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Uganda Project Renewed
4 месяца назад
Speaking Yiddish to Chickens / Seth Stern
4 месяца назад
2024 CHSS/ECCCA Career Fair
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RIPPAC Student Holiday Message of Hope 2023
8 месяцев назад
Unsettling the Care Commons - Eva Boodman
9 месяцев назад
IMAU 2023 Recap
11 месяцев назад
@hesapyildirim 10 дней назад
la biri su vatan haini ibneye oturum versinde millete bizi kotulemesin ayni tarihte 3 milyon insan hayatini kaybetti o topraklarda kurtlerde araplarda turkler ermeniler yahudiler hepsi oldu ruslarin gelmeesiyle azan ermeni ceteleri onlara katilmayan ermenileri oldurdugunde neredeydiniz lan siz
@wetstinkysocks2950 Месяц назад
*hawk tuah* woodchipper!!!!!
@saokorosa Месяц назад
@zk321 3 месяца назад
why did I have to see a women who is not dressing appropoate how can one even focus? silly vidoe
@GershonWolf 3 месяца назад
My family, on my Mom's side, The Cukiers , (Q-Kee-Yay) were also Holocaust survivors and started an egg farm in Connecticut. I basically vacationed (and gathered eggs) there 1000 times in my youth.
@boscobeans 3 месяца назад
After the 100,000 rally Bramnick shows he is a true RINO, and he isn't even hiding his TDS at every occasion possible. If it was up to him Trump should praise those who call him out as a racist, as a Russian agent, as a modern-day Hitler. Sorry but Trump isn't built that way, and I FOR ONE IS HAPPY THAT HE ISN'T.
@georgegoddiess9173 4 месяца назад
Great speech, thank you for your service, im proud to have you as our representative
@Cool7083 4 месяца назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:02 *📘 Introduction to Historiography* - Overview of historiography: the study of how history is written. - Explains the concept of historiography as the history of history writing. - Introduces two key concepts: epistemology (theory of knowledge) and the impact of social and political contexts on historiography. 02:00 *📜 Shift from Divine to Empirical Explanations in History* - Transition from theological to empirical explanations over time. - Before the 19th century, historical interpretation often involved divine intervention. - Emergence of empiricism, stressing the need for proof and documentation, highlighted by figures like Leopold von Ranke. 03:24 *🔍 Modern Empiricism and Individual Historical Understanding* - Further evolution of empirical historiography during the Scientific Revolution. - Discussion of Lord Godfrey Elton's perspective on the limited scope an individual can study history, using the metaphor of understanding history as "bricks" in a wall. 04:57 *🧩 Contextual and Structural Analysis in Modern Historiography* - The importance of understanding the broader context and structures that shape historical narratives. - Use of the WPA slave narratives to illustrate how context affects personal accounts and historical interpretation. 07:01 *🔄 Marxist Influence and the Questioning of Truth* - Introduction of Marxist historiography, focusing on economic motivations behind historical events. - Example of Charles Beard's economic interpretation of the American Constitution. - Postmodernist critique begins questioning the very possibility of accessing "truth" in history. 09:06 *🎭 Postmodern Challenges to Historical Empiricism* - Postmodernism's impact on historiography, emphasizing the impossibility of complete objective truth. - Shift towards analyzing documents using literary and artistic methodologies. - Highlighting the need for multiple perspectives in history to understand the full spectrum of past experiences. 11:06 *🌐 Diversification of Historical Perspectives* - Growth of African American and women's history as influenced by postmodernist approaches. - Integration of empiricist methodologies with postmodern critiques to enrich historical narratives. - The role of social movements in the late 20th century in shaping the focus of historical study on previously marginalized groups. Made with HARPA AI
@EducationalChannel28349 4 месяца назад
President Harker! A true legend!
@irvinetustin 5 месяцев назад
Good video. I do think the truth can be found. What is true is true even if no one believes it. What's false is false even if everyone believes it.
@xspartan346x 5 месяцев назад
Id rather hear a Deleuzean give his interpretation of the austrian school of econ and subjective value theory than just listen to basic Marxism.
@darthregulus 5 месяцев назад
This is a weak argument in favor of Kant. 😂
@ettaadams6125 6 месяцев назад
What a great speech. Very inspirational.❤😊
@fhoofe3245 6 месяцев назад
Postmodernism brought...absolutely nothing other than Wokeness and Marxist. watch James Lindsay's analysis of Postmodernism (and Jordan Peterson's talks) to see that Postmodernism is just another way to say Marxism/Socialism/Communism.
@dr.pawankumararyan4892 6 месяцев назад
A very very high level of wisdom and knowledge and happiness in words for the world as a Charistoshi family
@Futtkepup 6 месяцев назад
There are 14 yo hackers out being PAID in Brazil the chinese guy was the whole lecture im sorry italian guy get us someone from the vatican WITH a translator
@Futtkepup 6 месяцев назад
It's been 42 minutes of a waste of my time now
@Futtkepup 6 месяцев назад
Yes you see the graph going up, sir. Please get a translator I'm sure you're a great professional
@Futtkepup 6 месяцев назад
@Futtkepup 6 месяцев назад
@impalaman9707 6 месяцев назад
Even sadder to me than Southern Jews sympathizing with the Confederate cause is that Native Americans, who I believe are also a Semetic people, would not only do the same---but also OWN African Americans themselves! It never made sense to me that a historically oppressed people would oppress others they see as less than themselves to make themselves feel superior--but only if you understand it from the lens of peer pressure to fit into white society
@angamanu360 7 месяцев назад
Can you please for once not mention the "holocaust" while speaking about the actual Armenian Genocide? israel does not recognize the Armenian Genocide which was the first genocide of the 20th century, why should we talk or care about israel when they sponsor azerbaijan to genocide armenians again and steal their homelands...sick and tired of their endless lyes!
@chaosmos24 7 месяцев назад
The idea that the wealthy hoard their money is detached from reality.
@chaosmos24 7 месяцев назад
Does this professor just take Marxist analysis for granted? Turn that critical gaze back on itself .
@MarynaDawson 7 месяцев назад
Mr. Snyder how would you comment a history lesson from V. Putin during his interview?
@RowanCHSS 7 месяцев назад
Hi @Marynadawson, unfortunately Dr. Snyder will probably not reply here. I can try and let him know you commented but you may have better luck contacting him using a google search.
@MarynaDawson 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your answer 🧡
@lbjvg 7 месяцев назад
WTF? Deleuze isn’t even mentioned much less Deleuze and the two flows of Capital
@chaosmos24 7 месяцев назад
Almost through the vid and I haven't heard anything related to Deleuze. Thulis professor is just regurgitating basic bitch Marxism. I feel robbed of an hour.
@piotrjeske4599 7 месяцев назад
Postmodernism wrecked histography. Also opened the door to lazy scientists. 10-20 years of research in the archives? Nah , who would get grants for that or want to do it. Lets write ,for the 10th milion time, a 20page paper about women in X . Highly speculative .
@plumoyr7761 7 месяцев назад
Whining and lies.
@sheilaroberts3113 8 месяцев назад
@josephr.gainey2079 8 месяцев назад
59:34. "No one has updated this all that much." What about Robert Rosen's THE JEWISH CONFEDERATES published in 2000?!?!?!?!? DO you really expect a viewer to believe that it's nearly 550 pages didn't add something to what Korn wrote?
@josephr.gainey2079 8 месяцев назад
56:50. Your attempt to downsize the number of Jewish Confederates speaks more about YOUR EMBARRASSMENT about their service. Until those of us like myself who are actually doing the research, going through company rolls name by name establishing ethnicities and religious affiliations the actual number of Jewish Confederates is far from certain. Who would have thought that over 6,000 blacks who served in some capacity in the Confederate Army would still be alive in the 1920s to apply for pensions? But that is what the research conducted by a former Black Panther from Harlem has discovered.
@josephr.gainey2079 8 месяцев назад
You're call for Southern Jews and Southerners to repudiate what is, for better or worse, our heritage is questionable and troubling to many of us because liberals like yourself refuse to call on any other groups or regions of the nation to do so--despite the fact that their histories is just as tainted by things like New England's prominent role in the slave trade, counties in Abraham Lincoln's Illinois having local laws banning blacks setting foot on them, and racism in Northern cities. Remember that shortly before his death, Martin Luther King spoke of his time living in Chicago and he noted that he saw overall racism level there was much higher than he had ever seen in the South. Yet only those of us from the South are to be doing perpetual mea culpas for things those of us alive today never did. I always thought Judaism and Jewish law held that a person was responsible only for their own transgressions not that of others. So, I enjoyed much of your presentation, I'm calling liberal, hypocritical bullshit on that section and reject your attempt to paint all non-black Southerners with the same brush is much akin to how Hamas and its supporters attempt to paint Israel--worn out stereotypes with no nuance or individuality. By the way, Robert E. Lee's daughter was arrested in 1902 for refusing to give up the seat in the "colored" section of a street car. If I remember correctly her black maid was with her. Ulysses S. Grant's son was nearly expelled from West Point due to his continual harassment of the first black cadet. Only his father's fame saved him from this. So, do some research and stop dealing with your racist stereotyping of those of us who are white Southerners!!!
@curtislowe4577 8 месяцев назад
😳 Let me repeat that: 😳😳 I suppose I'd like to have a conversation with someone who was all in on a cult. John Noyes may not have crossed that line that Jim Jones and Charles Manson crossed but IMO he did cross that sometimes difficult to judge slippery slope into actual evil. Also shades of Huxley's Brave New World. I hope everyone that had to read that classic understood and accepted that the point of the book was that evil can disguise itself to look normal.
@youngturk5702 8 месяцев назад
Another coyote under the sheep’s wool: TANER AKCAM IS NOT TURKISH: HE IS A FULL BLOODED ARMENIAN! His great grandfather Agopian was an Armenian landlord in Village of Valei near Armenia and Georgia border town of Ahalkeleki. When Russian army invaded Georgia, he changed his name to Hasan and pretended he was a Turkish Muslim to avoid prosecution, but lost his life during a raid. His Armenian grandfather was also camouflaged with a Turkish name Eyup escaped to Ardahan with his Georgian wife blending with the fleeing Turks however, soon after he started working for Armenian Tashnaq guerillas as an informant and guide that cost thousands of Turkish and Kurdish refugees lives in bloody massacres. When the First World War ended with Turks gaining the upper hand in the region and resulting the Armenian guerillas scattered all over the world, Eyup’s real identity was finally unmasked. Bereaving Turks lynched him for his treason at the village square in 1928. His Armenian father also Turkish named Dursun who was born in 1927 and had Taner Akcam born in the village of Ölçek in 1953. They moved to capital city of Turkey; Ankara shortly after. Taner Akcam attended ODTU (Middle East Technical University) and immediately after joined to a Marxist-Leninist Communist terrorist cell, all the while hiding his real identity as an Armenian extremist. His cell mates were a strange mix of ultra-left and ultra-right extremists who had no other purpose than polarizing the nation and weakening the state ripe for a collapse so they could materialize their benefactors’ wishes. When the terrorist activities of his cell became clear, he was arrested in 1976 and sentenced to 9 years in prison where a year later he managed to escape to Germany and was granted political asylum. To name a few, similar acts of violence by these groups at that time were the fatal ambush of a prominent newspaper editor Abdi Ipekci in 1971. His assasin Mehmet Ali Agca who also got caught but broke off the jail same year resurfaced in Rome a few years later with the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul in 1981. Contrary to Armenian Photo shopping of Taner Akcam as a “Famous Turkish Historian” He is neither Turkish nor historian but an Armenian terrorist hot air balloon. His educational background is in Social Studies and his degree is just as dubious due to his “collaboration” with the BND (German Secret Service). Incidentally, it is no longer a secret that Germany has an incentive in distracting the worlds' attention from the Holocaust and could use a good Genocide story to take away the heat from them. This is the latest trend by the cunning Armenian diaspora to show Turkish named Armenian extremists such as Taner Akcam and Ugur Ungor as respected Turkish intellectuals who are spearheading a regretful dialog towards recognizing their 100 year old allegation of genocide within the Turkish community. Just like every other trick they tried and failed in this will only prove their deceptive common trait but nothing else. We know a lot more about this charlatan and that deceptive minds behind him are trying to use him as a Trojan horse. In reality, he is just another bad seed ass in footsteps of his equally deranged forefathers. Now you too know the rest of the story…
@jonclark3823 8 месяцев назад
You're fired
@Debord1 9 месяцев назад
Professor Joshua Ramey do not sort out what he is talking about, when he talks about value, he confuse it up with moral values, in this lecture. If you can ask the question what money is, why not start to ask the question what value is (social workers power), what exchange is (exchange of comodities) and what the accountability is (a quantified form of exchange value). That was what Marx started to ask in Capital volume one. The solution to devaluate money is also stupid, we already have that, it is called inflation and it is a disaster for ordinary people. If you put that tax on bank accounts, the rich will only go out and bay some gold instead. The solution is still the revolution.
@daviddorsey8754 9 месяцев назад
Proof there never was an Enlightenment, Just blind white Supremacy.
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 9 месяцев назад
Harvestable entity. The Kingdom of Heaven is yours
@Sr.Dusty-Leon008-da-III 9 месяцев назад
What bothers me is that black people from the south are jot allowed to have this conversation
@josephr.gainey2079 8 месяцев назад
Yes they are and a black scholar from Harlem, NY identified over 6,000 blacks in the Confederate Army.
@xardozz 9 месяцев назад
20 percent fact. 80% opinion with little facts. Parroting CNN. Not only bad science, but bad political/social theories. I could only listen to about 70% it is nothing but propaganda. He tries to associate to many non-related events to each other and draws bad lines to socio-economic issues. This is nothing but trash propaganda. THIS is truly Conspiracy Theorism.
@arenaagad9162 10 месяцев назад
As Armenian, I'd like to express by gratitude on behalf of all Armenians. His education is very important for the humanity.
@seradar5000 11 месяцев назад
Nobody can deny that awful Genocide. Read what Hitler said...
@shelleyscloud3651 11 месяцев назад
Love Snyder. Can’t tell you how many people I’ve gifted his books to. That’s said I’m increasingly concerned that he’s only able to see danger coming from one side of the political divides when in reality it’s on all sides. I wonder if he knows this really but has calculated one side less ‘risky’ so is turning a blind eye to their own red flags, subconsciously or otherwise. I think that’s a mistake.
@jamesbeemer7855 Год назад
That’s all we need . Fauls accusations . To catch one person . Well fortunately , the judiciary caught on to that . One accusation at a time was the result . That way , they could keep dragging a person out of his cell on every occasion that the accusers say they were sexed . Is that fair ? Well , not if the accusations are fauls !
@johncracker5217 Год назад
Do different people have different capacities for reason?
@Mrs.Gaches Год назад
Thank You so much for sharing this information.
@catalinahonsowetz3009 Год назад
Thank you for your teaching. I really enjoyed your explanations. I des agree with one thing. The statement “during slavery the Bible supported slavery,” is incorrect. Like any other book that whose users dissect to use its parts in a vacuum or with purposes contrary to the intend of the entire book, the Bible, was dissected, and it’s verses were taken out of context in order to benefit those who wanted to justify slavery. The Bible itself if you read and understand the whole book, it’s context, it’s time period and the theology behind the whole book, it will become clear, that slavery, specially as it took place in the Middle Ages and beyond, was considered a gross sin and an adulteration of God’s Law!
@BlueWizardsII Год назад
This is sort of off topic, but do you know much about the role that this person played in Ukrainian and Russian history: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hryhorii_Skovoroda
@nightfallgaming535 Год назад
@turcisiaball5901 Год назад