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I played a match yesterday and the end battle lasted for a while and then my hunger goes down and I die because I didn't regain it and I was wondering what the hell happened to my hunger perk only to find out that these clowns changed the perk system and make it like this 😐 I just want all my perks back
This is a super cool project and I'm really excited to see what happens with this server in the future :) Server IP - rankedskywars.net Server Website - mc.rankedskywars.net/ Server Discord - discord.gg/m2jkGqqzEm
thing about hypixel is they actually seem to ignore the player council on a regular basis. i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people were complaining about it and got ignored edit: 4:40 the only kit i can think of that's stronger than chronobreaker right now is pre-nerf energix
That's true, I've never heard of the player council getting things implemented besides in Blitz when Techno was on it but to be fair I'm very removed from that part of the game so I don't know the validity of that statement.
I agree with you the most that it isn't about the uses, it is about the playstyle. You can literally do anything you want and not die because of an unskilled right click that a toddler can do.
My only problem with it is that it’s a super late game kit, like once again where the more you’ve played the better chance you have of winning, which is why it’s so hard being a new skywars player.
The problem is that if you’ve played the game at all you have heads. and if you unwisefully used those heads on an inferior kit before this came out, the ramping requires you to grind for this kit, whilst fighting the people with that very kit.
@@owocherry yeah at least they nerfed the prices but if u barely had every other mythical then it would be annoying otherwise its not too hard and after the recent nerf I dont really see a problem with actually getting it anyways
My problem is that I'm one of the people that tryharded, but not enough. I have 1,7k heads over a playtime of like 100 hours, which was high enough to buy every mythical kit that was in the game previously, but nowhere near enough for chrono, and this puts me at a massive disadvantage that I just don't want to deal with. I wish they'd nerf it man :/
This is true, getting the 2.3k heads before getting the kit felt a little like playing with my hands behind my back but I think a lot of that was me not having played for a while.
Amazing vid also my thoughts is just let the kit stay as it is if they nerfed it to like just that u can use it 3 times now its just useless,valid thought?
I think that if they nerfed it to 3 uses it'd still be just as strong, 3 uses still accounts for 2 minutes of game time which is generally the full length of a game.