Blockchain Workshops
Blockchain Workshops
Blockchain Workshops
@alexanderkurz2409 10 месяцев назад
4:25 "the market is a regulator"
@zhangzijun2010 Год назад
I watched it again, so wise and inspiring.
@AmericanScreamVideo 2 года назад
I don't see how blockchain solves ANY problem. And Bruce's suggestion that we allow trusted/centralized authorities to be involved in order to make the system work, basically demonstrates that it's not blockchain that works, but trusted authorities.
@King_Sabali 2 года назад
Thanks so much for sharing. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
@weisland2807 3 года назад
good lecture!
@ivantuma7969 3 года назад
6 years later - this still blows my mind. I often use a simplified version of this concept to explain DAOS to anyone who's interested. I think the concept of "blockchain in government" would be best left for last, and present the Plantoid as an example of DAO corporation that makes widgets - to people who are used to a traditional economic model. Scary, though - Plantoid always reminds me of an early stage of evolution of "Screamers" where Peter Weller's character Joseph Hendrickson says: "lt seems to have modified itself ... the first design was sent to us from the Alliance on Earth. lt's all automated now. No one's been down there since they pushed the first button and ran. They make themselves now."
@Glosoliful 3 года назад
@andreewert1142 3 года назад
Too many words-. must be clear in 2 minutes or less
@andreewert1142 3 года назад
Lacks clarity
@donatuschidi1860 3 года назад
1FmA87x9GrwnYCVvBUEh1yfnPScivdJn4a #blockchaintechnology
@pepa007 3 года назад
This might be one of the most important talks in the history of blockchain, weirdly hidden deep in interwebs with mere 8k views and 150 likes.
@kbabioch 4 года назад
One more great talk from Bruce Schneider. Like how he busts the blockchain hype in a blockchain conference. Crowd seems to be very skeptic, but still he is right :-).
@redq1641 5 лет назад
This group has my money but refuses to reply to emails and physical letters. How can I get in contact with Robinhood coop?
@redq1641 5 лет назад
This group has my money but refuses to reply to emails and physical letters.
@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 5 лет назад
stop saying "space" after everything you raging non-expert dweebs.
@sircliff323 5 лет назад
He's telling you idiots that the NSA knows all your shit.
@souls4totalfreedom816 5 лет назад
My first comment relates to this mans comment (2:30) about how unique humans are at creating a trusting environment, and how that trust is unique to our species. Anyone who has observed the Animal Kingdom knows that the trust this man is talking about IS shared by that entire kingdom; our entire kingdom as we too are animals like it or not. If fact many many species not only trust each other's presence around them, they ALSO trust that food will be shared, along with almost every other need they may have. Humans on the other hand will sit there and watch each other starve to death, nd we create class systems which weakens our trust of each other even more. My next comment refers to (4:00), fact is we create "security" because we do NOT trust each other, it also refers to ownership which ALSO depletes trust because we ALL own this Earth yet our human constructs of ownership destroys that truth. Next comment which is more of a statement refers to (8:00), so I guess wealthy people are parasites since they do not pay their fair share of taxes. Trusting cryptocurrencies that are not regulated is no different that trusting all of the fake banks and money lenders of the very early 1900's, it back then was run by gangsters and today it is no different. I hate to say it but #Bruce Schneier is choosing to view a lot of this in a very blind way, because show me decent honest people who run this technological world, fact is you can not. A new form of fascism is coming in the form of this new technological world and this guy is not speaking about that so far, at 13:05 he talks of some imaginary immoral society from way back when but look around people, you are everything and above the law if you are wealthy in our world, and if you are not you are then just usable substance, a pawn for those who hold the power. I see so much evil in this world, from rich people not paying their fair share of taxes to bible thumpers who actually work for and support the hand of evil while posing as "Jesus" followers. We got politicians who NEVER do what they say they will, more than half the world living in total poverty while fat rich bitches feast on the blood of the working class, we heal the wealthy while we leave the poor to suffer and lose their health, I can go on and on so fuck off with the "imaginary" world because we are living in one that IS immoral. At 15:00 he speaks of being praised for "good" behaviour versus being punished for "bad" behaviour, I disagree because life is not so simple, we praise people because of where they are from first and for most, then we focus on what they do and if that agrees with "agendas". For example if you speak out against capitalism in the U.S. or other western countries rich people everywhere will not support you no matter how good you are or how good your intentions are, and in many cases they will even target you if they can. FACT You are good as long as you are obedient. At 15:20 he speaks of reputation, I think everyone hear probably knows just how much technology can instantly ruin your reputation on very unjust grounds like lies and mis-information, again his attitude is very one sided. At 16:54 he is doing what" Suggesting we create a paranoid society so people will be "honest"? REAL honesty is not found in manipulation. This point demonstrates just how lost he is in his own technological world, most programmers create stuff thinking they are intelligent but in truth they are all slowly imprisoning us all into a techno hell run by the global elite who by the way don't give 2 shits about you. At 20:30 he tells us that we must look at everything that is beyond the door lock in order to get everything to work, how about looking beyond theft? Many people steal to SURVIVE, if money was not in place along with such an unfair system these people would not NEED to steal. Creating a lock is not a logical solution for our world, because just like war the locks will just keep getting bigger WITHOUT dealing with the real problems that create the need for such things. But we are talking about Silicon Valley and San Fran, the city that uses robots to get rid of homeless people; how loving and by the way where is the trust in humanity there!!!?? At 22:40 he speaks of credit card fraud, well credit card companies NEED fraud because they use it to reduce their taxes, just as the fashion industry does, they use peoples desperation to make more money. Pathetic!! At 23:50 he talks about how we can trust Facebook, have you people been reading up on the court case in the U.K. against Facebook? It is ANYTHING but trustworthy. At 24:13 he begins to talk about trusted contracts between 2 points, think Visa and your bank because it is the same thing and that is where this is all going to end up because the world governments WILL take control of digital cash, any one who says they won't does not remember or is simply ignorant to this world's financial world's past. Massive regulation is coming, governments in control of cyrpto currencies is and ALWAYS has been the hidden agenda, the only reason why things like Bitcoin are available is because they are letting the private sector do all the risk taking while the birthing of this new reality comes into being, once it has reached a certain level they will take it all over. There is so much happening within a very old hidden agenda created by the global elite and anyone who thinks otherwise is just lost in ignorance and mis-information, crypto currencies are a real part of that. "Money is a collective hallucination".. INDEED IT IS!! better ask yourself how much that illusion AND YOUR OWN acceptance of it serves you. HIs subject at 35:30 is lacking a comparison to the gangsterism is unregulated money through out time. We live in a world that worships intelligence yet it lacks the ability to apply real intelligence to their new found technological intelligence, these programmers see solutions but refuse to look at why those solutions are needed. It's like the idiots who create nuclear power and weaponry, they think they are so smart but really they are creating more problems that will become more evident bas time goes on. Just because we can does NOT mean we should, that is very old wisdom and it still rings true today more than ever.
@keepingitreal3067 5 лет назад
But should men in their late 50s who have ponytails be trusted? ;)
@Jump-n-smash Год назад
@charmander777 5 лет назад
He says ". In many ways, trusting technology is harder than trusting people. Would you rather trust a human legal system or the details of some computer code you don’t have the expertise to audit?" that's funny. Because my bank just got hacked and millions of private data including passwords stolen. Some people lost thousands. Of course there is insurance to cover that. As for it being totally useless, well tell that to the wealthy Chinese who have been using bitcoin for year to get money out of the country. lol cointelegraph.com/news/how-chinese-bitcoin-buyers-are-getting-around-government-ban this harvard guy is smart obviously...but this dude is just as smart and he says blockchain and crypto has some use ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-MozDSajpLTY.html (unfortunately he died recently..RIP
@iansiebert 5 лет назад
Of course, you will have to always trust somebody, even in bitcoin, if you are not a programmer. But bitcoin pushes trust from the center to the edges. And with the multisig you can even spread that trust in the edge. Bitcoin's advantage is not total trustlessness but rather the new potential of adjustable modular trust at the edges that can scale.
@prackertracker7189 3 года назад
bist du deutsch?
@anthonyvays5786 5 лет назад
hilarious when people say Bruce fucking Schneier knows nothing about cryptogtaphy because he insulted their “crypto” shitcoins
@melchiorao9759 5 лет назад
"Basically useless".. kinda like your average academic.
@zacharycebu 5 лет назад
so is this guy against the use of iphones? or even computers? cant trust those too, according to his logic
@youzuhair 5 лет назад
This was some weak logic if I ever heard any, come on Harvard, you can do better. To break this guy's argument down, a trustless transfer of value (say in the form of a cryotocurrency) is not about not trusting people, it's about minimizing the monetary harm any single entity can inflict. Decentralization is a good thing, just as democracy is.
@iansiebert 5 лет назад
I agree with the first part what you said but if you think about it a democracy is actually a system where you centralize decision making by voting so people can vote how much money and from whom they want to steal property. Decentralized decision-making system is actually just a free market (freedom) with strong protection of private property. Look for Hans-Hermann Hoppe lectures.
@RigelOrionBeta 2 года назад
Crypto isnt decentralized, it is just centralized in different ways.
@dusandragovic09srb 5 лет назад
@dusandragovic09srb 5 лет назад
Good talk, but human to machine necessity - not for long. Intuitive Ai.
@gk51171 6 лет назад
Maybe the best speech ever ... and the follow up answers were great.
@sherieschaefner309 6 лет назад
A favorite topic lately among tech affluent people, cryptocurrency, hur, hur, hur, cryptocurrency, buy more *fart*, yeah! Hahahahahhahaha
@budesmatpicu3992 6 лет назад
message from lawyer criminal: there will always be a law... a nd intentionally unclear so tht we can extract couple of beeeelions from you, stupid slaves...well, the answer is...SPEED... if tech advances faster thann the OldEvil criminals (governments, politico-oligarchcal mafias and their lawyers) can cope with... GAME OVER! (another thing is what NewEvil criminals will do, these GOOLAGS and FcukBooks of this world)... and he even proves that the main threat is their OldEvil class (with that childpornblockchain example)
@johnm3152 6 лет назад
Great Teacher. Thanks for thinking and sharing your thoughts. It's nice to share intellectual property. "Look Ma' no school!" Just learnin'...rest pronoid friend. Thanks for keeping the band [as we know it] together (~);-}
@dedskinprodcerdj4273 6 лет назад
but companies do have large control over crypto coins especially etherium , 3% of wallets hold 90% of coins , or vallue , you can imagine those are companies that can dictate and do dictate value . Amongst other problems , setting a cute kid to talk about it wont neglect the issues . Its just a naive kid ,chances are you think hes a genius , definitely hes not stupid , but what about that market vulnerability , most of it its owned by big companies in the game doesn't matter if cute kid stated otherwise its not correct . Verifications last sometimes days , you're payments are rejected because before they are confirmed , price changes its that bad . Washer machines can use it to auto order Detergent , but they cant fill up autonomously so , transaction is useless as an automated process in that experiment . . thank god he mentioned that all FIAT currencies are digital these days .
@iiLuvvEminem 6 лет назад
Man I can barely understand her accent
@tomiwa1a 2 года назад
I can understand her well. Also, everyone has an accent.
@iiLuvvEminem 2 года назад
@@tomiwa1a I rewatched this and I still can barely make out what the lady was saying.
@zhangzijun2010 Год назад
@@iiLuvvEminem lol, you looks like a native speaker. I thought maybe my english is rusty. Now I feel better.
@beatriceseal275 7 лет назад
OmiseGo is the global scale killer dapp build on Ethereum
@joech1065 7 лет назад
Excellent presentation
@MagdySaeb 7 лет назад
Trust only works if there are sanctions!
@MagdySaeb 7 лет назад
No sanctions... no trust!
@quantumpotential7639 7 лет назад
Thanks. We are enjoying learning about q-bit blockchain technology from the islands.
@wesbrinsfield9770 7 лет назад
philosophy and cybersecurity at a perfect crossroad. fantastic talk
@Trotskisty 7 лет назад
I don't understand why such smart, even wise, people continue to believe the lie of 'Human Nature' -- and absolutely refuse to understand the scientific reality of Human society explained by Karl Marx, et al.
@Challender 7 лет назад
audio volume to low.
@Paperbacknovel 7 лет назад
Constance Choi sounds like she is from or spent much time in Brooklyn. Good accent.
@mmckiel 8 лет назад
33:10 h What does Primavera mean by wikipedia works? Have you ever tried to explain the falling of twin towers with laws of physics like gravitational forces there? Or read from swiss history professors, who are not able to get their own entry right? Would love to see a backfeed version it.
@staveinvaders 8 лет назад
Thanks, we are enjoying learning about bitcoin in NZ.
@pralmanack2010 8 лет назад
Meritocracy and fairness may be balanced by min-max ratios. For example in sharing the revenues of an enterprise the most highly compensated contributor might potentially receive some maximum multiple of the lowest compensation.
@TiberiusBrastaviceanu 8 лет назад
30:56 the Internet of everything does not need a ledger of everything. for more on this search Ceptr and Arthur Brook. See also other p2p technologies. 41:60 Don still talks about private and public, ignoring the third rising pillar, the people/crowd, meaning non-institutional forms of organizing, networks, online communities. I also don't find it accurate to say that the blockchain is the future. Blockchain is not the first p2p technology and definitely not the last. Search MadeSafe and Ceptr for example. What's happening is that the human consciousness wakes up to p2p and we're starting to build culture around it. p2p will become ubiquitous and blockchain will be just one tool among others. The big question out there is what's p2p society, how does it look like?
@TiberiusBrastaviceanu 8 лет назад
I listened to a few videos of Don, he talks about p2p, but never mentions the P2P Foundation and the work of Michel Bauwens. Search that if you want to understand these deep trends...
@synergisminc.5688 8 лет назад
Interesting proposals for the commons to be effective.
@fergalmcgrath8716 8 лет назад
Don a fantastic balanced talk on the first generation of the internet and the challenges ahead for a hopeful humanity
@aquapurity 8 лет назад
Awesome thanks! I wonder, how would we compare and contract IPFS vs the 'sidechain' idea in blockchain land? Are they separate concepts entirely?
@maxfuchs7501 8 лет назад
+aquapurity u could use that Bitcoin 'sidechains' for linking content or authenticating id's to store/share data around the world using ipfs as a global filesystem. Also you could use Bitcoin Encryption over ipfs , so your Bitcoin-Addresses will contain some files u specify in ipfs ;) gl & hf
@p52al 8 лет назад
DOS it is, then!