Forever Healthy is a private humanitarian initiative with the mission to accelerate the transition to a world without age-related diseases.
Greg Fahy at Rejuvenation Statup Summit 2024
2 месяца назад
@phantasm9260 20 дней назад
Can you imagine a world where this guy is president?
@Zergosss 21 день назад
A lot of exaggerations and outright lies. That's not how you inspire trust for a business Joanna.
@davidabanto8121 23 дня назад
Great info!
@joemagicdeveloper 29 дней назад
👏 go Reason! I need your therapy asap.
@squamish4244 Месяц назад
Next: HUMANS, not mice. For the love of god!
@matthew04101 5 дней назад
This is for investors. And with investors money they'll do more research. And then HUMAN trials. This video is not for you.
@tazh6620 Месяц назад
This is now offered commercially in London and Europe
@vishalkothari5095 Месяц назад
Excellent talk. Promising technology.
@basiamcwhorter2694 Месяц назад
Is the presentation accessible anywhere?
@JohnnyMagorish Месяц назад
Can somebody explain how they can run a control group if people are paying to join the trial? They would hardly pay to be in a control group. So does this mean it’s not a blind control?
@WackyGameEngineer Месяц назад
Perhaps you just have to pay after Evaluation.
@rjbarbour Месяц назад
In an interview (Modern Healthspan) he says this is a particular problem with these small patient funded trials.
@JMH702 2 месяца назад
This guy looks way younger than he did a couple years ago. I think he's onto something
@cesarvictorino4301 Месяц назад
@JMH702: I wonder how long though.
@JMH702 Месяц назад
@@cesarvictorino4301 true… guess time will tell
@cesarvictorino4301 Месяц назад
@@JMH702 I personally hope before the new decade.
@JMH702 Месяц назад
@@cesarvictorino4301 yeah same here, hopefully when AGI hits we start to see some hard results
@cesarvictorino4301 Месяц назад
@@JMH702 AGI?
@CalumnMcAulay 2 месяца назад
We need this type of therapy asap
@comradecapybara 2 месяца назад
this is super exciting!
@Zergosss 2 месяца назад
you need to say in the titles what each talk is about
@Zergosss 2 месяца назад
you need to say in the titles what each talk is about
@Zergosss 2 месяца назад
you need to say in the titles what the talks are about
@patrickburgermeister8966 2 месяца назад
Instead of injecting a therapeutic, they remove pathogenic factors. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities! Kudos to Lou and team!
@joemagicdeveloper 2 месяца назад
👏one of the rarest presentations at this event doing trials with *humans*. I suggest next year to group them together separating the companies doing human trials vs the ones playing with mice. 🙏❤
@squamish4244 2 месяца назад
I think after 20 years of playing with mice, it's about time to move on to complex mammals like dogs, monkeys and humans.
@clearlyaudible 2 месяца назад
smart man
@SirTenenbaum 2 месяца назад
Excellent presentation, and I'm so excited to see what Hevolution helps people and institutions accomplish in the coming years and decades. $250 million in a year and a half is a healthy start.
@Seeker_of_sense 2 месяца назад
Very interesting.
@leonniceday6807 2 месяца назад
in your title: staRtup
@TarHeelTrees 2 месяца назад
I donate plasma. You can give 800ml twice every week.
@TarHeelTrees 2 месяца назад
Who else has started regularly donating plasma since learning about TPE?
@drzavahercegbosnaponosna5974 2 месяца назад
it looks very risky to me! you don't die from old age but from therapy...
@TheDeathChrist 2 месяца назад
@Seeker_of_sense 2 месяца назад
No. You definitely die of old age.
@drzavahercegbosnaponosna5974 2 месяца назад
@@Seeker_of_sense O.K. We are all dead, we are just being buried in turn.
@squamish4244 2 месяца назад
@@drzavahercegbosnaponosna5974 Well yeah, it's a matter how frequently you want to be buried in turn.
@linuxphone9063 Месяц назад
I'd be scared to stick a needle into my thamus.
@lv1985aa 2 месяца назад
Does anyone know if the dose of HGH used is the same as in the original TRIIM trial?
@maxhunter3574 2 месяца назад
What was the amount of the original trials? I was under the impression that it might vary slightly person to person, depending on their blood work
@lv1985aa 2 месяца назад
@@maxhunter3574 I believe it was 0.045iu per kg of body weight but dosed 3-4x per week and not daily
@linuxphone9063 Месяц назад
​@@lv1985aa now weren't those injections not oral?
@tazh6620 Месяц назад
the dose varies according to the individual response. Biomarkers are monitored monthly for the first 3 months and then again at 3 monthly intervals till completion of the protocol.
@lv1985aa Месяц назад
@@tazh6620 I’d be very curious to know what the subjects final doses ended up being
@AlgeistNydream 2 месяца назад
Ich war dabei. Bis zum nächsten Summit, Michael. Thumb up.
@comradecapybara 2 месяца назад
This is one of the therapies i'm most excited for, hopefully they can do a phase 3 soon.
@LikeAGentlemanPlease 2 месяца назад
This was amazing. I’m trying to invest into Brazil and I’m slowly learning more and more.
@peterz53 2 месяца назад
To be more objective need to have an arm which is modeled after plasma donation where 25% of plasma is replaced by saline, as is done at blood banks. Buck could do a great service by elucidating the effects in the same way they are doing for TPE. The TPE methods seems to me to be, in large part, a business enterprise.
@ortcloud99 2 месяца назад
Irina Conboy says nothing happens in terms of rejuvenation until you dilute plasma by 50% in one session. Plasma donation does have benefits but not the rejuvenation triggered by tpe of the brain, liver and muscle. I would like to see a study comparing the two though to confirm what Conboy is stating.
@peterz53 2 месяца назад
throwing in IVIG complicates interpretation. transient increase in IG will cause gene expression changes by itself.
@petermalmgren1207 6 месяцев назад
The only thing that will actually help and it’s ; 100 views something that is all egocentric is 12,000 views in a hour. Go figure 😮
@ladyalexander2003 8 месяцев назад
Aging is a normal process in humans and animals! Red onions & garlic reduce high blood pressure! Red yeast rice & plant sterols reduce high cholesterol! Check out all foods and their healing properties! These enzymes don’t exist in humans and there’s obviously a very good reason for that they belong in animals and not humans! People aren’t laundry detergents they’re living beings! Botox is botulinum toxin used in the beauty industry for vain people to reduce wrinkles and yet is the deadliest disease known in animals that caused botulism over the long term on humans! Man made disease is now rife in humans because of toxic mRNA vaccines & health care are a denying all the dangers -& effects of toxicity from plasmids mRNA spread of zoonotic disease from using chicken & mammalian kidney cells and spread of zoonotic chicken & monkey diseases in humans and chemical toxicity and people aren’t getting any healthcare after they’re damaged from these horrific experiments! Now they’ve caused prions and neurological disorders again like they did when they fed cattle sick proteins and humans are sick cattle causing nvCJD ie neurological problems which take months to years to develop! They keep torturing animals in labs studying animals and bacteria that’s why they can’t cure human diseases they never ever study people and the disease all their experiments and engineering have caused are then ignored by doctors who are clueless what’s actually going on with sick patients who are given drugs which claim to cure one health issues while they cause 20-30 other health issues they dismiss and ignore! This is not medicine or health care!
@chuprin2012 Год назад
☘️☘️☘️The Bible teaches that God created the human body to be immortal. Medicine testifies that every death has a cause - structural destruction and functional weakening of the internal organ, a deadly disease. People treat diseases of the internal organs so as not to suffer and die. No one treats progressive DYSTROPHY of an external organ. Thousands of gerontologists take grants to fight human aging and death, but they are engaged in their biological research. As a result, this disease kills all people. 😥
@chuprin2012 Год назад
☘️☘️☘️The Bible teaches that God created the human body to be immortal. Medicine testifies that every death has a cause - structural destruction and functional weakening of the internal organ, a deadly disease. People treat diseases of the internal organs so as not to suffer and die. No one treats progressive DYSTROPHY of an external organ. Thousands of gerontologists take grants to fight human aging and death, but they are engaged in their biological research. As a result, this disease kills all people.🥲
@chuprin2012 Год назад
☘️☘️☘️ The Bible teaches that God created the human body to be immortal. Medicine testifies that every death has a cause - structural destruction and functional weakening of the internal organ, a deadly disease. People treat diseases of the internal organs so as not to suffer and die. No one treats progressive DYSTROPHY of an external organ. Thousands of gerontologists take grants to fight human aging and death, but they are engaged in their biological research. As a result, this disease kills all people. 😂
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🌻🌻🌻 Dear Dr. Verdin, you often use the word AGING. Could you give us your definition of this word. Thank you in advance. Valery Chuprin
@chuprin2012 Год назад
😂😂😂 Unfortunately, Dr. Fedichev does not define the natural phenomenon of AGING. He uses the word, but his understanding of the nature of aging is WRONG. It does not explain the physicochemical nature of the life process. Dr. Fedichev does not understand and does not want to understand that the life process is a physico-chemical process, energetic in its basis. Modern medicine can stop the aging process and restore the young structures of the old body, but the report of Dr. Fedicheva prevents this.
@chuprin2012 Год назад
Unfortunately, Dr. Kiprov does not define the natural phenomenon of AGING. He uses the word, but his understanding of the nature of aging is WRONG. It does not explain the physicochemical nature of the life process. Dr. Kiprov does not understand and does not want to understand that the life process is a physico-chemical process, energetic in its basis. Modern Medicine can stop the aging process and restore the young structures of the old body, but the report of Dr. Kiprov prevents this.
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🥲🥲🥲 Dr. Fedichev made an advertisement for his book on aging, but did not explain the nature of aging, unfortunately, since he completely ignores the PHYSICS of the development of a living structure and its senile disorganization, leading to its destruction and death of all living education. That is, a report about nothing. 🧐🧐🧐
@chuprin2012 Год назад
😂😂😂 It is a pity that Dr. Greve does not understand that senile diseases are the result of SELF- Suffocation and SELF-POISONING of the body, caused by a reduction in the supply of OXYGEN to the body through deteriorating skin and a weakening of the body's metabolic processes. Both genes and telomeres are VICTIMS of this process leading the organism to death. 🧐🧐🧐
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🥴🥴🥴 Dr. Verdin is deeply mistaken about the nature of aging, so for 20 years he cannot understand and explain the nature of aging. Another scientist would be ashamed, but Dr Verdin is proud of it. Senile destruction has a physical nature, not a biological one. Biological objects - genes, telomeres, mitochondria and others are the VICTIMS of the aging process, and not the source of aging. But biologists won't allow that. This is tantamount to asking the Holy Inquisition to adopt a heliocentric model of the world instead of a geocentric one.🧐🧐🧐
@chuprin2012 Год назад
😎😎😎Dear Dr McClure, Please Name the mechanisms of aging, the nature of senile destruction - why, how, how to stop aging and restore destroyed structures! What forces of nature are involved in the formation of a living organism, what forces of nature destroy the living structure of the body? The speaker instead says nothing. This is another deception of listeners, a numerous scam. 🥸🥸🥸
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🦆 Instead of naming the mechanisms of aging and the nature of senile destruction - why, how, how to stop aging and restore destroyed structures, the speaker spoke about nothing. This is another deception of listeners, a numerous scam. 😼😼😼
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🥴 Instead of naming the mechanisms of aging and the nature of senile destruction - why, how, how to stop aging and restore the destroyed structures, the speaker spoke indifferently. This is another deception of listeners, a numerous scam. 😼😼😼
@elizavetapeganova9541 2 месяца назад
I agree with you. ❤But don't be upset. We will do everything that Everyone can change your life in the way he or she want. It will be your own choice. Be patient
@chuprin2012 Год назад
🥸 Professor Kennedy casually mentioned the models of flies, mice, worms and other evil spirits, but he did not name the functional model of the human body, in whose image and likeness our body is created. Therefore, Professor Kennedy cannot say in whose image and likeness the human body is created, cannot name the root cause of the aging of the body. Moreover, Professor Kennedy cannot describe the nature of senile destruction and death of the human body. Therefore, Professor Kennedy can once again only promise a quick victory over old age and ask for money. 😂
@chuprin2012 Год назад
Much to our regret and misfortune, Dr. Kiprov does not attach any importance to the progressive destruction of the external organ of the body, the largest in the body - the skin. Its structures are destroyed, it is visible to the naked eye, its vital functions weaken and stop. But Dr. Kiprov is passionate about mice and other small organisms. Meanwhile, people are destroyed and die. 😂
@viracocha2021 Год назад
If this is true, it's really good news. Please submit it to the ITP program so we can trust your company.
@AlexanderStraub1 Год назад
May somebody let me know how to trial this with patients ?
@compucentrum Год назад
Dobri Kiprov 83 years old. Admirable.
@Zergosss Год назад
thanks, good info
@nozhki-busha Год назад
Awesome, Stephanie is an impressive speaker.