Lizzy Sgambelluri
Lizzy Sgambelluri
Lizzy Sgambelluri
RStudio tutorial videos to help fire up those little gray cells, no matter your statistician experience.

R Core Team (2016). R: A language and environment for statistical
computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
Species Diversity
5 лет назад
Population Dynamics
5 лет назад
Introduction to Ecology
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
DNA and RNA: Structure and Function
5 лет назад
Systematics and Species Concepts
5 лет назад
Phylogenetics and Systematics
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Energy and Cellular Metabolism
5 лет назад
Cell Structure, Function, and Parts
5 лет назад
Origin of Life (Part 1)
5 лет назад
Macromolecules (Part 2)
6 лет назад
Macromolecules (Part 1)
6 лет назад
Forms of Selection
6 лет назад
Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
6 лет назад
Evidence of Evolution (Part 2)
6 лет назад
Evidence of Evolution (Part 1)
6 лет назад
Evolution of Evolutionary Thought
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
DNA Repair Mechanisms
6 лет назад
Lecture - Mutations
6 лет назад
Translation - Protein Synthesis
6 лет назад
@marc-andrebrunet5386 Год назад
Bravo and thank you very much, it was very interesting 😊👍
@muntasirakash2056 Год назад
to which package all.subsets.glm() belongs to?
@Strongs_G3528 2 года назад
Friend, let me show you something most of us were never taught concerning how the world was created. Logically. Let the word of God be true and very man be a liar -Romans 3:4 Here we go… Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Ok, but do you see it? Do you see the Trinity of “time, space, and matter” in this verse? Let’s break down the word of God. “In the beginning” = TIME “God created the Heavens” = SPACE “and the Earth” = MATTER This goes deeper because Time, Space, and Matter each have their own trinity. Trinity of Time = Past Present Future Trinity of Space = Length Width Height Trinity of Matter = Solid Liquid Gas The very first verse of Gods word in His Bible is everything used to create and measure the physical world we live in today. This is irrefutable. Friends… God is real. Jesus is real. Heaven and hell are real and so is the devil and his demons. Macro and micro evolution is a lie from the devil to deceive you away from the truth of Gods word to mankind. Don’t be deceived. All glory and praise to The Most High God! Thank you.
@md.masumbillah8222 2 года назад
super explained! I appreciate ur effort. Helpful for fish ecology and related topics
@Dblue-rhino 2 года назад
Great lecture- will learn technique over time- do not say uh, um. Space words evenly, not as one would in conversation. Ordovishun, not ordovikian.
@JORVIKSEA 3 года назад
i just kinda found this video out of curiosity and it really helped
@bboyawesam 3 года назад
how did you know :P
@ruimonteiro7057 3 года назад
Hi! Anyone knows how to proceed with post hoc tests? Cheers
@rafaellagporto4175 3 года назад
Hi Lizzy, thanks for this video. Which function should I use for a response variable with Poisson distribution?
@dillon6222 3 года назад
I absolutely love these videos
@paulnicolosi4792 3 года назад
Notice all of the climate change and extinction level events. This is what happens throughout history. We can’t prevent it or lessen it’s effect. No ‘taxation’ or special congressional bills passed, will change it in any way. All of you morons screaming and throwing tantrums about how we horrible humans are destroying the planet, will not make a gnat’s ass of difference. The world’s governments are well aware of the ‘next’ event (2046) and are using ‘climate change’ as an excuse to enslave the masses and enrich themselves at your expense, building deep underground bunkers, where they and the chosen elete, think they can ride it out. It’ all bullshit folks. Don’t buy into it…..Do some research and you’ll clearly see what’s going on…
@Jaggerbush 3 года назад
Who do you make these for? Just asking- I love these. These are my own private continuing ed classes.
@elinoirsmythe224 3 года назад
This was really helpful! Thank you so much for making this video :)
@williammurphy9634 3 года назад
I’m back for park two...
@williammurphy9634 3 года назад
This put me to sleep- thank you. I’m serious.
@williammurphy9634 3 года назад
@surajprasad2291 3 года назад
If the AIC value is the least, then those predictors are of utmost importance! Am I correct on this? Thanks for your time
@mirtegaatjenietsaan6416 3 года назад
you are amazing!!
@funcuzchris4466 3 года назад
I had to stop watching. Too many "uh..."'s .
@jaybee9716 3 года назад
@nandumohan5333 3 года назад
what is the code for AICc in r studio?
@surajprasad2291 3 года назад
Try MASS function
@MohammadJAhmad 4 года назад
Great video! Do we need any type of adjustments if variances and samples sizes are not equal?
@xsnowolflyx 4 года назад
Thank you for the tutorial, it's very clear :)
@TheRockForge-Fairfield 4 года назад
If you're interested, actually have a full fossilized ichthyostega. Well it's missing the tail but it was fully fossilized with all of its flesh still on the bones. Contact me if you would like to see it.
@kangbangstudio9372 4 года назад
In Accident data people die are count data. for example num die = 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 ,1,... , n. So i want to predict count of num die (response variable) from poisson regression How i can do to get the prediction value of num die(response variable)??
@omarq6210 4 года назад
Thanks for that- where can I find the all.subset.glm2 function?
@noahpaoletti4717 4 года назад
@magnetarlyfe 4 года назад
speak better..ever learn in school to not say uh and uhm every sentence..jeeze
@Croissantrophy.meme.channel 4 года назад
Since this is not school, feel free to leave if you don't like it.
@MichaelCharlesBishubo 4 года назад
Pick points and move on. If how she speaks bothers you, then you better find other sources.
@dillon6222 Год назад
Did your parents ever teach you manners or were you raised by Coyotes
@wafflesncatsup5323 4 года назад
It sounds like a blender trying to make sounds while filled shards of glass. What kind of voice is that?
@dillon6222 Год назад
Reminds of your sister
@wafflesncatsup5323 Год назад
@@dillon6222 don't have a sister. But don't worry we can share your sister.
@Lionslycer 4 года назад
First thing I heard was a mispronounced word. I’m out.
@LesActive 4 года назад
It was the 'umm"'s that got to me. Too bad, I love this subject.
@eesgrampa1 4 года назад
you always was an elite right wing snob Ronnie
@robertaustine4536 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing the details of the tutorial
@Earthspirit1147 5 лет назад
Love the graphics. This vid helped solidify my loose understanding of early Earth: iron banding; snowball earth etc. I would like to have seen a bit on the evolution of cell structure (ie. nucleus vs no-nucleus). Visit the channel. Click on "videos" (otherwise it says there is no content). There are some great titles that I can't wait to watch.
@jasminejeanine2239 5 лет назад
How are they dating the earth as rocks can't be dated except through geology (layers) and trapped carbon which of course would all be rock or oil by now. Plus all the radioactive decay would be based on when it was created in supernova NOT when it reached earth. Except specific rocks which have two datable radioactive elements together in a rock which still doesn't deal with the issue of when they formed (as this dates the rock NOT the "planet". Thus how can you find the right stone from the right age with the right radioactive elements (2 dif ones) and deal with when they were created in supernova, travel time, etc etc... Unless decayed from very large unstable elements on earth, but that still doesn't tell you when.
@load3r434 5 лет назад
Can you do more of these videos?
@emanuelegiacomuzzo5859 5 лет назад
Amazing, that was sooo useful, good job
@alexandershalin3543 5 лет назад
Brilliant lecture! I like your voice.
@nyoodmono4681 5 лет назад
Have you heard about newer studies that say dust plays a crucial role as it reduces the ice albedo? Milankovitch cyles were not enough to terminate deep glaciations, the role of dust was a missing link.
@bruce89tw 5 лет назад
Hi Lizzy Thanks for your sharing. It seems like logit.plot.quad() function is not available anymore. Do you know any alternative packages? thanks in advance
@seppetoni7227 5 лет назад
@dogfacedgod 5 лет назад
Nice lecture 😊 will continue! Subbed.
@robertopacheco2943 5 лет назад
What I like of this video is that it has many explanations images, ``an image is worth a thousand words``
@robertopacheco2943 5 лет назад
What I like of this video is that it has many explanations images, ``an image is worth a thousand words``
@StanislavMudrets 5 лет назад
Anatomical features that we see as adaptations are not selected for by natural selection. They aren't subjects of natural selection. Instead, they are the residue, or what remains after natural selection proceeded to eliminate whatever worked poorly or didn't work at all. Adaptation is not designed. It's what remains.
@philsurtees 5 лет назад
Complete and utter rubbish.
@jackmack1061 3 года назад
ed: wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.
@whatabouttheearth 3 года назад
Well said. If they do not die they continue to increase breeding pools that will descend with genetic modification. But we are used to explaining things as if the function came first instead the death being the selector. ru-vid.com/group/PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW
@whatabouttheearth 3 года назад
@@jackmack1061 You may want to erase your comment seeing that his was accurate. Not dying is what ensures descent with genetic modifications (evolution) ru-vid.com/group/PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW
@jackmack1061 3 года назад
@@whatabouttheearth I don't remember this thread, but the leading comment is at best only partially correct, and for the wrong reasons. Also, not dying BEFORE SUCCESSFUL BREEDING drives 'evolution'. Ed: when you get your information from yt, you may not consider yourself educated.
@rajatbathla1 5 лет назад
Excellent tutorial please share the workbook as well ..
@AMAN-pw2bd 5 лет назад
@amirtech2005 5 лет назад
Well done analysis, Lizzy! :)
@megacrippled 5 лет назад
Creation is a pretty strong word for Earth and life.
@williammurphy9634 3 года назад
What would you call it?
@pedrow6 5 лет назад
Is this a nested repeated measures ANOVA?
@KYLEX4245 5 лет назад
Thank you for this! Keep up the good work.
@tradehut2782 5 лет назад
Hi Lizzy, Did Eukaryotes evolve from prokaryotes during the Archaean era? And do we have transitional fossils of that? If not, what kind of evidence do we rely on to substantiate it ?
@lizzysgambelluri4710 5 лет назад
Hey there! So eukaryotes arose from prokaryotes during the Proterozoic eon, which was the last eon of the Precambrian supereon. The first eukaryotes that arose were single celled organisms. The evolution of multicellular eukaryotes arose later in this eon after the meltdown of Snowball Earth, in which a high amount of niches were available and, more significantly, there was a significant increase in atmospheric oxygen (thanks to the activity of photosynthetic organisms). Now unfortunately, we do not have transition fossils of the first diversification event that occurred, as these organisms were soft bodied and thus did not fossilize. There are some fossils that provide evidence of the major diversification and evolutionary events of multicellular eukaryotes during the Cambrian explosion (Cambrian; Paleozoic). As far as transitional fossils between prokaryotes and eukaryotes at that time in history, there are no specific "fossils" per say, but there is evidence of such. The major source of evidence stemming from the theory of endosymbiosis, which proposes the creation of eukaryotes from prokaryotes by phagocytic activity. Essentially one larger cell engulfed a smaller cell and incorporated that smaller cell into its cellular composition. This is what is used to explain the prokaryotic relics that are the mitochondria and chloroplasts. It is thought that these two organelles evolved from bacteria living in large cells. In general, it is proposed that eukaryotes arose from prokaryotes through symbiosis - in other words, teamwork. Collaboration. By engulfing smaller cells, larger cells could take on selective advantages provided by the cells that were engulfed, while the cells that were engulfed continued to survive and got a nice cozy home in the process. Again, we do not have "fossil" evidence of such transition, BUT there is evidence. That evidence is molecular, arising from the prokaryotic based characteristics found in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Particularly the mitochondria. Like prokaryotes, the mitochondria has its own cellular membrane, a circular DNA genome, and reproduces through fission, just like bacteria.
@tradehut2782 6 лет назад
Very informative. Subscribed
@lizzysgambelluri4710 6 лет назад
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the addition!