Radio KD8TTE. Technology, operations, and training to be an effective operator.

We focus on the hands-on: knowing the theory is nice but we're focused on actually making the stuff work, especially in emergencies. Applications are focused on amateur radio, also known as ham radio, but not exclusively so and may from time to time mention other radio services with whom amateur operators will operate as part of AUXCOMM teams or in emergency communications contexts.

We cover communication techniques including good voice procedure, use of Narrow Band Emergency Management Software (NBEMS), and Continuous Wave (CW) with Morse Code.

Your host is C. Matthew Curtin, KD8TTE. Trustee of Radio Relay International station W6RRI, Member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong, and experienced SHARES and military operator. Past ARRL offices include Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator (ASEC), Franklin County OH Emergency Coordinator (EC), and NTS Net Manager.
10 месяцев назад
Briefing 1: WILDCARD 23 Communications Exercise
11 месяцев назад
HF Radio Blackout! (Radio KD8TTE Ep079)
2 года назад
@diegocasati 6 дней назад
This is funny. I have to send you an actual -40 in February (Calgary, Canada).
@KO4VNX 24 дня назад
This is organized and presented in a very fluid, easy-to-understand way! The best video I've ever seen on this topic!!!
@tommcmichael8679 Месяц назад
Thanks! I joined the QMN CW Net a few months ago and I am still learning. They have been very gracious to this newbie. I still struggle with taking a message. I'm afraid I'll mess something and make a mistake. However, I am told I should JUST DO IT and it will become 2nd nature after awhile. I'm on the net nearly every day. Hopefully I'll get that chance to give it a shot.
@KD8TTE Месяц назад
I second that advice. Just do it. You'll make mistakes. That's OK if you learn from them and go on to make different mistakes. Eventually the mistakes will be rare and you'll be a squared away operator. 73
@reidtillery2856 Месяц назад
Whose name goes in the signature spot? The ham taking the message or the non-ham for whom the message is being sent?
@KD8TTE Месяц назад
Signature is the non ham, the person whose thoughts and ideas are in the text. It's easier to see the parts if we think of the radio operators as part of the equipment, not the people sending and receiving the messages. 73
@hetzkr 2 месяца назад
Great video! One thing to note: The calling station, BBB in your example, would be required to first authenticate. This would prevent the calling station (BBB) from the unauthorized acquisition of authentication, that they could then potentially leverage on another net. As an example: BBB, this is AAA. AAA would then first ask BBB to authenticate, to prove they are authorized to receive an authentication by first passing auth!
@eliezercohen2205 2 месяца назад
Hey man love you videos. I did not follow how the participating stations knew when to receive digital and when to receive voice? Some elaboration on that part would be most helpful. Thank you. 73
@KD8TTE 2 месяца назад
Ooh, good question. Thank you! The short answer is that on 60 meters, we have both the sound up so we can hear voice, and the computer listening so that it will pick up digital. Even when I have the rig in USB (for voice), the software is still running and monitoring the rig's sound, so I can receive whether the rig is in USB or USB-data. I have both VFO-A and VFO-B tuned to the same channel, one USB and the other USB-data. Then if I need to transmit digital I can easily hit the VFO that has me in the right mode on freq to send digital, or vice-versa. (For what it's worth, In practice we've been running a lot more all-digital lately. Everyone has been really good at the base set of signals and net operation is so much more efficient, and capable through poor conditions. The past few months, we've been working up on 40 meters during mid-day, 80 meters at night, with 60 meters more of a transitional spot in the spectrum. That's just how coverage throughout Ohio has been working for us. I expect that as we get out of summer and later in the solar cycle we'll see things looking more like what we were doing a few years ago and at different times of year. That said, we still have that unique capability on 60 meters so sometimes there are other reasons to be there like US Government interoprability, so we need to keep that flexibility practiced!)
@eliezercohen2205 Месяц назад
Interesting. How would you go about check-ins and traffic directing digitally? Using phone seems straight forward but I've digital or send cumbersome? How do you do it?
@KD8TTE Месяц назад
We can (and, in fact, typically now) run all digital, falling back to voice only to pick up and support an untrained operator. Here's an example of a net running all digital, with some commentary. This is especially good because it starts out so sparse, little opportunity for relay. It wouldn't work at all if we had to do this with voice control. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-e-sFDo5BHQM.html
@eliezercohen2205 Месяц назад
Thank you. I'll have a look at that video.
@reidtillery2856 2 месяца назад
What doesn't the NTS just use decimal in a mixed group? That's much more intuitive than the letter R?
@KD8TTE 2 месяца назад
Good question! You know the story about the width of Roman chariot wheels creating standards for everything from modern rail lines to solid rocket boosters? It's a classic (if not entirely true) example of how the need for backward compatibility leads to standards that make sense only when seen in historical context. R for decimal is another example. A feature of NTS (and the RRI circuits that have taken their place) is that the radiogram message format traverses any mode (voice, digital, or CW). In CW, R is an easy •-• and sounds distinct from figures like 0, 1, 2, etc., all of which are a group of five dits or dahs. The code for decimal •-•-•- is not only longer but arguably is more difficult to distinguish among a bunch of figures like "146.52" ... Add to that, amateur practice did not bring in punctuation to normal operating, which was often casual operating (ragchew) or contesting. So when NTS standards were being set decades ago, they tried to standardize existing practice and not force a lot of retraining. Hence, punctuation is spelled out, stops are X, and decimal is R.
@LeopardAppaloosa755 3 месяца назад
Awesome explanation.
@djcfrompt 3 месяца назад
I would caution about using timezone initialisms - too many folks don't properly understand the difference between xx time, xx standard time, and xx daylight time. Especially out here in mountain time, where Arizona stays on MST year round, poor understanding of the time zones can create confusion. I had someone the other day ask for a meeting at 3 pm MST but they meant 3 pm MDT. This is of course a reason to use zulu time, but if you are worried about the conversion, perhaps just use L for local and let the recipient figure out the conversion.
@KD8TTE 3 месяца назад
This can be a problem but I don't like L for "local" since there is a timezone L.) I describe this in Episode 75 on Basic Message Format.) Writing out local works, as does ET for Eastern Time, etc., or we could just make it a point to get outsole to write what they mean. At some point if people don't write what they mean there's no hope of effective communication.
@djcfrompt 3 месяца назад
@KD8TTE yeah, writing "LOCAL" would work. We can't drop the distinction between standard and daylight time because of Arizona.
@henfrilangy3842 4 месяца назад
Thanks needed this. Is there a video on how to reply to a radiogram in CW?
@KD8TTE 3 месяца назад
It's exactly the same. You receive the message, then deliver or read it after the net is over. Write a radiogram that is a response and send it on the next net.
@CanyoneerDuke 4 месяца назад
your videos are excellent. I think you need to change the name of your channel. It is hard to find your videos with the search. No one is going to search a call sign.
@georgedandrade-hp1gds296 5 месяцев назад
Is it commonly used to establish the same frequency in a net with voice and digital comm? Hp1gds
@KD8TTE 5 месяцев назад
Much of amateur spectrum divides voice and digital emissions. It isn't common but certainly can happen where rules allow. In practice, we have since moved to almost all digital operation, with fallback to voice where needed to get information to or from operators inexperienced with our operating mode. Voice and data together in the same circuit is more common in US Government auxiliary systems.
@georgedandrade-hp1gds296 5 месяцев назад
@@KD8TTE very helpful your channel and training. 73
@Man0fMeans 5 месяцев назад
Why not 25wpm+?
@KD8TTE 5 месяцев назад
Someone just learning to join a CW net is not likely to work at that speed. I intended to show that it's accessible for someone just getting going with that mode. CW is pretty intimidating for a lot of people not just because of the code but the use of signals also adds to the learning curve. Hopefully people seeing this will understand that they can do it with some practice, and traffic nets are a good way to develop and maintain proficiency.
@wb4dhc 5 месяцев назад
Excellent video and analysis. The point made at the end of getting involved with agencies is spot on. Being a member of an agency's team (volunteer or otherwise) and operating at their direction and control with proper type accepted radios is an awesome way to apply skills learned with the Part 97 license (Amateur Radio). In those cases the person is not operating under the authorization of their license and must be careful not to identify with the Part 97 callsign but rather with the assigned identifier of the agency and using their procedures.
@tommcmichael8679 5 месяцев назад
So very helpful!! Thanks!
@bhamptonkc7 6 месяцев назад
short range NVIS? I am proficient at typical NVIS ranges 100-400 miles but I am still working on the shorter ranges, I did find out that even at 20mi it is still NVIS and the frequency is some what lower than the NVIS MUF usually the next band down. any thoughts on the beyond line of sight stuff?
@tommcmichael8679 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! Very helpful. I just started listening in to the QMN Net and trying to learn the format before joining in. Thanks again!
@marcinmichigan2772 6 месяцев назад
question, when the info makes it to the last location, how is the info relayed to the recipient? is it by telephone, by RF, by USPS, etc
@KD8TTE 6 месяцев назад
If going to me specifically there's a good chance that it's RF. In the general case it goes to the addressee however is best for that case. Any of the examples you give can count. In a disaster scenario, it could go to a message board with cards posted on them for the recipient at the shelter to pick up.
@tommcmichael8679 6 месяцев назад
I enjoyed this. I'm trying to learn NTS. This is helpful.
@bhamptonkc7 7 месяцев назад
I am located in central Washington state and I am interested in receiving some of the DOT broadcasts in my area. specifically DATA type messages, I am wondering what software protocol to use. I send winlink messages several time a week using VARA HF KC7MRP feb 2024
@KD8TTE 7 месяцев назад
Do you have any more information about the data broadcasts? The name of the system, frequencies, or anything like that can be helpful to finding the specification.
@bhamptonkc7 7 месяцев назад
@@KD8TTE it your reference to copying a DOD message, I beleve requesting information and it may have been 60meters, I tried to look it up and saw a reference to MSK 64? I will try to nail down the examples,it was part of the black swan events. I also saw where WWV at the 10 min time is labeled MARS.
@KD8TTE 7 месяцев назад
I have several examples of getting information from DOD or participating with DOD in exercises. These are generally using voice, on the theory that DOD is using its Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) operators to work with amateur radio stations with the most common and readily accessible method. These days, that means voice, and if on HF that's single sideband. We've got examples as * DOD COMEX 22-2 Receiving a bulletin transmitted on WWV ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-PNr9C1XVe3E.html * DOD COMEX 22-2 Request for information ru-vid.comY-A52rvtUqk * DOD HF Exercise Message transmitted on WWV ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--iNh8lTzLAk.html * DOD radio message relay ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sQLF9gu41tM.html I have a whole playlist devoted to the DOD COMEX 22-2, with videos in order to you can get the introduction first, and then see how I went about pursuing each of the objectives. ru-vid.com/group/PLvYr6g3seaV1ZphAH8l92te-BdeUIfpOi If print/data over analog transmitters is what you're looking for, then FLDIGI is probably the most common application that supports a wide variety of waveforms, including MFSK, PSK, MT63, and others in various configurations. Episode 82 gives an introduction to that application. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Htu6Fsx9XOI.html To see an application of how that works, you can see how I stumbled across the Shortwave Radio program in Episode 32. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-n8TgnhFFtQ4.html The BLACK SWAN Net is an Ohio AUXCOMM system to support statewide interoperable communications among various emergency management agencies. We use variations of the MFSK waveform for most digital relay. I give a demonstration of that in several videos, most recently in Episode 86. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-e-sFDo5BHQM.html Good luck!
@somebodysnobody468 7 месяцев назад
As a new operator interested in nvis, this seems to clarify some of the fog. Excited to try to implement the new info
@bhamptonkc7 7 месяцев назад
what software is best for copying DOD Messages on 60 meters
@KD8TTE 7 месяцев назад
Note that DOD in particular uses waveforms that are not generally used elsewhere (MIL-STD-188). Where interoperability is a concern, you'll likely want to use software that is flexible with respect to choice of waveform, as we do here. I use FLMSG, which along with a suite of related applications, are available (including source code) online. www.w1hkj.com/
@pnowikow 8 месяцев назад
Very helpful
@greyeagle3530 8 месяцев назад
Trf Nets are literally a STEP BACK IN TIME!! Being active in MSG TRF HANDLING is a big waste of time.... You NEVER get any EMERGENCY TRF!! Sometimes originators send TRF to Silent Keys... Nobody wants to take, pass, or deliver TRF , that is NOT in their county...You get yelled at by other hams , b/c a ph # AREA CODE or PREFIX does not look right... You literally deal with a great deal of BS and in the end , it's a f******g waste of time...Recipients or addressees do NOT WANT to answer the phone, if they don't recognize the phone number... The ARRL hardly supports NTS or MESSAGE TRF HANDLING anymore... 90% of the time, the MSG TRF HANDLER is just dealing with GARBAGE, CRAP, or SPAM TRF and really NOTHING , that is important or significant...
@KD8TTE 7 месяцев назад
Training as a traffic handler is certainly not a waste of time; those skills are what's needed for emergency operations. The system is not there to entertain you. If you want a viable system, you need to take an active role. Daily operations when there is no emergency of course will be short messages. ARRL decades ago largely left the National Traffic System (NTS) to atrophy. In 2016 Radio Relay International organized to pick up those pieces to re-form the system into a viable communication option. It was demonstrated by working with DOD in the COMEX 22-2, which I demonstrate in a video here. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sQLF9gu41tM.html If your local net does not have useful activity, then that's a matter of local leadership. Central Ohio Traffic Net is a daily training net where beginners can get started to pick up those skills and we have a good bit of information on that site about how to address common issues (where do I send traffic for practice? what if someone does not answer the phone?) as well as history of exercises that use the system for specific cases for applications like family reunification after evacuation from a disaster. www.cotn.us/
@greyeagle3530 6 месяцев назад
@@KD8TTE Again, it's ALL just a bunch of BULLSHIT and a waste of time !
@cybersean3000 8 месяцев назад
On Anateur frequencies, encoding and decoding messages for a mode is legal. Encrypting a message to hide it's meaning is illegal.
@KD8TTE 8 месяцев назад
The specific provision he refers to is covered in 47 CFR 97.113(a)(4), "messages encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning." Authentication isn't message encoding at all and is just a time sensitive cleartext transmission.
@q07906 8 месяцев назад
Didnt catch a single letter
@KD8TTE 8 месяцев назад
That's why we train. You can do it with training and practice!
@hyperionsixzeroeight5064 9 месяцев назад
What is 60C1, 60C3 and 60C5 emissions?
@KD8TTE 9 месяцев назад
Those are channel (frequency and mode) designators used on BLACK SWAN Net. www.blackswancomex.org/net/soi
@Lugeix 9 месяцев назад
Its way too much an effort for such limited space. I never bother to try that ban, nor ever want to. I rather waist time building a 2200 meter station. Thanks for the info.
@bill-2018 10 месяцев назад
I wish there was more activity on this band. i hear G and close European stations. furthest 280 miles so far to GM, 2 Watts c.w. using modified Wireless 19 Set, xtalled tx on 5.262 MHz. G4GHB.
@mattmcconnell4814 10 месяцев назад
Are they going to do it again next year?
@KD8TTE 10 месяцев назад
I expect so. We've done it every year since it was announced. We typically run some special add-on tasks from BLACK SWAN Net to mix it up.
@mattmcconnell4814 10 месяцев назад
@KD8TTE excellent. I will check-in through conventional skywave, too far for NVIS.
@migalito1955 10 месяцев назад
I use NVIS exclusively on 40 meters, largely because calling for a few seconds a DX station does not interest me. I use folded dipoles or an inverted V as the antenna. Sometimes only inches off the ground. What I noticed is impedance drops when a 50 ohm resonate antenna becomes close to the ground. I therefore use a Folded Dipole design constructed from stereo speaker wire. The folded dipole transforms the feedpoint impedance by a multiple depending on wire separation. The speaker wire geometry I find to be perfect for turning an otherwise low impedance to 50 ohms.
@circuitsandparts 11 месяцев назад
Good signal.
@Capecodham Год назад
Is an award given to viewers who last to the end of the video. You sure say, I, I, I, I enough.
@KD8TTE Год назад
The only award earned is knowledge. There's nothing for grumpy old geezers whose criticisms neither add value nor give evidence of competence in punctuation. Begone, troll!
@KD8TTE Год назад
Be sure to see how the activation went! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-REoLKunsa5c.html
@joeblow8593 Год назад
Welcome back!
@bob.kd9idd Год назад
I'll be looking for you in Northern Illinois on FT8 / FT4 / SSB
@DXJungle Год назад
Grill Operator 😂
@metroatlantahamradio334 Год назад
This is needed! Thank you so much .
@joeblow8593 Год назад
Hi. We haven't heard from you in 7 months, is everything OK?
@KD8TTE Год назад
Yes indeed. Just busy! I'll probably be doing another series but not until late fall or so. Meanwhile, we've still got weekly training topics and associated activity centered around our BLACK SWAN Net. If you're too far out to reach it, you can typically participate by Winlink, too. www.blackswancomex.org/net
@joeblow8593 Год назад
@@KD8TTE Thanks!
@N0LSD Год назад
Much of the focus for ARRL Field Day is on amateur radio clubs and club promotion. However, I would encourage even those not interested in clubs *or* ARRL to plan and execute *some* sort of operation - no matter how small - over the Field Day event: use the event as an opportunity to shake out your gear, your preparedness plan, use it as an opportunity to test a new antenna...whatever you choose. Both ARRL's Field Day, as well as the Winter Field Day Association's January event are both excellent opportunities to take advantage of the sheer number of operations occurring in all modes to accomplish your *own* goals - regardless of one's participation in club activities or affiliation with any organization.
@circuitsandparts Год назад
LOL! 😅
@circuitsandparts Год назад
@Trump985 Год назад
Great video! I’m new and have been listening to a local VHF (2 meter) traffic net. I have checked in to the net without traffic a few times and trying to practice copying traffic with very bad results. I can’t write fast enough to keep up with the people sending the messages yet the person taking the traffic has no problems. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this but I might try sending you a message as I don’t know anyone else to send one to yet. 73
@davep6977 Год назад
What I found was the easiest was listen first. I've been told radio's vary. Some display actual frequency and some out of trying to be helpful vary the vfo display to account for center frequency. Luckily my Icom and I'd suspect most Icom's display true frequency and let the operator be the operator. I'm new to 60, but have made good contact in US and Canada. Kinda fun. I gave a "contact" and next thing I knew I had a pile up. Everybody wanted to log an Indiana station. 73 W9DLP
@DrChazKL0T Год назад
Thank you for making such a well organized set of training videos! 73 de KLØT
@KD8TTE Год назад
Thank you for the comment! I'll be starting another series shortly. I expect that they'll be more focused on operation, referring to the earlier series for background where appropriate.
@DrChazKL0T Год назад
Thank you for making such a well organized set of training videos! 73 de KLØT
@yowsa52 Год назад
I saw the thumbnail of this video and it looked like Zelensky was going to teach me how to do my first Radiogram. Then I saw the tie.
@garryfoster6037 Год назад
is this event cancelled for 2023
@KD8TTE Год назад
Good morning! The Ohio VHF+ Simplex Contest is on. Details online. ohsimplex.org/ I expect an announcement from Ohio Section SEC shortly.
@reidtillery2856 Год назад
Excellent video. Great info. Thanks.
@joeblow8593 Год назад