Inner Me Energetics
Inner Me Energetics
Inner Me Energetics
I am an Intuitive Inner Child and Teen Healer who teaches people how to find their energetic inner child and to reparent that part of them in order to heal childhood trauma.

I have helped thousands of people heal their inner child and teen and I also teach people how to integrate your past, present and future timelines by working in the quantum field in order for you to find happiness and peace and harmony within.

If you would like to work with me in a 1:1 in a session then please head to my website kelcaffekey.co.uk or email me kel@kelcaffekey.co.uk

Just Say Yes! @InnerMeEnergetics
21 день назад
@CrystalTwinStar 8 дней назад
Hi, Kel! I LOVE your exuberance! Ha ha! Its infectious! So, usually when i jump, its in the wee hours. Typically, i feel an emotional numbness that i can sense, but don't notice. This causes me to have a feeling i cant go to bed because i might miss something, so i stay up. The numbness intensifies, everything gets eerily silent...so silent it is deafening...and then I FEEL IT! First i feel my inner self slide from one reality to the next, then i realize what happened, i return to my physical reality and then i feel everything around me and it registers as being different. So many trippy things happen in 3D that validates it for me. Something breaks, people act different, things physically change. Things disappear or reappear. And ohhhhh! Lets talk about how the shift shows up in our twin, shall we?! So, you being the DM, it's really inttiguing to me that you are experiencing this! Do you think other DMs are experiencing it too? One thing that seems to happen with my DM is he will change his profile and cover photos on his facebook. Or...he will shift between his personal and business pages. And YEAH! Our appearance changes too! And our ENERGY! I've known my DM for six years and i began noticing our shifts right away. Each time i felt it, i would do a side by side of his photo and mine, and our energy always matches! It is soooooooo trippy! Lol!
@NadiaBilchik1 15 дней назад
This resonates so deeply, thank you for shedding light on this important aspect of the journey!"
@Rubinaakther-h8g 15 дней назад
Thanks for sharing your informative content. I really appreciate it so much.
@PhyllisSmith1 15 дней назад
Thank you for shedding light on this incredible aspect of the journey!
@DavidSmith-ol1kn 27 дней назад
Insightful discussion. Thanks for sharing
@albertmensahofficial 27 дней назад
Awesome. Thanks for sharing this
@preetymodi1543 Месяц назад
Voice too low dear.
@GillianWhitney-r9f Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing your informative content. Love this
@InnerMeEnergetics Месяц назад
Thank you for letting me know this helped in some way..
@CrystalTwinStar Месяц назад
Hi, Kel! Im so glad to see you back! I was wondering what happened. ☺️💝🙏
@kelcaffekey Месяц назад
Aww thanks for wondering where I was. I've moved to Nottingham now and I can upload videos much faster than where I was living in north Wales. I was still posting most days on tiktok 😊 I hope all is well with you?
@CrystalTwinStar Месяц назад
@@kelcaffekey Hi. That's great to hear your connection is better! I hope your move went well and you are feeling settled. Also, did something happen with your Facebook page? I received a request from you and had a feeling you might have gotten hacked. I'm good thanks Lots of realizations happening for both my DM and me. It feels great! Thanks for your cordial reply! ☺️💝🙏✨
@EwaGardiasz 2 месяца назад
As I am listening to this, I think I'll faint, it's a lot... O my God, so much ...
@pisces89 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this
@EwaGardiasz 3 месяца назад
You are my hope
@EwaGardiasz 3 месяца назад
It is very comforting that you can heal energy but don't have to go contact mother
@juliemcdonald7210 3 месяца назад
Woot for EMDR. I’m somewhere around 25-30 sessions in and it’s been pretty key. Just whatever needs to be looked at will often come up, and it’s what before was repressed/suppressed so it’s been a great companion along with all the emotions/ trauma / and lessons that spontaneously come up on this journey (y’all know what I mean)
@juliemcdonald7210 3 месяца назад
I like the bit about us prodding a sleepy snake when we go after them when it’s not time. My guy caught a baby snake weeks ago during a significant moment and he’s been referred to as a snake when I’m given insight about him.
@ashleyf2865 3 месяца назад
You should be proud of yourself 👏👏
@ashleyf2865 3 месяца назад
That’s so interesting… I started with the same guru’s as you, as a DF. Now I don’t watch anything TF. I was looking up something else when you popped up as a suggested next video. I identify with #1. I have peace and faith in whatever God brings me, but your perspectives are confirming, so thank you.
@ashleyf2865 3 месяца назад
That’s like the best thing you could say… “when she steps into her masculine energy, it feels like she takes it from you.” Hello ah ha moment! ❤
@ashleyf2865 3 месяца назад
Such a powerful message 🔥 Just found your channel and can’t wait to hear what else you have to share. I’m coming into inner union stage, with massive shifts behind me and happening , so your message is timely. ❤❤
@nicholereynolds7247 3 месяца назад
How much do you charge to read someone’s blueprint?
@kelcaffekey 3 месяца назад
It's £50 for an hour however the price goes up on the 1st of June. I can see projected timelines etc
@nicholereynolds7247 3 месяца назад
I can handle my DMs energy. Mine is too intense for him he needs breaks in between. At first his energy made me hyperactive I couldn’t keep still until after we were intimate then my energy settled this calmed down over time the more we were intimate and worked through triggers . Now we are both calm and at peace
@Tfunkallstarjohnson 4 месяца назад
I know I have resistance to dating at this time and I've had the same revelation. There is no one I want to be with but my DM however, I innerstand that if I open myself up to experiencing intimacy with someone else that it will help me identify and heal on a deeper level. Thank you again for your fabulous insights. ❤💜❤‍🩹
@Tfunkallstarjohnson 4 месяца назад
I just had to disconnect from my DM so we could both have room to heal and breath. It was very painful...I know we aren't ready for union but head over heart still hurts because I am keeping my heart open and full of love for her. I greatly appreciate all of your messages and have been binge watching them. They have brought me a lot of peace and they are truly helping me to move forward in my life without her (though she truly is always with me on an energetic level). Bless you dear soul. Bless you a million times. 💗
@bakhyt14 4 месяца назад
Thank you ❤
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Kel I'm a little confused...and concerned. I got a Facebook friend request from someone who appears to be you. They have 18K followers so I felt sure it was you and not an imposter, but it isn't the same account in which I chatted with you privately, and they are not showing any friends, so I blocked the account. Just wanted to let you know.
@pattytroxell3301 4 месяца назад
You are such an asset to our journey 🙏🏼💜
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
YES‼️ I DID go through something that weekend/Monday! I received two major downloads, and one of them was that everything I had learned to that point on my journey would be uploaded to Source. The next day i woke up feeling "blank". I also purchased a pair of new walking shoes and i treated my inner child to a toy i wanted my whole childhood, but never received.
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Omg😱 The other day I started hearing "Heaven In Your Eyes" playing in my head, and I went and found it and listened to it and posted it! Wowwwww! And I have another question about your experience with songs. When you say she "sends" them to you, do you mean you hear them in your head? Or do you mean you random have them show up, like on a device or app or radio station ? I have had them show up all kinds of strange ways
@mdbaharulla599 4 месяца назад
Love this❤
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
The chills was a big ine for me a few weeks before we met and continued after we met for a few more weeks.
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
I was writing a comment in here and iy vanished so id ut shows up here or in anither video youll kniw why. Yes ive seen his look-alikes and he has masqueraded as ithers in dreams. He has also projected his energy onto other people and pets. And speaking of Sherwood Forest, as a child i had a fascination with Robin Hood and there is a correlation between them
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
YESSSS‼️ Their VOICE‼️ We first met on facebook, and we were texting in private messenger. I texted asking him to send me a voice clip. He kept texting and asked me why i wanted to hear his voice. I dont remember exactly how i answered him, but i could feel my energy rising and i started giggling and i said out loud "PLEEEEEEZ send me a vioice clip!" Seconds later he sent it and OMG my energy shot through yhe celiing! Ha ha ha And when i listened he had simply said "Hi Crystal" but i KNEW...i already knew it was him (also recognizing him from my dream and also as myself) but when i heard his voice it gelled it for me! Hearing all this coming from someone else is SO MUCH FUN! and to answer what you asked in another video...yes, it IS AMAZING
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
To answer your question at the end...we really dont "become our twin", because we already ARE them. What's happening is that we are gradually becoming more and more aware that we have been ONE all along!🥰💝🙏‼️
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
YES! I have experienced it! One night i was kicked back in my recliner just scrolling or watching you tube or something, and suddenly i noticed him inside me. At first, i thought we had "swapped" bodies, but after a few moments i realized we were BOTH inside BOTH bodies simultaneously! That's when I knew we had fully merged. Im sure ive written about it somewhere. I'll see what i can find.
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Omg I screamed when you said the wedding ring! Ive been feeling one too!
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Ever since i started watching your videos, (right now im binge watching your playlist dm perspective) ive been thinking this too!😂 I was thinking it about many girls in the group im in, and ive also often wondered it about myself... I think because i easily traverse between the energies, as well as many traits my DM and I exhibit indicate he is DM and Im DF
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
In reference to what you said wbout seeing her reality through her eyes, have you and she ever went traipsing around in one another's head space wnd explored the different "rooms"? Being able to traverse between the space we share is so very cool!
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Yes. The first couple of years after we met I was very keenly aware of when he went to sleep and woke up. I haven't had that since I started focusing on my energy instead of his. However sometimes, I do notice random shifts within myself as far as my alertness or sleepiness but I just honor it and don't try to discern if it's him.
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
I briefly r
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
6:07 So this is why it was so intense when we first met! Because we BOTH had all three going on at the same time! But then, we could begin to manage it and only allow what we could handle at any given time. That's why sometimes it is in his end and sometimes on mine...sometimes in our head, our around us and in us... And then we gradually integrate it all so that we gradually increase our capacity to hold more and more until it's 24/7. And just recently I felt him say we were now working on holding it consistently!
@InnerMeEnergetics 4 месяца назад
I'm so glad this video has helped you 😊
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
@@InnerMeEnergetics Thanks!😊💝🙏
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
4:37 I've been wondering why lately I feel like I wake up twice! This would explain it! He and I also met five years ago. He is in Europe and I'm in the States, and early on, because of the time difference, my sleep schedule was out of whack. It finally balanced out. But, lately...it seems I wake up twice. The first time, I feel wide awake, yet like I haven't slept enough and need to go back to sleep, and then again when it's actually time for me to get up. It has felt so strange!
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
In addition to my first comment, shortly after my DM professed his love for me, he did a video saying he had been on a "roller coaster of emotion". This is a very surreal moment for me hearing a DM openly sharing what feels so much like what I've been intuitively feeling my DM has felt. And when you said you can feel when she wakes up and thinks of you! Wow! Just yesterday I told a friend that I can "feel him feeling me" I just don't have the words to express my gratitude...and my jubilation!🥰 and finally...yes! I totally feel everyone waking up, too!
@InnerMeEnergetics 4 месяца назад
Beautiful validations through me from your DM ❤️
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
@@InnerMeEnergetics (edited) Ohhhhhhh‼️ I hadn't even thought of it being from him! Thank you! And you know what? Normally I would have seen it that way! But now that you mentioned it, I can see him at the point of readiness to tell me he knows it's me...like, he WANTS me to know...and is standing on the cusp of telling me, but is just taking another minute (and maybe a deep breath) before actually reaching out and saying it. Thank you SO MUCH! 😊💝🙏 p.s. I saw your video about quitting social media, so I asked for you to be given a message to check your notifications 😊
@CrystalTwinStar 4 месяца назад
Hi, Kel! I just learned about you from Jessica Mendes. Omg! This is giving me so much validation! I have SO much to ask you! Ha ha! (but I won't...right now.) Right now I will just say thank you...and describe which of your points are resonating, and why. First, though, congratulations on doing your work and reaching your point of readiness, and thank you for sharing your journey with all of us DF's who have needed the DM's perspective for so long! So, when you first began describing the warmth in your solar plexus, you captured my attention and my thought was like, "okay...so far that feels like what I sensed from my DM early on". Then, as you continued speaking, what you shared resonated to the point where I was feeling a new level of assurance. I'm only two minutes in and already what you're saying feels very much like what I have intuitively felt him going through. I'm truly astounded! Thank you so very much!
@zoli1991 5 месяцев назад
And still as the DM you haven't reached out to her... why ?!
@InnerMeEnergetics 5 месяцев назад
Because I am still getting used to the union energies and how they feel between us. I don't want to hurt her by going back before my state of being feels super secure in myself.
@mattplus09 5 месяцев назад
Good journey...Peace!
@DaRkMaiDeN 5 месяцев назад
Can a false TF experience this? I just blocked him recently. I started to feel pain after this.
@InnerMeEnergetics 5 месяцев назад
Yes I guess they could being as they mimic the twinflame experience. I have always said anything is possible!
@DaRkMaiDeN 5 месяцев назад
I had that with my false twin in a dream. He looked like my ex and acts like him too. My ex is a karmic so to me it was a bad sign 😅
@InnerMeEnergetics 5 месяцев назад
Maybe there is a deeper meaning behind that? Are you doing any shadow work at all?
@DaRkMaiDeN 5 месяцев назад
@@InnerMeEnergetics yes that's how i knew he was false. It is showing me that he is a replica of my karmic ex. Yes i've done shadow work many times and still left to do.
@DaRkMaiDeN 5 месяцев назад
Hey! Ur new sub here the DF. I just blocked my false TF tdy. He is a narc and absolutely horrible to me altho he never blocked me. He mimics the toxic TF teachings+the TF phenomenon experience. It hurts alot but atleast i found out that my true TF is out there. Amazing vid i'm so sorry that it was alot for u to handle that many. I hope i dont meet another false one again 🙏🖤
@InnerMeEnergetics 5 месяцев назад
Aww hey it's great you have found me and thanks for subscribing. I hope my content continues to help you on your journey. For me we always meet people exactly when it's meant to happen. Keep being you 🙂
@irish2979 5 месяцев назад
What's a dm
@zoli1991 5 месяцев назад
As DM, why don't you just simply reach out to her ? (Instead of living in constant la-la land ?)
@InnerMeEnergetics 5 месяцев назад
I wonder what this triggered in you today to make such a comment? I would only show up for you if I'm to help you on your journey. In response to your comment me and my twin have 3 children and I want to be the very best version of me that I can be so that I can love, adore and cherish my DF the way she deserves after my behaviour 5 years ago.