Rebekah Saunders
Rebekah Saunders
Rebekah Saunders
@conradburdekin722 3 месяца назад
Loving your videos ❤️. Also: I feel your pain on the 94/95km rest stop being further than advertised. I experienced this at L2B last week at one of the stops and I could’ve cried. In fact, I did 😂
@conradburdekin722 3 месяца назад
I love that you can do this as a family. Jess is your sister, right?
@conradburdekin722 3 месяца назад
Well done!! I did it this year - there were times I REALLY wanted to go home. It was nice remembering bits of the course through your video.
@donna6837 2 года назад
I love your challenge videos - they give a real sense of what it’s like to walk that distance. I’m doing the L2B in May 2023 so am watching for training inspiration ☺️
@bilaltahir9978 2 года назад
What did you prefer the first half or the second half?
@lucyberresford2400 2 года назад
how did you guys mentally prepare for this, I struggled on the lake district 50.5km one this year
@bilaltahir9978 2 года назад
Do they provide a gpx file?
@bilaltahir9978 2 года назад
Did you do the 100K continuously or did you opt or did you 50k on Saturday and 50K on Sunday?
@DaddyLifeLondon 2 года назад
I'd love to ask some questions if you have contact details!
@DaddyLifeLondon 2 года назад
Really helpful video, I am doing I this year!
@TheBramptonValleyRunner 2 года назад
Congrats which did you prefer L2B, IOW or this one? I’m considering options for next year….
@richbek1 2 года назад
I think the L2B is a classic, plus people have a good idea of the distance so it sounds more impressive when you're telling others! The Yorkshire one was lovely but if I had to do one or the other again it would be L2B I think. The IOW was my favourite so far though I think.
@stephquennell2456 3 года назад
Epic watch
@neilbradford9752 3 года назад
Well done all 3 of you , I only did the 2nd half this year so fair play to you all 👍
@jamstaa69 3 года назад
Well done, fantastic, and was quite funny.. I’m hoping to do this next year post COVID 🤞 I’ve done some long runs and you made me laugh with the typical., never again, never gain,, next morning, I might do it again.. 😂 Was the navigation ok? I worry about getting lost. Thanks for the video.
@richbek1 3 года назад
The navigation is absolutely brilliant with action challenge. No chance of getting lost! There are arrows everywhere. Good luck if you do do it, it's an incredible experience!
@paulsharpe9970 5 лет назад
Great video! I did the IoW Continuous this year too, so it was wonderful to see a video of what we all achieved, not just the still pictures that I managed to get... Well done for finishing - it was tough!!!
@LinkinLoris 5 лет назад
Hello, first of all congratulations on the achievement, I’m considering doing something similar in the near future. What was your preparation leading up to this? Im not a long distance guy usually- I do about 5km 3-4 times a week, so Im in decent shape, do you think this will be sufficient? Any tips? Thanks in advance!
@jjking9513 4 года назад
Have you tackled this yet? I'm running the Devon coast to coast 100km I July, working up to 50 mile running weeks with looking to get up to 100 mile weeks in a month before
@darrenmoulder6503 6 лет назад
Excellent video I'm doing this next year very insightful hope your dad's pleased how well he done
@benpranczke7788 6 лет назад
I'm doing 100k on Saturday. Any top advice????
@richbek1 6 лет назад
Ben Pranczke Hi Ben, good luck! Top tips are: Get some decent sleep this week. Don't do anything too active/busy this week. Keep hydrated. Eat at every stop, even if you don't want to. But mainly, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get there in the end! Is it the Cotswold Way you're doing?
@benpranczke7788 6 лет назад
It's the London to Brighton. Owww I got a night shift tonight and I'm booked in to do a stand up comedy gig Thursday night. I'm stupid I know haha. All the other things I'm going to do though, very excited but also really scared. You did great though, and not giving up I thought showed true grit and how determined you was. How much training had you done?
@richbek1 6 лет назад
Thanks! It was so tough but so much of the challenge is mental rather than physical. My sister (in the video) had managed more training than me, we had been doing long training walks on a Sunday morning but she also managed to get out quite a bit during the week. I probaby did 10-16k two or three evenings a week, and then 20-30km at the weekend. I work full time so forced myself to go out on an evening even if i was exhausted and didn't feel like it. Also, if you can have someone meet you at the later rest stops it definitely helps to have a friendly face. And bring painkillers, the pain in the soles of your feet is the WORST. It's an INCREDIBLE experience though, even if you can't enjoy it at the time it's so rewarding 😁
@benpranczke7788 6 лет назад
Rebekah Saunders well your vid has pushed me more to make sure I do it. So thank you. I'll let you know how it goes haha
@richbek1 6 лет назад
Ben Pranczke definitely do let me know! Have a great time, and GOOD LUCK!!
@RussiasSufferingInUkraine 6 лет назад
Well done all of you. :)
@stevebills5716 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing this. I started the L2B at the same time as you and finished an hour later, so the timings are very similar to mine. It's nice to have a record of what it looked like and something of how it felt. I completely related to your comments on the "80km" rest stop. I too was wondering where it was ! :-)
@leonatooley4869 6 лет назад
Congratulations! I only filmed snippets so it was great to watch this and remember different stages. Looks like we crashed and hit walls at the same time! Well done again, looks like you guys were super speedy 😊
@davidbright5892 6 лет назад
Awesome, amazing, total respect to you all.👏👏 Gonna do my 1st Ultra in August, the SCC. Following this one on Facebook has shown me how hard this is gonna be, the amount of withdrawals is scary!! Congratulations again, I am so impressed👍👍
@richbek1 6 лет назад
David Bright So much of it is a mental challenge. I recommend taking it easy for a couple of days beforehand - my biggest challenge was that I was tired before I started. I was poorly in the week leading up to it, and was working right up to Friday morning. Next time (!) I'll take a couple of days off work either side, as well as doing a bit more cardio training in the lead up.
@richbek1 6 лет назад
SCC looks awesome, i have a major cliff phobia so I'm unlikely to be able to do that one or jurassic i think 🤔
@theironrhino1776 6 лет назад
Great job love you mum 😘😍
@gkb5028 6 лет назад
@theironrhino1776 6 лет назад
: (😭
@gkb5028 6 лет назад
;) well done
@theironrhino1776 6 лет назад
GreatKingBear !!! Raaaaaargh
@theironrhino1776 6 лет назад
I didn't not mean to copy you
@gkb5028 6 лет назад
That's random