The All-Loving
The All-Loving
The All-Loving
“And He (Allah) is the All-Forgiving, Al-Wadoud (the All-Loving)”, the word “Al-Wadoud” here means that Allah loves and honors His righteous slaves. It also means that His favors and blessings are but substantiations and manifestations of His Divine Love for them: “On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (Allah) Most Gracious bestow love.” [Maryam; 19:96]

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@giovannigiorgio2262 Час назад
full video ???
@ianbertus1119 4 часа назад
The worst colonialism was Muslim and Arabic colonialism
@shredx81 4 часа назад
It’s amazing how often the British Empire is brought up. The British attributed a large percentage of its military in tackling the slave trade, for example. A slave trade that it apparently wasn’t able to fully resolve, given that Muslim Arabs buy and sell black African slaves to this day in the Sudan. 🤔 But let’s keep talking about an 18thC British empire. We won’t talk about the Islamic empire that was spread by the sword. We’ll keep talking about the British empire to draw attention away from the atrocities that Islamism is responsible for today, all around the world.
@yasinhamid8746 6 часов назад
Salam alaikum If someone loves a girl and has not married her in this world, and she has become someone else’s wife, that means she has married someone else, is it possible to be together in jannah?...
@Jaffer-yp3cs 9 часов назад
- no evidence for what he says 😛 - here is the evidence 💀
@BlueRivers-xg2rt 9 часов назад
Arabs conquerism is just a s bad as british colonialism
@mohammedwaheeduddinafsar9482 11 часов назад
Ashfaq Ullah
@nazariahyaacob5661 20 часов назад
Wake up Indian people, open your eyes and Open your History ,What Colonel done too Indian people
@gmailyou367 21 час назад
The ottoman Muslims colonized everyone and enslaved slavics Europeans and imposed Islam oh them and took woman as sexual slaves and colonized North Africa and Iran and Armenia😂 the berbers colonized south of Spain and Portugal 800 years and imposed Islam. The Arabs from Middle East invaded North Africa killed the queen of Berbers and imposed Islam.
@nahid8662 22 часа назад
His disgusting attitude tells us he is a liar
@uhh6785 День назад
Britain brought advancements, Islam brought Sharia
@Halal_Platypus 12 часов назад
Sorry to break your fantasies but british only brought destruction
@chipanz 6 часов назад
What advancement??? British took all valuables from India back to the Queen Victoria.. India under muslim rules were the riches countries on earth.. full of gold and diamonds.. british took everything value almost USD5 trillion today.. and left the Indian in poverty.. Without Mahatma Ghandhi who did Dahagi your country will still be under british rule.
@saidboujeddain523 День назад
In Africa 40 million especially congo
@denysnuttall1706 День назад
Yes although I think it was Belgium in the Congo
@khairulanam8232 День назад
Come to Malaya...Portuguese,Dutch,British Colonized us,not 1 Muslim Country Colonized us
@nurizzati4227 День назад
Evidence?!Because he is the 'colonialism'. That shows his arrogant face
@unlikeableguy День назад
I usually like this man as he is very kbowlegable but he is wrong here and grossly exarating those numbers its in the 10s of millions 25-30 at the very most and this is supported by substancial evidence
@Halal_Platypus 12 часов назад
No are you dumb? just open class 9 ncert book and you'll see it over 100 million people died in bangal because of famine and tye reason of it was brits
@jaysilverstone7221 День назад
300,000 000 died under muslim expansionism
@Sunil1768 День назад
Yes and before.that the islamist moghuls did EXACTLY.the same to the indians, so BOTH OF YOU...SHUT UP!
@tachitichi5545 День назад
Actually it’s more than 100 millions only in India. For people who want to search it
@artificialconstruct-c8m День назад
Islamic colonialism is worse, today before you can be a Muslim you have to speak Arabic, dress like an Arab, Visit Saudi Arabia. What other colonialism is worse? Saudi Arabia makes over 39 billion usd on Non Arab speaking Muslims visiting the Holy land. Africa is going through the worse Islamic colonisation and Arabisation in History . Meanwhile Ottoman's invasion is also the longest invasion, Arab slavery still remains the longest ,was not and still not abolished.
@ijalganteng5076 День назад
if this talk happen in a bar A: there are no evidence B: hold my beer, here's the evidence(proceed to show the article from his phone)
@covidpasstimecovidpasstime993 День назад
Both colonialism was bad, whether it was British or Mughals in India
@afsanaaktar4732 День назад
Mughal didn’t colonized. They conquered and ruled. There's definitely a difference. They didn’t loot and took the riches to their original countries. They thought of India as their own country. The land flourished during their rule. As did the common people, (economically).
@covidpasstimecovidpasstime993 День назад
@@afsanaaktar4732 They colonized Hindus, demolished Hindu temples,they considered Hindus as second class people. They looted and took riches for themselves. They forcefully converted people or they took high tax from them. Only the invaders Mughals flourish during their rules. India is not their country,it belongs to Hindus. Mughal are bloody invaders and the people supporting them. Then why crying over Gaza. Jews are considering as their own country ( truth is it's their own country until Arab invaders) The country is flourishing under them. They giving security to all people irrespective of religion. They are still allowing descendant of invaders to live in their country. Still Hamas creating issues. They are even helping Gaza people from Hamas. Before they attack they send leaflet to safeguard innocent civilians. What did Mughals did, they indirectly attacked Indian kings and grabbed the land.
@chrisdavid1410 День назад
He lies so much, produces the most outrages distorted facts, that he does the work of the devil.
@Halal_Platypus 12 часов назад
you mean that britisher? yes he is a lair
@LisaKirk-dq9ck День назад
Hang what aboutbthe slaves that died before eutope wentnthere when arabs were selling slaves to arab countries, so why do the GODD PEOPLE OF INDUA LOVE THE UK
@Nothigh. День назад
“Here’s the evidence” a line only uttered by Muslims
@lagustiono91 2 дня назад
No evidence? look at the US and Australia, your "colonialism" literally wiped out their native races there
@Calixxtus 2 дня назад
A religion that was spread by the sword criticising colonialism because it killed more people is somewhat silly and ridiculous. Not unlike the fairytales you claim to be true.
2 дня назад
If it wasn't for the British colonialism, the renaissance wouldn't exist. If every standard by which the West and Europe are judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, misogyny, sexual repression, warfare...) were applied equally to Islam, the verdict would be devastating. Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet brutally shuns self-examination and represses criticism.
@HasbaraBara 2 дня назад
Without Islam,renaisance wouldn't exist and you people still taking a dump on a street.don't talk about moral if you don't have one😂
@blak_ket День назад
English > A country Islam > A religion This bloke really compared an apple with an orange.
День назад
@@blak_ket I will not compare the fruit that has already rotted and turned into poison for anyone to eat it. Islam as an ideology is not entitled to equal respect and acceptance. The idea of Islam does not carry the same moral weight as other religions. The feeling or number of those who believe does not make Islam right or good. Islam is a set of rules which define a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Muhammad, women submit to men and all non-Muslims must submit to Islamic rule. Bad ideas should be challenged before they lead to bad consequences for others especially people in the West. Until today, Islamic terrorists have already carried out approximaterly 45988 deadly attacks in many countries in the name of Allah since 9/11.
@scriptural-scars9519 2 дня назад
Adana is NOT British born citizen, did he know all of that about Britain before he came here??,,, it's like mi COMPLAINING about a area in London and PAY MONEY yo vist & complain 😑
@caitalbuquerque149 2 дня назад
And you still living in UK
@iaido01 День назад
So? That doesn’t make it less true😂
@Shan_123.- 2 дня назад
Btitish made us one nation. Now India as a nation to greatly serve to world.
@seiji_42 2 дня назад
A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.
@speechless3336 2 дня назад
So many ppl in the west are so blinded and hypocrite... when we open their dark history, they're smiling... how dare!.
@PutinTheShow 2 дня назад
hes actually wrong, its about 165 million from the engineered famine alone, and probably another 2 to 10 million who died as enemies of the state. it is important, and very sad, however to note that the famine would have been completely impossible without the direcf participation of a majority indian coconspirator. not saying that takes any blame off the british, just saying...."credit" where credit is due....cus it took a lot of effort inside and outside the indian cultures to perpetrate. but yes, british colonialism killed more people in india alone than every other genocide since, combined (though we're getting pretty close to finally surpassing it). the combined total killed in islamic conquests (which was about 800 years or so, about 700 to 1500) is very hard to estimate, but the most supported number are between 2 and 80 million, a wide gap reached in a number of different way. however, deaths we can account for in a somewhat scientifically sound way generally put in the number in the low tens of millions (up to about 40 million, over 800 years or so). its important to note that similar metrics used to put the british famine anywhere near 100 million in india result in about 25 million during islamic conquest of india alone. but dont take my word for it, read the studies, assess their methodology, then do the math yourself.
@mrkhan9241 2 дня назад
As a Bengali who's ancestors died because of British man made payment during Second World War. I can say that guy is just moron and ignorant.
@brjimbo1 3 дня назад
Is this guy a British citizen or is here to whine?
@NobleCheese-q8k 3 дня назад
Islam is a joke I wipe my arse with the Quran 😂
@naziaali4706 3 дня назад
There is evidence for the horrific crimes the British Empire committed
@TslikTheMassacre 3 дня назад
British colonialism 100 million Islam colonialism, over 500 million people in Africa alone
@NewmoonT 2 дня назад
Prove it islam colonialism 500 million😂😂?
@NewmoonT 2 дня назад
British colonialism they took from us 45 trillion... Now indian tressure.. Is in British musiuem😂😂😂😂
@mohandasghandi3441 2 дня назад
The fact is million people dead durung Christian vs Christian war in ww1 and ww2
@hotrodinu 2 дня назад
Lol they NVR had 500 mill fool😂
@Kriptonhigh 3 дня назад
Thanks to british colonialism you are here mate. You should thank it
@mizamshah 3 дня назад
Even london museum artifacts more stolen from other nations around the world
@RexarGamingYT 3 дня назад
Imagine trying to deceive a historian with.. HISTORY! that's like going to the math teacher and telling them that 2+2 is actually 5 😂😂😂 The dude with the sunglass should seriously consider a different hobby 😂
@kingfaysal3565 3 дня назад
europeans colonialism murdered more than a billion innocents in 500 years!!! And stole more than 100 trillions of riches from outside Europe. Crazy but true.
@beginization 3 дня назад
The taliban wont let women learn.
@IzzyWizzy691 4 дня назад
This is a classic tu quo que fallacy. Blaming each other and then solving no problem at all. This muslim guy is merely pandering to his audience.
@randallfe 4 дня назад
Notice they cut the video when evidence was going to be present Adnan has no evidence
@User-12947I 3 дня назад
Watch full video lol
@confusedguy2735 2 дня назад
you can just search it up
@sayedira 4 дня назад
His irrational is on another level 😳 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
@sekinatlambe3551 4 дня назад
Jazakumllahu khairan
@sekinatlambe3551 4 дня назад
Jazakumllahu khairan sir
@penguinfailiessivaras2sara402 4 дня назад
I have a question for all muslims, does Quran really explains everything in detail and clearly as it claims. Any muslim willing to answer?
@hanialturk5981 4 дня назад
Quran is the guidance, the details are in the sunnah.
@penguinfailiessivaras2sara402 4 дня назад
@@hanialturk5981 But there are verses known quran that it explains everything clearly and detail, chapter 12 verse 111
@penguinfailiessivaras2sara402 4 дня назад
@@hanialturk5981 How dare you to refute your own quran.
@hanialturk5981 4 дня назад
@@penguinfailiessivaras2sara402 ….unless you have read and understood the Quran and the Ayaa from surat Yousef you would not have wrote this comment. Main issues we Muslims have in discussing or debating non Muslims is that they don’t know anything about the Quran, they don’t speak Arabic, so it become very pointless to go back and forth or start a conversation ….i know you are not here to learn but let me just teach you This is the Aya you are referring to, لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ ۗ مَا كَانَ حَدِيثًا يُفْتَرَىٰ وَلَٰكِن تَصْدِيقَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيلَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ (111), Quran has many similar ayas with similar meaning, example وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ} 89, Quran came down with details , and those details would be to follow Allah and his messenger In other part of the Quran, {وَمَا آتَاكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَمَا نَهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانْتَهُوا} (الحشر: 7), also, وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ} (الأحزاب: 36)., more وَأَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الذِّكْرَ لِتُبَيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ إِلَيْهِمْ} (النحل: 44)…..again I know you are not here to learn, and you thought I have a “ I got you verse” from the Quran, no brother you don’t, read the Quran, read the sunnah…then you may learn something…may Allah guide you to the right path.
@WAUWAU4587 4 дня назад
that lady raise her voice to irritate others while bible dont allow lady to raise her voice...😂she is super ignored the bible totally