A rather eclectic channel. Videos include many 'points' about ancient and medieval warfare and technology; rants to the camera; dance-related stuff; animated films; evolutionary psychology; silliness.

The most major project is "Built for the Stone Age", which I'd rather like to see made properly for television. My major work-in-progress is a steampunk comedy "The Adventures of Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman.

To contact me, use the Lindybeige Facebook page, or e-mail me via my website. The RU-vid messaging system is not the way.
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@arnijulian6241 4 минуты назад
I will agree that most hatred is a waste of energy & time on the most part but to hate similar to animosity exists for a reason of self preservation. We feel disgust, anger & many other so called 'negative' emotions to make it far more easier to fight a potential opponent. they are not negative but aggressive for those passive & defensive never get anything done on their own. Most are bleeding pacifists these days in west yet still have these aggressive emotions which were were for aggression. I will say this the greatest mind & capable people I have met are & were hateful as real hate which I don't mean being 'upset' which most are as I mean genuine hate which comes from a place of trust broken is a powerful dangerous thing. Those with the greatest capacity for love have the greatest capacity for hate. Oxytocin known as the love or bounding hormone plays a roll in hatred just as much as love. If someone betrays a bound of love it becomes hate in moment & that all come on at once. Trust me as most have never been in bounded enough to someone to in a moment have it all turn to blind hate if that trust was poorly placed. It make adrenaline pale in comparison in it's intensity. Even my brother thinks I am almost unbelievable as I shattered steel with my bare hand till I was covered in my own blood at learning of betrayal. Which this is why in age I do not trust or love easily & have grown callous. People that have not experienced this cannot understand see only the drama & not the anguish which never really leaves you as it only dulls like how an old wound leaves scars. The few women I loved simply hurt me more then any injury I have sustained & if not so composed I could have torn them apart with my bare hand's. The only other way 1 can really hate from my experience is loss if not betrayal. If someone took that person away from you or even harmed them permanently it eats at your psyche. My father through his foolishness crippled my brother & if I said I have no hatred for him that would be a lie. That is why I don't emotions or thoughts with my father & feel a great disappointment in him. Trust me most are not hateful but only upset. Hatred you can achieve much but you feel sickness & fatigue in the long term.
@murrayscott9546 28 минут назад
To quote His Bobness, " some say don't hate nothing except hatre "
@murrayscott9546 43 минуты назад
Have some people, at times, supremely pissed me off. Of course ! But true hatred is ultamitly a sell-destroyimg emotion. If you find yourself in a position inescapable to walk away from ? Deal with it ! By with whatever means you have at your disposal. Don't let it fester.
@bofpwet9500 45 минут назад
Wow that was a long time without seeing you for me, i am not sure if it's your fault, or mine or youtube, but i am glad to listen to you again even if I am a freaking french boy! :D
@keithagn 54 минуты назад
I HATE it when you don't do any videos on Roman history!
@roccomezzogiorno9795 58 минут назад
Is ripping people off by asking for money for a graphic novel and then never delivering it four years later worth it?
@skydancer1867 Час назад
When two Egyptians fart at the same time... They have a toot in common.
@bluevayero Час назад
Lindy, it sounds like you ask a question about hating people, but answer a question about hating groups. Sure, groups of people are people, but your whole life story didn't have to do with that, but with individuals.
@quietdignityandgrace Час назад
So, anger and vitriol in moderation? Got it. Thanks. Rage Responsibly.
@markfergerson2145 Час назад
About the flag mask thing… I’ve done something similar as you see. My icon is an image of my right retina, my eye-con you see. It makes it very easy for me to find my comments here and posts in online groups of any kind. Exactly one person has given me grief for it because and get this, they had mistaken it for a condensed version of a country ball representing West Taiwan, and went on a rant about what a Chinese bot I was. I told them to look at it a bit more closely but either their device didn’t have enough resolution to make their mistake clear or they couldn’t admit their mistake so they doubled down. I blocked them and went on with my life. I think they were one of those poor folks who,spend all their time looking for something to rage at. Oh well. Anyway, I agree that true hate just takes too much energy, energy better spent on the positives in life.
@Steveykeith Час назад
I think conviction either way is important.
@jeremiaas15 Час назад
I once worked with a bloke who had too many abhorrent qualities to list out, however, after about a year of strongly disliking him it turned out that he had a keen interest in private Japanese shipyards of the early Showa era. And in an instant that revolting humanoid waste of organic matter became my best mate. Though he was a bit weird (the swine prefered Mitsubishi to Kawasaki, if you can imagine such a thing), it all became irrelevant.
@whydid666 Час назад
Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity!!!
@frankharr9466 Час назад
Yeah, that's fair. I suppose hate can be useful if you can use it to establish a better overall situation in the face of something that may or may not be an actual threat, but it's not doing your emotions a lot of help. But spending a lot of time and energy on it isn't great. I have hated people. And I eventually moved on. I would have likely moved on faster if I'd let the hate ebb faster.
@nanorider426 Час назад
Yeah, anonymity is the bane of civilized discourse - for the most part.
@TheHylianBatman 2 часа назад
Hatred can be a powerful motivator, but it can also be a heavy anchor.
@NIL0S 2 часа назад
Hatred is such a strong word. Antipathy, yea.
@TygerKaye 2 часа назад
I missed that book.
@BadgerBishop 2 часа назад
I have way too many useful/enjoyable things to invest my energy into to be wasting it on hatred.
@_robustus_ 3 часа назад
But but but… I love my hate.
@glenngriffon8032 3 часа назад
Anger, hate and pure strength of spite has kept me alive in situations where I legit could have... for youtubes sake let's say i could have logged out. Most recently back in September of last year i was caught in a flash flood that washed me away and nearly ended me. Spite towards the situation, and towards mother nature and towards all those people said i wouldn't be able to save myself from danger gave my crippled butt the strength to swim against the current and claw my way onto land. Hate towards people who said that i couldn't survive living homeless kept me going. The trick though, is knowing when to let go of that hate. When to call it up. How to use it and not let it ruin you.
@Wintermute909 4 часа назад
I can stop hating anytime I want! ....buuuuttt can you help me out with just a little bit of outrage? Just to tide me over until the next anonymous internet comment gives me another hatred fix.
@lucidmoses 4 часа назад
I'd suggest just because you hate someone doesn't mean they are on your mind all the time. I hated my ex for a couple of years but that doesn't mean it came to mind a lot. Still, It occurred to mean that this was only affecting me, and not hating doesn't mean I have to trust or be friends again so I just stopped hating in a poof of apathy.
@edwardanderson1053 4 часа назад
Wait a minute, we all know you hate the French,lololol.
@jasonscott8844 5 часов назад
Yay, the book of questions.
@BaddDukk 5 часов назад
The opposite of love is not hate. Both require (demand?) significant energy be put into the feeling. They are very much the two sides of the same coin. The opposite of love is indifference. The complete non-give-a-shitness for that person or their existence. Plus it is a great lyric by the Lumineers
@TuhljinTampergauge 5 часов назад
The defense of hate in many of these comments really shows how far society has decayed. _You don't need to hate your enemies. You don't need hate to get justice or take just action against villains._ I shouldn't have to spell this out. It's been a known truth for ages. It's also obvious to any rational person. Previous generations adhered to the wisdom of Christianity in this regard -- **even atheists did.** (At least, most would say they did, since it was obviously the correct position and everyone who wasn't a sociopath knew it, though people are emotional and fallible so practice is another thing.)
@sijohnson5632 5 часов назад
Lindy, Steady on the beard, you're getting towards Maximilian I of Mexico. He sported one heck of a beard but it must have been near impossible to concentrate on what he said. Not RU-vid compatible I think.
@Rikortez 5 часов назад
Not always worth it, but a lot of times deserved.
@MateuszGUN123 5 часов назад
Hate is good for you. Makes you strong if you know how to over come it. Too bad today people don't know how to deal with hate or anger, but it is so good when you know how to over come it and be it's master. Makes you so strong and and happy. I mastered mine and i never trusted myself and felt satisfaction like that before. Your emotions are you, control them and you achieve control over self like you never knew you could. It is first step to happiness imo.
@texasbeast239 5 часов назад
I hate for a time, then I block them from all avenues of contact, and ultimately I move on to living the rest of my life. Let the filter take care of the ongoing active hatred for me from then on.
@kecukraftwork1988 5 часов назад
Hate *can* be a great motivator, providing that it's handled correctly and pumped into a healthy output. I've always said that if love is like solar energy, then hate is like rocket fuel. It's a potential risk to the vessel and everything surrounding said vessel, and it tends to burn out relatively quickly; but you will never find a more potent fuel for short term acceleration when it's filtered through the right channels. Many boxers, martial artists and soldiers begin their training from a place of anger, and many creatives have used self-loathing for literate and artistic discovery. Hate is like any strong emotion: it's only bad for those who don't know how to moderate and constructively process it. And sometimes in an odd way, you can inadvertently find a love of something through first discovering the hatred of its opposite.
@soccerandtrack10 5 часов назад
Something a anti fascist person would say="hate just gets more hate!!!" What a nazi actuelly said="hate begets hate." THEYRE ACTUELLY SO SELF OBSORBED THEIR GIVEING PEOPLE NAMES TO CALL THEM AND GIVEING PEOPLE RALLY CRYS TO DESCRIBE NAZIS. you cant really show flaws in nazis, being a nazi is a flaw. 👉👉👉what the joker movie is about, sociaty failed them, so now trying to ruin sociaty/LITTERLLY FORCE EVERY LIVEING THING INTO FASCISM/TORTURE.
@The_Modeling_Underdog 5 часов назад
Dunno, mate. Ask yer backers on the Hannibal scam book. They ought to know a thing or two 'bout hate. Cheers.
@Oppetsismiimsitsitc 6 часов назад
Yes. Fuel.
@katsuyaki7605 6 часов назад
"Is hating people worth it?" -- Yes, absolutely. Next question, please.
@davidjackson1770 6 часов назад
I must disagree hate is not the opposite of love. It's indifference is the opposite of love. To hate someone means you still care. But very good video sir. Good to see the question book back.
@danielburgess7785 6 часов назад
Humans are rarely rational creatures.
@forethoughtx2846 6 часов назад
what a channel. youtube hasn't shown me one of your vids in the past year. the fact it took the math so long annoys me
@rubenskiii 6 часов назад
Seeing it is 2024 here is the obligatory "AI will do it" comment. (Personally i am not all that impressed with "AI", for the most part because it is not actually AI.)
@bwabbel 6 часов назад
Hatred isn't only a waste, but it's also literally bad for you. Yes sometimes not hating someone requires some work, but it's always worth it
@-inputoutput 7 часов назад
with all due respect, this is a pretty shallow and unimaginative reading of hatred, conceptually there are much bigger conflicts out there than somebody 'being a git' which might drive one to hate somebody else history is filled with examples, and it should have gone without saying that hating people in such instances is not 'giving the other person power' sometimes it's other--much more significant & tangible--things that give the hate target power over the one hating them
@jlemaire9418 7 часов назад
Cool chair.
@jlemaire9418 7 часов назад
Probably. Maybe
@Quimbyrbg 7 часов назад
Actively hating people is not good for you and is not worth the effort. I've instead found it useful to just keep a list of people to get revenge on later, given the chance.
@PaulTheSkeptic 7 часов назад
i don't hate any people. I hate injustice, misinformation, poverty, hunger, stuff like that.
@agileriposte 7 часов назад
"If the enemy is known, the day is structured." - Volker Pispers
@davidrobinson2776 7 часов назад
My Dad hated his Dad so he killed him. Well, it was technically manslaughter but either way he got away with it. My Dad told me this on Christmas Eve 1987 and described what a bastard his Dad was but he ended his confession by saying "He was a canny kisser though." We never spoke of it again.
@user-jz6tw4ud6b 2 часа назад
@austinthaxton6197 7 часов назад
@lindybeige lol 😂 we have bees! Don’t dare challenge us and our bees!
@charlesmiv3842 7 часов назад
Bigoted against the UK flag? What lol? That can't be real.