Right from the Bible
Right from the Bible
Right from the Bible
Hello and welcome to Right from the Bible,

The goal of the channel is to provide bible studies, bible teachings, with an emphasis on systematic theology. We will discuss prophecy, discipleship, foundations in the faith with an emphasis on growing believers in the faith.

This is a new format for teaching. We want to keep it simple and personable. We will eventually open it up to bible questions. Please feel free to subscribe and hit the notification bell if you would like to keep up with newly posted studies.

Soon to be coming will be our Monday through Friday devotionals with an emphasis on scripture memorization. Since we do not currently have an extensive archive, we will be uploading fresh material as we move forward.

We pray you are blessed and grow deeper in your walk with Jesus
Right from the Bible: Jonah Chapter 2
Месяц назад
Right from the Bible: Jonah 1:4-17
Месяц назад
Right from the Bible: Jonah 1:1-3
Месяц назад
Right from the Bible: 2 John chapter 1:1-5
2 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 4:7-19
2 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 3:18-4:6
2 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 3:11-17
2 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 2:18-25
2 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 2:1-17
3 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: 1 John chapter 1
3 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: Joel  chapter 3:9-21
3 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: Joel  chapter 3:1-8
3 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: Joel  chapter 2:21-32
4 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: Joel  chapter 2:18 - 20
4 месяца назад
Right from the Bible: Joel  chapter 2:12-17
4 месяца назад
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 4 дня назад
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 7 дней назад
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 11 дней назад
Thank you for your continuation. We are uplifting in our prayers for this ministry.
@rightfromthebible4602 9 дней назад
Thank you for your prayers. How is the weather in your area? Are the flood waters receding? We are continuing to keep your situation in prayer.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 9 дней назад
@@rightfromthebible4602Thank you so much, Now the situation is right normal in our state Andhra Pradesh, India. We thank God for His Love on our state.
@rightfromthebible4602 9 дней назад
@@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari That is answered prayer. Have a great day in the Lord! Time for our service here.
@youaregodspursuit 11 дней назад
Clear and concise... thx!
@rightfromthebible4602 11 дней назад
Thank you my brother. God is faithful. I was working through some serious allergies on this one.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 13 дней назад
Pls remember in your prayers for our state as it is flooded with heavy rain. We are effected with flood waters.
@rightfromthebible4602 12 дней назад
Absolutely. Please keep us posted on any improvements. We will be adding your situation to our prayer list.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 13 дней назад
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 18 дней назад
Being a youngster I found & passionate about Paul & his ministry as a good model of our spiritual walk🎉
@rightfromthebible4602 16 дней назад
Paul will continually express throughout his letters the importance of his example. "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Phil 4:9 (KJV) Check out some of the following cross references: 1 Corinthians 4:16; Philippians 3:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9. In the Philippians 3:17 verse he includes our responsibility to seek out others whose example is one of following Jesus. I pray that the Lord will raise up many who desire to follow Jesus in such a manner as to be an example of a believer in Christ for others to follow. Maybe you are going to be one of them. May the Lord bless and deepen your desire to know Him through the knowledge of His word. God bless
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 16 дней назад
@@rightfromthebible4602 Thank you for your Inputs and encouragement. Right now, I'm preparing for morning worship and going through Gospel of John from yours output.
@rightfromthebible4602 16 дней назад
@@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari Your welcome. I don't believe I have the gospel of John posted. I taught through John a number of years back. All of the studies on RU-vid are my more recent studies over the past few years. I will be doing a gospel soon. Maybe John will be the place to start.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 16 дней назад
@@rightfromthebible4602 Praise the Lord Brother. I'm well tempted to raise thought of worship by John 14:15 added with 1Cor 11: 24-26, Like 22: 19-20 & Mark 14:24(This is My blood of the new covenant). John 14:15 was your output. Blessed be the journey with you in my learning.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 21 день назад
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 25 дней назад
Thank you Lord for renewing my Bible study method🎉🎉
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 28 дней назад
Lord shall bless this ministry for many 🎉🎉
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari Месяц назад
When I started meditate Book of Jonah, unexpectedly I found this parallel Bible study. I praise Lord for you with the thankful heart for adding this Bible study to enlighten me with the spiritual thoughts from the authors of "Right from the Bible." Let Lord's Name be glorified with our lives in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
@rightfromthebible4602 22 дня назад
I am happy and blessed to hear that you are able to utilize the studies as a commentary. Early in my walk with the Lord, over 40 years ago, I would listen to studies on the radio. many teachers were teaching through the bible. I found it a rich resource. I enjoy systematic Theology and systematically teaching through the word. May the Lord bless your desire for His word and your relationship with Him deepen. God bless
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari 22 дня назад
@@rightfromthebible4602 thank you Brother.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari Месяц назад
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ I was waiting for a parallel Bible study along with you. Thank you for providing me good inputs❤.
@rightfromthebible4602 Месяц назад
You are welcome. May your relationship with our Lord and Savior deepen. We are humbled to be able to serve Our Lord and the brethren through the teaching of His precious word.
@Evg.Yuvaraj_dasari Месяц назад
Thanks for your efforts. It really helped me to go through the book of Jonah again after listening this output.🎉
@rightfromthebible4602 Месяц назад
Your welcome. We are happy to know that the study has been a helpful resource.
@oscarmudd6579 2 месяца назад
Of course, the people didn't lie and cheat in the "bible days"!
@youaregodspursuit 3 месяца назад
Well done brother... Declare my Glory!
@GrandmaMeGrandkittiesGrandkids 3 месяца назад
Thank you for putting on RU-vid
@GrandmaMeGrandkittiesGrandkids 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much
@GrandmaMeGrandkittiesGrandkids 3 месяца назад
God bless everyone
@youaregodspursuit 4 месяца назад
Pride is the basis of all sin as we have learned. And the Scripture, the word of God, contains thousands of examples of following pride to our destruction. How many times has God's Chosen People turned their backs on their benefactor in the Old Testament and yet they continue with their infidelity. We are without excuse. The point that you make about serving a living God is more than to the point! As our Lord and Savior said, "Not my way, but..." Thanks for being direct and factual with your teaching.
@youaregodspursuit 4 месяца назад
How easy is it to poo-poo this book away and declare it allegorical? Nevertheless, we find confirmation of what Joel describes as becoming true in the rest of the Old Testament. Therefore, if we are clear in our understanding of the level of public sin today how do we not come to believe that we are doomed on earth. We should remember how angry God was with the Chosen People when they went astray? The earth has become the five cities of the plain: Admah, Zeboim, Gomorrh, Bela and Sodom. We are not the chosen people of God. Yet we are the Bride of Christ as believers. Ergo, our lip service to God, our ignoring of public sin and our duplicity in the oppression of others should lead to a similar response from God. Perhaps one should revisit the Book of Revelation to see how that punishment is delivered as God turns us fully over to our sin one last time. Maranatha!
@youaregodspursuit 4 месяца назад
Thank you... pray, repent and be obedient! Your assessment of how people attack the representatives of God to make him disappear is classic. They know better than to attack God directly. It is "safer" to attack his representatives. As one of God's representatives we should be pleased to serve. It is like being "on point" with the patrol in enemy country!
@franklobue782 4 месяца назад
Thank you I have picking the abortion clinic Redding ca. for 30 years I feel this so much of me being a ❤️watchman
@rightfromthebible4602 4 месяца назад
Protesting against abortions/clinics does not receive the recognition it deserves. I was raised in Southern California. the first anti-abortion rally I went to was in 1984 in Los Angeles. Hundreds of people attended at that time. Speaking and standing up for the defenseless is at the very heart of God. May the Lord richly bless your efforts. May you see the fruits of your labor result in the saving of unborn lives. God bless you
@youaregodspursuit 4 месяца назад
We have been told that if we so much as think a thing it is like it has happened... lust after a woman and you have had her. If - then is the construct here. The examples of what we consider in our minds and the separation between those thoughts and our actions are now closer than ever. As you mention, who is foolish enough to think that because of His silence God either ignores or approves of killing innocents in the womb and out of the womb is the utmost of foolishness. 60+ million in the US alone. It took 100 years of the Black Plague to kill off 1/4 of the people in Europe in the 14th century. What have we done in about 50 years... As you mention, we are in judgement... the punishment issuing from God is soon upon us. Ergo, the prophesy of Joel is a dual one. Our youth insist on being left alone and will not suffer anyone warning them about anything. Hebrews 10:31 is completely ignored by most people including many professing Christians... just as was told by Joel for his descendants. It is true more so now then ever in America. "It is a fearful and terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God [incurring His judgment and wrath]." How shall we all fare as He sends His Son back to us? And should we ignore the analogy regarding the locusts by comparing the flood of humans across our borders who will like locusts devour what we have; stripping of our land/culture/economy? Judgment may be happening as we stand around. Perhaps we should engage in personal and public repentance now. Please continue to ring the warning bell. The hard parts of Scripture are turned from at every opportunity. The promises of glory, healing, love are embraced quickly. And those parts where we are told of our sinful natures bringing us destruction are turned away from. It is apparent that as we grow closer to the end of what we know as normal deaf ears are turning away from truth. Again, please continue to ring the warning bell! People only like the if/then declarations if they include no punishment. We need all of the message all of the time.
@steveodell2701 4 месяца назад
Thank you Ray for that insightful introduction. The brain has to be totally engaged to comprehend the Lords clues for present and future times . So looking forward to the content of the book of Joel. Love you brother. Greetings and well wishes to Katia and your congregation.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
I would say that we see the beginning of the end today. there have always been wars and famines. However, Israel has only recently been a country. They are in place for what has been prophesied about them as the end arrives! And now sin is celebrated internationally at every level like never before. Mix in the killing of innocents every day through abortion (more than those killed by the Plague in Europe in the 14th century) and you may have sufficient provocation for God to move soon. Regardless of when, it is critical to be prepared to meet your Savior every day. Watch in expectation, not in fear. Maranatha Lord!
@rightfromthebible4602 4 месяца назад
Well stated my brother. Keeping you in prayer.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
I have over the last two months encountered repeated challenges and failures, small and large. Most of which are beyond explanation. From this teaching I have come to understand that my relationship with God is skewed ... I am edging away from obedience. God is reminding me to get back on tract so that He may continue to bless me. I know what to do and thank you for reminding me.
@rightfromthebible4602 5 месяцев назад
I am happy to hear you are blessed by the study my brother. It seems as we leap closer to the return of our Lord the spiritual battle intensifies for us. Stand strong. We'll coordinate a time to chat soon.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
Another well done presentation. Revelation, the book that so many ministers avoid. They do themselves and their churchs a disservice.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
This touched me Ray. I have been protected and led along by God all my life without even realizing it. All of that so that I may be here today doing what I do for His glory. The small things I do are only there because I conform. He desires obedience over sacrifice! If I may... find Mike Winger and his 4 hour video regarding the work of Benny Hinn.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for being faithful in your efforts ... I am 77. Wife passed away 10 years ago. I would love to have an earthly companion... yet I ignore that desire and focus on dealing with working within the restraints/guidance explained here. Christ is at my side daily and is sufficient.
@youaregodspursuit 5 месяцев назад
Good work Ray... stay in the gap brother... God sees you being faithful. How can they hear if no one teaches?
@rightfromthebible4602 5 месяцев назад
Thank you my brother.
@michaeljmasseri973 6 месяцев назад
Youd have to be foolish to not plainly see the context when the phrase, take heed, which always means to slow down and make sure, before making any decision or choice. All this extra is all bull donkey! Wow these youtube nickle and dimers
@michaeljmasseri973 6 месяцев назад
I thought this was , right from the bible ? Then why you adding ypur heretic opinion? Dfirst words you spoke was off the path. You're wrong
@user-mn1bs7cj2u 7 месяцев назад
Prays Jesus Christ Holy Bible (Matt 4:17) From that time on Jesus Began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Prays Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah.2022.
@rightfromthebible4602 7 месяцев назад
May I ask where you are from?
@tylerscriven107 8 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot sir!
@rightfromthebible4602 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Tyler. I pray that you are blessed by the teaching.
@youaregodspursuit 10 месяцев назад
Those who are not believers find this to be hard to understand. Yes, we love what world has to offer. It is our nature to lean to this... of course it is what we are used to. Nevertheless, as Paul says, "to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord." We know our outcome. It is not hard to be jealous of what we know in the now. It seems that few understand the concept too that we are in a realm of time and the deceased person joins God in a place with no time ... hard to understand, but true. Thanks for the message and being true to the word.
@m2v-animatez Год назад
Preach on brother😃
@ginagrauman9586 Год назад
Paul is my Apostle!!
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
Well done... very helpful to set up the "Rest of the Story."
@rightfromthebible4602 Год назад
Thank you my brother.
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
Great work Brother!
@chericandream Год назад
sWORD Spirit and Truth -- 7th day sAbbAth's Seal -- Covenant IN Loyalty Yahu'Ah= Spirit= AbbA Creator Father. Yahu'Sha Hebrew Anointed SonShip= sWORD and Head(ROCK) to body(stones) of congregation covenant loyal (be)living IN earth, that adhere TO His voice: (Yashra'Al) ...The Most High Ahb Yahu'Ah sovereign saves. Emet ❤️
@kentcc Год назад
this was great, i’m also working 3rd shift lol
@rightfromthebible4602 Год назад
I've worked 3rd shift at different times in my life. I never got used to it. Be safe
@LorenzoLlamas Год назад
Allow me to begin this fascinating subject if I may. My studies of the scriptures for many years have enlightened me in certain areas of theology that I find compelling and curious about the writings of the holy Bible, so as to indulge with like-minded theologians such as your self. By no means am I boasting nor considering myself intellectually superior to you or anyone else, I have no degrees in the studies of the religious faiths that overwhelm my attempts to be equal in any way with learned scholars nor men of high standards. That being said, I present for your consideration my hypothesis on the subject of the ''sacred secret.'' This so-called ''mystery'' was kept in silence for long lasting times {Rom.16:25-27}. For over four thousand years since the rebellion in the garden of Eden, It concerned a ''seed'' mentioned at Gen.3:15. Men have waited for a time of God's promise of a seed to bruise the head of the serpent like Adversary and thereby bringing relief to mankind. For nearly two thousand years they had hoped in God's covenant with Abraham for that seed, who would ''take possession of the gate of his enemies.'' And by whom all nations of the earth would bless themselves. Gen.22: 15-18. At last when ''the full limit of the time arrived God sent forth his Son, and through him revealed the meaning of the ''sacred secret,'' through him gave the definitive answer to the issue raised by God's adversary, the Devil Satan, it was a moral issue. The sacred secret provided the means for redeeming obedient mankind from sin and death though the ran- some sacrifice of his Son, the ''sacred secret!'', had arrived and was revealed to be God's beloved first-born Son., Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior! Those apostles that wrote about the sacred secret, were speaking about themselves as joint heirs with him in heaven. The total number would be 144,000 anointed brothers of Christ that would share in ruling over righteous mankind leading it to perfection during the thousand years healing time of all the nations on earth. Rev. 7:4; 14:1. Yes! kings and priests with our Lord Jesus. Rev 20:6 The rest of all righteous ones will inherit the earth forever Psa.37:9- 11, 29. I encourage those interested in my belief to do research for themselves. Thank you, sir, for allowing me to share your page. I am grateful to you. Thanks again. May Jehovah God, bless you. Amen.
@rightfromthebible4602 Год назад
I appreciate your interest in the study of the scriptures. As well as your desire to want to follow along with us at Right from the Bible as we study through the word systematically. As we continue, we will address theological points found within the context of the passage being studied. I will take a moment to address some of the points that you have made. Some of which are very concerning. I will place my comments after each point in the body of your statement below. Allow me to begin this fascinating subject if I may. My studies of the scriptures for many years have enlightened me in certain areas of theology [[[[ In one of my recent postings I address those that would hold to certain pet subjects. The patient, diligent study of the scripture is intended to develop all points of theology so that no singular topic, or a few favorites become so emphasized as to create an imbalance in one's conclusions, therefore not rightly dividing the word of God.]]]] that I find compelling and curious about the writings of the holy Bible, so as to indulge with like-minded theologians [[[[ Like minded theologians place an emphasis on all of scripture. Be wary of anyone who does not.]]]] such as your self. By no means am I boasting nor considering myself intellectually superior to you or anyone else, I have no degrees in the studies of the religious faiths [[[[ Don't be concerned in the studies of the religious faiths. Scripture tell us there is one faith (Ephesians 4:5; Jude 1:3). It appears based upon some of your statements that other beliefs have influenced your conclusions.]]]] that overwhelm my attempts to be equal in any way with learned scholars nor men of high standards. That being said, I present for your consideration my hypothesis on the subject of the ''sacred secret.'' [[[[ I strike a concern with the use of the term “sacred secret”. Although the word secret is synonymous with mystery the statement is used by the Jehovah's Witnesses and it is also used in eastern religions, cults and mysticism.]]]] This so-called ''mystery'' was kept in silence for long lasting times {Rom.16:25-27}. [[[[ Your misunderstanding of the mystery now revealed is found in your exegesis. I will comment on your points.]]]] For over four thousand years since the rebellion in the garden of Eden, It concerned a ''seed'' mentioned at Gen.3:15. Men have waited for a time of God's promise of a seed to bruise the head of the serpent like Adversary and thereby bringing relief to mankind. [[[[God's intent was to save mankind, not to bring relief to mankind.]]]] For nearly two thousand years they had hoped in God's covenant with Abraham for that seed, who would ''take possession of the gate of his enemies.'' And by whom all nations of the earth would bless themselves. Gen.22: 15-18. [[[[ To better understand God's covenant with Abraham you will want to look at Genesis 17. Although the same word “zera” is used in both references the Gen. 3:15 is communicating male singular. The Genesis 22 is referencing all of Abraham's posterity. The “taking possession of the gates of their enemies” would first be fulfilled in their possession of Canaan. The next issue is your statement that “all the nations of the earth would bless themselves” that may simply be a misstatement, however it is a serious one. The correct quote is that all nations would be blessed signifying insight to the mystery which is being addressed.]]]] At last when ''the full limit of the time arrived God sent forth his Son, and through him revealed the meaning of the ''sacred secret,'' [[[[Actually Paul is expressing that the understanding of the mystery is revealed after Jesus' ascension. Jesus states to the pharisees that the scriptures speak about Him. John 5:39. The fact is that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies and there is much spoken of him throughout the old testament. The problem is that few cared to understand what was being said. Isaiah 53:1 “Who has believed our report?” Hebrews 11 tells us that many awaited the promise.]]]] through him gave the definitive answer to the issue raised by God's adversary, the Devil Satan, it was a moral issue. [[[[This statement just confuses me. Through deception man eats of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As a result they die spiritually. All are born into sin and are spiritually dead. Jesus lives a sinless obedient life and fulfills the law, dies in the place of man redeeming us by His blood sacrifice on the cross. All who believe in His substitution punishment for our sins and receive that work as a free gift are restored to spiritual life, born again and become children of the living God.]]]] The sacred secret provided the means for redeeming obedient mankind from sin and death [ This statement is an oxy-moron. The very thing Paul is discussing in Ephesians is that we were disobedient and were at enmity with God. Man wasn't obedient. Paul killed Christians before becoming one.] though the ran- some sacrifice of his Son, the ''sacred secret!'', had arrived and was revealed to be God's beloved first-born Son., Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior! Those apostles that wrote about the sacred secret, were speaking about themselves as joint heirs with him in heaven. [[[[The apostles weren't speaking about themselves becoming joint heirs with Christ. They were sharing the good news that any who would believe would become joint heirs with Christ. Read Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:29, Titus 3:7, James 2:5, 1 Peter 3:7. Your conclusion has you in great conflict with Biblical teaching.]]]] The total number would be 144,000 anointed brothers of Christ [[[[ this has Jehovah's Witnesses written all over it. May I recommend Dr. Walter Martin's book “Kingdom of the Cults]]]] that would share in ruling over righteous mankind leading it to perfection during the thousand years healing time of all the nations on earth. [[[[ you are emphasizing a salvation by works. Man is made righteous through recognizing Christ's righteousness. If man is already righteous during the millennial reign then why does he need to be brought into perfection? You are subverting the gospel!] Rev. 7:4; 14:1. Yes! kings and priests with our Lord Jesus. Rev 20:6 The rest of all righteous ones will inherit the earth forever Psa.37:9- 11, 29. I encourage those interested in my belief [[[[ I would strongly suggest that you do far more studying before you encourage others to hold to your belief. I have to tell you that it is out and out heresy.]]]] to do research for themselves. Thank you, sir, for allowing me to share your page. I am grateful to you. Thanks again. May Jehovah God, bless you. Amen. I encourage you to follow along with the studies. I am going to ask that you not promote your own conclusions. Thank you for your cooperation
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
It is good to hear your voice sharing God's Word. Your faithfulness will be rewarded.
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
Very helpful!,,,
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
keep it up...
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
Thank you...
@rightfromthebible4602 Год назад
Thank you my brother. keeping your ministry in prayer
@youaregodspursuit Год назад
Thank you and stay in the gap!
@brucethompson6223 Год назад
Jesus is the only way..Get baptized in water. as explained to Nicodemus the Pharisee.
@christiantrucker6296 Год назад
Very good teaching
@archive2538 Год назад
that EVERLASTING GOSPEL are the HOLY SPIRIT who manifested in FLESH through the BIRTH of HUMAN and have a FLESH like human body