I make videos essays about interesting and fun video game topics.
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While I don’t make exclusively fallout content can you tell it’s my favourite game.
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@ramenisbombman 8 дней назад
The opening of this game is mediocre when compared to all the other titles
@sylnz97 14 дней назад
it's my first time playing fallout with fallout 4 and the beginning was kinda hard to get into but now I'm around 20h in and it's alot of fun actually, only other bethesda rpg I ever played was starfield and while I prefer the aesthetic and setting of starfield, fallout 4 is so much better in every other way lol
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
To be honest, as strange as it seems, Fallout 4 did not hook me into the franchise at first, when it was my first introduction to it. I played about half-way through the story, and got bored, feeling like the world was too big and vast, and there was not enough interesting stuff to find, compared to GTA 5. It actually wasn't until I really tried learning about and then playing Fallout New Vegas that I was truly drawn into the franchise. I think I needed to become invested in a story where I was a key part, and the story for Fallout 4 just wasn't deep enough for me. Once I played New Vegas, and realized that to shape the world, I had to choose between Mr. House, Yes Man, the NCR, Caesar's Legion, and to some extend, the Brotherhood of Steel did I really invest myself in the world, and in turn, become immersed and hooked on the Franchise. I actually found it worthwhile to go to all the map areas in New Vegas main game, and see how different they all were. Then, after a multi-month break, I picked up Fallout 4 again, and actually gave the building settlements aspect a try, and that gave me a new element. Finally, a few months later, I picked up the story where I left off, chasing the Corser to get his chip, and then I truly became immersed in it's story, and realized how great a game it really was. For those who aren't hooked after Playing some of Fallout 4 and watching the amazing series, don't give up. I suggest giving New Vegas a try, and at least play through the point where you explore most of New Vegas, and experience the choices you have to make between Mr. House, the NCR, and Yes Man if you encounter his AI arss before you truly decide the franchise isn't for you. For me, the process was a slow development, but after investing enough time into those 2 games, I realized how great a franchise and how great an overall story the World of Fallout really was. Then, perhaps only then, will you perhaps realize how great a game and a world Fallout 4 really is, despite the main quest storyline being a little too dumned down. There is still an immersive story, and so much else to see and explore in Fallout 4. I just recently played through the rest of the main story and then Nuka World, and Nuka World was a pretty cool experience in itself. It was perhaps one of the best game locations I have ever visited, and is one I look forward to experiencing in my new VR experience of Fallout 4. Who am I, that I can finally appreciate the world of Fallout even though you may not be able too? "I'm you, shweetie, just give it a little time"! :D
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
Personally, for new-age gamers, I'd recommend playing RE2 Remake. It is as good and playable as I have ever seen RE, in just about every way. For players who want a really immersive horror experience, I don't think many top RE7 in Virtual Reality. Anyone who isn't freaked out every time Mia suddenly attacks as a crazy woman, or when Mr. Baker suddenly appears and attacks again, is made of sterner stuff than I am. I am not easily scared by Jump Scares and horror movies, but RE7 VR is a whole different experience, right from when you are trapped at that disgusting table with the horrible food and the creepy Baker Family having dinner! For people who just want a long, immersive action experience, they did a great job with RE4 Remake, and I'm sure the VR version is worth it's weight in gold too.
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
Also, you haven't done anything on Fallout 76 yet? I have only played a limited bit, but it seems like an interesting twist on Fallout 4, making it a multi-player MMO like experience. I'm interested to hear about what they do with it. Like with GTA Online, it's like having a game with continuous updates, DLC, and addons being created, which draws in some social players who want a constantly expanding, changing, and evolving game experience.
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
You should also have briefly touched on Traveling Companions in this game too. Although they play a smaller part, seeing that you can only have 1 at a time, they really add a huge element to the game, for players that aren't as good at video games to begin with, and a much deeper RPG element to the game, with each one having unique stories, some unique quests and questlines, and a few having the options to become romantic partners! It's a big element to leave out.
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
I'm disappointed that you did not mention the Brotherhood of Steel's presence in this game. They played an important part in the last game, and are an interesting side-addition to this game. Also, don't you need to become close with the brotherhood to use the power armor in the game? I didn't actually ever accomplish that up to this point. P.S. You should also quickly mention companions in these games. They play an important part. In this game, actually, they made it too easy, because when you have several companions at the same time, many areas you can just walk into, and stay out of the way while your companions clear it out, for better or for worse. You can pretty much make the game "Stop, or my traveling companions will shoot" LOL.
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
I have set up a very rewarding experience by buying and modding the Fallout 4 Virtual Reality version to solid functionality, and then adding on all the DLC and then Sim Settlements 2, for a unique experience of taking on the challenge of trying to rebuild civilization in the Commonwealth. Not only does the VR make it more immersive, and like you're actually living in your Fallout world, which is mind bogglingly cool in itself, but with Sim Settlements, it makes rebuilding the entire commonwealth possible for more players. How many players would take over and build by hand, piece by piece, all the ridiculously large # of settlements in the Commonwealth? I can't imagine many who would be that hard-core. With Sim Settlers, you become more of an overseer if you want, and let the settlers and people of the commonwealth do it for you, with only your direction and plan. To me, that seems far more realistic than building all those settlements with your own hands. What are all your settlers for, anyways? Why should they get a free ride to an amazing home, just because I'm some sort of hero? In any case, I get to explore, take over, and rebuild the entire commonwealth and all the DLC locations with the help of it's people, and then live in the world, in amazing VR! What could be better for a VR experience? Maybe a few things, but not many. Note that this took a decent number of hours researching on the VR version, what you need to add to make the VR version even all that playable for the most part, and then choosing an figuring out how to install a few mods that make the experience even better. However, after a bit of research, the process was surprisingly easy, and with me getting both Fallout 4 VR and Fallout 4 G.O.A.T. edition during several huge sales (like the current Fallout sale going on now), it didn't cost that much money for what may be one of the greatest VR experiences I have ever seen. Great videos on the Fallout series, BTW. I'm just really hitting my stride in playing them in the past year, for the most part. They are still amazing games today. I just hope that if they ever make a Fallout 5, that it takes place in some really amazing location with amazing sites that I might adore visiting in a post-appocalyptic world several hundred years in the future!
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
They never told you you were going into cryo sleep. That is the point of the Vault experiment. They tell you you are entering a decontamination chamber.
@danieljobber7931 Месяц назад
There's a mod that lets you keep playing after completing the main story, so you can play on, complete unfinished stuff, and see some of the effects your playthrough story had on the world! Pretty cool.
@mercenarytao2524 Месяц назад
I tried this year.. had so many issues with the game that i didnt have the nerves to continue.
@hugoweaving6275 2 месяца назад
Im playing it after recently completing 3. I think its great! 😊
@VaultStashGaming 2 месяца назад
Isn’t it ! Are you gonna play 4 and 76 after that bud ?
@Minigunlover 2 месяца назад
@VaultStashGaming 2 месяца назад
@martongergely757 2 месяца назад
floaters arent just in 76, they were first in fallout 1-2
@VaultStashGaming 2 месяца назад
Oh damn ! 1-2 are the ones I’ve played least, gotta make some time and really get into them
@Observant_Introvert 2 месяца назад
Is Fallout 4 worth playing in 2024? If it is modded, yes.
@VaultStashGaming 2 месяца назад
Any you can recommend chief ?
@asstech665god8 2 месяца назад
Great video buddy. As a guy who's played the series since the 90s I appreciate it.
@PolarKnight404 2 месяца назад
Just wanted to say the *spoilers* The tv series confirmed that volt tech caused the nuclear war
@VaultStashGaming 2 месяца назад
That was so sick huh, all just so, evil !
@ikwilda 3 месяца назад
The FO3 vibe is great. 10 times better than 4. New Vegas is more like the first 2. But the first two still have the best soundtrack that makes it horror without being horror. But i think they took the ghouls and centaurs and mutants and made them scary enough to be "horror" in FO3. FO1/2 just didnt have the technology and resources to really make that impact. They should've had the same kind of soundtrack in FO3.....
@patstrzeszewski3240 3 месяца назад
Weren't super mutants the result of FEV and not radiation
@Thagomizer 4 месяца назад
Yes, after you play Fallout 1 and 2.
@Wellspring604 4 месяца назад
Bought the ultimate edition with all the dlcs in 2013 with the intention to play, but then I started working and went back to school. Life got busy, and only during Covid did I start FNV.
@JordanDC87 4 месяца назад
I'm trying to play this game on my Xbox one but I'm trying to get all the DLC. Should I try to find a GOTY edition or just buy each piece of the DLC from the online store. I know these games are available thru Xbox gamepass.
@VaultStashGaming 4 месяца назад
I would buy the GOTY on eBay or somewhere my dude, try and get it at a good price because the DLC is silly expensive when brought individually.
@rufnek3124 4 месяца назад
in 2015 the fatman atomic detonation will stutter or crush my PC😂😂
@xSOVxMUFASA 4 месяца назад
Yes, games awesome in it's own ways. Does it lack some RP stuff at its core? Yes! Does that make it a bad game? HELL NO! I'd 100% recommend it!
@deviouscat4571 16 дней назад
I can't help dialogue is the same, pointless, no matter the way I play, which gives me a sense of trying to get it over with as quick as possible. Why giving me 4 options in a dialogue wheel if none of them really change the outcome of anything? Why giving me the choice to specialize my character with the SPECIAL and perk system to only have 95% of those perks affect combat situations and they never affect dialogue? Why giving me the option to get 10 strength or a fucking power armor, or a minigun or what have you if a naked character with 11 charisma can pass any intimidation check? Is the guy I'm trying to intimidate blind? I love the game despite it's flaws, but it's an horrible Fallout, and even crashes more than it's predecesors with the next gen update which is insane. I really just want to get over the dialogue quick so I can advance the story somewhere since I only have 4 binary choices that end up being the same, so they essentially copied Skyrim dialogue and faction system into a Fallout game. Funny.
@alkebabish 4 месяца назад
I played it for around 15 hours. I loved the vibe, the characters, the dialogue - plus it makes use of free choice way more than most RPGs that claim to do so. I did find it a little boring at times though, a lot of the side quests seemed pretty repetitive - like having to do all these chores for people... but saying that I'm not the biggest fan of open-world RPGs and for those who love the genre I'm sure this is pretty much perfect. I didn't have a problem with the graphics at all, obviously it doesn't look like newer games but the story and gameplay soon makes you forget that and you get totally absorbed. I'll probably give it another try at some point, especially now I found out about all the mods.
@mistercomment1622 4 месяца назад
Lets just say, I play in FO 4 but I don't play it really. Meaning I run around there but I ignore the main quest and most other quests unless I want to do it.
@heavycoughin6665 5 месяцев назад
They weren't told they would be frozen. They were told they had to be cleaned before entering the vault, pretty messed up!
@danielambriz7259 5 месяцев назад
never realized how satisfying destiny music is in background
@Hexiad 5 месяцев назад
I finally installed FO4 two months ago after purchasing on deep discount and was frustrated by the bullet-sponge enemies within 5 minutes. All the worst parts of FO3 - what Bethesda does best - came flooding back at me. After the show came out I removed the game from my account and never looked back.
@slim_jim8369 5 месяцев назад
I'm sorry the music just does not fit fallout
@deviouscat4571 16 дней назад
Despite this statement being true, I love the game's songs. But I remember how depressing and lonely New Vegas felt with it's music... which is how a post-apocalyptic world should feel.
@slim_jim8369 5 месяцев назад
Ur playing the destiny 1 music in a fallout 4 video. 😂🤣
@millabasset1710 5 месяцев назад
Video aside 2007 to 2011 might be the best stretch in game releases ever.
@Gloverfield 5 месяцев назад
Pretty sure the sole survivor didn't know they were going to be freezed, as they were told they were being decontaminated...
@Gloverfield 5 месяцев назад
I still don't understand why people hate FO4, I fucking love FO4, and yes tho its my first fallout game and I'm a little bias, I have played all the other fallout games and enjoyed them too, but compared to something FO3, FO4 is just better in every aspect... (besides main story, tho its entirely subjective. In my oppinion side quests are really good...)
@Danny0connor-qv9oq 5 месяцев назад
I m only downloading it now as it is free on ps plus extra and I can’t wait
@calebmattice5422 5 месяцев назад
I played this a long time ago and after this video I will definitely have to go back and play again! I have to finish the first 2 turn based first but I’m excited for this
@ChrisRoss2017 5 месяцев назад
Short answer: Yes! Unless on Playstation. Because that means no DLCs
@BorgWolf359 5 месяцев назад
I am playing again because of the Tv Show! I am doing my 1st Survival playthrough after 100+ playthroughs since the game first released long ago (2015)! Update is coming the 25th of this month, in a few days! I love the voiced Main Character! It made it more real for me! Toggling it would be a happy medium I think for all gamers! Awesome vid, keep up the good work! Liked & Subbed!
@Bexar2204 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the video. It was really helpful.
@alexkaplan-o1f 5 месяцев назад
People weren’t mad that it was voiced, they were pissed the convo choices were dumbed down and pretty much abbreviations compared to the old version
@pishposh4506 5 месяцев назад
You’re not told it’s a cryo chamber, the vault staff tells you they’re decontamination chambers that you have to be processed in before being shown the rest of the vault
@scottyyo8558 5 месяцев назад
Played new Vegas all the time when I was younger, finally ready to continue my fallout fun
@SomaKhiesz 5 месяцев назад
keep do these funny vids and it will pay off for sure🙏🙏🙏
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
Appreciate that man, thank you 🙏
@profbfc 5 месяцев назад
Bro nice review, but your voice and accent is such that it seems everything you say is sarcastic
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
I’ll take it as constructive criticism pal, I’m still new at this, hopefully it’ll all sound perfect one day 🙏
@profbfc 5 месяцев назад
@@VaultStashGaming not criticising at all. Thats ur voice and accent, cant change it. Was starting fallout and hence came here
@ethanenos501 5 месяцев назад
I can recognize the godly destiny music anytime, such a good choice for background music
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
You know it mate 👍
@rodgod1440 5 месяцев назад
Played back in 2015 until 3am some nights, never got to finish because you know life and adulting. Almost 10 years later and with the help of the Amazon show I have a new interest and going back to the desert. Nice vid
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
It’s tough isn’t it, life gets in the way. But yeah man you defiantly should get back into it, you owe it to yourself 🫡 hope you enjoy pal 👍
@Akain777 5 месяцев назад
I haven't played 3 in a long while, but Vegas definitely has a scary vibe to it when it needs to be. Fallout 4 only felt scary in obvious parts like the synths in the factory, or that one raider killer's den. I think Vegas had better story telling that allowed it take darker turns without making it obvious to player, while 4 hangs on to the goofy side of fallout too much. The few area's of 3 I remember were pretty scary though. Like being trapped in the simulation and slowly figuring out what's happening as the quest unravels. I wonder what went so wrong with 4's writing and world building.
@L3V1GV 5 месяцев назад
recently started playing and i like it so far
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
Keep going man, you won’t regret it !
@yelloween695 5 месяцев назад
I never comment on RU-vid but I love how well made your videos are man! It really seems like you're passionate about what you're talking about ❤️ Just subscribed, keep it going!
@VaultStashGaming 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, that means a lot buddy ! I’ll keep going if you guys keep watching 🙏