News, Views, and Truth
News, Views, and Truth
News, Views, and Truth
The best feminist.
Durston Xmid 2p + Dutchware mods
4 месяца назад
2024 eclipse new England timelapse
4 месяца назад
Mishnah Torah 1, Berachot Chapter 1
5 месяцев назад
@JonathanMellorn 7 дней назад
“When you strike at the King, be sure to kill him” this is a Reddit lvl dismal of one of the most historically intelligent people to ever live, it’s a mystery why people don’t take you seriously… Yes we will hang our hat on the ancient wisdom, modern science is cringe; and it didn’t start with Aristotle, the theory began with mathematics from Pythagorus.
@Josudes 26 дней назад
I'm sorry buddy. You probably need to take a deeper dive into the good book. I don't think Andrew is any better than you are, but calling people facists or evil isn't necessarily pointing people in the right direction either. We are all sinners man. Your "view" of the bible isn't important. Why are you the best feminist?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 25 дней назад
First, speaking against the Bible is a heretical thing, and it deserves to be pointed out. Do you forget the verses which tell us to judge everything in our lives? In the same paragraph where you defend Andrew who frequently attacks women, you take an attack at my claim that I am the best feminist? This shows your lack of credibility and honesty. Perhaps you should turn and look towards yourself before you start trying to attack others. You seem to be lacking some of the foundations.
@PHYSIZIST 2 месяца назад
that bishop bag is a nice idea!
@NewsViewsAndTruth 2 месяца назад
Thanks. The inner is hanging from the clips that the inner connects to normally. It's just up and out of the way in a double ended stuff sack.
@hanskirk-hiking9697 2 месяца назад
Hi very interesting modifications you have made - smart with the inner hanging from the drying line - thanks for sharing
@DannyTruthMagnified 3 месяца назад
Videos on my channel titled "Earth Is NOT Flat" that give clear reasons why Earth is not flat and most likely a pysop...
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 месяца назад
My videos are a recording of my research over the span on years. Your one video does not invalidate all of the research that I have done.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 месяца назад
You are wrong, in my opinion.
@NG-we8uu 4 месяца назад
not the fire detector beep....
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
still need to change it .... brb /wink Sorry about that.
@travonjackson3170 4 месяца назад
Debate him then.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
That is what I went to the debate channel to do, but obviously could not deal with my opinion of The Bible. There is no reason to debate heretics. Andrew's filth that he spews on Whatever is enough to prove that he speaks against the BIble. When he speaks against kindness, he is directly refuting Jesus.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Andrew even lies and says that murder simply means unjustified killing, when The Bible uses the word quite differently. He asserts his own opinion as fact, and that is something that I detest. www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/murder/
@travonjackson3170 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth he is eastern Orthodox. Any chance he just has a different interpretation? Orthodox isn't Sola scriptora. What is your sect?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
@@travonjackson3170 speaking consistently against Scripture is not a difference of sects. He reads the number of times that Kindness is discussed, and decides that only wrath is needed.
@chalkbodyoutline 4 месяца назад
Andrew is nearly insufferable. You're worse.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
And yet you decided to help me with video view and comment. Thank you
@chalkbodyoutline 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth No one's helping you. You're the red heifer of lulcows.
@trentsapp731 4 месяца назад
The Shepherd loves his flock, But exterminates the predators. Pacifism is great until the flock needs defense.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
This is true. One trying to sway another from the Bible would say there is no room for kindness. That is an untruth, and blatantly unbiblical.
@Herewithpopcorn 4 месяца назад
Generally an expose’ comes with evidence, not recanting. Like, how do you not have screen grabs?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Banned from channel, and nobody has enough honor to post the chat logs. Report of their action is evidence and much of Andrew speaking against Bible is recorded on RU-vid for anyone to see. A Christian speaking against the Bible is all the proof that I need, but you might desire more. A non Christian trying to change a Christians view on the Bible is also quite disturbing. These things happened and they blocked me so that there would be less accountability
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Do you want to paste the logs? Just waiting for one honorable person, as it seems the many in that discord are lacking in that aspect
@PinChE_LoCo 4 месяца назад
This is why EVERYTHING will never be enough to YOU
@TheBlackClockOfTime 4 месяца назад
who tf is this soyjak and why are you recommending this to me yt
@CRoyaI 4 месяца назад
I feel your pain brother. I get banned from discord all the time for saying the n word.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
And yet you still decide to help me. thank you
@CRoyaI 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth You are welcome
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
If Royal has to do with lineage, you might enjoy the website mytrueancestry.
@KINDAtheexpert7608 4 месяца назад
@@CRoyaI do u really? 😅
@-Verycardhock 4 месяца назад
Whats the N word? Can you tell me?
@boblong6759 4 месяца назад
Nobody should listen to a Jew about anything other than subverting societies.
@aa1greg 4 месяца назад
No Christian is taking a self proclaimed "bestfeminist" seriously , wolf in sheeps clothing if ive ever seen one
@Korinthia 4 месяца назад
You didnt talk about me? Next time you want to lie about locke ill be nicer to you
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Never lied about Locke, I made an analogy in conversation with another person that you stepped in way past the beginning about how I think that physics exemplifies the same thing. It was that people think that our current understanding of physics describes all of God's natural law. Similarly, when discussing natural rights and natural order, I do not think that people have the full understanding of what is going on. I explained this quite fully, several times.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Thank you for helping to boost this video. I do appreciate it
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
You can call me a liar, but my views are supported by Stanford. plato.stanford.edu/entries/locke-philosophy-science/
@Korinthia 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth They are not, they quite literally contradict your recounting, You're citing me the source i had to show you to demonstate this to you, which you showed you lack the prerequisite knowledge on the terms being used.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
@@Korinthia make whatever insulting claims that you wish, but Stanford agrees with my opinion on Locke and science. Perhaps that entire ivy League college lacks the prerequisites, or perhaps you simply have a hateful narrow view. You attack differing opinion with such vile hatred. It is quite obvious that you do not understand the full conversation here.
@mr_enigmatic 4 месяца назад
Literally none of this happened... - You were quoting Chabad, telling the Christians in the server they weren't Christian if they didn't agree with you. - You were pushing your Judaeo-Christian pacifist BS. **All of this was tolerated BTW... BUT** - Then you started mis-framing my critiques & comments in a completely backwards way (I at no point said you HAD to read anything, I said "we're not that type of Christian around here, we're more this type, & linked the book - On Resistance To Evil By Force). - Then you sperged out, so I timed you out. - Then you sperged in my DMs, so I blocked & banned you. 90% of what you said in this video is a flat out lie, you are a snake. Good luck to you in life sir, plz take your meds. . .
@LuLuLeLoupGarou 4 месяца назад
:( I'm sad I didn't get a mention. You mean the book "On Resistance to Evil by Force"? You do know E isn't Christian?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
yet E says that Andrew agrees with everything that he says. Not sure who you are LuLu.
@LuLuLeLoupGarou 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth Admin in the server. And just because Andrew agrees, doesn't mean Andrew approaches it in the same way as E. Your complaint was that E was unchristian in his delivery. E's not Christian, it's absurd to hold him to that standard.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
@@LuLuLeLoupGarou No, my complaint is with Andrew on air speaking against kindness. It is recorded on the Whatever podcast.
@LuLuLeLoupGarou 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth Then why’s half the video about E, a non-Christian, and how unchristian he acted?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
my complaint with E, is that he told me that my view on kindness was wrong, and that none of my pussy pacifist stuff would be allowed. He then told me that I needed to read this other book, as he wanted me to change my view of kindness that comes directly from the Bible. That is absolutely heretical. If you were wondering my problem with E, it was that after my ban, I told him that he had a fascist way of dealing with dissent on a debate discord, and that I would be curious to see what Andrew thinks when he gets back from his vacation. I said nothing offense, yet this made E call me a slew of names and ban me outright from the discord. I think it would have only been right to see what Andrew thought, if I felt it was an overreaction. And then yes, I had a problem with the lack of respect and the breach of authority that E took as a moderator, when I did not break any of the rules of the discord. It was fascist, and seemed quite childish. People should be able to disagree, but obviously my talking about kindness struck a cord. E had to prove how unkind he was. It is disturbing that both E and Andrew preach against the Bible Scripture. That is the problem that I have with things. I appreciate you asking, so that it can be clear for everyone.
@UniqueBreakfastTaco 4 месяца назад
are you crying? "love thy neighbor" does not mean acquiesce to your every demand.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Cherry pick the Bible much? "“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
@NewsViewsAndTruth 4 месяца назад
Andrew speaks out against Kindness, yet the Bible says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."
@UniqueBreakfastTaco 4 месяца назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth are you not doing the same? Cherry picking kindness? Y'all aren't kind, whatsoever...yet demand it from us. Stay triggered. 👍
@pubgtarane Год назад
@pubgtarane Год назад
@Pmtd1234 Год назад
You can tell he its inexperienced throwing out the 5mph +/- question to try to start a dialogue, maybe controversy. He does need to learn that the 1st Amendment is not carte blanche, like most of these clowns seem to think. I did read on a lagal website, "The First Amendment is not absolute. The Supreme Court has recognized that there are certain places, known as "forums," in which the government can limit speech. The most protected areas are "traditional public forums" such as streets, sidewalks, parks and town squares, where governments may impose only very limited speech regulations. Other areas within public property are known as "nonpublic forums," such as military bases, police and fire stations, public schools, courthouse lobbies and hallways, and the interior of government office buildings. In those, governments may impose significantly more restrictive regulations."
@BlakedaBull Год назад
Good point. Barista know the most quantity in any drink is water. Even the amount of oil, flavor, minerals, and fresh essence-both fat and carbon dixoiode are literally sucked or extracted from the cells of the in proper espresso. even that in quantity is about half water. In coffee we say of course the most important aspect to coffee is coffee, there nothing you can do to change coffee, you can extract it well. But can you can ever raise the original quality? And of course that flavor is carried in a lake of water. Every marzocco espresso machine in America that runs for more than a year is using r.o. water. (i'll give you a secret you can't set the r.o. to zero.) The selling of water in bottles or as you pointed out in so many other products whether the water supermarket animals drink, and plants drink. Water in juice in food, if you're bored you can watch john oliver micro plastic, the opening bit there is actually one thing that unites all mankind. We have mircoplastics in our bodies. Love the intensity. we were meant to sleep near fire watching a sky full of light. Walk free , not be in little cubes in big cubes. "we're in a different quantum universe" The dog registering the new enthusiastic hand. eyes agree. Remind me of the pint Laws in England, Historically Testers would walk English Realms and drink and eat as customers. What's great but bad but at least you can be certain about ancient foods is if they are not done right people get sick. If you do not smoke the salmon right people get sick in winter eating, stored "food." Kombucha can only fight off bacteria after it's sugar water when the culture is strong and healthy.
@awakesouls Год назад
So, what do you think? Can there be clouds behind the sun and moon?
@NewsViewsAndTruth Год назад
There could be, but doubtful. It's most likely perspective problem and some refraction due to water condensation in the clouds. I don't hinge on things that we can't prove, and so this is in the unproven classification, in my opinion
@ae1586 2 года назад
I did jury duty in that building before they build their 300 million dollar new shithouse . They called like 75 people in for a jury selection, when the case was announced it was a failure to stop at a stop sign ticket with $189 fine . Each juror got $10 for their time . When I heard what the case was I started telling the people around me about jury nullification and that if there was no victim there was no crime . When they did selection they called me into a separate room and told me I couldn’t be telling potential jurors that kind of thing and that I could be charged , but since they were so nice and gracious I was paid my $10 and dismissed. Geeee how nice of them !
@ae1586 2 года назад
You got a pair of balls on you to be doing that shit in Spartanburg. Props to you bro ! Be careful with these oath breakers !
@tyskerbarn5171 2 года назад
never trust "trust"pilot!
@sekito2125 2 года назад
It’s like the commenters of the video did not watch the video at all, it’s just sad
@NewsViewsAndTruth 2 года назад
It is a difficult subject to think about
@Dragonmonte 2 года назад
I personally believe people should be living in mud huts with just the basics, somehow though incorporate good plumbing for keeping clean and sanitary reasons. Staying happy helps too. I suggest if you could, plant a garden and please do do a short video about it,. Like a pepper plant, or an orange tree.
@michaelc225 3 года назад
They never detained him demanded I'd nothing this guy was being an ass trying to get a rouse pathetic spartanburg does good greenville now that place is crazy and insane sheriff's going to jail etc
@deborabatsarah2596 3 года назад
What a cute puppy HASHEM bless you brother cute video shalom
@deborabatsarah2596 3 года назад
Amen Halelluyah brother Thank you for this video if I understood something keep transmitting videos of Hashem shalom 🙌
@jruundnsayne1246 3 года назад
Truth is relative to the subjective paradigm...but interesting expression of your truth ....do you vids on gematria ?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
several of my videos discuss gematria over the years, but can't remember which ones off hand.
@gersonrocha8027 3 года назад
The author of the vídeo says Earth is 8 thousand miles across = Incorrect .... the diameter of earth is about 8 thousand miles (that could be taken if someone dug a hole across the earth from USA for instance and reached japan) In this case of the regate, he should consider the perimeter of earth instead which is some 25 thousand miles...
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
Do you not understand how to calculate circumference?
@gersonrocha8027 3 года назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth do you know the difference between perimeter and diameter?
@danutavram831 3 года назад
Trustpolit 100% Fake reviews !!
@thejewishpope4483 3 года назад
I see you comment on rabbi eades videos quite often. Are you Jewish?
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
I am ancient Jewish and dont subscribe to the belief that your mother has to be Jewish for you to be Jewish. I have found that I am from a line of Kohenim, so being descendant of Aaron would make me very Jewish, although not by the modern standards
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
I see that you are subscribed to Chevra Moshe Chaim. He is a quite gifted teacher, and has brought Breslov into my heart.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
It just made sense today, that by Rabbi eade, you were talking of Chevra Rav Moshe Chaim. I did not know that was Rabbi's name. Thank you.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
What is Jewish? Many see Judaism as strict observances. While we know that it extends much more than on ways to live the day, but even this is not completely agreed upon between Jewish communities. Some have their payot tucked behind their ears, and others have them displayed prominently, even putting curls in them giving them substance and visibility. Some will trim the hair on their mustache, so that their lips can be visible, and others wouldn't dare cut it for it's closeness to the beard which represents mercy. I don't bring these up to suggest that either one is correct or more Jewish, but rather that there are different interpretations of what a Jewish follower looks like, and perhaps Hashem's view is even more encompassing. For how many mitzvot are needed to establish Judaism? There is not a number that I know of which defines this. If someone lived a life where they followed all possible mitzvot, yet did not call himself Jewish, would this make him any less Jewish? Which would Hashem focus upon, a title which anyone can convey upon himself, or the multitude of mitzvot done in earnest?
@thejewishpope4483 3 года назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth You sound very sincere and its quite beautiful. If you are following the mitzvot maybe you should look into conversion. A non jew cannot affect spiritual realities in the way someone of the covenant can. It sounds like you have passion so I want to be honest. Your mother must be Jewish to be a Jew (or through conversion). This is straight from scripture, not a man made law. I wish you all the best.
@nicool4307 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ez-LcMgxHt4.html I dont quite get it ( whats being explained here) but maybe you will more quickly
@nicool4307 3 года назад
its not it's = I find autocorrect to be a nuisance too
@nicool4307 3 года назад
Powerful stuff! Are we being primed for something as Event21 looms now ...
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
We are being primed for God's Salvation.
@nicool4307 3 года назад
#Sympathy So really how do we know anything; it's deep, especially in these current days & times ...
@nickweech3487 3 года назад
ru-vid.com my suggestion and how I got here
@johnmartin-ju7zk 3 года назад
Its called dialetics bro 🤙🤘😜😁😝😈👿😍😘😘
@TaraKandece 3 года назад
@TaraKandece 3 года назад
YOU ARE SAYING IT WRONG!!!!!!! It's killing me
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
Is this sort of reaction indicative of the amount of respect that you put into your lineage?
@TaraKandece 3 года назад
I am a direct descendant of the Plantagenet family but on the Maternal side. You are totally saying it wrong and you have no idea what you are talking about but you go buddy...lmfao
@DivergentDroid 3 года назад
It's the same garbage with Pasteurization. They started doing it for Milk which kinda makes sense because there is amounts of puss and urine in milk the government admits cannot get filtered out and you don't wanna drink urine and puss at least if it's not sterilized. But the Kicker is they pasteurize Orange Juice! Orange Juice comes in it's own God given sealed container (the rind) before it's squeezed and there should Never be anything in it that will harm you. What pasteurization Does do for orange juice is Kill all the life giving enzymes in the juice, leaving is a lot less nutritious for our bodies.
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
That process has a funny name, because they take the pasture out of the fruit (literally). Before I asked the 100% juice question in jest, I hadn't considered the problem with concentrated juice.
@DivergentDroid 3 года назад
@@NewsViewsAndTruth Good, I gave you another rabbit hole to go down LOL. Enzymes are destroyed between 118 degrees and 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Pasteurization gets OJ from 199 to 284 degrees Fahrenheit in a two stage process. "They (Enzymes) are essential for respiration, digesting food, muscle and nerve function, among thousands of other roles." www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319704 - You just cannot trust Any of these industries to not mess with our health. I do believe they all want us dead while bleeding our wallets dry.
@genaferde9046 3 года назад
TrustPilot allows business owners to abuse potential customers by promoting fake reviews because they don't allow genuine honesty that could tarnish a business owner's reputation. Also, big corporations such as Google get mostly fake reviews on TrustPilot. It's the best defintion of propaganda to benefit the rich business owners and big corporations, not the poor customers.
@omacattack7222 3 года назад
Wow this is an amazing video!
@NewsViewsAndTruth 3 года назад
Saw the sun in the South yesterday, and watched compass flip three times
@sovereignentity4924 4 года назад
What was taken from "THE ADAM" PLURAL = MAN & WOMB-MAN was... BONE MARROW/DNA by "THE YAHWEH" Again, PLURAL who then created a HYBRID BREEED and named it "THE ISHSHA" PLURAL A HELPER/WORKER to till "THE GARDEN".... HENCE, the beginning of PLANTING/FARMING...🙄 THE ISHSHA are attempting to breed-out "THE ADAM" or (MANKIND) created by THE ELOHIM (PLURAL) The whole problem lies with the IMAGE & LIKENESS OF THE ELOHIM...🤔 THE YAHWEH & THE ISHSHA HATE & DESPISE THE ADAM..! MANKIND, MAN & WOMB-MAN CREATED IN THE IMAGE & LIKENESS OF THE ELOHIM..! NO ONE WILL EVER TELL YOU THIS.... For they shall mingle themselves with THE SEED OF ELOHIM/ADAM but just as CLAY & IRON do not mix...🤨 They shall not cleave one to another...😮 The ISHSHA also mixed with the NEPHALLEN ONES..! 🤔