The Happy Engineer | Career Success and Leadership
The Happy Engineer | Career Success and Leadership
The Happy Engineer | Career Success and Leadership
The Happy Engineer helps engineering leaders reach the next level without suffering burnout - because success without fulfillment is failure. You will discover how to redefine work/life balance and lead with purpose, while accelerating your next promotion. Bring a growth mindset, engineers... It's time for personal development before technical development, emotional intelligence (EQ) before IQ, and coaching to crush your comfort zone!

Your host, Zach White, knows how frustrating building your engineering career can be. As an engineer himself, he climbed the corporate ladder. He's seen (and survived) it all. He's felt stuck, been burned out from 80-hour weeks, suffered under a bad boss, and had his career plan thwarted multiple times by corporate reorgs.

How to Make Hard Career Decisions Seem Simple
2 месяца назад