Karate Breakdown
Karate Breakdown
Karate Breakdown
Finding kata applications in real scenarios - making karate practical again. Visit karatebreakdown.com for more videos!
@barrettokarate 2 дня назад
In my opinion a rule set similar to kudo would be best, just not full-blown go for the KO level. You've got striking, throwing, clinching, grappling, headbutting, etc. Actor Jef Speakman's organization has been doing a similar style of sparring for years. Recent Jesse Enkamp and his pro MMA fighter brother Oliver did a video on kudo.
@CristianoSadun 2 дня назад
Funakoshi intended Karate-do as a character development-by-fitness, inspired by okinawan sparring and fighting techniques. It was never intended to be anything different. In that format belts have a meaning, because sticking around long enough _is_ a lot of the point of karate-do. It shows persistence, discipline, unquestioning adherence to the words of the elders/superiors and so on - all stuff that was very desiderable in early XX century japan. The misunderstandings came later: first, a little bit, when people in the 50s made a combat sport out of the fitness activity. This draws unfavorable parallels to other combat sports, which to the untrained eye look much more like actual fighting than karate-do does. But the biggest misunderstanding came when teaching karate-do became a way for "masters" to make a living: the promise of self-defense is a powerful marketing tool, and over the years it was exploited by unscrupulous (or self-deluded) people. I am not sure that the real thing can taught as a business at all. But kudos for trying!
@hybriddefense8697 2 дня назад
Love the belt concept. Brown belt in this case should happen between 9 months and a year. Most of my students have their basics down by that time and join the intermediate class.
@derekstaubitz 3 дня назад
Is this a sumi gaeshi? Whats the move?
@ZanOGAL 4 дня назад
Ouchi gari = outer reap... theres no reap. The kuzushi is not forward like seen in the kata. Dont bs yourself
@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y 4 дня назад
If you watch old boxing matches, there's lots of wrestling. PS: I read about a 1950s boxer whose father owned a bar. He used his clinching skills to remove violent drunks.
@snakeboom3958 5 дней назад
Локтем втащил
@JorgesamuelGallardo-f2u 5 дней назад
Las imágenes no se ven bien sé ven borrosas
@CristianoSadun 5 дней назад
I think you're being very nice to the modern karate "takes a long time" mindset. :) If karate was taught and explained for what it is - as you say, mostly as a method for get you in an advantageous position in a clinch and then do something, as all katas show - it would take no more time to get reasonably proficient at it, than it takes for any other comparable skillset. It would take long time to get _really_ good at it but that's the same for all the others. You "simply" need to build a degree of posture, coordination, muscle response and a bit of strength and understand what you're trying to do, and then try to do it drilling a few movements from the katas with a partner or the teacher, and then expand from there. All kata movements make good sense and are learnt correctly in a matter of minutes when you knows what you're trying to do, then of course practice with a partner gets you better. Sadly that's not how it goes: movements are boxed into meaningless labels, applied at a distance completely different from the one they're meant for and poor students are literally fed bs from day one in what the goals of these movements are. And the saddest thing is that most often that's done with good intentions - often the instructor himself has no idea and really believes that's the proper stuff. The good part is that the biomechanics remain extremely solid even as they're not applied in the right context, so practitioners still develop good body control, posture and power, only having no idea why and how to use them. :) As for sparring, there's probably no need to reinvent the wheel - kake-kumite is already there for friendly sparring.
@rpesik 6 дней назад
Quite some kata bunkais we can find in several Silat style, especially those with Chinese root. I found a make sense throw/takedown that is using "one legged stance" in Gankaku in Bangau Putih silat which in Bahasa Indonesia means "White Crane", which is one of the origin of Karate. Pretty awesome
@rpesik 6 дней назад
Yes. Even in Heian Sandan is like this. I found this also
@Idiotic-impulses 6 дней назад
One of the fakest and worst demonstrations ive seen since steven seagul and his aikido demonstration years ago
@KarateBreakdown 6 дней назад
@@Idiotic-impulses keyword: demonstration 👍
@Idiotic-impulses 6 дней назад
@@KarateBreakdown Key point of any martial art: has to actually work outside of a very poorly done fake demonstration
@Midas-p9b 6 дней назад
I had to watch it several times to even see it. What a master .Much respect to Sensei .
@gianclaudiobonetto7077 6 дней назад
🤔in realtà sono 2 movimenti totalmente differenti quelli del Kata e quello in azione... Perché sono stati paragonati?
@joseeliasalvarado6214 7 дней назад
Elbow did not touch any body part...is fake, only a slippage
@DouglasGomesBueno-jw9lh 8 дней назад
It's like training Kicks as a Pro Boxer is a waste of time for the sport he competes in.
@DouglasGomesBueno-jw9lh 8 дней назад
The Rules make the Sport and Elbow in Karate are a skill Modern Karate guys doesn’t care anymore because you can't use in Tournaments.
@user-vs7vg3mw1e 8 дней назад
Совершенно другие движения .
@matthewc.tritle6704 8 дней назад
Yes! Finally that part of Gojushiho-sho makes sense!!! Many thanks…
@KarateBreakdown 8 дней назад
Glad to help make something click!
@NorCalDad 8 дней назад
Sucks I missed your live, hopefully get to your next one. With training after black belt, I think what's happens is that there's not very knowledgeable instructors. Take away tye partner drills, kihons, katas, and what's left is very little. Along with that the lack of an outline through the Dans and the lack of ability to progress people's skill and ability year after year. I'm learning another Okinawan atyle with a group of all blacks from 2nd to 9th dan and the month I've been there I don't see any indepth instructions, just emphasis on doing the kata perfect and using unrealistic strikes because that's the style. I got my shodan in the mid 90s so it's unfortunate when I see places with great potential that just lacks it.
@KarateBreakdown 8 дней назад
Thanks for checking out the video 👍 I’ll try to set a schedule ahead of time and do more live streams, it was fun answering questions. I think you hit it on the head about lack of instructor knowledge. It’s unfortunate to see but it hard to force people to put in more effort outside the dojo as well. Tough situation
@tacticaltemplar875 8 дней назад
Huh. This one is surprisingly spot on. I've always thought the idea of a spear-hand to the solar plexus is kinda silly.
@edcox22 9 дней назад
What is this throw called In Silat?
@JustSomeGuy69420 9 дней назад
Is there a name in Karate for the technique you do at 9:33 that looks like Iriminage?
@KarateBreakdown 9 дней назад
Sorry I’m not great with specific names for techniques, I know I was going for a neck crank takedown but couldn’t get my hands together so I pulled on his tricep with my right hand and still was able to turn him over with the pseudo neck crank with my left hand
@JustSomeGuy69420 6 дней назад
It was very slick. I work similar techniques a lot. I think takedowns and throws that are based around head control are excellent. Great video.
@tatumergo3931 9 дней назад
Since karate is mostly hand strikes than leg or foot strikes, I train it like boxing. Then when I start developing the leg/foot strikes, I use the Savate or muay thai methodology. And finally I end with mixing it all up with chancery pugilism and grappling.
@Adam-bu3lm 10 дней назад
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but comparing karate to other arts is a trap. The question becomes "why am I not training these other martial arts?" Let karate stand on its own.
@KarateBreakdown 10 дней назад
The question for me has always been “if I learned it this way growing up, how do I systematize a methodology to help other karate guys learn the same thing” that’s always been the mission. Make karate great again not throw it away for other styles
@Adam-bu3lm 10 дней назад
​@KarateBreakdown I've got a rough idea of what your ideal karate is. You've started this platform, had(have?) your own school, and you're trying to reach like minded individuals. The first step I would take is starting a movement and coin it something that people can call it. I'm personally interested in starting or joining a study group that focuses on a kata or two, and just swaps back and forth between kata practice, sparring, and folk wrestling. I have a framework for my ideal karate practice, and I think you do too. I think the framework and getting people on board with it is the best outcome. Karate isn't frozen in time and space but we aren't going to change organized karate, change is in the form of small movements. I personally enjoy listening to some of your talks, and not really the individual interpretation stuff.
@Adam-bu3lm 10 дней назад
​@@KarateBreakdownhave you done any research into ecological dynamics?
@KarateBreakdown 9 дней назад
Yea honestly it’s how I always taught, I’ve seen the ecological approach pop up as a buzzword in BJJ in the last year or so but it felt like common sense. No one learns well in a standard BJJ class where you warm up with jump jacks and sprints for 15min, learn one unrelated technique and then roll for 30min
@Adam-bu3lm 9 дней назад
​@@KarateBreakdown it's definitely a popular fad right now, but the theory is sound. It's how I train my [not-karate] club. I recommend reading(or listening) to Rob Grey's How We Learn To Move, and keep in the back of your head that kata is a constraint. It's not just about warming up. It's the realization that there is no ideal movement, and what we do is based on affordances and perception.
@Dangerous_Nerd 10 дней назад
Great video! The butt scooting BJJ guys had me cracking up! "MMA sparring gloves" are definitely the way to go.
@KarateBreakdown 10 дней назад
@@Dangerous_Nerd you just reminded me I think I saw the sanabul ones for the first time when you visited! The things I’ve seen at BJJ tournaments 😖
@theflamingone8729 10 дней назад
Did BJJ change your understanding/interpretation of kata?
@KarateBreakdown 10 дней назад
I was lucky my sensei had a very practical interpretation of kata, I feel training BJJ allowed me to pressure test the katas to know what worked and what didn’t
@theflamingone8729 10 дней назад
@@KarateBreakdown sometimes when I'm rolling I think "That feels familiar" or watching a technique being demonstrated and recognising movements. I recognise a lot more applications in ground work that we were shown.
@KarateBreakdown 10 дней назад
@@theflamingone8729100% we always said the applications is discovered after the round cause then you can go back and reassess and say “hey this felt like this move in kata” etc. then it’s about drilling to make it repeatable
@theflamingone8729 10 дней назад
@@KarateBreakdown they were clever cookies to develop exercises that refine and strengthen applicable movements without a specific application in mind. Fair enough our bodies have a limited range of movement, and there is a limited number of ways you can attack someone, but the combinations of those two, become too numerous to cover with specifics.
@raccoonmyroom6861 9 дней назад
Dude, I completely agree with this. I know so many Karate guys, including myself, who started doing BJJ and it made their Karate Skyrocket. In a lot of ways, I think BJJ was one of the best things to happen to Karate.
@ProdigiousReturn 10 дней назад
So… what we need is Kudo?
@cameronkacena197 10 дней назад
Definitely agree. If more karate dojos did a better job of realistic sparring (as realistic as can safely be done) karate would benefit in both popularity and effectiveness. Our go-to sparring is freestyle, light contact, at all ranges. We typically stand it back up after about 5 seconds on the ground. People are welcome to simulate "dirty" techniques. It's surprising how infrequent they are used. We do, however, opt for headgear with face shield and no gloves. I am a big believer that gloves, even mma gloves, change the way that people use their hands both offensively and defensively. People get sloppy very quickly with their punching techniques if they put on gloves, and they often defend with the backs of their hands. If you are punching (even light taps) to plastic with bare knuckles you make sure to do it properly. I certainly do not think that the headgear gives me anymore of a false sense of security than gloves do. When I hear an audible tap of the plastic on my face shield a couple times in a round I spend a couple of days thinking about what I did wrong. That being said, we are just light sparring, so I can see how it's different for Kudo practitioners going full out in a fight. I do agree that the range is different with the headgear, but I measured it and it's about 1.5" at my jaw and 1" at my nose. This isn't any different than the thickness of gloves, and let's face it, there are no perfect ways to safely spar. Anyhow, that's certainly not a hill that I'm going to die on, that's just my take. I really hope that more karate dojos implement effective and comprehensive forms of sparring. Great video!
@officialblkreign9330 10 дней назад
Good video. In Hidetaka Nishiyama's book Karate the art of empty hand fighting, in the portion about Karate techniques he lists in this order-blocking techniques, attacking techniques, throwing techniques, and joint-twisting techniques. We are part of that lineage and I was always taught to learn enough ground fighting to be able to get back up. My uncle has taught this way for near 45 years.
@Helicondrummer 10 дней назад
I'm coming from a TKD, wing chun, and BJJ background and have been developing my own martial art which is essentially MMA in a traditional package focused on self-defense. I'm calling it Tae Sao Do and teaching it along side BJJ. The Tae Sao Do is meant to be a focus on striking with some clenching and throwing as well as "self-defense" which is essentially BJJ clench and ground escapes. The style has begun to look more like Karate and MMA than when I just taught TKD. I think Kudo has a lot they are doing right but nothing is perfect. As far as amateur level tournaments, I think the space helmet is a good way to go for Karate or any other traditional style. For the more adventures competitor, then there is no reason traditional guys can't just fight MMA if their style is well rounded. For Tae Sao Do I plan to require black belt ranks to have ranks in BJJ as well. I think of the two styles as being complementary. Structurally my classes are looking like this. "kata", then applications of the contents of the kata then the last section of class is "self-defense" (which is just escapes from holds) along with specific training with those positions. The self-defense section is replaced in the second half of the week with sparring concepts and sparring. There I have a rotating curriculum that focuses on a different aspect before free sparring. For example one week might be maintaining distance while another is closing distance. It also includes classes on clench fighting, throwing, and even some very basic ground positioning and transitions as well as a week on submissions and submission defense.
@evanbilski2833 10 дней назад
@robizu6321 10 дней назад
se a pessoa diz que Karate nao tem cotovelada nem joelhada , provavel que ela nem sequer sabe os primeiros kata, pois logo nos primeiros kata tem essas tecnicas de forma bem clara (ao menos na ordem que é apresentada no estilo que pratico , Shotokan)
@makenjikarate 10 дней назад
Awesome video, cheers for using a clip from my club at 2:03
@kamenriderman 11 дней назад
One way to do ouchi gari 😂
@alecxanderdustinbacolor 11 дней назад
definitely saving this one for sparring
@landoftheninja 11 дней назад
Bro, I almost had my shotokan instructor sold on this. Then one round in sparring I went for a clinch and my gi scratched my buddies eye 💀
@landoftheninja 11 дней назад
I'm not complaining too much tho, bc we *never* did point sparring. It was all free sparring.
@KarateBreakdown 11 дней назад
Dude I remember the first seminar I taught, I was admiring someone’s expensive seishin gi and then the sleeve ripped in the middle of a drill 💀
@landoftheninja 11 дней назад
@@KarateBreakdown the oof is real with this one 😅😂
@lannelbishop3668 11 дней назад
You younger martial artist are so lucky. I’m a 60 year man karate ka. 36 years ago when I started training karate there was no internet to watch different karate styles ,learn katas and learn grappling just by watching your phone. You had to go to class learn all your basics then get promoted to level where you could attend intense sparring. Which is the best and safest way for novice to learn fighting. In Seido Juku karate you don’t spar until you reach 4th kyu. At this level you should be able to have some control over your body, your punching , kicking , blocking and break falls. It is my opinion that the best way to enhance one’s karate is to cross train in boxing and judo once you reach 4th kyu in karate. That’s is how I enhanced my karate. Judo blends incredibly well with karate. Judo sweeping and throwing techniques are vastly superior to those in karate. Boxing’s punching and jabbing has a lot to offer for a karate ka like ko power and movement. I say judo is better to learn than BJJ for a karate ka. BJJ or catch wrestling requires a lot of contact with your opponent. I don’t want to be nipple to nipple with a killer. I want to break him down from a distance using strikes then choke him out. I want to be on my feet the whole time.
@dv3413 11 дней назад
Wrong, tell that to a kyokushin practitioner
@Mikegonzo0351 11 дней назад
Love this video! Been saying this for quite some time with a few guys in my Dojo. When I was a kid we would spar and we would get taken down and have to grapple a little. Now that I have return to the art, I can’t find where to replicate that environment. A lot of our guys use almost full boxing gloves or century karate gloves. I’m the odd ball using Hyabusa Hybrid open finger gloves because I like to grab.
@ForHonorUSMC 11 дней назад
I also train 'dirty fighting', which makes it REALLY hard to find a sparring partner that wants to go through that. Never stepping in the ring, so if I gotta throw hands, I'm going to do damage.
@KarateBreakdown 11 дней назад
Automatic DQ club 🙌
@krytycznyskaut3450 11 дней назад
In my club we are using mma sparing gloves and we are just fighting. I train traditional Shotokan, so there is not many clinch fighting, but we have some sweeps and some handfighting
@rebelninjafightclub 11 дней назад
1. Abandonment of practical training. Sparring. Drilling. Skills Building. 2. Charlatan Instructors adding systems with no proof of efficacy. George Dillman, Unrealistic Bunkai, Aikidoesque Systems, etc. 3. Instructors with a complete Ignorance of reality of street level violence. 4. Dilution of the pillars of Karate: Kata, Kihon, Throws and Takedowns, etc. 5. Zero post black-belt training. 6. Abandonment of the core tenets of Karate as a self defense system.
@KarateBreakdown 11 дней назад
Your point 5 is something I never reflected on, thanks!
@rebelninjafightclub 10 дней назад
@@KarateBreakdown Point is one of my frustrations with traditional martial arts today. Once you hit black belt, you are on your own.
@brianbates_zanshinkarate 11 дней назад
Excellent video as always Michael, thanks for my inclusion in this. It's always a pleasant surprise to see what I do shared 🙂. Keep up the good work 👊
@DanWhitePT 11 дней назад
Love it. Great video
@daofist475 12 дней назад
@douglasstafford4179 12 дней назад
I think he broke his clavicle or collarbone.