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Why do I love NYU so much!
7 лет назад
@joeblack888 2 месяца назад
@xiuzhenlizama7997 4 месяца назад
@Muxiaomei 6 месяцев назад
今年的5月初对于我来说是一个很重要的日子. 希望在那之前 瘦成一道闪电 。
@yaxinwei3847 2 месяца назад
@aileenshih5485 8 месяцев назад
@rohayatiani918 8 месяцев назад
@cherkhawa 9 месяцев назад
手臂好松呢😂 除了脸小点 感觉其他还是松泡泡的 小胖呢😂😂
@Mew2Win 10 месяцев назад
Tb to when I thought there was an actual irl rivalry. I spent hours caring about this
@hartingwong3568 10 месяцев назад
@huiwendy2279 10 месяцев назад
@danielzhu7100 Год назад
@allenwinnie5185 Год назад
@liuyingli1245 Год назад
订阅了 我来试试你的食谱
@edgykid4041 Год назад
what happened to this comment section lmfao
@bluerulesgreensucks 10 месяцев назад
A completely deranged person needs to have his internet privileges revoked and be turned over to a caretaker.
@Mew2Win 10 месяцев назад
@@bluerulesgreensucks lol no way neither of you ppl are real life alums or you ppl are actually just you bots
@bluerulesgreensucks 9 месяцев назад
@@Mew2Win Then why does my channel have uploaded videos? 🤔
@Mew2Win 9 месяцев назад
@@bluerulesgreensucks you guys are a micro urban legend
@bluerulesgreensucks 9 месяцев назад
@@Mew2Win It's quite the rabbit hole.
@piscesgroovesupreme Год назад
What a silly comparison. 😂😂😂
@xiaotongchen3758 Год назад
喜欢你的相机包 可以推荐一下牌子吗
@kathyc8105 Год назад
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
nyLuSERs are Columbia rejects.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
coLuSERS are NYU rejects.
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
Columbia rejects are nyLuSERs . HAHAHAHA
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@Meyerc-yv2bi NYU rejects are coLuSERs . HAHAHAHA
@trumpetperson11 Год назад
As a Columbia student I guess I should give my opinion. I think there are valid criticisms and benefits of both schools. In terms of engineering academics, Columbia has more prestige, which is all that really matters when you are job hunting. In terms of location, Columbia has a nicer campus, though NYU has a much nicer surrounding area and better local food imo. Being so far uptown can be annoying, but also def exaggerated a bit (its about 20 min train from campus to Times Square, and from there you can get anywhere on Manhattan pretty quickly). I don't really know much about the NYU administration, but the Columbia administration can definitely be quite a headache at times, so that is something to watch out for. But for a genuine answer, I would say that if you are serious about the education aspects, you should favor Columbia. But if you are looking more for an experience, maybe NYU is for you. Though, maybe a normal college outside of a main city would be more your style if you are looking for the 'college experience'. NYU's lack of centralized campus makes it feel a little disconnected from my pov. All serious points aside, the NYU students hate us cuz they aint us 😎
@Mew2Win 10 месяцев назад
Experience for the avg person matters if you have $ tbvh
@hackbyrd Год назад
Comparing Columbia and NYU is like comparing UPenn and Penn State. There is no comparison in terms of prestige and academics. However, if you’re comparing other things, like food and campus. It’s all personal preference at that point. Also, most if not all people, if they got into both schools, would choose Columbia over NYU in a heartbeat.
@bogdandragojlovic6254 Год назад
The difference is not even remotely close, ofc Columbia is better but give NYU props, they are a top 25 school in the country
@Meyerc-yv2bi 11 месяцев назад
@@bogdandragojlovic6254 That's not saying much considering how many schools are not participating with US News rankings. A better metric is to compare acceptance rates. NYU doesn't even come close to Columbia.
@bluerulesgreensucks 10 месяцев назад
Nope. I had a professor who got accepted to both Columbia and NYU. When she asked the Columbia interviewer what the program would offer her, the Columbia interviewer got offended and emphasized Columbia's reputation instead of answering her question. So, she chose NYU. Times have changed. There is a comparison in prestige and academics and Columbia has fallen.
@bluerulesgreensucks 10 месяцев назад
@@Meyerc-yv2bi That's saying everything because rankings look at all metrics. Acceptance rates ignore how many students are attending the school and who comprises the student body. But it's only natural you would do a 180 on US News now that Columbia is unranked.
@bluerulesgreensucks 10 месяцев назад
@@bogdandragojlovic6254 That is close.
@user-bg5ob4em3s Год назад
你这不就是节食减肥吗?换个名字就不是节食? 一天就2小时 你就吃的了一点东西,最后就是 摄入的热量太少
@kakaliu1668 Год назад
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
Columbia is far superior. Only a nyLuSER would say otherwise. All Columbia rejects. LOLOL!
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
NYU is far superior. Only a coLuSER would say otherwise. All NYU rejects. LOLOL!
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
@@bluerulesgreensucks nyu is for nyLuSERs. HAHAHAHAHA.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@Meyerc-yv2bi columbia is for coLuSERS. HAHAHAHAHA.
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
Of course Columbia is better. Waaaaaaaaay better than NYU.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Of course NYU is better. Waaaaaaaaay better than Columbia.
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
@@bluerulesgreensucks nyu is for nyLuSERs. HAHAHAHA
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@Meyerc-yv2bi columbia is for coLuSERS. HAHAHAHA
@Expresssss-qi2gp Год назад
@meyer8199 Год назад
Of course Columbia is far far better. Only a nyLuSER would say otherwise. LOLOLOL!
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Of course NYU is far far better. Only a coLuSER would say otherwise. LOLOLOL!
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
@@bluerulesgreensucks nyu is for nyLuSERs. HAHAHAHAHA!
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@Meyerc-yv2bi columbia is for coLuSERS. HAHAHAHAHA!
@jjgg9991 Год назад
@josephshi4485 Год назад
@InvestWithPrudence Год назад
@musicfun77 Год назад
@chaokevin2623 Год назад
谢谢 好温柔阳光的女孩
@chlorinekiwi Год назад
@user-po3yk1hg1x Год назад
@yao5822 Год назад
@meeyo_ 6 месяцев назад
收入也高呀,以美元计价, 中国没得比
@cass-6075 Год назад
我要是魔芋当主食 第二天就得低血糖呕吐 真的体质不一样不要学 我就是不吃主食会身体难受死的那种,有过一天没吃碳水轻了4斤第二天早起头晕晕的趴地上吐的经历
@cass-6075 Год назад
@siaowener3927 Год назад
@hfddsds4901 Год назад
NYU is way more unique, ppl hardly name another school that is comparable,,,but I would say there are a list of schools that share similar features with columbia lol
What's so unique about it? It's a lower-tier version of Northwestern and similar universities whose Professional schools outrank their liberal arts and P.h.D programs. Columbia is near the top in EVERY field it represents.
@hfddsds4901 Год назад
@@NYCOPERAFAN downtown chicago vs downtown manhattan? no way...
@@hfddsds4901 You've obviously missed my point entirely (which had nothing to do with the school's locations).
@hfddsds4901 Год назад
@@NYCOPERAFAN location is a determing factor when picking a school to attend
@Meyerc-yv2bi Год назад
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Funniest comment on the blog.
@user-oq1oe7ru1q Год назад
妳到底懂不懂煮面?那裡有人像你這樣煮面的.面是另外用水煮熟待用,再做好配料及湯後才加入面稍煮一會再出鍋.將生蕎麥麵放入做好的配料及湯內煮熟會好快將湯吸走,要再加水,湯會變淡.還有,雞蛋是待面出鍋後放在面上面的,將雞蛋放入面湯內煮,原本嫩滑的雞蛋會嫩老,不好吃. 唔識煮嘢食就唔好學人做美食RU-vidr,笑死人.
Not really a contest at all. Except for the Law, Business, and Journalism programs (which are roughly equivalent in stature) Columbia vastly exceeds NYU in academic quality, especially liberal arts. The Columbia students are generally more serious less party animals, fratboys etc. As one would expect from an Ivy league institution over 2 centuries old vs. a long time (and once Bronx-based) commuter school who only became a serious player intellectually about 3 decades ago. In other words, Columbia is "old money", NYU "Noveau riche".
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Tuition strike from students. Unranked by US News for unreliable information. Inviting a dictator to speak on campus. Imposing quotas on Jewish students and being the last Ivy League to admit female students. Columbia coasts on name recognition and nothing else. And calling NYU "a long-time commuter school" is laughable when 67% of the students are out of state.
@@bluerulesgreensucks For most of its existence, NYU HAS been a commuter school. Not very intellectually high-ranked until the mid-90s when it suddenly went on a spending spree to attract higher-quality faculty. And still lacking the academic and research prestige of Columbia by all the relevant metrics including number of Nobel Prize winners on faculty, research accomplishments etc. (as well as the meaningless US News rankings). None of the regrettable factors you mention affect its current status while things like visiting dictators and early twentieth century anti-semitic quotas are certainly not unique to Columbia or other universities of even higher ranking.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@NYCOPERAFAN The keywords there are "HAS" and "until". Even if that was the case in the past, that's not the case today (and better to be a commuter school than deny Jonas Salk and Richard Feynman over being Jewish). Nobel Prize winners on faculty and research accomplishments are irrelevant metrics that place the school above what actually matters, the students. Getting students so angered they go on a tuition strike does affect its current status with the only relevant metric, the students, and while US News rankings are meaningless, it still hurts the school in the public eye to be accused of providing unreliable data. The quota isn't unique, but that doesn't excuse its existence, and inviting a dictator on campus in the 21st century is pretty unique. It says something for NYU to even have comparisons with Columbia, despite being nearly a century younger. And let's face it - employers have stopped paying attention to educational backgrounds, unless there's graduate degrees involved - and you acknowledged the main graduate programs are roughly equal.
@meyer8199 Год назад
COLUMBIA is far superior to crappy nyu.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@meyer8199 NYU is far superior to crappy columbia.
@chuanxiawei9890 Год назад
@mickeyradomes6484 Год назад
Of Course Columbia is far better. Like you have to ask?
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Of course Columbia is unranked by US News because of course NYU is far better. Like you have to ask?
@meyer8199 Год назад
No comparison, Columbia is the best school.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
@@meyer8199 No comparison, Columbia is unranked by US News. NYU is the best school.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Columbia is still unranked by US News.
@bluerulesgreensucks Год назад
Columbia is still unranked by US News.
@user-mm8zd3lp5l Год назад
@qingtianli9855 Год назад
@user-bn7tf7xl6q Год назад
这样能有很好的效果吗 看着又好吃 又有营养的 还能减肥
@user-pl1mo2xo9c Год назад
@hayleyyin9354 Год назад
@miemiemie1730 Год назад
西瓜很冤枉 糖分含量超低!
@Annachen9 2 года назад
@user-ny8ku7rr5r 2 года назад
@user-yy2lf8ei9r 2 года назад
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