Zero To Hero
Zero To Hero
Zero To Hero
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Why Do Need Marriage Licenses Anyway?
4 года назад
The Key To Self Improvement
4 года назад
@Thagomizer День назад
This guy has the insight of a14-year-old.
@lazarusblackwell6988 20 дней назад
I never bought into the religion bullshit. I always felt it was FAKE. I dont need religion in my life. I dont need "life after death" I want life NOW and happiness NOW. And i will work to get it.
@billycalifornia1112 23 дня назад
This Video is 100% True. Took me too long to realize this and this is why Big Businesses and Religion are so tied together because their Business Model is the exact same at Core.
@prickly-x7o 25 дней назад
I think religion should be banned until you are 18 years of age. If that happened we would finally be rid of the religious scourge that plagues our world. At least tax places of worship. We have billions upon billions of uncollected tax , the money of which could end world hunger. Time to stop the fairy tales nonsense.
@artpinguin 25 дней назад
If i go to chruch why do i have to give money at the end? Aint that weird? Why does the god have to get my money???.... feels more like a business...feels fake
@bwelc0076 26 дней назад
"A subscriptioned based model?" Best description i've heard in a while.
@carolcharoo6006 29 дней назад
@kylehensley2682 Месяц назад
The irony of some of your statements abounds! You have no concept at all of what Church really is and what a relationship with Christ is. If you will come to my church in western NC you are more than welcome!
@emptybucket1988 Месяц назад
As an Atheist i agree 100%
@Gnosis177 Месяц назад
TRUE. People are waking up. Instead of religion learn psychology that make you understand more about yourself and how world really works.
2 месяца назад
Studio 54 is only for the best people. Only for the superior. None of the unworthy. no riff raff. No bridge and tunnel people. And absolutely nobody from Staten Island. Which is all you get from Christianity. 💙
@othasida2639 3 месяца назад
Me personally as a Christian who grew up in church and got baptized, this is where I’m at in my journey, I still believe in God, still pray and will read a bible scripture every other day but I’m not really a fan of the church anymore although I haven’t stopped completely going since I only enjoy the fellowship part of it, I just no longer participate in any activities, plus western Christianity is just messed up, full of hypocritical, judgemental folks who’ll criticize you which is far from the type of person that Jesus was, they teach you how to gossip, how to judge and look down on others and coach you into having this black and white type of thinking in order to be “saved” and “not burn in hell”, making it seem as if God is angry at you if you’re not perfect or “stop sinning” which is just an unhealthy way to live, I’m so glad I broke free from that mental slavery and got to know who God is for myself, I’ve learned to detach myself from religion and just follow God spiritually and what’s tailor made for my journey instead of just following rules and forcing myself to be some ultra holy saint, God is love, religion is man made
@christianogaard2185 3 месяца назад
You have to be an idiot to blindly believe in some fake being brainwashed into your head from birth by people that love you. And were brainwashed themselves from birth. In a world without religion, good people will be good. Bad people will be bad. In a world with religion Bad people will be bad and Good people will do bad things in the name of their religion. More people died in the Holy wars than all world wars combined. All because religion wanted to control everyone. Religion was invented to control the masses and if they couldn't control you they MURDERED YOU AND YOUR FAMILY and your whole city! Religion has turned into a business nowadays. That's all about controlling people. With its power and money that is GIFTED to them tax free and has its members recruit for them for free and brainwashes their own children to keep them growing and in power.. what a GREAT BUSINESS MODEL! The world would be a better place without religion. Because more people would do more to take care of our corrupt. Government and bad things that are happening in the world. Because there would be less people saying oh, God will sort it out. When there's no such thing of God. The corrupt people in the world love.That the large percentage of the world is controlled by the church and therefore stagnant and not taking control and fixing problems in the world, believing themselves that Some mythical being named God and Jesus will fix them. While still in 2024 people are still selling children, corrupting our children with drugs and using our police, FBI, and CIA AS weapons to attack their political opposition! It's just like we're living back in the Medeval ages. Good thing People no longer believe in witches or they would be having witch Burnings for everyone they didn't like. People need to quit voting for politicians. They already know politicians lie. We need to get generals or businessmen running our country! And not rely on some mythical people to fix our problems and activly fix our own Demons!
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
Holy shit!
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
It's totally fine to start having children in your fourties as a man. Is it ideal? No. But still manageble and acceptable in human culture language. Those who are not in the 40's yet, better start having children in your 20's and 30's. Think as a family man and ignore the Western anti-family bullshit around you.
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
You're the man, Ethan.
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
Fun fact, I am subscriber 666, lol.
@chocolatecookie8571 3 месяца назад
Ethan Galstaaaaaad.
@DiamondKing-rh5ft 3 месяца назад
religion is shit, has corrupted many of us, love is the most powerful force and will always will be
@heartsandmindsathome 3 месяца назад
Weird. But yeah, many (if not most) churches operate like a business and aren’t Biblical. The “product” being sold as future, actually isn’t future, but a present reality. And it doesn’t depend on the modern church structure - which eerily mimics the socialist/communist government schools. Maybe if churches would get out from under the government’s 501c3 umbrella, they could operate freely as God would have. Those are just my thoughts.. not sure why this happened through my feed, but it’s good to ponder.
@Kas.Ali25 3 месяца назад
But religion is important to live peacefully & trouble free life, no fear of god means people do negative stuff without thinking.
@NasimurRahaman-ym2zg 3 месяца назад
All religions are good accept Islam.
@EmyGS 3 дня назад
You're a trash human being if you need religion to keep you from doing terrible things. 😉
@johnalexir7634 4 месяца назад
Succinct exposition of the biggest racket going
@keithunderwood6205 4 месяца назад
Christianity was the birth of capitalism "work for your employer as if he is your master....and pay your taxes!!!
@Grandpa_Boxer 4 месяца назад
Humanizing the Big Bang or the "point" seems so ---- "HUMAN!!"
@Grandpa_Boxer 4 месяца назад
In addition to reason and logic, Christians turning to grossly immoral leaders like Donald Trump demonstrates that their worship and allegiance doesn't even have to be to a "supernatural."
@ryanbaumann5082 5 месяцев назад
Exactly dude
@BostonMarcus 5 месяцев назад
Religion is nothing more than just another arm of our corrupt governments used to control and manipulate human beings.
@trey-rey 5 месяцев назад
1,000% agree with your video @zerotohero2121. The religious cult group I grew up in, the Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church of Christ--in English--, is 100% a family-run business that has deceived millions of mainly Filipinos. Their bread and butter that made them even harder to leave was the way they twisted the bible and controlled the information its members were allowed to consume so that FEAR was not just coming from God but from the "Administration" who controlled who was expelled/excommunicated or was worthy. Outside of learning other religions and studying the bible to come to the realization that ALL religions are the same--ultimately a business---finding out the Administration leaders have tried to re-write literal history, change their doctrines over time, have manipulated politics in their favor, and have even covered things up with murder/slander/detention etc... If this religious cult group were not mainly tied to the Philippines, Netflix or any other documentary group would have a special on them!
@terry2588 6 месяцев назад
Great insight, hello from New Orleans ✋🏽
@josebravo834 6 месяцев назад
Its a way of keeping order and good behavior in a society or empire.
@quantumrift11 6 месяцев назад
If you haven't done it already, this may be a good topic, or one of the topics, to base your channel around.
@Musebandiscool 6 месяцев назад
Agreed. But 1- let's start letting women express this kind of idea without fear of repercussions and 2- Catholicism IMHO gets a pass bc of how it has been anti racist. When compared to northern protestant versions.
@yfoog 6 месяцев назад
couldn't agree more
@reubenkimemia530 6 месяцев назад
grate work come back
@reubenkimemia530 6 месяцев назад
@reubenkimemia530 6 месяцев назад
very helpful thanks
@lastsaint4162 6 месяцев назад
I just deconstructed this year and I'm feeling better about life. But it sure is challenging when you have been indoctrinated since childhood.
@johnmel9456 6 месяцев назад
Totally agree...
@JameseGray1991 7 месяцев назад
I go church & when I listen to my favorite "Secular" music, I feel guilty.
@DG77733 7 месяцев назад
It's a cult just like all of the other cults. It keeps people under control and it's a money maker.
@DB800187 7 месяцев назад
My man spittin straight facts. The fact that in this day and age people still think a universal creator could be confined to one specific religion on one tiny planet is beyond insane. The hardest thing to do is mentally break free of what u have been indoctrinated into ur whole life. But once u do, cutting out organized religions & going straight to the source, that is when u will find clarity and become closer to the Creator. Its a shame that religion still has such a stranglehold on our planet, always dividing us with its tribalism, never uniting our species. The population is waking up tho👐
@aaftiyoDkcdicurak 2 месяца назад
If they believe God created this world why wouldn't they do everything to understand it instead of pretending people 2000 years ago knew better.
@MachFiveFalcon 7 месяцев назад
Probably the most eloquent description I've heard. I'd add "shame" to "fear and control", but shame is just a tool to elicit fear and control people so it's kind of implicit anyway.
@yagskie1984 7 месяцев назад
think about it, if you leave religion, about 10~30% of your life is free from any religious activities such as praying and going to church etc., and you could spend this precious time with you or your family.
@george1055 7 месяцев назад
religion inc. the haters of wisdom... an important weapon in the war against truth and reality, knowledge and philosophy...they are a criminal organizations that still run our world...religions they are nothing than manipulative prisons...
@gayesthusky2177 7 месяцев назад
Sin is the imaginary disease and salvation is the imaginary cure.
@pyron9574 4 месяца назад
Pride flag as pfp opinion denied
@gayesthusky2177 4 месяца назад
@@pyron9574 you copied and pasted from a script. Your opinion is denied.
@gayesthusky2177 7 месяцев назад
@snakemanjones8272 7 месяцев назад
Its not the oldest but it is third only to prostitution and tribalism. Remember in America christians was against cars radio airplanes bus t.v. pictures taken and many other things and yet we built them anyway and somehow they use all of that to help them spread their cult views. Religion isnt based on an almighty God it is based on the God complex of a few humans that think they are God or a messenger from God. Why would an all powerful entity need a few people to spread the message about him? All he had to do is show himself and heal all that seek to be heal. There would be no questions and no only a few would dare challenge him. We would mostly all follow his ways cause he has shown us that he is real. If he has to play hide and seek with us then he id not a God he is a manipulator that is messing with us.
@1MNUTZ 7 месяцев назад
Everything religion does is to question your own sanity and put your faith in the insane
@unknowninfinium4353 7 месяцев назад
Atheism succeeded it in the formation of State. Wonder why Athiests never address that Socialism rejects religion. Is State the new religion?