Mark TheGuitarGuy
Mark TheGuitarGuy
Mark TheGuitarGuy
Hi, I'm Mark and I've been teaching and playing guitar professionally for 26 years now, and I've picked up a lot of insights along the way; things I wish I had known when I started out. That's why a bunch of mates and I started this channel - to share this knowledge with you.

But this is more than just a place to learn guitar. It's also place where you can hang out, relax, be yourself, get support, make friends and get inspired to have more fun with your guitar. So go ahead. Pick up your axe. Hit play. And be a better guitarist.

One String Guitar Soloing?
Год назад
The Backbeat - Percussive Strumming
2 года назад
How to Use a Capo
2 года назад
Memorise the A string | Guitar Lesson
2 года назад
Not just a Guitar Finger Warm up!
2 года назад
It's about time you fixed your Timing!
2 года назад
What’s the Perfect Thumb Position?
4 года назад
@davidmarshall9765 4 дня назад
This is really cool, thank you
@BallsackShredder 4 дня назад
Man your strumming is really sth else. Your specialty i daresay, and you proved to be quite the technique master! Thanks for the lesson!
@rc4158 4 дня назад
Nice intro..which song is this ?
@yolandagiandrea8051 4 дня назад
It has certainly helped me.
@mmcmanmon 4 дня назад
Great tutorial! Thank you.
@MezzMcGillicuddy1 5 дней назад
If the question is Gretsch, the answer is YES!! Sounds great, dude. I’m a Strat & Tele dude m’self, and I just got one these orange 5420’s. Real different, but very cool!
@johnoconnor8453 6 дней назад
Middle finger first! Who knew??? (VERY helpful!)
@richardboss3358 6 дней назад
I might sound really stupid but I've never considered using my little finger for the C-shaped barre and always had trouble because the last bit of my third finger is too long. I've tried this briefly and I think it will work although I will need to strengthen my little finger. Thanks so much, there is hope!
@surabhi4180 11 дней назад
Helpp- I just bought a guitar and it has 4mm gap between the strings and the fretboard as we go towards the hole Am I cooked?
@richard9492 13 дней назад
Sanding the saddle should be the last resort; this has the potential to degrade tone and sustain making a $2,000 guitar sound like a $199 Epiphone guitar made in China. DON'T' DO IT !
@RoshanDarjiu 15 дней назад
@rajkschwartz 17 дней назад
ABCD even I have the same Problem , can’t hold it properly
@reekydebbarma5397 20 дней назад
1 Corinthians 13:1-8 (KJV) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
@vimmisinghminhas8162 24 дня назад
This is wrong. i am a proffessional musician and matte finished guitars should nevrr be rubbed with guitar polish. hell nah.
@cgandy2 25 дней назад
So helpful, Mark!!! Thank you! My wife is a McKenzie (Luceo non uro) and she says I should only learn from you. Well I do learn from other guitar teachers but you are fantastic!
@LucidDr3aming444 28 дней назад
That’s a beautiful guitar which one is it?
@fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied 29 дней назад
Okay, that’s cool. I want that guitar.
@robhowe8353 Месяц назад
First you check and set the neck relief if it's out of tolerance. Then the saddle. You don't need a luthier, just some simple measuring tools, sandpaper and and block to guide your sanding. Sand twice as much off the saddle as your action height is off. Saddles are easy to replace unless you made your own guitar maybe. Most brands have replacements you can easily buy for $10-15.
@paramount7095 Месяц назад
Talks alot, teach little
@EricSellers-uv1sb Месяц назад
Definitely getting a steel string now. Thanks!
@carltaylor4942 Месяц назад
Sometimes waltzes can really rock. Jimi Hendrix's "Manic Depression" is a swung waltz and it really rocks.
@johnblackwood1337 Месяц назад
I perceive that you may be a prodigy sir.
@RickMcCargar Месяц назад
"Adjust the intonation" as he sweeps his hand down the fretboard? I think he meant, using the truss-rod to adjust "relief".
@niccovanderwalt7677 Месяц назад
Wow real cool tutorial. It really is a bridge and just ignited some passion to explore the other side of cool riffs. Thanks Mark - you're the Man !!!
@MarkLewis-t5d Месяц назад
Nice work fella.
@JeremyNigelHeath-yc3uw Месяц назад
Thank you Mark The guitar guy for doing that replying back to my comment love your guitar tutorials You make such a lot of effort for your guitar enthusiast to learn a lot well done Mark The guitar guy Kind regards, Mark The guitar guy from Jeremy I have this brother called Nigel. He likes to watch your master guitar guy. He also likes your new Torio’s
@JeremyNigelHeath-yc3uw Месяц назад
Great videos, Mark The guitar guy love your work❤
@JeremyNigelHeath-yc3uw Месяц назад
Great videos, Mark The guitar guy?❤
@JeremyNigelHeath-yc3uw Месяц назад
Hi Mark The guitar guy can you please reply back to my comment thank you
@JeremyNigelHeath-yc3uw Месяц назад
Mark the guitar guy My name is Jeremy Nice to meet you Can you please do a Playalong series beginning to end on your channel please
@RoosterRocket Месяц назад
As gorgeous as Gretsch guitars are, vanity doesn't serve. I play Gretsch because the twang and the howling and subtle undertones that are distinctly Gretsch. I play jump country and Rockabilly so the super twangy bridge pickup and the warm and woody neck pickup are hard to beat!
@mr2seis388 Месяц назад
Honestly was searching for something like that but I wasn't quite sure what I needed. Im going to try it out, thanks!
@DavidKerner-en1ww Месяц назад
I've been noticing this lately that with all bar chords it's easier when I place finger 2 first. I thought I was doing something wrong.... But it was just so much easier
@LouisMCollins Месяц назад
That was super helpful! Thank you! 🙏🏾
@MrJOHNMICHAELVEGA 2 месяца назад
I already play fast but I want to play faster
@AltSpecterr 2 месяца назад
Damn, 11 years and the video still explains it like 2 + 2
@eatlaughandstupid4430 2 месяца назад
You are an amazing teacher. Thank you
@ZuXX-ex4ic 2 месяца назад
superbe !
@derrygerry2569 2 месяца назад
It's like Irish guitar strumming
@limedgg 3 месяца назад
Super useful dude thanks.
@TheGrimeReaperPressureWash 3 месяца назад
This was super helpful thank you!!! this damn chord has been my nemesis since I started 8 months ago and i NEVER THOUGHT about using that finger first!!!
@luvviiin 2 месяца назад
@annabellahyde5820 3 месяца назад
This is a life changer tysm
@koikks 3 месяца назад
The best video
@GilValle-li1hp 3 месяца назад
Excelente Amigo. From El Salvador. Central América.
@kooroshbboy8218 3 месяца назад
thank you so verrrrry much, i just figured how smooth can you play with a pick, i amost gave up on picking with a plectrum
@neilmalone798 3 месяца назад
Wow! What a great well taught lesson on a great song. Thanks so much.
@rnr3078 3 месяца назад
this video was exactly what I needed. thanks!
@user-br1xk6wl3t 3 месяца назад
Dude-PAINFULLY slow and aggravating listening to you dribble this out so slowly. F$&@ sake i stopped watching after 90 seconds and dug a six inch valley through the middle of my skull. I’ll go look for somebody who can GET THE F$&@ ON WITH IT. Probably an American. Australians are all pussies. You prove it in spades bruh.
@frederickbanjoman9482 3 месяца назад
Ha Ha, Great approach to teaching. Pass me my new Epiphone. Move over i am checking out your other lessons. Why so many antipodean teachers online? Thank You
@mcdevious2229 3 месяца назад
Thanks for verifying what I was thinking: This technique effectively gives you a metronome to play with. Very nice presentation. Tick tock.