Hey I'm RoryTheFiend, and I'm a big fan of Pokemon!

Sub Goals
1: 11th May 2011
10: 19th August 2012
100: 23rd Feb 2017
200: 9th Jan 2023
300: 11th June 2023
400: 31st July 2023
500: 31st July 2023
600: 31st July 2023
700: 31st July 2023
800: 31st July 2023
900: 31st July 2023
1k: 31st July 2023
1.5k: 31st July 2023 (It was a good day for me)
2k: 2nd August 2023
3k: 11th August 2023
4k: 13th August 2023
5k: 24th August 2023
6k: 1st October 2023
7k: 31st October 2023
8k: 27th November 2023
9k: 10th February 2024
10k: 23rd March 2024
Fixing Hoenn's Rivals
2 месяца назад
Fixing Kanto's Gym Leaders (Gen 2)
4 месяца назад
Fixing Kalos' Elite 4
6 месяцев назад
Fixing Kalos' Gym Leaders
7 месяцев назад
Designing New Evolutions for Weak Pokémon
10 месяцев назад
Fixing Kanto's Elite 4
11 месяцев назад
Pokemon NPCs have been cheating for Decades
11 месяцев назад
Fixing Kanto's Gym Leaders
Год назад
Fixing Johto's Elite 4
Год назад
Fixing Johto's Gym Leaders
Год назад
The Insane Among Us Round
3 года назад
Puyo Matches #3 - Thank You RNG
3 года назад
@MekiyasZewdu 6 часов назад
I disagree with a few things having them constantly change their teams feels weird the point of rivals it too see how slowly their team builds up along their journey with you and their connections to their partners. May's final battle should consist of pokemon that you beaten throughout the entire game and so on. Wally makes a speech at your final battle with him about his team put all in the time and effort to help him get where he is it's way out of character for him to drop the weak ones. For me Wally(1st fight). He has already beaten Roxanne(basing this off Pokemon Wally version) and Norman(let's say the rule is just a you thing that the player character decide to challenge his dad when he is more experienced). He is very confident in his team Level 18 Whismur(He would have caught it on the way to Rusbroto from Oldade town) Level 18 Roserila(He gets it as a gift for crushing the rocks for some couple like the hack he easily wipes the floor with the first gym because of this) Level 20 Krila(Oran Berry) This fight helps remind him he is not invincible and his confidence waivers off but is still determined to train more. Wally(2nd Fight). By now he has beaten Roxane Norman Wattson Flannery and is on his way to visit his dad and norman who he is going to ask questions about Team Aqua/Team Magma plan before he leaves to Dueford to challenge Brawly. He spots you who at this point have come to challenge norman. Level 25 Swablu Level 25 Rosella Level 26 Loudred(Slick Scarf) Level 28 Krila(Sitrus Berry) You'll meet Wally a few more times who tells you he wiped the floor with Brawley even helping you in a duo battle against Maxie and Archie both who are arguing over the stones and make a truce to take out the annoying kids. He'll be using Roselia Loudred and Gardevoir. He also enters the Gym after you to fight Wallace the last gym in this game. Steven will remain the champion. 3rd Fight Wally. He has beaten all 8 Gyms. In My version their like this for him. Challenge mode based off your Hoenn gym leaders set Roxanne Level 12 Geodude Level 12 Lileep level 15 Nosepass Norman Level 16 Jigglypuff Level 16 Spinda Level 19 Vigoroth(Oran Berry) Wattson Level 21 Magnemite Level 21 Cichonu Level 22 Raichu(Air Ballon) Level 24 Manectric(Oran Berry). Flannery Level 27 Magcargo(I'm taking out of the playbook Crystal Clear Magcargo is not worth training that long in order to have just so many weakness including 4 times weakness to water and ground and water is half the game so it evolves at 25). Level 27 Bellsom: Miracle Seed (I always felt it should be part fire to give it some uniqueness and it works great as counter for her team weakness) Level 28 Ninetails(White herb). It has drought in this version so I thought Overheat would work best with him plus Bellsom will have chlorophyll which doubles it's speed making it no pushover. Level 30 Torkoal(Sitrus Berry) Brawley Level 30 Hitmontop(Rocky Helmet) Level 30 Breloom Level 31 Poliwrath(Nevermeltice) Level 33 Hairyamia(Sitrus Berry) Winona Level 34 Pelipper Level 34 Tropius(Miracle Seed) Level 34 Skarmory(Sharp Beak) Level 35 Swellow(King's Rock) Level 37 Alteria(Sitrus berry) Tate and Liza Level 41 Claydol(Soft Sand) Level 41 Xatu(Light Clay) Level 42 Girafarig Level 43 Solorock(Sitrus berry) Level 43 Luntone(Sitrus berry) Wallace Level 44 Gorebyss(Damp Rock) Level 45 Masquerain Sliver powder (It keeps the water typing instead of changing it to flying) Level 45 Lanturn Mangent Ludicolo Level 46(Mystic Water) Milotic Level 48(Sitrus berry) His team being Level 45 Huntail(Mystic Water) Level 45 Mangenton(Magnet) Level 45 Roselia(Big root) Level 46 Alteria(Sharp Beak) Level 47 Exploud(Slick Scarf) Level 49 Gardevoir(Sitrus Berry) Tell me if you want me to do May
@stephenchurch1784 3 дня назад
The overleveled metapod and kakuna are because he's researching whether the learn new moves after their evo level. Cool little story detail but pretty silly gameplay wise
@44dav44 4 дня назад
Never thought of this but it feels a bit weird that someone that just moved from the Johto region has no Johto Pokémon and is able to have a full set of Pokémon from a region you’re not even from. Wigglytuff does help with that at least.
@NarutoBunshin18 6 дней назад
So why does Viola's new addition have 4 moves but not her already existing mons or specifically her Ace?
@NarutoBunshin18 6 дней назад
This is how I would maybe go about it 1. Roxanne - Lv13 Anorith (Battle Armor): Scratch, Harden, Knock Off & Rock Tomb - Lv13 Lileep (Suction Cups): Ingrain, Sandstorm, Constrict & Acid - *Oran Berry* - Lv15 Nosepass (Sturdy): Rock Tomb, Mud-Slap, Thunder Wave & Block - *Quick Claw* 2. Brawly - Lv17 Machop (Guts): Karate Chop, Bulk Up, Foresight, Rock Tomb - *Oran Berry* - Lv17 Meditite (Pure Power): Focus Punch, Detect, Fake Out, Ice Punch - *Oran Berry* - Lv20 Makuhita (Guts): Revenge, Bulk Up, Counter/Rock Slide & Fake Out - *Sitrus Berry* 3. Wattson - Lv22 Chinchou (Volt Absorb): Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Shock Wave & Confuse Ray - *Oran Berry* - Lv24 Magneton (Sturdy): Spark, Metal Sound, Hidden Power (Water) & Reflect - *Magnet* - Lv23 Plusle/Minun (Plus/Minus): Thunderpunch, Fake Tears, Wish, Hidden Power (Grass) - *Oran Berry* - Lv25 Manectric (Static): Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Bite, Headbutt - *King's Rock* 4. Flannery - Lv26 Slugma (Flame Body): Sunny Day, Overheat, Light Screen, Yawn - *Quick Claw* - Lv28 Ninetales (Flash Fire): Heat Wave, Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Attract - *Sitrus Berry* - Lv29 Camerupt (Magma Armor): Overheat, Magnitude, Scary Face, Hidden Power (Grass) - *Soft Sand* - Lv30 Torkoal (White Smoke): Overheat, Sunny Day, Attract & Body Slam - *White Herb* 5. Norman - Lv29 Vigoroth (Vital Spirit): Facade, Brick Break, Taunt & Shadow Ball - *Silk Scarf* - Lv30 Girafarig (Early Bird): Psychic, Calm Mind/Agility, Thunderbolt, Baton Pass - *Leftovers* - Lv32 Swellow (Guts): Aerial Ace, Façade, Hidden Power (Ground) & Steel Wing - *Liechi Berry* - Lv33 Slaking (Truant): Facade, Yawn, Earthquake & Shadow Ball - *Choice Band* Remark: I thought about even giving it Hyper Beam instead of Yawn since the recharge turn just blends with the truant turn. Slaking's turn of attack is meant to strike fear, what better way than a Choice Banded STAB Hyper Beam 6. Winona - Lv35 Pelliper (Keen Eye): Surf, Icy Wind, Protect & Aerial Ace - *Sitrus Berry* - Lv36 Gligar (Hyper Cutter): Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Substitute, Sword Dance - *Salac Berry* - Lv37 Skarmory (Keen Eye): Drill Peck, Steel Wing, Spikes & Taunt/Toxic - *Sharp Beak* - Lv37 Tropius (Chlorophyll): Solarbeam, Synthesis, Sunny Day & Earthquake - *Leftovers* - Lv38 Altaria (Natural Cure): Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Earthquake & Flamethrower/Fire Blast - *Leftovers* 7. Tate & Liza - Lv42 Xatu (Synchronize): Reflect, Calm Mind, Baton Pass & Giga Drain - *Salac Berry* - Lv42 Claydol (Levitate): Psychic, Light Screen, Earthquake & Ice Beam - *Soft Sand* - Lv44 Medicham (Pure Power): Reversal, Focus Punch, Shadow Ball & Substitute - *Salac Berry* - Lv45 Solrock (Levitate): Reflect, Rock Slide, Earthquake & Shadow Ball - *Leftovers* - Lv45 Lunatone (Levitate): Calm Mind, Psychic, Hypnosis & Ice Beam - * Remark: I thought about Xatu passing on its special and speed boosts over to Lunatone while the rest of the of the team provide support and coverage. 8.1. Wallace (Ruby & Sapphire) - Lv46 Seaking (Swift Swim): Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Megahorn & Double-Edge - *Choice Band* - Lv46 Whiscash (Oblivious): Earthquake, Amnesia, Rest & Ice Beam - *Chesto Berry* - Lv47 Tentacruel (Clear Body): Water Pulse, Sludge Bomb, Mirror Coat & Giga Drain - *Petaya Berry* - Lv48 Ludicolo (Swift Swim): Rain Dance, Surf, Leech Seed & Protect - *Lum Berry* - Lv50 Milotic (Marvel Scale): Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic & Recover - *Salac Berry* 8.2. Juan - Lv46 Huntail (Swift Swim): Water Pulse, Rain Dance, Barrier & Baton Pass - *Salac Berry* - Lv46 Gorebyss (Swift Swim): Surf, Agility, Amnesia/Calm Mind & Baton Pass - *Sitrus Berry* - Lv47 Walrein (Thick Fat): Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Earthquake & Toxic - *Leftovers* - Lv48 Crawdaunt (Shell Armor): Crabhammer, Rain Dance, Crunch/Knock Off & Brick Break - *Leftovers* - Lv50 Kingdra (Swift Swim): Surf, Ice Beam/Dragonbreath, Double Team & Rest - *Chesto Berry* This is would I came up with, of course it could be done better
@GandharKulkarni2000 7 дней назад
I can fix him
@adarshsastry4816 8 дней назад
Sorry You lost at gym 1.
@spaceangelmewtwo9074 9 дней назад
Why not give Mewtwo Submission instead of Hidden Power Fighting? It's a transfer-only move for Mewtwo, but Mewtwo is already a transfer-only mon.
@robertlupa8273 9 дней назад
Worth noting that Ghost is physical in Gen 3, so Meditite having HP-Ghost is actually pretty strong. I do however have to admit that you _might_ be overbuffing some of the Gym Leaders, particularly the early ones. While yes, those games aren't exactly the hardest, but you shouldn't go too far in the other direction. You have to consider what Pokemon and moves the player will have at that point and not just in a "how do I make sure the gym leader doesn't get completely walled by this" way. You don't want to make the bosses too challenging. I mean, Smith's Emerald Legacy had to give Roxanne's Anorith just Scratch and Harden, no Rock STAB, and that's _with_ buffing Pokemon movesets and availability, which you don't do in your videos. Holacalaca in the comments put it way better, so read their comment and keep that in mind for future videos.