 День назад
The influence of God is decreasing in the West. The same cannot be said for Allah.
@richardventus1875 День назад
There is increasing scientific evidence that there must be an intelligent creator and scientists cannot explain 95% of what they see in the universe. I had several Out of Body experiences when I was a child and I was told to live my life in accordance with the Guidelines of Problacism which I have put on-line for everyone to see. When you understand how and why the universe works as it does there is nothing more beautiful.
@richardventus1875 День назад
God is now going to return through Jesus. It has already started as millions of people who believe will have their faith confirmed and millions more non-believers are going to see the light to be converted. The starting gun was the mocking of Jesus during the Olympics Opening Ceremony in Paris this summer. The whole world is about to enter a terrible decade of economic and moral collapse during which many millions of people will suffer and die and it is only the people of Faith who will be able to get through it.
@DraginEgg2 День назад
there is no way people are still seriously using the ''problem of evil'' as proof against God 😭
@MichaelPHays 2 дня назад
Believing in God is not the same as knowing God. So, the more one ignores God, the more they feel distant from God.
@chrisberlin1552 2 дня назад
To be clear, our society more and more are not living God’s law…therefore, God is allowing our enemies to gain dominion over us. Period. Abortion, Trans garbage, etc etc etc. Did i stutter?
@localize404 2 дня назад
How can a virgin have a baby? We know how.
@moriscondo5511 2 дня назад
you cuz like knowledge and stuff, makes sense we would eventually cast of stories from the past. I saw a bumper sticker a while ago:"Prayer. Our best defense agains knowledge".
@unbreakable.3132 2 дня назад
Down with Islam🔥
@j.robertson9025 2 дня назад
If I were a religious person, I would say it is immoral to support abortion because it’s murder, it’s immoral to support homosexuality because decoupling sex from its procreative function leads to risky sexual practices, it’s immoral to allow unrestricted immigration because you may unwittingly allow gangsters/drug traffickers/sex traffickers into local communities, it’s immoral to ignore the sex differences between men and women and their respective strengths and weaknesses, and it’s immoral to not adequately discipline your kids. The gun thing is only really applicable to the US and is more of a cultural phenomenon than religious one. Still, according to a religious moral paradigm, secular people would also fall woefully short. Defining “morality” in a more objective way would allow for better metrics. How about charity? Involvement in caring professions? Community involvement? Volunteering? I would like to see the metrics in those areas.
@j.robertson9025 3 дня назад
So basically you’re defining “morality” as anything that aligns with a secular humanist moral values. Even as someone who shares a lot of secular humanist values, I can see how skewed these claims are. Of course religious people are not going to define moral behavior in the same way a secular person would.
@chrisberlin1552 3 дня назад
…and this is the very reason God is giving our enemies dominion over us.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
Huuu what?
@tr7938 3 дня назад
Deceptive pseudo-science. There are NO higher dimensions in reality.... only in the fantasy world.
@tr7938 3 дня назад
Why are fools in these comments talking about the Bible like it isn't man-made fiction. Do your homework, dummies.
@helenhawkins2107 3 дня назад
The idea that atheism is morally benign and in some way a neutral lens through which to view the world is somewhat questionable.
@olawilliams25 3 дня назад
I grew up in 55 years watching and thinking (mostly through religion) that Carl Sagan was an abhorrent mixture of a PAGAN and a SATAN. Today, I feel free to abandon all of that NONSENSE...Thanks to Neil degrasse Tyson and many others who were positively influenced by Carl Sagan's honest and dutiful scientific thought and work. The universe has always been. We can actually call the universe GOD, having no beginning and no end...And we are part of it. We have always been and we shall always be. As we learn more about ourselves and the universe around us, we learn more about God, the universe...We learn more about ourselves. That we are part of the universe. We are part of God. No beginning. No ending. An emerging and evolving consciousness. A continuum. A continuing journey...There's so much out there and in here beyond one lifetime, beyond the inner and outer space. We have so much to know, so much of lives of learning ahead...
@markaxworthy2508 3 дня назад
Religion is not in decline - Reason is on the RISE.
@zenalibertana 3 дня назад
There are no sharp arguments against religion. There are only stupid superficial arguments valid only for idiots by Christopher Hitchens.
@quartytypo 3 дня назад
People look into the face of their god every day: The cellphone.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
Oh, that was sooo deeeep...
@DouglasBernes 3 дня назад
fMRI studies show that the same brain areas light up when people think of god as when they think of themselves. Worshiping god is the highest form of narcissistic self-flattery.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
Yeahnoshit, Everyone I know and truly (not the regular Sunday church goers) religious are all self entitled, narcissistic Dunning-Krugers. And humanity full of those people, that's why religion is still exist.
@rickymcdaniel7971 3 дня назад
When we were young, we were told about Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Ferry and God. In school we learned about the Norse gods and the Greek gods. Then are told to believe that all but one of these things is either a fairy tale or superstition.There is no proof of God, he doesn't protect churches from fire, flood, earthquake or hurricanes. He doesn't protect his people from sickness, accidents or death.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
I was 11 years old when realised that God is just a myth and that was easier than digest that Santa is not real, one year before!
@treich1234 3 дня назад
Excellent assessment
@gsco82 3 дня назад
You seem to be referring to the Christian God. There are other, non-religious ways to view God. Perhaps God is the creator, preserver and destroyer who does not intervene in human affairs. Take a look at deism as a means of understanding God.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
"There are other, non-religious ways to view God" You mean supernatural. Yeah, we have that and that is on the same level of unfounded, not even Hypotheses level nonsense. "Take a look at deism as a means of understanding God." What kind of reason you had, when you found that a creator, or god is feasible? Also, why should I care if that is possible ,when we will never be able to figure that out? The problem is not if there is a god or not, since we have no evidence that anything being controlled by it, but the problem is the religions that we, humans made and cause unnecessary suffering and harm to us!
@Knaeben 4 дня назад
Most of what passes for religion in the West is just a veiled secularism. Most Christianity in the USA is just a form of political propaganda with a thin veneer of Christianity thrown over it. It isn't even real Christianity. So people don't really have obvious places to go to experience spirituality or real religion.
@michaelparks5669 4 дня назад
Atheism leads to genocide. in the 20th century alone over 100 million innocent people were killed by Atheist governments. Christianity gave us Civil Rights. Best study up.
@PhilSophia-ox7ep 3 дня назад
What a silly argument. There's hardly a single crime against humanity that was committed in the name of atheism. There's innumerable ones committed in the name of religion. If Christianity gave us civil rights, it also prevented winning our civil rights. If it ended slavery, it also justified it. If it legitimated international laws, it also enabled genocide.
@dorkception2012 2 дня назад
What are those "Atheist governments" exactly?
@michaelparks5669 2 дня назад
@@dorkception2012 China. Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nazi Germany. Laos, etc.
@gothboschincarnate3931 4 дня назад
Good riddance. Religion is manipulative filth. Metaphysics is truth and can be experienced. It is incomplete and unfortunately subjected to a measure of fraud as well ... 😭
@nothinghere1996 4 дня назад
worry not, it's coming back with a vengeance. the problem until now, there were no Levite priests. ❤
@mirandahotspring4019 4 дня назад
In New Zealand, in the 2018 census the largest group by religious demographic was "No religious belief" at 48.6%. Second largest was Christianity at 37.3%. All other beliefs were about 7.4% and the remainder didn't answer. This was quite different to the 1972 census which showed Christianity at 93% and no belief at 3%. I'm looking forward to seeing what the 2023 census result will be, it should be released soon.
@thesimsdreamer 4 дня назад
Here is the real version of the atheist professor, like in the terrible movie GOD Is Not DEAD. Sorry, just the first I thought about 30 seconds in.
@glee4694 4 дня назад
I lost interest in religion when the questions I asked about biblical and religious teachings I were met with “You must have faith”. I was twelve years old.
@enriquegarcia2612 4 дня назад
Because in the west they claim hipocritically that they are Christians, whereas , in fact, they employ a Christian rhetoric to justify supremacism. However, they worship on the one hand, money, that gives power, and have syncretized all sorts of ancient and modern beliefs susceptible to be marketed, depriving them of any spiritual meaning, in particular the two main european Christian celebrations, less about Christ's birth, and more about the magic beliefs in the magical resurgence of life, and easter, a celebration for an ancient pagan european goddess, mixed with all sorts of magical things, like rabbits, painted eggs.
@danielpaulson8838 4 дня назад
Unsubscribing. Hypocrisy and finger pointing while ignoring one’s own ignorance is a global issue. Why did you go there? You a Trump support channel? A stupid is us channel?
@davidlarson4647 4 дня назад
The premise of David Voss is flawed on many levels, yet one can understand that people who either distance themselves from the God of Christianity do so more from their personal narcissism that defines their perspective of God as a metaphysical gumball machine that they should be able to manipulate to give them what they desire. Furthermore, people in the West seem to define religion as some type of Christianity without ever looking at the Unabridged OXFORD Dictionary for what that term really means: "1335 religion, n. A particular system of faith and worship. 1576- religion, n. figurative. A pursuit, interest, or movement, followed with great devotion."
@tbeXsupe 4 дня назад
I created a theory called the C.O.P. theory. Crossed Opposite Parallels.....meaning that all things that exist Seen or unseen automatically brings into existence it's perfect Opposite upon discovery. I inadvertently discovered myself understanding the 4th dimension and how to perceive it. I need help understanding why everything in this world from people to sounds to oxygen to planets to universe's became numbers and letters in endless but predictable patterns. All of sudden I understand USA Taxes or anything dealing with the 3rd dimension as a whole. I need help because I'm losing my mind creating new perceptions of reality for myself only for someone else to not only see it backwards but see it inverted or inside out. A "3" looking at a mirror that constantly shows the reflection of a "4" or vice versa. I feel the only thing that can be assured is Math. "The C.O.P equation" I know has to exist because that's exactly what my theory suggests.
@iseerashonal821 5 дней назад
At this point I look at people who believe in this bs as idiots
@ohzone6464 5 дней назад
because they dont' believe in sus silly nonsence any more.
@Merlinever 5 дней назад
"Why Religion & God are Disappearing in the West." Because people are finally waking up to the glaringly obvious fact that iron-age theology has no place in the 21st century. And WTF took this so long?
@eadmonddai7436 5 дней назад
Why? Have you heared education my friend?
@taurencechisholm2791 5 дней назад
Our ancient ancestors left libraries of books regarding the Spiritual Realm but alot of the libraries were mainly burned by Europeans and we all forget that part. There was a time when our ancestors knew the names of alot of the Angels in the Spiritual Realm and they wrote about being carried up into the Spiritual Realm by certain Angels. American and European intellectuals can only reference history that goes back to Rome those scientists never mention countries like Ethiopia 🇪🇹 that has alot of those ancient books and that's why that country was never conquered and their libraries were protected. Its easy for European intellectuals to contradict the pagan roman Christian religion called catholicism. Catholicism is the worse of the worse and it has set the worse example of spirituality and mature moral self control. They're easy to defeat cause they half ass believe themselves - have at it!!!
@rutha1464 5 дней назад
I think organized religion is on the decline because we have become fat and lazy. Truly, following a path of spiritual improvement is damn hard work. Trust me. If things ever get really bad (God forbid) in our great land, the people who now cast scorn and derision towards the life of the Spirit will flock back in droves!
@thetornadocrusader968 5 дней назад
To the first point made in the video about religion telling you not to think! Who should we trust? Man who doesnt know everything or God who knows everything? But what if someone says well God is not real! Well then they are assuming there is no God in thr forst place which how are ypu going to prove God or or get God proved to you of you first dont become willing to figure it out at all?
@inchristallshallbemadealive 5 дней назад
Your criteria for morality is biased. Christians are opposed to homosexuality on moral grounds. To call that immoral without proof is circular. You're just arbitrarily picking a moral standard that religious people won't pass. I can easily do the same thing for atheists. Atheists are far more likely to support the murder of babies through abortion, which makes them more immoral. Even if I'm wrong about religion, that would make my moral standard as well founded as yours. Atheism can't select between these moral standards. This is the problem with atheist morality. It's arbitrary and without foundation. It's not founded on any higher principles. It's just made up. If atheists are correct, that would only mean that everyone's moral standard is arbitrary. It wouldn't make atheists correct. The fact that you can invent a moral standard to condemn literally anyone is vacuous. As for the unquestioning support for Israel from some evangelicals, that's based on a relatively modern heresy. It's not based on scripture or tradition. Also, to characterise Christianity as being about following rules demonstrates that you've never actually engaged with Christian orthodoxy. You should read the authoritative material and important thinkers before you criticise a religion or you'll make a fool of yourself. You're just being lazy.