Hey Detoxers, Thomas here.

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• Instagram: @unitedweimprove03
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• Reddit: @u/We_Improve_Official
GLOOP RESPONDED! (Parody of a Parody)
12 часов назад
About Suicide.
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You Should Talk To Women
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Rating The Season 3/10! | Fortnite
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This SEASON SUCKS! | Fortnite
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Escape The WESKIN'! | Dead by Daylight
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New Car STRAT! | Fortnite
2 месяца назад
@botoboyraiden 2 дня назад
i js tell myself they not real
@dorecorder27 3 дня назад
naahh bro thats a kandy stick
@theisegai56 3 дня назад
Nice vid Tom.
@unitedweimprove750 3 дня назад
Cheers mate, how are you?
@theisegai56 2 дня назад
@@unitedweimprove750 Doing great, how are you.
@unitedweimprove750 33 минуты назад
​@theisegai56 not bad, think I have finally found a partner. She was in our course in College. Hope you are doing well, mate.
@BrianHicks1 5 дней назад
Awesome expose! this guy needed to be called out!
@unitedweimprove750 5 дней назад
Note: I purposely cut ✂️ a bit of my outro out, for le funny!
@myoddityartistry 6 дней назад
I know this guy, and it's so much more than you think! wanna chat? I stream on twitch.
@laniakeas92 17 дней назад
He had both autism and npd. People only with autism don't lack that much empathy and self reflection. He wasn't just lacking empathy, he was plain evil. He was a narcissist.
@tee-bird-10 20 дней назад
how miserable are you dude 😭
@andrem2909 2 месяца назад
I really wanna see someone mess with the killer using this. just go nurse mode and clip through the wall would be damn hilarious
@KevGamingXP 2 месяца назад
Nice upload Liked FW 💯👍👍
@unitedweimprove750 3 месяца назад
Apologies, Detoxers, if this causes a riot in the comments. This is my opinion & I wanted to get my point across.
@Always_Astro911 3 месяца назад
@-whackd 4 месяца назад
How much of the Holy Qur'an have you read? Have you read the Synoptic Gospels first?
@unitedweimprove750 3 месяца назад
I haven't read the Qur'an yet, hoping to later this year
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
Killer got revealed an hour ago, it's called "the Unknown," unique name for it to be honest, even intrigued by the new female survivor, heard in the trailer that she was searching for a current survivor in the game, which is Mikaela.
@happygofishing 5 месяцев назад
why am i getting recommended this shit, i dont care about any of these losers.
@LuckyOuijaBoy17 5 месяцев назад
Do you mean Skinwalker? Never heard of a “skin crawler”
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
Apologies, I did mean "Skinwalker," i was currently trying to type the description quickly and forgot the correct name for the mythical creature, I wanted the killer to be nicknamed the crawler for short.
@LuckyOuijaBoy17 5 месяцев назад
@@unitedweimprove750 oh I see 🙂 what do you think of him so far??
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
​@TempestPhoenixRed he's immensely unique, just wish that he crawled more, I noticed a lot of people in the DBD community has mentioned that, including streamers, he only tends to crawl during lobby animations and the mori, like he's a terrifying killer.
@mellowmoods8393 5 месяцев назад
And here I thought this was going to be a video about how eating waffles made from wheat was a serious way of copemaxxing.
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
For the looksmaxxing segments I meant call (not course) for his face rating that he does. Just wanted to clarify this.
@itsstyled8110 5 месяцев назад
do a vid on vash
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
I know exactly who your on about with that weirdo, soon will do one about him for sure.
@DovaDude 5 месяцев назад
This would be a good video to fall asleep to, but your voice is horrendous, and I'd fear I may never want to wake up after hearing this shit.
@HegemonicMarxism 5 месяцев назад
Shoe is not a leftist and you seem to have some kind of mental disability as well
@toxicwhiteGermanmale 5 месяцев назад
*She is a socialist, i.e. a leftist. Are you that stupid?*
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
Love the content? Well make sure to like and subscribe for more entertaining or informative content to enjoy! Road to 500 subs by the end of this year!
@erikhendrickson59 5 месяцев назад
My man, you should delete this video
@pipjacjjones 5 месяцев назад
💯 actually probably wasn't even the thing about the women just the rejection by society in general and of course the missing out part obviously alot of that not denying.
@pipjacjjones 5 месяцев назад
Obviously man anyone can see that.
@BattleFish89 6 месяцев назад
If i took a shot everytime you said fokhin id be dead in the first minute. 😒
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
Maybe that would be a compliment to you 😉
@CouchCoop128 6 месяцев назад
@sostenos 6 месяцев назад
Literally the worst thing about the internet in the modern world; any old mouthbreather like this can upload absolute nonsense lmao
@UsmcSS1992 6 месяцев назад
Dude you drop the F bomb every 3 words You need better vocabulary
@AngelicaHots 6 месяцев назад
Look at all the State Department, DNC & progressive social media agency funded bot farms and shoe simps in these comments 😂 Love this video, keep speaking logic and truth. Ignore all these leftist bots. The left is literally propped up by thousands of progressive socialist bot farms backed by big tech and corporate lobbyist firms and state department proxy social media agencies, and the Chinese government funds them with billions of dollars and millions of their own manpower towards botfarms throughout Shanghai and Bejing, posing as pro-leftists all throughout western social media. You'll always see them popping up by the hundreds as soon as anyone criticizes the status quo. IGNORE THESE BOTS! THEY'RE NOT REAL PEOPLE! Real people with sane minds, and logical rational thinking would never defend progressive socialist shills, whose ideology is founded on emotions, virtue signaling, victim mentality, and surface layer thinking, and denial of anything that requires complex thought beyond a single digit IQ. David Pakman, Leeja Miller, Grant Sikes, Harry Sisson, Shoeonhead, I could go on and on, they're ALL funded by progressive socialist social media agencies and state department corporate lobbyist firms. Their entire purpose is to subvert, undermine, demoralize, and promote degeneracy, globalism, lobbying, lunacy, and feminizing men, weakening of family values, normal relationships, and sanity throughout society.
@nervosadustbolt9642 6 месяцев назад
I'll solve the issue for you, dawg. Pearl and Shoe are both Grifter's in their own way. If men want to follow their suit, let them.. It weens the undesirables out. Keep speaking your mind, dawg. We need more people not being meal-mouthed about how they think/feel.
@dabberowl 6 месяцев назад
@vfnxjcjcujenxncjdzx 6 месяцев назад
Boohoo 😢
@nervosadustbolt9642 6 месяцев назад
Why? Are you sad? Did him speaking how he see's something hurt your feelings? Because you're incapable of logic or reasoning, you just go off based on how you feel at the time like an impulsive little prick? That sounds like a YOU problem, not this guys issue at all.
@Based_Stuhlinger 5 месяцев назад
High IQ reply.@@vfnxjcjcujenxncjdzx
@tazerface8659 6 месяцев назад
Definitely don't Google "Shoeonhead leaked nudes" they're definitely not super hot and you shouldn't look at them. Don't do it!
@pygmalionsrobot1896 6 месяцев назад
I would agree that there are a LOT of narcissists on the left, but we see that there are also a LOT of narcissists on the right as well. Politics has become a magnet for narcissists of ALL political persuasions, they are very loud and childish, and they are now dominating the conversations - ALL conversations. The modern problem is not political, the modern problem is psychological. Society is drowning in narcissism, and it engulfs things like politics. It engulfs media. It engulfs academia. It has swallowed up the art world, music, transportation, architecture, and many other things. That's the problem. Mass narcissism. Welcome to hell.
@DarkSharkDomilian 6 месяцев назад
So, I wanted to be angry and defend Shoe, like the other commenters. But I'm choosing to be critical, and a little constructive for now. Firstly, your voice. Some kind of British accent right? Whatever it is, your voice isn't clear enough. Your words need clarity, I could probably understand Churchill's old speeches better, and listening to those would actually be worth a damn. With your accent, you could genuinely benefit from mimicking Churchill in the way he speaks, just you know, for menial internet drama instead of something important. Otherwise, focus on clarity. Secondly, so much of what you speak is just insults and curses. Dickheads, troglodytes, fucking, shit, pathetic. Just over and over. You lack so much professionality when you do that. The occasional swear is fine, and you can use them for emphasis, to show when you are downright PISSED. Your swears will have so much more impact, and will have so much more sway and meaning if you use them sparingly. Third, the webcam and your appearance. You are not very good looking, and while Shoe is no model, she is definitely out of your league. You clearly didn't try to shape up your appearance, so it's absolutely pathetic you talk for a full 25 seconds about how dateable Shoe is while looking like the fungus grown on a rotting tree. Even on 720p, your webcam is still clearly low quality, and it's a waste to set it to 720p just to stare up into your nostrils while you constantly look up and away from the camera. Change the shirt, grow an actual mustache, and let us look at you face to face. Until you can do that, the webcam is entirely unnecessary and looking at you is distracting. Fourth, you don't actually show stats and the images themselves are very much overstaying their welcome. Show some pictures of stats and ANYTHING else. I don't need to stare at the fact that Shoe deemed you annoying enough to block you for an entire 2 and a half minutes. Especially when you don't even mention her blocking you, or actually say anything related to the image until you get to the point. Your words and pictures don't line up for almost half your video. And it stills takes until 2:54 to change the image, still not mentioning why she blocked you. Fifth, as aforementioned, you take a long time to get to the point. 2 and a half minutes. That kind of intro should be reserved for something of quality and length. In the growing stages of your channel, you want to catch fire and hold it. You lose the heat when you waste 2 and a half minutes on nothing. Even worse, it being a substantial chunk of your video, and right in the beginning, you immediately kill interest. Shoe white knights will realize in 15 seconds that nothing you are saying is of any significance, and you lose the interest even of people who want to support you. Sixth, you don't explain the issue well at all. For those who don't know, Pearl is a religious dumbass pick me who caters to men to reach about 2 million subs on YT while hating on women. She's literally the type of girl to say that men cheating isn't that bad, while women cheating is game over, since she did say that. Something Pearl does is talk about marriage, she talks about it a lot it seems. Instead of trying to unite and improve her audience to be good people who don't marry just to trap or mistreat their partners, she uses propaganda to worsen male loneliness and fear monger us men into staying lonely. Shoe recognized this, and has been trying to expose her hypocrisy. She asks Pearl, does she or does she not want to get married. The hypocrisy here is that if Pearl does, then that means she views herself as holier than thou, and yet uses her platform to crush others, which is a power dynamic that hurts the masses to her gain since she markets herself as best. If Pearl doesn't, then Pearl is projecting, admitting that she knows she's part of the issue, and someone like Pearl wouldn't want to admit it. So Pearl keeps avoiding the question, because answering it is simple, but one answer will crush her ego(she's a news anchor, and pretty egotistical for sure, so evident in her content), while the other will get her crucified by people for having that ego. THAT'S the issue here. Not like you proved anything since you lack screenshots with any substance. The reason Pearl wants a face-to-face conversation is to set the terms. She's like Hasan, she'll drag you onto her platform and beat you down in front of an audience that supports her. Pearl is the pick me girl Hasan. Shoe is in the right, and the fact you would instead support the one who wants to divide everyone, while named UnitedWeImprove, just shows you lack intelligence. Now I'm done being constructively critical. I've given you more courtesy and respect than I want to give. Grow up and stop being a salty man child. Grow a beard, develop some fashion, slim down a bit, and fix your personality. Maybe then you'll be in Shoe's league, but that won't be enough to fix the trainwreck that is your content. I couldn't fathom making content like yours. I would at least wait until I had decent gear and better developed skills before starting, and even then I wouldn't show my face or even reveal my voice until I fixed myself. I know *I'm* nothing decent, but at least I don't flaunt my mess for people to see. You have the same hair you should have if you were in your 30's, but I was shocked to see you say you are 19 on your reddit account. You are clearly just coming down off your highschool peak ego, and realizing you aren't the charming young man you thought you were which makes you salty. It's so evident that right wingers propagandized you so heavily too, because Shoe is not really a leftist. Not in the way you talk about her at least. You're so hostile over her lukewarm, normal takes, that it makes your username a total sham. Like naming yourself "HottestBrit," it's just wrong. So so divisive, can you even comprehend how much of a walking contradiction you are here? You don't have a porn addiction (as your u/United_We_Improve reddit account states), you're a loser who gets no bitches so the only way you can get the high of sex is to jack off every time you feel bad about yourself; you can only comfort yourself by embracing your own body. And yet, you don't want to fix this supposed addiction, it's so clear in how you support Pearl who disrespects good and healthy relationships with her moronic takes.
@Curator134 6 месяцев назад
I coul eat a tin of alphabet soup then trow up on a table an what was spelt would be more coherent than this stupid ramble you just posted.
@Soundsofthewood 6 месяцев назад
Dude why do you care? Only you can fix your loneliness. Awareness is only good if people are willing to do the foot work. Women ain't just going to get aware and fall for any man to help them out. Relationships are more complex then that.
@bradywalker5291 6 месяцев назад
"only you can fix your loneliness" That's the problem with today. Men want to shit on the hoes out there rather than just having standards. There's always excuses. But when's the last time they went out? Asked for a girls number? Any of that..? I often go to the bar. Until recently, I would talk to girls just to leave them in the past. No hookups, just flirting. As if I was practicing. I recently felt ready to get back out there after a long haitus. First night out with new intentions, and I got a girls number. My brother in christ, I'm shorter than the average woman. These guys just want to make excuses why their life sucks, and you're never gonna go anywhere with a mindset like that.
@unitedweimprove750 6 месяцев назад
@tristanlon7 I care because I have been used by girls multiple times by girls the past 2 years! You most likely take it that I am an incel who doesn't even approach women/get approached by them, which was once the other way round as this once happened in my College before, but the irony is that she cheated on me legitimately the next day, I have every right to be irritated by modern women.
@truanarchy6315 6 месяцев назад
There’s a fuckin xenos in this video spreadin some malarkey
@D3w10n 6 месяцев назад
So you slid in her DMs and got left on read?
@unitedweimprove750 6 месяцев назад
Nope, quoted a comment she put replying to an X user JustPearlyThings
@D3w10n 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for confirming@@unitedweimprove750
@unitedweimprove750 5 месяцев назад
​@@darrenskjoelsvold checked yesterday, I am still blocked
@TheRealCatoSicarius 6 месяцев назад
“Fohkin” -UnitedWeImprove, 2024
@unitedweimprove750 6 месяцев назад
This! 😂👆🏻
@BlazingOwnager 6 месяцев назад
Dear lord, how does this not have more negative votes? Dude's as sharp as a spork
@ManiacMayhem7256 6 месяцев назад
Glad someone calling her out. Shes a socialist and an atheist. I cant take her seriously.
@BrazenBullXXX 6 месяцев назад
You will never make it as a content creator when you drop three F bombs in every single sentence. I got one minute in and paused it because it was so exhausting. Not saying you got to be squeaky clean but that was brutal.
@unitedweimprove750 6 месяцев назад
Apologies was just trying to make a point.
@BrazenBullXXX 6 месяцев назад
@@unitedweimprove750 Didn't mean to be disrespectful but I love seeing smaller guys grow. God speed. Don't stop.
@MCNOISE666 6 месяцев назад
​@@unitedweimprove750I'm the same, mate, so it didn't bother me, but I think they're right if you want to grow your channel 👍
@nervosadustbolt9642 6 месяцев назад
It's a word.. Get over it, we are adults here.. And, if you can't handle words.. Too bad, soo sad. I like when people swear, it is refreshing instead of being a mealy-mouthed twit censoring themselves for money
@gr0mit948 6 месяцев назад
Fuck is my favourite word in the English language but even i got bored a minute in, also good job utterly missing the mark on pretty much everything. Yes she's a dohnut but atleast she's got a fucking scipt, topic and point.
@Lt_Koro 6 месяцев назад
maybe if you'd actually write a script and/or at least edited your vids you'd realise that over half this video is unnecessary. also idk and idc about any of the "drama" thats going on there, but it doesnt discredit shoe's vids on male loneliness. you might not like the person creating but the creation can still be valuable.
@nervosadustbolt9642 6 месяцев назад
Exactly. You don't like what HE has to say, but you're dismissing HIM out of hand because you don't like he has a negative take on someone that you like.. So, you're all up in your feelings instead of being logical. You're disregarding everything he says.. I doubt you even listened all that long.. And, it doesn't "discredit" this guy, just because YOU don't like it. And, If MEN are unable to speak on anything related to women because WE AREN'T THEM. So, How would we know? ( According to women themselves ) Then how is it cool for a WOMAN to tell MEN anything similar? Shoe is a grifter, so is Pearl. But you're clearly a Hypocrite with Double standards.. You're doing the same thing to him, as you're preaching for him not to do to someone that you like online... Makes sense.
@toxicwhiteGermanmale 5 месяцев назад
@@nervosadustbolt9642 *Finally, someone with an above average IQ in this disgusting swamp of a comment section full of triggered emotional simps.*
@EncoreASMR 6 месяцев назад
Majority of pr0n users and 0nlyFans users are married or single men who rarely get laid. You can't get addicted to graphic content. Quitting watching blue movies is code word for gain status, make money and focus your time on your grind- to bribe a girl into your life. There’s nothing wrong in doing that, but I cannot tolerate the n0fap crowd blabbering about morality and children. Degeneracy has existed since the dawn of humanity. Believing that fapping is bad for your health is tbh bordering on mental illness. Nofap is just run of the mill self-improvement. Let's not beat around the bush, there are fem inists and tradcons who would love to outlaw pr0n- the fems because they want to do anything to upset men (page 3, girl girls and dart models should tell you that) and tradcons want to do it so they can force men to grind more hours for the sake of their GDP balance sheets.
@EncoreASMR 6 месяцев назад
@davidsoto7114 6 месяцев назад
I need some good console player dbd teammates. Let me know if you ever wanna play