Holy Clips
Holy Clips
Holy Clips
14 дней назад
Cliffe Knechtle about JEHOVAH WITNESS!?
14 дней назад
George Janko met DONALD TRUMP!?
21 день назад
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
Patrick Bet before he found JESUS
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
UFC fighter about bishop get STABBED!?
2 месяца назад
WHO spread orthodoxy to america!?
2 месяца назад
morality isnt REAL!?-KP SERVES
2 месяца назад
2 месяца назад
Jesus and SICK woman-Mar Mari Emanuel
2 месяца назад
People convert to ORTHODOXY and CATHOLICISM
3 месяца назад
Bible DENY evolution!? Cliffe Knechtle
3 месяца назад
Story about MULE and DONKEY!?
3 месяца назад
Kyle and Ananda on BUDDHISM
3 месяца назад
WHY God doesen't come OUT!?
3 месяца назад
Mar Mari Emmanuel STRIKES AGAIN on pope
3 месяца назад
@GHOSTndMACHINZ Месяц назад
All powerful “God” can’t save innocent children and adults that horribly die due to wars, diseases, natural disasters, starvation because he doesn’t want to interfere with free will. Got it 👍🏽
@duanedavis5134 Месяц назад
@speechsciencecorporate255 Месяц назад
Wow prayers for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@DoreenResch Месяц назад
💯🎯👑❤️‍🔥👑 It’s All in GODS Plan , Donald Trump WILL WIN 📣☝🏼❤💪💝👏
@esthervanhorn7309 Месяц назад
If you weren't supposed to be there you wouldn't be there your there not because you cheated death but because only our Lotd knows why 1🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@user-rn4ii8ep9k Месяц назад
Amen ❤
@karenkramer2168 Месяц назад
That's for sure!! I am so glad to see you made it through.. to help God's children!!!
@annacota5466 Месяц назад
Amen !!! Trump 2024 !!!!
@realDEAL555 Месяц назад
@gingerkrivac1948 Месяц назад
Amen ❤
@fredesguillen7119 Месяц назад
AME 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@DarwinSepulveda-xl5qx Месяц назад
@toniwalker5853 Месяц назад
@AirborneUSA Месяц назад
This guy does not want to listen to reason
@ItsMrSmooth 2 месяца назад
He is in hurt. He has a lot of questions, yet he did not cut them off. Prayers for people like him.
@Jenna2Leigh 2 месяца назад
This man is clearly hurting...
@WretchedRickyGraves 2 месяца назад
In all fairness, our ancestors turned their backs on God a long long time ago. He disappeared from sight but never turned away from us. Then came again in man-form to literally die for us to allow a way to connect directly through Christ. But when you don't want to hear an actual answer other than the one you want to hear or if you just want to be riddle someone just to make them feel frustrated or wrong, nothing you say will break through. God has had more than sufficient patience with us & the majority of mankind doesn't really understand that.
@onemealmonster 2 месяца назад
Why doesn't God come down and show us His presence? He already did that. Jesus is God, came down from Heaven, did good works and miracles ... and people still didn't believe in His divinity. Reply
@Greepwilf 2 месяца назад
religious people should stop talking about religion in logical terms, simply cannot work. Talk in faith terms, believe in what you want, but don't try make logical a thing based on faith and completly illogical.
@Freddyfrm18 2 месяца назад
Cliffe and Stuart have tremendous patience. That guy was really arrogant.
@Nyan4Eon 2 месяца назад
It's because he doesn't exist lmao
@jefftan-xw2jy 2 месяца назад
This man only concerned about seeing God to believe there is God. His knew something about to God and conflated everything into God but has nothing to offered. He's a great deceiver to blame and ran away from God. Did he ever quote God in his word? No. There's alot of this type of insincere men using red herring to draw you away from the truth by insisting for God to appear. First he used chao and confusion to diverted attention then he called supernatural to appear before him. Its all set for him to blame God so that nothing is requires from him. Beware of Deceiver claimed to seek truth. I think truth come only to true seeker when they humble, yearning and hunger for God himself.
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@michaelscarlino1590 Christianity is like communism. If it doesn't work, it's followers will say it is not true Christianism or communism 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@CXIwell 2 месяца назад
Don't worry about the Pope. He has the key. He is the Head of the Roman Catholic Church. Just worry about yourself of being the maker of chaos and schism. Worry about you of being too stubborn. Do not worry, the Pope did not bless the union of same sex. Don't fool you. Just worry about yourself because you don't have the key, even though Christ didn't give, it will never ever be given to you. Don't be so jealous!
@AlvarezBrian 2 месяца назад
I think the problem here is that they are not answering correctly. See, God has proven himself since the beginning, he has revealed himself to many people, to prophets, to an entire Nation when he took Israel out of Egypt, people saw his power, his will, his guidance. The thing is that God could come right now and show himself to all of us, and we wouldn't stop sinning and rejecting him. He already did it in the past, and what people did? They choose sin over and over again. People think that if God reveals visibly, the would just start following Christ. And thats not the case, there is a flesh thats will guide you to death every second no matter if you see God with your own eyes. Thats what this is about. God already revealed himself and showed us his will for us.
@Joe-eo1uo 2 месяца назад
well let me ask you this what's the purpose of everlasting life? and why would be living as humans in order to seek out this unfathomable everlasting life with God?
@c4liberty74 2 месяца назад
God did reveal himself to men and women physically in the form of Jesus. Most still didn't accept him because it wasn't in the way they wanted. God could and will come again and most will still reject him so it clearly won't solve anything that this guy is implying.
@jorl6618 2 месяца назад
“Why doesn’t he reveal himself?” HE DOES. Look around. God is everywhere without you realizing it. God is within you. We are all One.
@juanderingexile 2 месяца назад
Nah fam
@MrLogo73 2 месяца назад
Pray for god to appear right here for all of us to see. Write me, when it worked.
@markevstudios 2 месяца назад
He already came (in human form)...and they killed Him. He proved Himself and they killed Him anyway.
@MRLONGSTAFF 2 месяца назад
You can't force people to love. You can't control what you love, you have no free will over your wants.
@Joe-eo1uo 2 месяца назад
so how should we go about loving God??
@MRLONGSTAFF 2 месяца назад
@@Joe-eo1uo Orientate your life to the highest good you can conceive of. Sommum Bonum
@Joe-eo1uo Месяц назад
@@MRLONGSTAFF um well I think life is ordered chaos so what's the highest good in this life?
@MRLONGSTAFF Месяц назад
@@Joe-eo1uo End as much needless suffering as you can. You need to think about the highest good at a local level and see that through. God isn't needed for this, only you.
@MRLONGSTAFF 2 месяца назад
I feel like God is a Catfish. You don't know who you are praying too, could be an evil god. Like how you don't know who you are talking to online could be a 40 year old guy in his basement. Asking someone to trust in this situation without proof is stupid.
@jorl6618 2 месяца назад
Look around you. God is everywhere. Do not be deceived.
@MRLONGSTAFF 2 месяца назад
@@jorl6618 Try saying God is everywhere in the middle of a warzone.
@araujo_nj 2 месяца назад
@barrycorreia9095 2 месяца назад
Without problem how can u be happy ?... If u want to live life without money then we have to chose forest to live without money.
@user-sm4dm7kl6c 2 месяца назад
Thank you god so much for me to watch this with the eye give me and remember Jesus Christ love us so much come guy love god and great video men keep up
@harrymurray9702 2 месяца назад
People are not killing eachother over God. They're killing eachother over pride, over greed, that is why muslims, during the islamic crusades conquered most of the middleast and Africa, even parts of Asia. In short, the wickedness of man leads to such acts, not the proof of Gods existence, and which ''religion'' is true. Christianity has plainly proven it is the only true Faith, without Jesus Christ there is no salvation. Ask any other follower of any faith, they cannot definitively tell you where they will go when they die, no other Religion has a savior, except Christianity.
@Beneficialitificul 2 месяца назад
Another important point on why God just doesn't come and immediately start becoming present, physically and visibly, just out and out appearing before the world is that it is not in line with His plan for man's salvation. Those who have not accepted Christ's gift of salvation will basically just have to be destroyed or cast aside out right. Sin cannot coexist with God and therefore, those who have rejected Christ physically and spiritually cannot either. Their sin nature will not have been rectified through Christ's sacrifice. That is why God waits until the appointed hour. Then and only then will the Father send the Son to make his return in full glory, and in full view of the world, to claim his Bride, the church.
@Joe-eo1uo 2 месяца назад
I see, but didn't God invite sin into the world? He put the Tree of Knowledge in the garden, right? So since we have free will He invited sin into the world because if He didn't then we wouldn't really have free will? Overall it just doesn't make sense to me... without sin there wouldn't be free will and vice versa...
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
Atheists and religious people kill people. There is a quote by a great professor I dont remember his name "Good men gonna do good, and evil man gonna do evil. But for good men to do evil you need religion"
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
Exactly. Jesus would solve all of these problems just by showing up and myabe doing a press conference... and doing some resurrections. Just saying...
@medicisounds1384 2 месяца назад
No it wouldn't because he literally did that already and people still rejected him. People will still find a way to reject God
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@@medicisounds1384 Yeah, but he did not have the appropriate technology back then. If he came today and made a media tour with scientists that can testify about his miracles. It would be sold out ! But first his people would have to make him some TIkToks, Instagram and RU-vid accounts so he can display his powers an his message. It would be
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@@medicisounds1384 He did not do a press conference. He did not have a good public relations team. With today's technology he could do a media tour with scientists that could give credit to his miracles. He could have tiktok Instagram RU-vid andFacebook accounts to promote himself.
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@@medicisounds1384 @medicisounds1384 He did not do a press conference. He did not have a good public relations team. With today's technology he could do a media tour with scientists that could give credit to his miracles. He could have tiktok Instagram RU-vid andFacebook accounts to promote himself.
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@@medicisounds1384 He did not do a press conference. He did not have a good public relations team. With today's technology he could do a media tour with scientists that could give credit to his miracles. He could have tiktok Instagram RU-vid and Facebook accounts to promote himself.
@apoetsbrain6794 2 месяца назад
He sounds like he has made some conclusions already and refuses to actually listen to any other train of thought.
@Dylan_96_ 2 месяца назад
Because there aren't various, contradicting answers to already established truth.
@raterus 2 месяца назад
Don't forget that God DID just come out, in the form of a man 2,000 years ago. Blessed are those who don't see, but still believe.
@RufioAlighieri 2 месяца назад
Amen brother, don't let anyone bring you down.
@MRLONGSTAFF 2 месяца назад
I like how you emphasize DID. When God was revealed back then people didn't believe him, they crucified him. According to Muslims he wasn't crucified. How can we trust the word of men who lived thousands of years ago....
@DavidDuke-gran_dragon 2 месяца назад
Keep calm and remember, your gods don't exist
@kalebvaldez2404 2 месяца назад
More like deluded
@CalebWaltrip 2 месяца назад
​@@DavidDuke-gran_dragon and you think yours are?
@troydanielson4766 2 месяца назад
It's a good question, also it wasn't answered by these two street preachers. God shows himself everyday, but nobody sees it. Everything that is good is from god, it's such a beautiful world. When you sin in your heart, you distance yourself from god. It's not that god is leaving you, it's you walking away. The more you walk away the more you'll distance yourself and live in the absence of god. Appreciate all the gifts you were given and see, you'll live a much happier life.
@michaelscarlino1590 2 месяца назад
God did wipe the planet clean once, the great flood, then HE promised that it wouldn’t happen again.
@michaelscarlino1590 2 месяца назад
12 disciples for 40 years, went in separate directions, suffered immensely, and not once changed their minds about Jesus Christ, that’s more than enough evidence.
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jonahsmith1809 2 месяца назад
@@MrBeen992 why the LOL? i agree that the 12 disciples are insufficient evidence alone but that was, i feel, a drastic overreaction.
@MrBeen992 2 месяца назад
@@jonahsmith1809 12 ??? Are you nuts ??? Where are the other canonical 8 Gospels ? LOL
@eliabexp 2 месяца назад
@@MrBeen992 Not every disciple had the purpose of writing the history of Jesus Christ in the Earth, that's God's choice. However, they preached the gospel everywhere, and not just them, but also the others who saw Jesus rose from the death.
@kalebvaldez2404 2 месяца назад
That's 0 evidence actually
@ramonitobacangoy2157 2 месяца назад
It's about faith, hope, love and JESUS. no less.
@leviodom1627 2 месяца назад
I feel like there was a lot of talking past each other in this clip. I think the Knechtle's were trying to get to the heart of WHY he was asking the question before addressing the initial question. He is asking for God to come down and fix everything and make things clear. The issue is God is not just a cosmic ruler, but also a loving Father. He is just and righteous, AND is rich in mercy. He wants us to have a relationship with him, not just rule over us. Secondly, if God were to come down and just take over, including forcing us to do what is right (which includes loving God as our only way to truth and fulfillment) it's forcing us to behave instead of teaching us and relating to us. God wants us more than just as divine subjects. Thirdly, God DID come down in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. Fourthly, as the two started to point out, if God came down and started existing in a physical way that we could see and sense Him, the relationship would be wholly new to many people and so many would expect God to be something He is not. Though the God of Islam and Christianity (extended from Judaism) are supposed to be the same God, they are not, as evidenced by what the people who follow them say that He commands. Everyone would be expecting something different rather than knowing God at a personal level. Finally, it's the way God decided to do it. This is the hardest to pin down, even for some of the most devout followers of Christ. However, as Jesus said, not my will, but Yours (God's) be done. There are so many things to unpack for what on the surface seems like a simple scenario, and that’s not even touching on the true disgust God has for sin, which pours out of humans from even a very young age. God is working to redeem us and bring us to Him. And He will some day come down and make things plain, but by then, the chance to know Him will have passed those who don't believe. I dont want to wait for that finality before getting to know the wonderful God who seeks to save us from ourselves.
@duaneipock9518 2 месяца назад
Cliffs can never answer a question
@tjswilley5265 2 месяца назад
No,you just want yes or no answers, how can you give a yes or no answer to questions about God
@sly33 2 месяца назад
What answer are you looking for?
@faithwalk007 2 месяца назад
It’s almost like getting into a relationship with someone & say before I get with you prove to me that you’ll always be faithful to me- even in earthly relationships you need to go In with faith. God has provided enough evidence now it’s time to meet it with faith
@IsraelCountryCube 2 месяца назад
Truthfully I hope no one betrays me but that's why I come with faith they won't until they do I won't trust them because I'm human God built us in such ways not to stupidly trust someone much more evil than us let's which were all capable of evil but someone who wants to do more than thievery , murder is more evil and I wouldn't trust someone again if after thieving from me yet they want to kill me after some time id not trust them yet God still trusts us humans who stupidly go back to sin. God bless us to not fall into sin again holy ehcarist protect us send our guardian angels amen.
@johnmichaelson9173 2 месяца назад
Faith is a belief that's dependent on spiritual conviction not facts. Personally I'd need factual evidence not hearsay or conflicting information that requires the benefit of the doubt, imho.
@faithwalk007 2 месяца назад
@@johnmichaelson9173 absolutely, faith is believing without seeing, & yes spiritual conviction - when you lie cheat or steal & you know it’s wrong you get that conviction knowing your doing wrong - where does that come from? It’s evidence our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. For 30 years I was a show me or It’s not true - till finally before I ruined my life I was shown & now over 40 I’m learning to make sense of it all.. he says seek him with your whole heart & you’ll find him yet I never knew to seek him but only live a life in disarray yet he knew what it took for me to believe & knew the impact my belief & change would make with people who were around me so he revealed himself. I say that to say you say you need factual evidence- I hear you- then knock & the door shall be opened ask & you shall receive seek & you shall find- even in doubt ask because his love & mercy means if having you for eternal life not being separated from him he will reveal himself so he can have that & many who follow & those you lead will be impacted as well- peace be with you
@michaelscarlino1590 2 месяца назад
12 disciples for 40 years, went in separate directions, suffered immensely, and not once changed their minds about Jesus Christ, that’s more than enough evidence.
@johnmichaelson9173 2 месяца назад
@@michaelscarlino1590 That neither proves there is a God or that Jesus was divine.
@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 2 месяца назад
Quran has many accurate and useful information, I encourage everyone to explore them and read it at least once. 💙
@5GBasel 2 месяца назад
We should rather check individual and look closely the characters of Jesus and compare and contrast objectively with others , lifestyle, reliability, integrity, love, supernatural, miracles, trustworthiness and ability to transform lives to good etc..Then choose which is the best with open minded and sincerity in the quest for the truth -after first discovering the evidence of God existing. Because there is only one way to GOD.
@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 2 месяца назад
Hi @@5GBasel , if Jesus is alive then he would tell to follow Muhammad(peace be upon them all). we love them both, however, we don't worship them and we believe them they are the messengers of God.
@imagoD3i 2 месяца назад
no thanks. ps with respect
@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 2 месяца назад
Hello @@imagoD3i my friend In the day of judgement we will stand alone in front of God, and at that time he will ask Jesus about the people who worship him In the Holy Quran (Surah 5: AL-MAIDAH) And when Allah said: '( Prophet) Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to the people: "Take me and my mother for two gods, other than Allah?" 'Exaltations to You, ' he said, 'how could I say that to which I have no right? If I had said that, You would have surely known. You know what is in my self, but I do not know what is in Yours. Indeed, You are the Knowledgeable of the unseen. (116) I spoke to them of nothing except that which You ordered me, that you worship Allah, my Lord and our Lord. I witnessed them whilst living in their midst and ever since You took me to You, You have been the Watcher over them. You are the Witness of everything. (117) If You punish them (for their disbelief), they surely are Your subjects; and if You forgive them, surely You are the Almighty, the Wise. ' (118) Allah will say: 'This is the Day the truthful shall benefit by their truthfulness. They shall live for ever in Gardens underneath which rivers flow. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the great winning. ' (119) To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is in them. He has power over all things. (120)
@AwakenTheEarth 2 месяца назад
The solution.....lose religion
@HoihneihchongHaokip 2 месяца назад
God created Adam & Eve and they spent time together in the garden of eden but sin seperate us.He really want us to be with him.... lets study the word of God from the beginning with prayer.God bless
@ISLAM_IS_THE_RIGHT_PATH1 2 месяца назад
Quran has many accurate and useful information, I encourage everyone to explore them and read it at least once. 💙