J.C. Alexandre
J.C. Alexandre
J.C. Alexandre
@JaxTheEpic 4 дня назад
Public Domain VHS's had many problem where they accidently include copyrighted cartoons like "Crowing Pains" "Fin N' Catty" "The Unruly Hare" "An Itch in Time" and "Hollywood Steps Out" and there is so much wrong with these tapes I will suggest you to see the video "The Life and Times of Public Domain VHS" Part 1 and Part 2 they tell a lot about them and are not biased or have discussion of politics like the KaiserBeamz or Nick Knacks Looney Tunes History videos.
@TerryBradstreet 9 дней назад
All of that Toxic Heterosexuality was written by Hollywood. If Hollywood has any political leanings, it is Marxism and any of Marxism’s offshoots, like Feminism. The viewing audience didn’t have a whole lot of choice for viewing back then. The Addams family was made as a direct contrast to that sort of family framing, and people LOVED the show as a breath of fresh air from Hollywood’s constant hatred of families. The 80s and 90s also had sitcoms of loving families (or at least harmonious and strong marriages) with Family Matters and Fresh Prince.
@rained649 11 дней назад
Shame. I really wanted to know what, if anything, that bathing suit guy was a reference to.
@user-jf1qz3lh2b 12 дней назад
Let’s hear it for JESUS America‼️🎶
@harpernumber1806 12 дней назад
Old school Carmen and DC talk😎 praise Lord with your feet🤣😂🤣always loved that one
@pura517 16 дней назад
I swear there are other instances of that gag with the guy in the bathing suit walking like that, but they were like birds or something... not much to go on
@JuniorfanTheEnlightment 2 месяца назад
This was seriously the most traumatizing thing Disney has been made, and I was really shocked to see an episode of Gargoyles showcasing one of the Gargoyles shot their detective friend with her pistol. What made this episode even more traumatizing is Elisa being in the ER which was really scary to see and still is to this day
@jamesbevan9939 2 месяца назад
Definitely touching on a controversial series, but spot-on analysis as always. The ranking segment was unexpected and the voice you used for the countdown was hilarious. Not a Christian myself, but I agree with you that life, and by extension the universe, has an inherent meaning, and that negative nihilism is absolute BS. And anyone who wants to be like Rick is a seriously sad person. Also, props for the Kurzgesagt shoutout. While I've lost interest in Rick and Morty, I would still enjoy a Ball Fondlers movie.
@SilvertheShadow 3 месяца назад
I just discovered memes of this episode a day or so ago, and your vid shed a lot of light on history of this timeless cartoon! Great video! Confound those Dover Boys indeed!
@TearfulZorua 3 месяца назад
Oh my gosh! I need to read this comic, because all the wholesome things mentioned in this video about it literally brought me to my first tears of joy in years. I NEED this comic, from what i can tell its life goals fr
@lucasprobably 3 месяца назад
thank you for letting me know that this comic exists!! I love it already
@RyuKaguya 3 месяца назад
yeah the shitty sitcom mom and dad really hurt straight relationship expectations.
@computeribbon 3 месяца назад
i learned a new word today
@matthewschoen9827 3 месяца назад
The opening 3 minutes use the term gender when it should more appropriately be sex. Two pokemon of opposite sex can produce an egg. It has nothing to do with gender identity.
@jcalexandrewrites 3 месяца назад
I agree. I mainly did that so that I could force a joke about Victorian England. 😂
@pokeminer8400 3 месяца назад
Slight critique about the Matt Walsh quote. In that short he is making fun of men including himself buying gifts for valentines day at the last minute, not saying that loving your partner is weird in any way shape or form.
@jcalexandrewrites 3 месяца назад
Why is it "gay" to buy a Valentine's Gift one month early, then?
@pokeminer8400 3 месяца назад
@@jcalexandrewrites Because no straight man has ever done it. That is the crux of the joke.
@americanpride5540 3 месяца назад
Hollywood's media representation of positive straight roles is severely underrepresented because it conflicts with Hollywood's politics. I contend that for the past fifty years, Los Angeles County has been a stronghold for democrats, and the writers and actors guilds have been documented as being pro-communist. In fact, being openly conservative can blacklist an actor in the industry. As a result, the predominately straight conservative right is portrayed negatively in the media. These storytellers get to shape the stories and worlds according to their design and use them as fantasies to show how bad it is to be straight and how much better it is to be anything else. more and more it's become about pushing the message than writing great stories that people will discuss for years to come. It's the difference between a show like Samurai Jack and Velma, One has a story to tell and the other merely preaches at you.
@Babbleplay 3 месяца назад
Especially nice, considering it all centers on a dumb meme based on the size difference between Skitty and Wailord, but are on the breed compatibility chart.
@SCDarkZide 3 месяца назад
The comic seems cute. I don't have strong feelings about anthro art or pokemon, so I gave it a glance and it seems fine as a lighthearted cute 3-panel comic in the "situation-setup-punchline" format. That said, I don't see it as anything too involved with commentary on heteronormative relationships. So I don't understand why you think this would work as a counterexamples to toxic heteronormative tropes. I think you are selling this comic fairly poorly. I can't say if you represent it correctly, but the examples shown here are inconsistent with what your title implies. Your reading of this comic seems by and large anachronistic. In particular, if your references for heteronormativity are derived from comedy sketches like 6:33 and 10:41, most of what you say about them loses relevance because something said on TV 30-50 years ago is just not something most of your demographic is familiar with anymore, or considers particularly funny or important to them. The fact that people have had different conceptions of gender 30+ years ago, when "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" was a bestseller, really isn't surprising anyone, so I am left wondering what you believe this comic is bringing to the table. And to be clear, I am not criticizing the comic, I am critizising your presentation of it and the context around it. Your example strips are not a great look, and makes you look like someone who thinks very heteronormatively: -Wailord is hypermasculine ("himbo" [your word for him], absurdly swollen chest and arm muscles, and his inability to control his strength is played for comedy), Skitty is hyperfeminine (wears suggestive clothes in half of the panels, and nothing but a shoulderless sweater the other half). Their interests -3:11 is stereotypical girls talk played completely straight: They talk about Wailord's "size", utterly ignorant of the fact that he can hear them, and all he gets to do is smile sheepishly. -10:10 Dartrix reads as female to me (eyelashes), but you're making this a male-only interest because tabletop has to be gender exclusive space for your point there. All three Tabletop groups I played with had females players, not counting me as a trans girl, and so did every other DnD group I ever heard of. -10:39 again, you have to impose the stereotype that males are repelled by makeup for your point to make any sense. There is no reason to believe a man would intrinsically hate trying on makeup in the privacy of their home. Brad Armstrong did this 9 years ago in very much not queer(-inclusive) source material. German soldiers in the 40s cross-dressed. -11:38 a group of girls in skimpy dresses is a very ironic backdrop to calling the comic progressive. I thought you're turning this around by going into the representation bit, but "oh and the LGBTs are here too" is not the same as LGBT representation, and especially the part about Sylvie at 12:29 is framed as a tell-don't-show. Azul's "I want to be a cute anime girl" is a good example for show-don't-tell because Cheryl's friends' and family's support is at no point (treated as) a given, and some of their behaviors towards Cheryl are informed by their own experiences and also self-doubts. Doubts overcome, gratefulness and support are subtext revealed through personality changes and details, while "I was so scared ... thank you ... I love you!" is just text. Bridget from Guilty Gear is a good example for LGBT representation because her being trans has a lot of weight not only in the context of her backstory, but the context of ASW's and Japan's attitude towards queer characters as a whole. It shows that being trans can develop into a positive and meaningful circumstance defying superstition from the very start, and I want to see my own circumstances in a positive and meaningful light. Me "being there too" would make me feel superfluous, as if the author was just putting a trans character in there to check off an item on the list of things to do for getting views and clicks. I want to be very clear that I do not think Aaron meant it like this, but your inclusion of that strip, which AFAICT is not part of the official comic, as an example for representation... nothing good will come out of me airing more of my grievances at that point.
@jcalexandrewrites 3 месяца назад
Hmm. You certainly put a lot of thought into this rebuttal. I'll give you that. The point of my video was to explain why I loved this webcomic so much. I love it because its strips often take tropes and plot beats (often toxic heteronormative tropes) common in most media about heterosexual couples (specifically in sitcoms) and completely subverts them, and thus pleasantly subverts expectations. I know a lot of my references for toxic heteronormative tropes in media are old as dirt, but, to be fair, that's because most of these tropes are old as dirt. A lot of things have changed, but you know what they say: the more things change, the more things stay the same. Admittedly, I haven't watched many modern sitcoms to see whether or not these tropes still exist, but I'd imagine they still do. And a lot of the sexist attitudes that perpetuate them still exist. (Take that clip from Matt Walsh saying it's "gay" to buy a Valentine's Day gift for your wife early!) Like, you think there aren't still sitcoms out there that don't treat male characters as "emasculated" by doing feminine things like wearing dresses or makeup? We have reactionaries raising a stink about drag queens reading storybooks to children, for corn sake! Sexism and queerphobia is still alive and rampant. As for representation (admittedly, this all comes down to personal preference), I feel the best representation are where characters from different backgrounds are just allowed to exist. Take the Loud House. They have a character with two dads. One of the female characters started dating another female character and their romance is developed through the series. All of this is treated as normal. The show never stops to lecture the audience about how being LGBT is normal because...well, that's just treated as a given fact, as it should be. Contrast that to the Proud Family reboot where they also introduced a character with two dads, and it had an entire episode where some characters are befuddled that...gasp!...gay characters exist, which all leads to ham-fisted lectures about how gay people exist, how being gay is normal, and how you shouldn't be prejudiced against gay people and...UGH!...can't you see how dated this episode feels?! It feels like an episode from the original Proud Family, not a modern reboot. Not sure if I explained myself properly, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say here. Also, I will admit that I am a cishet male, so maybe there are places where my privilege is blinding me. I certainly don't want to come across as someone speaking over the experiences of marginalized people. Thanks.
@unclekarma1855 3 месяца назад
Another good example of a non-toxic heterosexual relationship dynamic has to me Morticia and Gomez Addams. They are always so cute together Edit just saw you mention them, still I love them so much
@nataliamarucha6768 3 месяца назад
It's great video, but there is one thing that makes it even better... POLSKA GÓRĄ!!!!!! (FOR context Kasia Babis is a Polish artist and the creator of the comic showing step-by-step how to create characters to a sitcom about married couple [ 5:00 ] )
@BasementDweller_ 3 месяца назад
This video has changed my view of the many sitcoms I watch.
@GuitarVader_ 4 месяца назад
I wouldn’t call these tropes toxic a lot romance anime and comics are to appeal to teenagers. They are usually filled with fan service and common tropes but I don’t believe that in itself are toxic or negative. If a Yuri/Yaoi romance had the same tropes would it still be considered toxic? A story that subverts these tropes is cool but raising it above others that do seems unfair.
@zombathinlostleghackercat5233 4 месяца назад
I'm glad I watched this video. I clicked off on the first few seconds because I'm not interested in Pokémon, but came back because, "I opened this video in the first place because I thought it looked interesting, I should watch it."
@isobelmiller7464 4 месяца назад
0:34 I can't help but associate that commercial with Nostalgia Critic's reaction to it. "TURN THEM INTO POKÉMASH!"
@jcalexandrewrites 4 месяца назад
@SharowbladyeGaymerPorate 4 месяца назад
Hey all the comic dubs is (probably) by the comic dub channel Diceskiyo. They do lots of similarly wholesome comic dubs.
@jcalexandrewrites 4 месяца назад
Yes, it is. And I did credit them (3:03)
@raydgreenwald7788 4 месяца назад
Oh god I have to subscribe to this comic on webtoon
@jolttrontitan2755 4 месяца назад
My lord I loved that moment with the ninetails lady and the non-awkward interaction whilst keeping a sexy yet respectful tone MMMFFF Also I want a hug from every lady in this comic cause so much thought and character in all of them and aaaaahhh
@unripetheberrby6283 4 месяца назад
Aw Nice video 🥺
@simondragon206 4 месяца назад
I like yaoi
@zatzarat9865 4 месяца назад
The mechanical nature of their intimate relationships probably are better remaining hidden
@jcalexandrewrites 4 месяца назад
Sorry. I don't know if this is supposed to be a positive or negative comment.
@zatzarat9865 4 месяца назад
@@jcalexandrewrites it means that don’t let people make rule 34 of the cute couple also an old joke from Malcom in the middle
@ModestJanek-yi7kr 4 месяца назад
Wholesome video about wholesome comic. Nothing more to say. I was smiling thru entier video :>
@ztsquid3000 4 месяца назад
I love the comic so far. It's such a sense of fresh air. 😊
@Oceane1803 4 месяца назад
I feel like if this was a cliche trope from these sitcoms, Glameow would have been the cliche toxic and jealous friend who tries to steal the guy from her best friend, but in reality, she seems to be a really good friend.
@jaketucker2559 4 месяца назад
Honestly i think the way it works so well is the artist basically made almost every couple match with their in game egg group, well almost all I read hope nothing bad happens between incineroar and venasaur. Heck even the couple who should be in a toxic relationship simply because of their Pokédex entries, seviper and zangoose are in fact compatible with each other in game, and their fights never come off as toxic.
@iSmartMan1 4 месяца назад
Where did you get the dubs of the comic? I can't seem to find where you credit them.
@jcalexandrewrites 4 месяца назад
3:03 - DiceSkiyo: www.youtube.com/@Diceskiyo
@iSmartMan1 4 месяца назад
​@@jcalexandrewritesThank you!
@kdup-hp6zm 4 месяца назад
my brother and his wife are one of those luck couples that never left the honeymoon phase their oldest is a five year old boy they have a two year old girl and another on the way and are a picture book family on the flip side my mom and dad can't be in the same room without fighting and my mom said flat out (to me) the only reason she married my dad is she thought she had to get married and he was her only choice so i saw both extremes
@PikalaxALT 4 месяца назад
at 7:20 you credited the track as little root town but that's actually oldale town. oops!
@jcalexandrewrites 4 месяца назад
Yeah! Big oops! Mea Culpa! 😅
@ej2u545 4 месяца назад
I agree with the general point of the video is getting at it. That a lot of Hedrow sexual relationships immediate tend to be portrayed as either toxic or unproductive. Also I completely agree that shows with characters that are LGBT should not have a big deal made out of it or try and push a massage. Helluvaboss, Owl Hoese, and Steven Universe just to name a few. I don’t agree with putting the Neanderthal Mat Walsh, and chary pick data queen Tara Mooknee. The issue with the portrayal of heterosexual relationships is not political. It’s a societal issue that came from the roots of the industrial revolution. It’s up to the parents to change that idea. I was fortunate to have parents who taught me that in a relationship you should find some one not just as your lover, but as your best friend as well. A relationship is not always going to be 50/50. It might 20/80 or 60/40 but understand this is how it will be. I honestly think the reason why there are so few relation ships right now is because of sitcom family’s. TBH it make it look like hell, but it’s not true. Im in a relationship and it’s nothing like what people say it would be. Once again all im saying is. I agree with what you said, my issues come when it got political at parts. Because like I said. The hole gender role idea for men and women was pushed really hard during the industrial revolution everywhere it happened. So in short, it’s more societal problems less political problems.
@claytongriffith8323 4 месяца назад
Dude the only straights that are okay are Pokémon
@TheDracoStar 4 месяца назад
Look, I'm a bisexual cis-man but frankly? If I did have a girlfriend, I'd be content with her. I'd probably question why she'd want a guy like me. Yet I'd love her with all my heart. Kinda like in this comic series. But this is also coming from my own experience with just seeing Hetero-pessimism and how BAD some relationships have gotten. Besides, I don't care for being masculine. While I identify as male, I'm comfortable with feminine things. Cause life is too short to not have fun outside of the usual sometimes. Skitty and Wailord are living their best life imo. Loving each other and enjoying life together. That's something. anyway love this video.
3 месяца назад
What is hetero-pessimism?
@blaisey6615 2 месяца назад
@you will find your answer in the video