Let's Chat Gaming
Let's Chat Gaming
Let's Chat Gaming
I chat about games!

Just here to have a chat with peeps and exchange opinions on different games we've played!

April 1st 2024 - Started Channel - Uploaded HFW Vid
@djukafox 12 часов назад
when I crossed 100 hours and barely got to act 3, I was just simply overwhelmed. I feel like this game shouldn't be rushed but at the same time, an hour a day, you won't be able to do anything. Sometimes just the management of inventory and conversations around the camp takes an hour. Ill go back to it one day but for now, I don't have the patience.
@ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc 20 часов назад
It's a game you take your time with. You can't rush it.
@Mumemafu День назад
Oh my, atm i'm doing my 2 run, I took 250H to do the first, because I really need do "everthing". But I can sometimes play all day, I know its a bit crazy when u are a 48y man. btw, is all about how much times you can expend, and this game can eat all freetime and still have something new to be discovery...
@DagwoodDogwoggle 2 дня назад
You absolutely nailed it. BG3 was sooo expansive that, by the time I got to the Elder Brain confrontation at the end, instead of playing it through I just told Gale to use his atomic bomb to blow himself up so I could get the game over with. I was soo checked out at that point. And yet, every quest I did was engaging, made sense to my roleplay, and I have nothing but good things to say about the game.
@kzxkzxkzx 2 дня назад
5:40 two girlfriends*
@mandywalker3393 2 дня назад
My husband and I are on our first play though. We bought it the day it went on sale. We play.. a lot. and just entered act 3. and I still keep seeing things we missed. I don't care if it takes a year. we are doing the play through. LOL
@d.l.brinkmaniac3542 3 дня назад
I think you're taking time, and in some cases life, a bit too seriously. Most of us understand our time is limited, but if you really enjoy something, it's far from a waste of our time. I took over 6 months off from BG3 after getting to Act 3 in a couple playthroughs, and when my friend and I FINALLY finished our Lolth-Drow twins playthrough this month, it felt just as magical as when we were first experiencing the game in Act 1. Don't limit yourself, especially if gaming is something you and your significant other truly enjoy.
@RG-Zeldaplayer 3 дня назад
What's putting me off the game at the moment is the FOMO aspect of it. There are so many choices to make - but some confer obvious advantages and disadvantages... with the most advantages often confered by doing something against your characters nature... and the moral grey areas of some of these choices make it much more difficult... Not to mention some characters just can't be saved without roleplaying in a way that you don't want to... You find yourself constantly questioning if a choice was correct... I neglected Astarion for much of my run because I was playing a rogue myself - but I kept him in my camp for much of the adventure for his dialogue options and because aspects of his story were interesting... Only to find that I had an impossible choice to make at the end that would have made him totally evil and drunk with power, or else good but weaker and I either had to unleash another horror on the world or kill a bunch of innocents myself... None of which really felt like the right choice... and given a few spoilers I've seen on the latter part of the game this is a trend that continues... you have to sacrifice someone or something no matter what.
@sesimie 3 дня назад
i played three playthroughs. 1. Normal mode Solo 2. Tactician solo and 3. Honour mode Speed run. I've played a few co-ops but those never finish. The beauty of this game is like chess. you can comeback years after fire up the save ffile saved on steam....and boom you back at it when you get time. I'm trying to do an honour mode Divinity Original Sin 2 and it's tough with other games and priorities now. So i'll just wait and jump in that save to try to beat it finally.
@TomaszPiotrowski-ly6wd 4 дня назад
I dont get it what you say is dumb if go about time god just go slowly you dont need beat game in few days go bit by bit its great when game dont end fast you can enjoy game very long
@GallumArtemi 5 дней назад
It's not a task, if this game is still giving you new, novel experiences and a satisfying sense of progression and immersion, why do you want a deadline on it? Play it for 5 years once a week for all it matters. It's strange to me that you put a deadline on it yourself, then complain that you wont meet that deadline. It's literally leisure activity like playing a sport. If you enjoy it, why do you have to move on to something else? Make another save with a different character for non-coop. Just play it more shallow and go with the flow of it. Like the idea that 'it feels like I'm drowning in the game', just take it less intensely. Why if you just play it for an hour, would you not start a quest?! Just start a quest and stop an hour after and come back to continue it. I'm really confused. Literally nothing you said here has anything to do with the game, and 100% has something to do with your own chosen attitude toward doing a leisure activity.
@letschatgaming 4 дня назад
Thanks for listening to my take. What you say is true this video is more of a subjective view of the game and maybe even of gaming as a hobby for me in general. This is not an objective critique of the game, that already exists on youtube so wanted to do something new. I guess you're right this is about my attitude towards the game and gaming in general rather than objective critiques about BG3 specifically that apply to everyone. Why was I struggling to play BG3 when I knew it was objectively one of the best games out there? Thats the question that was playing in my mind and I tried to answer in this video and I guess maybe part of the answer is to do with my mindset and attitude towards gaming at the moment
@GallumArtemi 4 дня назад
@@letschatgaming oh, I get you! yea it makes sense. I'm interested in hearing those takes too, but I suppose for me it seems like something that can be amended with a change in approach. If someone who's job was to review Baldur's Gate, I could really understand it. Or even if gaming was partially related to your work, then I can really see it. I suppose there is that feeling like a game's purpose is fundamentally to 'complete it', it's like a unwritten rule of playing a game, that the point of it is to start when you see the start screen and reach the end credits. So I think I do get it. It doesn't exactly present it's self as an endless sandbox, like Kenshi or something.
@Revellius21 5 дней назад
Mods. Mods are what's keeping me from beating this game. I can't stop downloading.... HELP ME
@letschatgaming 5 дней назад
Ah I've gone a bit crazy with modding Skyrim in the past but haven't tried BG3. Might have to check out BG3 on nexus
@Andrew-it7fb 4 дня назад
Play it on console. Problem solved.
@stephanmarcouxdrums4877 6 дней назад
Creating this kind of video and answering to random comments are certainly not the best way to spend your "so precious" time. I like content, but this video is not about content on RU-vid or Baldur's Gate 3, it's about someone getting older, trying to convinced himself that he is an adult by talking alone in front of a camera. It's like a therapy but you are not paying someone to listen to your problems. Also, someone telling you "normal people with a life" cannot play it, that's not true. It's simply a projection of himself.
@letschatgaming 5 дней назад
Lol it did feel like that while making this. It took hours to edit and write the script and I was thinking I could have completed BG3 twice by now haha but I'm glad I did cause the alogrithm seems to like this one better than my other vids tbh. If in the end I have a successful youtube channel to me that would be better time spent and if I dont maybe I would have wasted my time. But to me its worth the risk. I guess writing your thoughts and expressing them out there to the world in video format is always a kind of therapy. Tbh this channel is early days and I think my content is focused on me and my personality and my journey or opinion on gaming in general and maybe it is therapy for me who knows, rather than just me sharing information and facts about a specific game. I think thats the direction my channel is going anyway but again it's still early days so it could morph into something else eventually. Thanks for watching matey 👍
@bernhardk.2437 7 дней назад
You should Not Quit. This Game is a gem and worth to bei played.
@letschatgaming 7 дней назад
Ah I know, maybe one day I'll find the time! Thanks for watching the vid 👍
@bernhardk.2437 7 дней назад
@@letschatgaming I played it a lot in early Access and after it was released. Together with my 16 year old son recently started a new Game. And it is totally worth it. I am also in a heroic playthrough. Just before grimforge. This Mode ist intense.
@letschatgaming 7 дней назад
Nice, I started early access but thought I'd save it for the full release after learning that I couldn't carry over my save. Ohhh that must be a fun bonding experience playing it with your son. It's so good that this game has co-op and split screen
@bernhardk.2437 7 дней назад
It is great. Much fun. Of course it helps that my childs all are older so there ist plenty of time to play in the evening. We have already finished one playthrough together last year, and He wanted to start another one two weeks ago.
@letschatgaming 7 дней назад
Ah yea would be easier with them a bit older. Oh wow a second playthrough, hope you enjoy 😀
@arwolf316 9 дней назад
I have had to start again recently because I didn’t play for months and I’ve fallen in love again , I totally agree you can’t just sit down for an hour , I just lose whole nights playing
@letschatgaming 7 дней назад
Ah yea once you get into it it's hard to stop! Thanks for watching 😁
@arwolf316 4 дня назад
@@letschatgaming no problem , I was surprised you don’t have more followers tbh , the video was very well made
@letschatgaming 4 дня назад
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for subscribing 👍
@MetaphysicMC 9 дней назад
Games just not for normal people with life. Good games especially. We just need to understand that.
@jonny-b4954 4 дня назад
Sure it is. You just play an hour a day or every other day like I do. RDR2 took me a year to beat. Just how it goes. I'm 70 hours or more in and only just left Act 1. Been playing since release. So I'm way behind still
@MetaphysicMC 3 дня назад
@@jonny-b4954 In this mode, you can just get bored. But it depends on the person. And if there is no other option to play - why not.
@HolyStarXL 11 дней назад
Honestly took me like 60 70 hours to finish everything in the game you can just spend 1 hour every few days or every week or if you are on vacation it's not that big of a deal also the game values your time with a very high quality gaming experience
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Oh wow how did you manage that? I'm near the end of act 2 after 75 hours 😬
@h.s.kirito5535 4 дня назад
lol whata heck ur on about just act 1 alone tooke me easily more than 70h and playing the game just once u havnt seen half od the game simply playing 1 good one evil playthough alrerady makes 2 complete different games and the les thourough u wher in ur first playthrough the better every following one will be
@toby4970 11 дней назад
Completely agree with the time issue and the depth. I’m only ten hours in, and already wondering whether I’ll ever finish it. I’m really enjoying it so far, but at the rate I’m playing it it’ll take me a year. Having a young family prevents me from playing computer games as often as I’d like!
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Ah yea I can imagine with a young family this would be hard to get into, can't really dip into easily for a quick session 😁 thanks for watching mate!
@Li_Tobler 6 дней назад
It actually took me almost 1 year on tactician haha. Started on the first day of release, finished just tonight. I'm a completionist hobo so I've done every quest, checked every crate and talked to every npc lol, and I also don't game everyday, so there's that
@michaels2569 11 дней назад
I had the issue of not finishing BG3 for the longest time. Then again I also had a huge back catalog of games that were almost completed but never got around to them. When BG3 was released I was obsessed with it and was playing an unhealthy amount. Eventually, returned and just took my time playing an hour or so here and there. Watching some You tube vids to help me remember the story so far. When I finally finished BG3 it gave me that same feeling of satisfaction and joy that I experienced from playing Dragon Age origins. As others have said the main story line itself is pretty basic but best part of this game imo has to be the gameplay and companions. There are so many different builds you can do to role play pretty much any fantasy character you can think of. The wide range of companions of different backgrounds and not to mention the stellar voice work done by the actors/actresses. Pardon, the rant but this game is definitely worth it if you enjoy fantasy games such Dragon age origins or Divinity original sin 2. Just take your time and don't feel the need to do every single thing. You can also look up guides that are spoiler free that heavily hint which missions are essential.
@letschatgaming 10 дней назад
I loved divinity original sin 2 and completed that during the covid lockdowns. And I have games in my backlog too that I've started and want to complete but haven't yet, like kingdom come deliverance. I want to complete that before the 2nd one is released.. I feel I will come back to BG3 eventually for sure, just because of how good it is. Like you said its so deep and there's so many possibilities! Thanks for watching matey 😁
@DennGreenIII 11 дней назад
To anyone who says that you should just go through the game just to beat it, bg3 is one of those rare games where it's all about the journey, not the destination. The story is pretty good, but it's not the most mind blowing plot of all time. What makes this game such a masterpiece is pretty much everything else, the world, the people, the side stories, etc. Of you rush through the plot and do nothing else, bg3 might just feel like a 7/10 game. It's the journey that makes it break the scale
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Well said, it would feel silly to miss all the great stuff even if it isn't part of the main story, thanks for watching 😀
@akouto2086 2 дня назад
i ended up making like 4 different saves because i didnt want to reach the end and get spoiled if i made the right choices
@misshavisham1287 11 дней назад
agree with you that this game is a time bandit. I've played BG 1 and 2 decades ago and this game is so involved. Just playing it for an hour , I feel like ive done nothing. Sometimes I have to repeat the battles and it's so discouraging to put that much time in, only to be killed off. I want to still complete it but at this rate, this game will take me years. Can you imagine how long it took to develop this game with all it's options? Amazing.
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Haha yea I agree, 1 hour is never enough it just feels like your getting started. And it's true the developers dome am amazing job with this game! Thanks for watching 😀
@brocklinolsen3744 11 дней назад
You’re a lame
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Lol thanks for that mate
@markadair7338 12 дней назад
This game took me like 7 months to complete with as much side quests as I could possibly do and 250+ hours. I highly recommend trying to finish! Even if its an hour or two a week. For me, it was like a TV show that I returned to every week
@JeffSpurlock 11 дней назад
Oh man… I have no life. I just completed an honor mode run in 8 days
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
@markadair7338 wow 250 hours 😲 that's crazy. I'm in act 2 at 75 hours. Yea if I treat it like a TV show that would help. I think I will complete it in my life at some point cause I want to see the actual city in act 3
@wildfield5137 12 дней назад
This is very true. I sometimes return to shorter games like Portal, Mafia 1 (the old and superior one ;) ) or CoD 4 SP campaign comes to mind, where you can play through the whole game (or a significant part of it) in one afternoon/weekend and have one short escapist experience.
@letschatgaming 11 дней назад
Oh yea some of the old CoD campaigns are good to go back to. I played the modern warfare 2 remastered campaign when it came out and it was a good change of pace from the other bigger games I was playing. Easy to dip into and completed over a few days of playtime
@wildfield5137 Месяц назад
I agree with you on Norman. It's classic underdog you root for to not be such a pushover over time. I felt like the only character I was interested in was the ghoul. I guess it's because he is more grounded than the other characters. Overall the thing I hate the most is the atmosphere. It's closer to silly style of FO4, but there is the Black Isle and Obsidian fan in me talking - their work is just superior.
@letschatgaming Месяц назад
Yea Norman is definitely an underdog, I'm looking forward to what they do with him in season 2. I think all the stuff with the ghoul and his wife was really good, the reveal of what his wife planned with vault-tec was crazy! Yea it was a bit too goofy at times for me, wished they went more serious with it in some parts. Hopefully the New Vegas stuff they do next season will satisfy the obsidian fan within you :) Thanks for watching!
@UseYourBrain00 Месяц назад
Good Analysis.
@letschatgaming Месяц назад
Thanks matey, glad you like it!
@AustinOpt Месяц назад
Really nice analysis, I've been thinking of watching it but having 2nd thoughts after seeing some mixed reviews but overall looked appealing
@letschatgaming Месяц назад
Thanks man, I appreciate you watching 😀 Yea it's no masterpiece or anything but it's good and definately worth it if you like the games!
@letschatgaming 2 месяца назад
00:00 Introduction 00:40 The Ubisoft Core 03:31 Marketing Hype 04:38 Disney 05:44 Summary 06:05 Viewers Reward
@wildfield5137 2 месяца назад
I think you would enjoy Lies of P. It is a bit more hand-holdy and I mean that in a good way, while keeping a lot on the player to discover, read between the lines. They did make the story of a souls-like good and all of the things you say (plot, characters, lore) they nail. Haven't played Sekiro so I can't speak for every Souls game, but for me, as a guy who loves stories in games, the Lies of P is the best of the bunch.
@letschatgaming 2 месяца назад
Ah yes I did start that game but never got around to finishing it, I think just because there's so many games I started lol I remember it being good and the story side of it was better and more focused so need to get back to that one at some point. I haven't tried sekiro, I feel like I should though just because it won game of the year for 2019
@wildfield5137 2 месяца назад
You have some great points. I think HFW gets a lot of hate, but as long as it's fun... that's why I play videogames. On the flip side: I guess I am not a big fan of that every evil character is a man and Aloy can be annoying at times, but that can be just me. :D But I love how the fact that the tribes are a mix of races is explained in the lore and is not just tokens to check some box for investors and awards. I also think that in case they push some agenda, then it's ok with me, because Horizon is an original world and is not "fixing" some already existing piece of art with race or genderswap. For me, the best part of HZD was the backstory of the world, which was relatable and watching the end of the world with the current rise of an AI really hit that emotional spot for me. I am considering buying the sequel but I feel like they can not top the backstory of the first game. Am I wrong?
@letschatgaming 2 месяца назад
Yea its good that its a nice mix and that it actually makes sense becuase of the worlds history. I guess the backstory is the same as the first game, they do reveal new information about it throughout the story but it won't be the same feeling of learning about a whole new world and lore becuase the world has already been established in the first game so it does loose some of that wow factor the first game had. There is more going on though that help to keep it interesing like with all the new machines and some new stuff in the story that I wont spoil, thanks for watching and supporting this new channel! I appreciate it 🙏 😁
@letschatgaming 2 месяца назад
00:00 Introduction 02:24 World Building/Lore 03:50 Plot 07:12 Characters 10:00 Summary and Review 10:55 Secret Reward
@nicbahtin4774 3 месяца назад
Also the gameplay is pretty good, you have alot of weapon and enemy veraiety. And even simple enemies can be challenging
@letschatgaming 2 месяца назад
Yesss, I agree. It's so satisfying to shoot off chuncks of the machines with your bow! Thanks for watching 😀