New Deck Techs + Edited Vods From My Daily MTG Streams on Twitch! :)

I focus mostly on MTG Arena formats especially Standard BO3!

Most of the videos on this channel will be edited vods from my stream on decks that I had a great winrate with or fun games! I like experimenting with new cards :)

If you want to watch all games that I played with a specific deck without editing you can check out my vods over on my Twitch channel!

My videos include swearing and thus are not intended for a younger audience!

If you want to catch me live, I stream 6 days a week on twitch.tv/ashlizzlle starting around 4pm ET :)

Thank you for your support and enjoying my content! I appreciate you!💜

@Sw0rDf1sH 32 минуты назад
Enjoyed this chat, really interesting to hear Gavin's insights on card design. Libby on point too 👍
@braveherogreenleaf6256 Час назад
Kambal & Teysa.
@PauloCRP1984 2 часа назад
mini atraxa
@nbrisendine457 7 часов назад
Ngl ur bird annoyed the shit outta my dogs
@PurpleRavenKitty 7 часов назад
Go go lil rats ! 🐀 🐀 🐀 🐀 Love that we finally have a cool rat deck that works and can compete in standard. 💜
@scottyfhf 8 часов назад
2.5 hours 😅
@curtiss9038 9 часов назад
this set is so sweet i am so hyped for it! huge thanks to gavin for taking the time to do this as well
@QuicksilverSG 11 часов назад
Another shamelessly broken Duskmourn card: Screaming Nemesis should be pre-emptively banned for arbitrarily breaking the mechanics of the game in an irreparable manner. Permanently abrogating fundamental rules of the game with an effect that persists even after the source is removed from the battlefield is virtually unprecedented. Continuous effects should require either a source or target permanent that maintains the effect for the duration of its influence. Since the target of Screaming Nemesis' life-gain prohibition is not an in-play permanent, the effect should terminate whenever its source exits the battlefield.
@PillowRat101 11 часов назад
Just two bird girlies talking about horror and magic, neat
@OAYT8 11 часов назад
A really nice Q&A with Gavin, worth the watch!
@ZeroG 12 часов назад
Zoetic Glyph: Agatha's is now a creature. Now Marvin is Agatha's and you have two Agatha's 0.o Now craft Locus of Enlightenment from Engima Jewel, throw in some Training Grounds, shapeshifters... could get nasty
@JaminGray47 13 часов назад
Awesome, love the theme of this set
@interzoa 13 часов назад
Get the popcorn we got a movie 🍿 nice seeing Gavin on the channel
@dizery8372 13 часов назад
I think playing the patchwork banner into azure beastbinder at like any of three points in that second game starting at 17:00 wouldve been the play. Wouldve pretty much blanked their cut down at least lol, and youdve prolly packed em up much faster anywayz sick list, cool matches
@bkyang624 14 часов назад
Hey! I have a problematic volcano!
@plantasico 14 часов назад
Pretty interesting stuff Ash! Builds up my hype for Duskmourn! :D
@Jawzah 14 часов назад
Karumonix, AKA Ratraxa.
@Ashlizzlle 15 часов назад
Something a little different today! I had a great time hanging out with Gavin and asking him a bunch of you guy's questions about Duskmourn and Magic Design! Please let me know if you'd like more content like this! :)
@ender4101 14 часов назад
Love the video idea! Would be cool to see more of these from time to time in the future with more designers/creators.
@soupsovereign 19 часов назад
dusk is one of the few sets I plan to sit out. I loved bloomburrow. standard meta is still evolving so much. also the theme for dusk just is not for me.
@lihailaowai1381 21 час назад
Out of the past year of playing Magic, your decks are my favorite to play. Thanks for being AWESOME!
@Ashlizzlle 18 часов назад
@AdamNeikirk-bj6ud 22 часа назад
I went from silver to mythic with rats last season! My list has evolved a lot but this is what I'm currently running in BO3: Deck 5 Swamp (BLB) 273 3 Island (BLB) 269 4 Shoreline Looter (BLB) 70 4 Persistent Marshstalker (BLB) 104 2 Darkslick Shores (ONE) 250 3 Underground River (BRO) 267 2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244 3 Demolition Field (BRO) 260 4 Gnawing Vermin (BRO) 101 4 Undercity Sewers (MKM) 270 2 Cut Down (DMU) 89 4 Season of Loss (BLB) 112 4 Vren, the Relentless (BLB) 239 3 Azure Beastbinder (BLB) 41 3 Pile On (MOM) 122 2 Restless Reef (LCI) 282 2 Bitter Triumph (LCI) 91 3 Stormchaser's Talent (BLB) 75 1 Shore Up (BLB) 69 1 Mindwhisker (BLB) 60 1 Karumonix, the Rat King (ONE) 98 Sideboard 2 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102 1 Negate (DMU) 58 3 Duress (STA) 29 1 Three Steps Ahead (OTJ) 75 1 Cut Down (DMU) 89 1 Change the Equation (MOM) 50 1 Toxin Analysis (MKM) 107 1 Spellgyre (BLB) 72 3 Jace, the Perfected Mind (ONE) 57 1 Deadly Cover-Up (MKM) 83
@maximebelair5281 22 часа назад
We call him Raatraxa.
@interzoa День назад
Good to know I'm not alone awaiting a new Angrath. The hijack 5 mana one was my favorite it blew my mind when I started playing this game 😢
@SpartanDeluxe День назад
Link in the description seems to be still the deck from last video...
@intoxicary День назад
Hardest way to earn an easy living. At least you'll get your dailys quick if they're for green, black or creatures.
@555kitchenknife День назад
Actually this Deck won the tournament!! 6th place was after swiss rounds
@drakelastimoso8257 День назад
Rat-raxa ftw!!
@OsvaldoChannel1 День назад
I didn't realize Vren could snowball THAT hard
@KaylieRayne День назад
I love this deck! So much fun!
@josephbilling3886 День назад
I think azure beastbinder is slept on
@miskatonicuniversityavclub202 День назад
Yeah this should get you a loss from the timer. I lost to this yesterday and now I know why. Some net decking trogladyte copying this menace. Slow infinity combos shouldn't work. You should still be subject to the timer whether you are doing stuff or not.
@erickschusterdeoliveira2662 День назад
the rat deck has so little synergy and it's not even a midrange value pile so it just hurts my inner brewer.
@00110000 День назад
Sheeesh, Karumonix putting in work
@charliedallaire6238 День назад
That friday13th lamp is sick ! I might look out for a michael myers one if that is possible.
@marcowefers6990 День назад
My limited brain wanted to go “YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GOOD SHORELINE LOOTER WAS” but yeah maybe not in standard 😢
@namastay8417 День назад
There might be a janky unblockable deck in the near future. But yeah right now I just run it for fun :) Still a really good deck!
@FreddyNtertainment День назад
Used a deck super close to this to get Top 6 at my local LGS and got a shark typhoon promo!
@leonyuan_hz5823 День назад
Hey I just had a game with you, I played caretaker’s talent with Jace mill 🤗
@Andarius День назад
I like to see decks that make me actually read some cards. Bonus points for not having mountains.
@MisterD-m4c День назад
Was good seeing you on convertgoblue's commander game vid. Your ballon pops had the table crying lol
@PillowRat101 День назад
Yay rats!!! 🐀🐀🐀
@TorrePlay День назад
Love to see a Dimir Rat video, underrated tribe for sure and imo a sleeper going into Duskmourn. I grinded Rats from Silver to high Diamond last season and I dont belive this to be the correct list. 4x Beastbinder, 4x Marshstalker, 4x Karumonix is the absolute core imo, everything else is debatable. I see Vren as a 1-2 off, insane in creature heavy matchups but a complete miss against controll and you dont wanna double draw him ever. Similarly, I ran Lord Skitter as a 2 off and played 2 of his Butchers instead that proved to be a strong kill, good dig or mediocre developement card that is great to have for flexibility. I agree with 1x Pile On, feels great at times but with multibel I just wanted to have a Go for the Throat instead too often. Largest difference from this list however is your lack off 1 drops, I ran Gnawing Vermin x4 to get the Threshold going and ocationally snipe some early drops(esp nice vs Mice) and Nezumi Linkbreaker x3. I am not sure how positive i am about them being correct tho since curving out does not proof to be as powerfull as in other decks. Other cards im on the fence about are Valley Rotcaller and Mockingbird. Had both as 2x but ended up cutting the Rotcallers despite winning me some clutch games vs aggro, and without Rotcaller the Birds also have fewer targets and are kinda sad, the fact that both miss Karumonix was too great of a downside for me in an already creature heavy deck. A definite miss of your list I am certain about is Rat Out, i ran it as a x3. It is just so good vs Mono Red Abusers, snipes Deepcavern and most importantly it is one of the only ways to get a Rat on board on the opponents turn, post boardwipe for example so you have an attacking Rat for your Marshstalkers the next turn. I started grinding the deck because i like how versatile it plays out and because at the start of season mono black discard was everywhere for me and Karumonix drawing 2-4 Rats Turn 3 would just instantly destroy their gameplan, esp. because you often redraw another Karumonix. The rise of powerfull Talents, esp Caretaker and Innkeeper combined with the lack of black enchantment interaction really slowed my climb tho, they were also the only thing Beastbinder cant shut down which only hurt more. Also white removal being almost exclusivly exile is an aboslute pain and completely nullifies the gameplan of Marshstalkers returning. Esp. Domain or Caretaker decks would just Get Lost, Lockdown and Sunfall me into tilt and there was seemingly no soloution to winning these matchups. With Duskmourn around the corner, I see Nashi being a nice addition that selfmills, potentially draws you your core Legendary 3 Drops as a follow up play or just grows and becomes a threat. While he isnt great, he does everything the deck wants just enough to see play imo. Innoucous Rat is another card i actually see noone talk about, maybe im deloulou but i do see a world where it is actually worth to think about, altough a 2 mana 1/1 without etb is certainly on the weak side. In a Rat deck that focuses on ETB, Attack and Death triggers i then also see Roaming Throne as a powerfull tool. Feed the Swarm and Withering Torment finally coming in as Black Enchantment hate that can double as removal is the biggest win for the deck tho and with the Enchantment support we get in Duskmourn will likely be desperately needed. Maybe its unplayable because of Monored, but i will certainly tinker and try to make Dimir Rats great again when Duskmourn releases, would look forward to you also revisiting it :)
@EggsAreGood55 День назад
The rotcallers, nezumi, and mocking bird are all a no for me. Maybe a 1 of for 1 of them. But other than that, there are better rat cards you can use over them imo. You are very correct though about dropping some Lord Skitter for a couple of his butcher. People underestimate the one that lets you draw a card and +1+1 counter it when you hit the threshold as well imo. A big trap I fell into early on was using the banner, but I kept on losing because of how slow it is.
@kjlh9 День назад
Share your list plz
@erickschusterdeoliveira2662 День назад
mono red decks and mice aren't really an issue in BO3, sideboarding destroys them
@ayewanrice День назад
Got to mythic this season with rats. But with the red splash for song of tote.
@cuttlefish6839 День назад
I get the joke with karumonix but hes more goblin ringleader than atraxa
@zephax3629 День назад
Ratatouille is hustling again 💅
@theteamaviatorbrian День назад
Cool deck but I can't finish this video. That bird is insanely annoying
@goodolarchie День назад
Mockingbird, X=0
@somethingsomething9006 18 часов назад
This is why I cannot stand birds as pets, with dogs and cats they're consistently quiet or can be reasonably quiet most of the time, birds are constantly loud and screech whenever they make any sound. That and I feel bad having a winged pet stuck in a cage and not flying
@Jm96RoCk День назад
You could say Karumonix is... RATraxa 😂🐀
@urnow2986 День назад
Players who go to negative life and 10 poison at the same time should get 2 game losses for the match.
@JohnnyTightIips День назад
LOL can you imagine the salt
@curtiss9038 День назад
@AZK71 День назад
@paulmerritt6285 День назад
Nope Aylin is cool and all but Astarion is the GOAT.
@theperfectbeing День назад
I knew there was a way to break Rustein but this is too much, I already get annoyed with the amount of actions I have to take for golgari landfall