Alyssa Janaé
Alyssa Janaé
Alyssa Janaé
@breezedeep 4 дня назад
Love the backdrop! Can we get some lighting on that beautiful face! 🫶🏽
@brianandrea3249 6 дней назад
I personally have been to many indigenous art exhibitions our museums not only tell of indigenous oppression and subjugation but also art and culture and dreamtime. Using inflammatory terms like "highly, highly segregated" implies that this is deliberate separation and the way we want it to be...which is just BS. No doubt rates of indigenous poverty, homelessness, incarceration, violence etc etc are all appalling....but nobody in their right mind wants this situation to remain....I just don't think we have a clue how to address these issues.
@brusselsewafel 21 день назад
I relate so much! I had my first kiss at 20 and it was rlly cute tho. Don’t rush it and do it when you feel good :)) also, you’re rlly beautiful& I love the way you talk ab this 🌷
@NanaAdwoaNyarko-ds4fs 22 дня назад
no glo lives in her basment
@breezedeep 27 дней назад
Love this! Your videos and content keep getting better and better!
Are u a virgin??
@ronaldrigid1245 4 месяца назад
Ask ur priest or uncles to find u a man...your first kiss should be on ur wedding day, don't follow these other wh0re$ U are still capable of falling in love because of ur lack of heartbreaks, don't lose that, there are wh0re$ out there who had FOMO and ended up getting ran through now they are numb to everything and can't feel love anymore.
@ItComeAndGo 5 месяцев назад
Social media changed the game!! Next it will be virtual/metaverse everything… whatever your ideal of a guy is just start attending those places and see what comes about❤
@Brikapri 5 месяцев назад
Babygirl please take your time. I remember when I was 19 and jumping into a marriage that my boyfriend pressured me into because I thought I was grown and there was nothing else to learn in life. Now, I’m 31 with 3 kids and I’m a widow. Everyday I wish I had a Time Machine, the last thing I would even think about at the age of 20 is a relationship. There is sooooo much more to life. Live your life, meet new people, travel the world, learn yourself and enjoy your young years babe. I promise you won’t be the same person in the next 5-10 years❤️
@Akha141 5 месяцев назад
I am turning 20 Sept and i share alot of your views... I have never had a boyfriend never kissed nor hugged or held a guys hand... I am waiting till marriage to have sex too i wanna be a mom whilst young too and i want to live on the country side with animals... I overthink alot
@itsbk6192 5 месяцев назад
I'm 24 and single, am i cooked💀?
@myafrb4196 5 месяцев назад
😭😭😭sis reminds me of me fr, but 20 is normal it’s honestly a time to figure who YOU are in God , let Him bring your hubby x
@MrFLstyle 5 месяцев назад
Brah you’re only 19 why are you in a rush to date
@yblackie 5 месяцев назад
I'm a Christian dude. I kissed a girl when I was 10 and my first adult kiss was aged 31😂 Dont worry, you've got over a decade till you're as weird as me.
@dksoulstice6040 5 месяцев назад
"I'm single and almost 20" So basically a very normal almost 20-year old? Lol.
@alyssaJanae 5 месяцев назад
no, but I’m not like other girls. Duh.
@afrofaeries 5 месяцев назад
I’m 19 years old and I’m here to tell you: it’s perfectly fine. I know social media has this reputation of pressuring people ages 18-35 to do BIG and BOLD things before it’s too late, but it’s all fake. Everyone’s races to success are different. Here’s some advice I learned over the years: - Write down in your journal anything and everything that’s on your mind. Whether it’s your dreams, fears, questions, ranting, even a log of the movies you watched today, just start writing. It’s better than venting on platforms like Twitter. - Get into working out! I’m not saying go to the gym and immediately bench 200 lbs, but do something active to get your mind off of things. I bought myself a mini stepper in November and I went from 234 to 215. I have no intentions on stopping either! - Don’t listen to people who are like “The biological clock is ticking, hurry up and have kids.” I don’t have anything against kids as an aunt, but it’s not a forcible rule to have them. I know women in their 40s who have healthy babies and stable relationships and I know men in their mid 30s who are happy with no kids. - Take this time to heal any trauma or pain that you’ve dealt with in the past, because the more you bottle it up, the more it’ll ruin things. Also know what you want in a partner when the time comes. I would recommend watching, “Who Did I Marry?”, you probably know the story about the woman who rushed love and ended up with a manipulative weirdo. - If you’re in school/college TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY. I don’t care if it’s community college or university or trade school, get a job to help sustain yourself. If you have aspirations of being a stay at home wife or stay at home mom, that’s fine. But until that ever happens, get a career that can pay your rent and your bills for the time being. You’ll thank me later. - Finally, enjoy your 20s! We all have our ups and downs and we may feel like life doesn’t go our way, but thunderstorms are always temporary after days, weeks, maybe even months. That’s also not to say life ends at your 20s, life ends when you’re dead. And you’re not dead yet, and there’s other 20 year olds who haven’t made it to 21 in this lifetime. So be blessed for that. Hope this helps! ❤🎉
@nm5310 5 месяцев назад
33 and single here lol. Always been single
@SB-qt8qj 5 месяцев назад
just put your self out there tbh
@sereawilkins3008 5 месяцев назад
Girl I have to send you this vid because I’m your age and used to think the same way because I’ve never kissed a guy, went on a date. Once I watched this vid I realized it was GOD protecting my the whole time. I know that it may seem like you’re getting reject or not shown any interest at all but it’s really Just GOD keeping you under his wing, protect you from thing that aren’t for you and saving those precious things like your first kiss or like a real date with someone who actually deserves it. Just trust in Jesus because he has your best Interest at heart.
@MarshawnCarter 5 месяцев назад
I'm 24 and my wife is 47 who is a godly church lady. We met in 2020 and we got married in 2023 but i totally understand the modern day society.
@ronaldrigid1245 4 месяца назад
What?...24 or 42
@MarshawnCarter 4 месяца назад
@@ronaldrigid1245 Real love doesn't have an age requirement when both people are adults and over 18.
@emekaokaforize2993 5 месяцев назад
Heyy (with undeniable game) (I’m waiting for marriage too 🗿)
@JengaJay 5 месяцев назад
If you a church girl then “hey, let’s court” 😂
@dugohaslanded.1434 5 месяцев назад
Girl it’s perfectly fine. Take your time. You come across as intelligent, with a good sense of self. Some/ most men run from things that are not easy, then use AND DISCARD women who are seeking their validation. Please take your time and stay true to your values, morals, and common sense. These are things I will tell my daughter when she reaches your age. ❤ you are so refreshing !
@riseup821 5 месяцев назад
Child please
@susej3545 5 месяцев назад
She's going to look back at this and thank God for keeping her hidden. Give it time! stop comparing yourself to others….. Comparison is the thief of joy
@yonico_ 5 месяцев назад
The reason why is hard to balance between the boss mentality and the lady mentality is because they're kind of the opposite. But what i find strange is that you don't find a guy. That's really strange i'm pretty sure that a lot of guy your age like you lol but you ignore them or don't even see them.
@afrofaeries 5 месяцев назад
Do you know her or something? Or are you making a generalization of the women YOU met in the past onto this random girl?
@yonico_ 5 месяцев назад
@@afrofaeries for the first part many studies have been done to prove that you can't be a boss and better than your man and expect him to be better than you at the same time it doesn't make any sense lol. The second part is just assumption because yes most of the time when you see a woman that look like her saying that she can't seem to find a guy it means that she doesn't have the ones she wants. most women if they actually wanted a guy they would have one in less than a week. And let's be honest the world works with generalizations.
@yonico_ 5 месяцев назад
you are just 19... like relax lol. you have time.
@imagerycreated203 5 месяцев назад
Cute does get married literally just being a woman would get you married and your going have to go for older men cuz they’re the ones who are ready for marriage.
@afrofaeries 5 месяцев назад
Well I’m 19 so what you’re saying is that I should just marry a 59 year old guy for the sake of it?
@imagerycreated203 5 месяцев назад
Your dating the wrong men obviously and you going have to put in the work to meet the man you want. Plus you saving yourself for marriage and it’s going be tough so best of luck.
@theSpiritExchange 5 месяцев назад
I think it's commendable that you are seriously considering what you want at such a young age. Advice: Maintain your high standards, be aware of your wounds (eg "Daddy Issues") and focus on healing, being able to support yourself, and your interests beyond Males (they will always be there but your youth won't). And you will attract what it is you desire (instead of having to chase it).
@lucy-et3zm 5 месяцев назад
I get you Alyssa like REALLY GET YOU bc this video basically was like me ranting to my friends and therapist, im turning 20 in november and everything you said checks with me , i have a pretty big insecurity of not looking mature enough, im pretty short and slim and even if i try to look more mature (like putting on more makeup) it just feels unnatural, I even had a few random people tell me i dont look 18 or 19, more like 15 or 16. I never kissed anyone, never been on a date, never held hands. Nowadays I feel like the only way to meet someone is through internet or parties and I'm not really fond of those ways and I really don't know what to do and the more older I am i feel like my chances are getting smaller. I just crave falling in love, i just wanna feel loved, wanna give love, i wanna know what type of person I am when I'm in love, and unfortunately first times are very important for me, bc i wanna actually kiss someone i genuinely like, not a guy i met 5 minutes ago at a party being drunk ( not that anyone who does it is wrong) i wish i could just get it over with, but thats not me, i know that if I changed my perspective on these matters I probably wouldn't be so miserable but i dont wanna change and i wonder if theres even a chance of me finding love in my 20s with that mindset
@lonelee3827 5 месяцев назад
Nothing wrong with being cute. If you cute you cute.
@Gettothegone 5 месяцев назад
Hey gorgeous
@israeloneal7796 5 месяцев назад
I'm 27 it's okay as for someone in their early 20s not to have much dating experience , in all honesty keep doing what your doing and keep vetting the ppl you come across that you show interest and just take your time
@swagsukeuchiha7599 5 месяцев назад
Dude chill out
@i.03983 5 месяцев назад
calm down lol ur 20
@BrandNuBran 5 месяцев назад
Alyssa, it was nice to hear this type of perspective. I will tell you this. You are young. There is no rush to have this done before 21, 25 etc. What you need to do is live your life and ask the Lord to put someone on your path that walks a similar path. I have a daughter that is close to your age and I tell her the same thing. It is easy to want to fit in but this video alone is telling you that you stand apart for a reason. Again, your first kiss, love should be something special. Please don't just "do it" just to do it. Pray.
@tharnganbenedict24 10 месяцев назад
Indigenous australian are dark skin people. If you want competition you will be labeled a white woman for being too light skin. You need another coat of spray paint. You should be under the sun more that way it would make you blendable.
@liasiahtorres3935 Год назад
This is so pretty.
@alyssaJanae Год назад
Thank you :)
@aboriginalgoofiesexposed Год назад
every landmass has brown ebony people there which are the original aboriginal peoples, so called black americans are the true aboriginals and americans of the americas we been here and the majority of us don’t have slave ancestors that mainstream media push. everywhere colonizers go they treat the indigenous aboriginals bad, side note… google search ‘chicago world fair’ it was already stone buildings, electricity and paved roads here built by aboriginal americans who have purposely been misnomered as black
@Tsots82 Год назад
@ronjones8981 Год назад
50-60 years ago, only whites were wanted in Australia. If you were Black or Asian you were highly unlikely to be able to immigrate there. Even now, the Aboriginal people are discriminated against. They live in segregated areas and are treated poorly.
@dereakcolumbus3603 Год назад
Thank you for this. I want to move to new Zealand and worried about the racism. I have a friend who is from there and said the same thing you said
@IThinkThats_AGoodIdea.9966 Год назад
Thank your the insight ,it broadens my perception on the world / I’m a African American as well
@ShamyYah Год назад
I’m sorry I Can’t tell it by your accent
@sdays59 Год назад
Australia is colonized and originally black. So what are you talking about?
@alyssaJanae Год назад
My experience as a Black American specifically, I can not speak on other Black peoples experience but acknowledge that they are not the same as mine. ❤
@snteag Год назад
Nice video
@melitamehzabin3954 4 года назад
Such an interesting video! Best wishes. I'm a participant as well!
@maishaahmed9847 4 года назад
Hi. The video is so amazingly explained! Good luck. I'm entering too.
@alesiacara03 4 года назад