Back Lane Studios
Back Lane Studios
Back Lane Studios
Back Lane Studios is a not-for-profit film incubator and was formed in 2015 in Roncesvalles Village, Toronto, Canada.
Through our City Shorts programs we provide mentorship, equipment and production services to students. The objective for each City Shorts documentary is to preserve and share neighbourhood culture and history through video and to connect us to our community. Back Lane also offers workshops and production services for seniors. For more information on our services and our workshops, goto backlanestudios.ca
Doris Dunne: The Firehall
Месяц назад
Google Earth Studio Tutorial
2 месяца назад
Lois Broad: Meeting my husband
2 месяца назад
"Skipper" and Sick Kids Hospital
2 месяца назад
Lois Broad: Field of Dreams
3 месяца назад
"Skipper" and Sick Kids Hospital
3 месяца назад
A Shot in the Dark: 382 Roncesvalles Ave.
5 месяцев назад
Yorkville Library: Sheila McIlraith
7 месяцев назад
High Park: Magic of the Minnies
Год назад
Sunnyside: Lake Shore Ave.
2 года назад
The Runnymede Theatre
2 года назад
292 Evelyn Ave.
2 года назад
Live the Search - Monique's Story
2 года назад
911 Kids  -- A Documentary
3 года назад
Finding Focus through Mindfulness
3 года назад
Researching Toronto History online
3 года назад
@sylviebonniere9910 18 дней назад
Amazing story❤
@norapopefcp2211 23 дня назад
Thank you Joan. A moving, multifaceted story
@JustFrank-t9n 24 дня назад
What a wonderful story!!!
@marilynharris4238 24 дня назад
Great story, so typical of the times.
@jcmhanel1 28 дней назад
My mother was a Strang from Lindenwood IL.
@jmuanpuia 2 месяца назад
why cant i have a 3D buildings in the city that i want to work on?
@maplord Месяц назад
They are available only for some areas Not for whole globe
@TheProciwArchives 7 месяцев назад
A recording has been found from one evening at the Bohemian Embassy. The singers are unknow possibly Doug Brown doing a variety of folk song. The unknown blues singer gives a great rendition of Black Betty. He once played with Alexandria Quartet. Chick Roberts ends the evening with a sing along. Check out the Prociw Archives to hear them and recordings from early Mariposa Festivals.
@ingridremenyi 11 месяцев назад
A beautiful juxtaposition of your drawings with the actual flowers. Superb video! Greetings from an old UofT friend.
@marilynharris4238 11 месяцев назад
Oh so many memories! Thanks Lois - this brought it all back to me. One of the boys in kindergarten with me used to throw frozen horse balls at me! 🤣 It wasn’t until we were celebrating his 75th birthday that I realized it was because he liked me. Have you ever read the novel “The Shacklands” by Judi Coburn? It’s a novel about a family in the Junction area (and north up Old Weston Road) in the early 1900s. Judi was a teacher at Humberside Collegiate.
@marilynharris4238 11 месяцев назад
I went to the Saturday matinees at the Major St. Clair theatre near St. Clair and Old Weston Road in those days. I’m a bit younger than Lois, and I recall that we had to pay 11 cents (inflation, don’t you know!) for that amount of money we got several cartoons, at least one main picture, and a serial in order to make us want to come back next week. If the projectionist was a little bit late, we would all chant, “We want the show! We want the show!” My daughter, who lives in Italy, is still using some of the dishes my parents got during the depression when they went to the show in the evenings.
@DejanOfRadic Год назад
Such wonderful films. I live in this area, and pass the butterfly garden every day.
@judithkramshoj6199 Год назад
we had a site in the park from 1972 til 1984 thank you so much for sharing 💜 Elwood and jean left an impression on me my whole life THEY WHERE GREAT PEOPLE ! love them and the great memories xo
@hifiunicorn Год назад
@mikejones9961 Год назад
Lynn is a Loon
@mikejones9961 Год назад
step 1: get off your azz
@DVincentW Год назад
It makes me sick to be houseless, and be hated for it. Nothing I did shouldve led me here. I wish my wife hadnt died in 2010. I wish hadnt been injured at work last year, losing a job I loved. Taking the lights out seems a better choice as every day goes by. Thanks for the documentary.
@zosothezephead837 Год назад
9:06 You simply don't know and cannot make blanket statements like that. For all you know, many of those people who can afford $5000 handbags make very large charity donations. Don't judge a person by their handbag ;-)
@DVincentW Год назад
Christopher Walken from Deer Hunter defends expensive hand bags.
@DejanOfRadic Год назад
Brilliant touching and poignant
@DejanOfRadic Год назад
Another wonderful film....thank you for such informative work
@DejanOfRadic Год назад
Lovely film
@DejanOfRadic Год назад
Lovely Lovely film
@robertafierro5592 Год назад
Bit for the Grace of God go I. Those are probably THEE most Profound words to ever be spoken..this could have happened to us. This CAN happen to us. Most of the people you see in her photos, have no families to speak of. I'm here on my own also.
@ericsecord4193 Год назад
Then there was Temperance Bill and the West Toronto Inter Church Christian Temperance Society
@backlanestudios9189 Год назад
Do you know anyone with personal memories of Temperance Bill? Let us know!
@ericsecord4193 Год назад
@@backlanestudios9189 never met him, didn't want to
@cathygarside9976 Год назад
Exquisite & your renderings of the beauty that surrounds you both are phenomenal!
@michaeltariga5285 Год назад
Another reason for me to stay away at High park before dark. >_<
@Superbaldyboy 2 года назад
So heartbreaking.... But you showed them all in the end. 🙂
@adam847 2 года назад
What a lovely, lovely man. My career in music was launched at the Bohemian Embassy and without that welcoming space and Don's generosity and enthusiasm, I may never gone on my journey at all. When I played in Toronto in 2002, Don, whom I hadn't seen in decades, came out to see me. What a joy it was to see him. So talented and such a pillar of support for so many. Simply one of the most important cultural figures in the history of Canada.
@AllanSorenseninToronto 2 года назад
Lovely. Truly.
@jonahpeterrowetaylor7623 2 года назад
Very glad I found this, I needed to know more about the great uncle for which I am a namesake. Thank you for this film, it's very well done.
@denniskeena5936 2 года назад
@tprdfh51 2 года назад
So wonderful to see Don looking and sounding great after all of these years. I too, can honestly say that I would not be where I am today if it were not for Don's influence. The day when Don walked into our "office" in the mid-80's and saw me reading a copy of Garner Ted Armstrong's "The Plain Truth" magazine is indelibly imprinted in my mind. Politely asking what it was that I found interesting reading the conservative Christian magazine Don came back a few days later with a paperback copy of Robert Ardreys "African Genisis" (which I still have) and the die was cast...I never looked back at religion as an arbiter of the natural world. Godspeed Mr. Cullen, Sir!😊
@stewartgillis4851 2 года назад
1881 ?
@constantdoodle32 2 года назад
Good lord. My dad just told me that this is how we got our last name. It's wier not weir but...
@peterpaulvancamp7660 2 года назад
I’ll say something here ~~ having Don Cullen in your corner is a wonderful thing. And he will let you use his typewriter to write your book. And he will feed you. And he will let you make your own mistakes, and see that you get another chance, once you figure out where you went awry. And he laughs at the parts hardly anyone else notices. And one of these days, I am going to buy HIM dinner for a change. Good old Don.
@robertfyfe6185 2 года назад
So interesting Thank's ! :)
@hldavenport11 3 года назад
Thank you for this wonderful information
@clausbreede3839 3 года назад
An interesting clip and fascinating reference to the fishing Weirs. I draw your attention to the ROM's work on the site in the summer of 1965 under the direction of Walter Kenyon and his group of volunteer divers (of which I was one). We made a number of sketches of the well-preserved remains of the Weirs and took hundreds of photos. See ARCHAEOLOGICAL NEWSLETTER, No8, 1966.
@BigpapamoneymanMVPtypebeat Год назад
Very cool
@arricammarques1955 3 года назад
The age of self reliance is sadly missed.
@GEOFF193 3 года назад
Wonderful film! The generous sharing of wisdom from Bob's lived experience. Thanks Bob, thanks Back Lane Studios.
@teachercassyeduc.channel5462 3 года назад
➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617244514
@DRCheeb 3 года назад
Hey Gil! Worked with you at Coca-Cola for a couple of years, and we shared a couple of breakfasts and caught up years later at Johnny's lunch counter at the Bloor-Jane Restaurant.. Great story! Hope you're doing well, Gil, and Happy Trails to you, good sir.
@paulfotia8981 3 года назад
Delightful story Carole! And the soup looks delish!!
@L1V2P9 3 года назад
That was excellent. I grew up near that area and used to go to the Runnymede Theatre on Saturdays as well.
@leeannmercier2143 3 года назад
@jimbarnes962 3 года назад
You actually used my picture that I posted of my sister with your mom and dad at talent contest
@kimdobie1730 3 года назад
Very nice Mavis, remember Elwood well and coming to Rock Hill. My sister and I worked that snack bar with you at times too.
@clinton5538 4 года назад
Gotta love technology today, so much knowledge can be shared, helping clear up family history and mystery. Surprised to find so many books published about a relative, especially a self-proclaimed King. Growing up, my mother bombarded anyone she could about her quirky relative, but it was hard to prove anything to my friends. I just knew that my great (x ??) grandfather and Brigham Young split the Mormon church after Joseph Smith's death, and the LDS Church members in the West followed Young here, not the LDS members believing Strang was the true successor. Gotta love modern information sharing, as others in my family have tried Ancestry links to trees, and other sources but we cannot find a link to Beaver Island, just to Prince Edward Island. Unfortunately as we get in contact with sources, since we don't know enough of the correct history and probably ask the wrong questions, those sources stop responding. We did not grow up with organized religion, there is a lot to learn but there is also a palatable resistance from the different segments as soon as we identify with the Strang name lineage. In the last few years we have become unsure, since only my mother said that James Jesse was my great (x ??) grandfather, she is not a credible source for information. Her facts were fluid when that was a better story, and I've believed for 50+ years. Like I said various family members have tried, but get frustrated long before finding out and stop researching it. More than likely it was a brother or cousin to James that is our distant relative, strange since this history isn't that old, plus there are so many articles, videos and books out there, seems it should be easier to find answers. My grandfather was Lyle Strang, hailed from Montana and both Dakota areas. I enjoyed Pat's story, glad I found it, and hope to find out more.
@petetaylor7919 4 года назад
Very cigarette! Stoges everywhere :)
@9lilmissperfect 4 года назад
Thank you for posting this. It's so great to hear his story and hear his voice again. He was a fantastic professor.
@SteveSacrob 4 года назад
I had the privilege to cross paths with Gil in the film industry. Wonderful man!