Gàidhlig Gu Leòr - Camanachd
Gàidhlig Gu Leòr - Camanachd
Gàidhlig Gu Leòr - Camanachd
Scottish Gaelic Learning Resources and Shinty Documentaries and Commentary
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@smxsh_2606 5 дней назад
Mate your a 1st team in north 1 pipe down 😂
@gaidhligaguscamanachd 5 дней назад
Thanks for your feedback on our tongue in cheek AI song - plenty of first teams in that league haven’t had a sniff of winning it, in fact last first team to do so was Skye in 2014
@pulchralutetia 6 дней назад
Mòran taing!
@sn4rff 7 дней назад
@bateptesicus 16 дней назад
I have been learning Gaelic on Duolingo for a year, and this is a great step forward to me. Thank you. Greetings from Poland!
@Genugan 18 дней назад
salamalekum A loubt ❤Eiroän❤ toude hello I love ❤Irish❤ People
@gaffer206 19 дней назад
Great summary. Corcra is purple in Irish. And liath is much more grey in Irish than it is in gaelic. And of course it means stone or stone coloured. As in the Lia Fàil.
@notv_internetuser3789 21 день назад
Carson nach cleachdadh Gàidhlig ann am Baile Mhoire? Bhiodh e air bhith glè fhoghlamach gu h-àirichte airson clann òg agus a' cuideachadh cànan na Gàidhlig a dh'ath-bheòthachadh o chaidh a mùchadh agus a leigeil seachad oirre airson mòran bliadhnaichean.
@artoflifefilmsuk 23 дня назад
I love this along with the translations!!!
@jaapfolmer7791 23 дня назад
I find it helpful to pick out the odd word that I did not understand an look it up on wiktionary. Like ciùin en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ci%C3%B9in
@alicemilne1444 26 дней назад
Dè am blas a tha sin?
@gaidhligaguscamanachd 26 дней назад
Blas an Lìn-Sgitheanaich
@StufKINGS-p4qJA 27 дней назад
@GrahamTodd-ca 28 дней назад
🌭😍 "cùm riut fhèin a' mharag dhubh" 😂
@makosidemakoside3120 28 дней назад
tha sin cho eibheinn
@jimi6335 Месяц назад
Don't bother Google translate did it for u and me
@alicemilne1444 Месяц назад
Really? Google Translate is not great with "small" languages. Tell us what it said. I bet it's not accurate.
@johnpowell9174 Месяц назад
Removing the vocables, GoogleTranslate gives I'm on the lakes [sic] sending my boat home to my harbor with plenty of fish I'll take my friend raise the sail follow the star this is my bata [sic] Not great but you get he gist
@jimi6335 Месяц назад
@kensmaman Месяц назад
Tha an òran seo cho spòrsail! Tapadh leat.
@stevenreay6235 Месяц назад
A bheil ceol siota ann? Feumaidh mi ceannaich e. I hope that translates to "is there sheet music? I need to buy it."
@gaidhligaguscamanachd Месяц назад
Feumaidh mi a cheannach
@shariworden3212 Месяц назад
Feumaidh sinn fo-thiotalan. 😢
@gaidhligaguscamanachd Месяц назад
Lyrics in description
@shariworden3212 Месяц назад
@@gaidhligaguscamanachd Ceud mìle taing!
@ClosedDoor35 Месяц назад
Third time around and I think I get it (and I'm a very new Gaelic learner). Good job on this!
@grantdawson2393 Месяц назад
It would be even better if the words were on the screen or some visual cues to clarify what he is saying.
@joannenelson6082 Месяц назад
@shariworden3212 Месяц назад
Feumaidh sinn fo-thiotalan ann an Gàidhlig!
@FionaDuncan-t6w Месяц назад
If you keep the words on screen longer to give the learner a chance to read and say the words
@LegolasGreenleaf1989 Месяц назад
Hi! Tha miss gaelic cuideach! Tha miss a fuirach ann an phort righ ! ❤
@Jb40-sd Месяц назад
Just caught up on the last few episodes and I am really impressed. Getting an insight like this into an amateur club is brilliant, and as someone who's interested in hurling it's a great view of what state shinty is in across the North Channel. Keep the videos coming!
@mairianncullen8753 Месяц назад
Are the Gaelic words on screen meant to be completely different from the words being spoken? Or is that part of the experience??
@gaidhligaguscamanachd Месяц назад
Must be a glitch - duilich
@andymullins84 Месяц назад
I'm not here yet but I'm definitely learning. I listen to the RU-vid videos called "Speaking Our Language" and I do Duo Lingo. And of course, I've subscribed to this channel Gaidhlig Gu Leor. I also use the LearnGaelic dictionary online for definitions and especially for pronunciation. I also listen to LearnGaelic podcasts on Spotify and an old, somewhat dated show on RU-vid called "Can Seo"
@mairianncullen8753 Месяц назад
The 'Gaelic with Jason' channel might be a great activity to add in. He has a lovely Islay accent in Gaelic and really knows his stuff
@andymullins84 Месяц назад
@@mairianncullen8753 OK thanks! I'll check him out.
@riverdanube6292 Месяц назад
@tthaas Месяц назад
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig air loidhne (tha mi ann an Florida; chan eil Gàidhlig aig daoine an seo.); tapadh leat airson an cleachdadh!
@mairianncullen8753 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for offering this without the music. That works so much better for me. Mòran taing!
@Albanach-je1nk Месяц назад
I can imitate the the words but I have no idea what I am saying.
@gaidhligaguscamanachd Месяц назад
The words match the pictures - you can use faclair.com for words
@Albanach-je1nk Месяц назад
@@gaidhligaguscamanachd l don't have a lot of Gaelic so not easy sorry to say plus I am not technically savvy.
@andymullins84 Месяц назад
These are quality over quantity. The visuals help you believe the words are true
@tthaas Месяц назад
Tapadh leibh airson na faclan ùra: crann-ola, tuathanas-èisg, agus bàgh. Cha robh iad ann an cùrsa Duolingo.
@Albanach-je1nk Месяц назад
I like this and I look forward to more it helps I have some Gaelic I find this reinforces things in my nut. Tapalit
@WonderfulBryce 2 месяца назад
Mòran taing!
@joannenelson6082 2 месяца назад
'S ann mìorbhailleach a tha an bhideo seo, gu math feumail do luchd-ionnsachaidh! Taing mhòr!
@joannenelson6082 2 месяца назад
Haidh Eoghan, seo Jo Nelson bho E-Sgoil. Theagasg thu mi an-uiridh airson deuchain-làbhairt àrd-ìre; ma ma tha cuimhne agad orm fhathast, air dè ìre a tha mi nad bheachdsa B1 no B2? Chan ann mòran adhartais a rinn mi bhon a bha mi anns a' chlas agad, tha mi a' sìreadh cothroman mo chùid Ghàidhlig a leasachadh. Tha mi nad chomain!
@maxmarnau7019 2 месяца назад
Great idea but the noise (is it supposed to be music or what?) is unbearable. I gave up after about two minutes.
@gillefeadaig322 2 месяца назад
Really good idea, and very useful. Text is sometimes a bit difficult to read. And ideally I'd want it to be on screen a bit longer. But well worth while. Tha e gu math feumail!
@tappers50 2 месяца назад
Such a useful video. No problem with the background music, it was not a distraction.
@tappers50 2 месяца назад
This video would have been so useful but the music is not just a distraction, if makes it difficult to pick up the pronunciation. It’s like listening to someone in a noisy pub. This may be a reflection of my deteriorating hearing but I’m sure other people have the same problem.
@KellyShanx 2 месяца назад
This is super cool. Love to see an Elder Scrolls or Oblivion one. Or even just game play streaming with Gaelic commentary to save on editing effort. Simple sentences are great. Seo Linc is exactly the kind of sentence difficulty and comprehensible input I'm looking for. Another idea would be to do a collaboration with Gaelic with Jason. Maybe like a weekly podcast style of just a 30 min to hour chat together completely in Gaelic.
@sashacameron6948 2 месяца назад
Yes strathglass xx
@101airborne07 3 месяца назад
It’s a shame this sport doesn’t have the media coverage like Hurley from Ireland. Coverage of leagues should be a thing. Leagues should be setting up streaming of matches. Thanks for the documentary !!
@John316OBrian-cm4fj 3 месяца назад
I think the reason is hurling is a better sport to watch it's much faster with more scoring, its a pity shity didn't evolve more as a sport shinty is exactly like hurling was over 100 years ago all ground hurling with the same caman ,shinty needs to evolve
@mairianncullen8753 3 месяца назад
Really helpful - and the music on this one works for me.
@mairianncullen8753 3 месяца назад
I really like the idea of this but somehow the background music feels very off-putting. I can only listen in chunks because of it - which defeats the purpose of getting immersed. Only mentioning this as feedback meant in a helpful way.
@mairianncullen8753 3 месяца назад
This is great and a brilliant idea/experiment - except for the background 'music'. The opening music hurt my ears. It is too piercing.
@SionnachSeunta-yo2by 3 месяца назад
Seo bhideo glè mhath a charaid!
@andymullins84 4 месяца назад
Bidh mi fhathast a’ coimhead air na bhideothan seo. Tha na bhidiothan seo gam chuideachadh gu bheil Gàidhlig agam.
@Nadiapm2001 4 месяца назад
Oh, wow! This is so helpful! Thank you :)