AAPG Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division
AAPG Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division
AAPG Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division
Driven by keen interest in geomechanics and supported by an established foundation in structural geology and tectonics, the amalgamated discipline of petroleum structural geology and geomechanics is one of the fastest growing disciplines in petroleum geoscience. The goal of the AAPG PSGD is to feed into this interest by providing monthly webinars which can be viewed on this page. For more information on what the AAPG PSGD is all about please visit: www.aapg.org/divisions/psgd/about
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@jackwilson9031 4 месяца назад
🎶 Promo'SM
@jacksprat9972 6 месяцев назад
Great presentation with A+ work. The depth to bedrock seems thin compared to deeper rift basins...- maybe = gravity low? Now that the H discussion is rolling, I get the feeling that in some cases, O&G fields may have formed due to H seeps reacting with organic rich beds......What was the bottom hole temp/geothermal gradient in your well vs. wells 4 miles away in gas field?
@sunjaysunjay6062 9 месяцев назад
Excellent great task, natural geologic Hydrogen exploration lithosphere Seismic Imaging
@Belttonne1 Год назад
It is simply amazingly huge injection... after more than 35,000 drilled wells... unbelievable growth of learning experiences that I cannot imagine... the millions of barrels injected by produced oil are incredible shocking in the good sense of your presentation. It demonstrates full field development projects in unconventional are reliable projects. Congratulation on the great success of the oil and gas industry of the States! Would have been good to show the criteria of failure or failure models in the whole bunch of existing faults to know the magnitude and changes of stresses with time caused by the injection and see if they could be separated from the "natural" earthquakes. Thank you, deep learning! One more thing, I think you should be more specific with the presence of dolomitic limestone and at such scale of interpretation and slides with the gross depositional model would have been good to show. I was thinking on the extension of this sheet like dolostone deposit.
@jpvandijk6998 Год назад
That is really a nice 2d simulation. A next important step in the direction of understanding relationships between various parameters. It is allocated in the very right bottom corner of my Ternary Diagram of 3d Fracture Modelling, for who is familiar. Using the strain distribution (curvature, bending, articulations) as a result of accurate simulation of deformation as a proxy for specific fracture network characteristics is a well known procedure: But we also have to bear in mind, obviously, that cross-correlations between distributions of density and/or orientation on one side and geometry of the fold on the other, are becoming more and more a matter of debate, since I raised the issue in my 2019 paper (which referred to my previous discussions on the application of tilt correction in 2000). Therefore, the simulations might be of more of help to detect permeable zones, or as a driver of fracture properties, within a 3d fracture network that needs to be modelled in a completely independent way (as is one of the options in DMX). Congratulations for the work and I am eager to see the future developments!
@razo786 Год назад
Very informative presentation, looking forward seeing you in the next IGS event in UAE.
@fernandojiu-jitsu 3 года назад
Excellent! Please look for my paper about an integro differential solution for a case of sealing fault in research gate
@richarderdlac3252 3 года назад
A presentation from David never seems to lack in good structural detail along with being well presented. Most enjoyable. Thanks David.
@SUZMXR157 3 года назад
Dr. Ferrill, thanks for sticking around after the talk to answer so many questions. The discussion after the presentation was great! Looking forward to having these kinds of discussions in the field again (hopefully soon)!