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Om mani padme hum
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Ensamble los cutulos
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metal antropologico
17 лет назад
@Bigrell0326 7 лет назад
Is this a shorten version of a much longer song and where can I find it? I recorded a KPFA show(the 90's) and this song was my favorite and I've been searching for it forever. Must have it, please.
@abingurung5325 9 лет назад
buddha ma born in nepal as he get knowledge in inda but he was born in nepal so he nepali and india has build duplicate lumbini in india so some tourist come across to india to reach nepal they indian so that tourist that buddha was born in india....
@Cre8iveSignWorks 9 лет назад
awesome mark!
@uliboge 12 лет назад
not too bad ass mark!!! luv it! should play together once alife
@acidfriend47 13 лет назад
good recording mate
@Vince77F 14 лет назад
I remember this concert, one of the best I've seen in Airvault didj festival. Mark is so powerful and creative, make me feel allright any time I heard it.
@Texaslionking 14 лет назад
Namo Amitabha
@landyandyau 14 лет назад
Mark Atkins a legend ...this bloke dazzadidja is a good example of why drugs are bad for you ...dont take drugs kids!!!
@dazzadidja 14 лет назад
@landyandyau , it's not my concept, come and tell that to the ku-ku yanji, the noonucal, the djapkai, the wirdjuri, no you won't cause you are a coward...
@dazzadidja 14 лет назад
@arseymcpherson , cause you are, it makes me sick to see so many fake and hard hearted people, i speak the truth and you run me down,, whatever,,... you can't handle the truth
@landyandyau 14 лет назад
@dazzadidja mate different countries in Australia have different law so don't put your concept of the law on others
@landyandyau 14 лет назад
@dazzadidja mate christianity was a european idea which was stolen from a concept from the east. the sun god and moom godess is where it is at. It's a great tool to keep people sucked it does nothing aid the preservation of culture.
@tauroxavi 15 лет назад
muy buena la cancion un gran control de la respiracion circular
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
like i said it's not my law you dog, it's aboriginal law, so don't shoot the messenger, and who cares how U spell it's the internet U clown...... and if U want 2 know the instrument then learn the law.... why can't U understand? cause U R 2 silly
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
I put you down? You called me a) Racist and b) ignorant. You are truely despictable and full of hatred.
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
'didjerido law for aboriginal peaople' you say. But not European people then. When you learn to type English correctly and become less of a fanatic then you will look less 'ignorant' and less of a 'racist'. Maybe you should start with looking up the definition of 'racist' before you call a peaceful and open minded person one you horrible divisive person.
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
I have disrespected no one. You however seem to want to pick a fight with everyone. How VERY Christian of you.
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
How is the Judeo / christian religion of the cities compatible with this? It isn't. Christianity purged the pastural gods in Europe and is still trying in Austrailia. You are helping with this. So once again I say, you disrespect Aboriginal culture where I a merely make noises through a tube.
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
I don't read the bible? I'm an Irish Catholic, I know it inside and out. Christainity is not compatible with 40,000 year old aboriginal culture unless you are willing to reject important aspects of Aboriginal culture. The dreamtime culture speaks of a myriad of gods, spirits and deities.
@jubitoftw 15 лет назад
The laws of aboriginal people applies to them, but I am not an aboreginee so I don't understand why i (or my girlfriend for that matter) shouldn't play a didgeridoo without a dancer. And by doing so I'm not braking any of the laws of my country or international law. I respect native australian culture and wouldn't brake their law on their land or in their presence, but I don't feel that by playing didge without a dancer I'm doing something wrong. Peace to all.
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
christ is in our culture before ther bible even came here, u don't read the bible, well let me break it down, aboriginal people are more christ like then christian's but there are laws that are still sacred, such as didjeridoo laws, but we have turend the other cheek for over 100 teays, and loved our enemies and prayed for them, which is what God requires, so tell me how Christ doesn't pertain 2 our life, still ignorent i see, well if u want learn more keep asking He is knocking at your door.
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
a buddy you put me down, Jesus is about love, but that doesn't chang the fact fact you can't go thru red light or a stop sign, and i speak the the truth about my culture , WHICH i have explained and thru your ignorence you speak about things you have no knowledge of, so when you learn to respect aboriginal law which you don't come back with a decent comment and go and break some other law instead of pertaining to know oue culture and law, and gho and play your plastic pipe to britney well done
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
Now I'm a racist! Grow a sense of humour you pious tosser. Remember what Michael said 'Don't matter if you're black or white'. The only racist here is you. I don't seek to divide people and to restrict the flow of cultural learning...you do however. And I ask you again, to which part of Aboriginal Law does Christ pertain?
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
yeah go ahead silly racist, and just because you see others doing it without a song man or dancer still doesn't make it right whether you are black or white, so go ahead and play your plastic drainpipe, with britney thats what we want loser...thats good as long as it's not a proper didj, why do you and others want to break ABORIGINAL LAW, not my law... racist...and ignorant,, keep up the good work...
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
" you must have a songman or dancer", I've seen lot of vids here with Aboriginals playing the Yirdaki without songman or dancer. It's ok, while I play my drainpipe, I'll have my mate sing Britney in the background.
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
truth always hurt... not my law, it's ABORIGINAL LAW....... WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH? cause you are all blocked up...
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
how about the truth speaker, didjerido law for aboriginal peaople, " you must have a songman or dancer" not my law ABORIGINAL LAW, why can't you understand that, wake up law breakers....
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
You sound like a bit of a negative backstabber to me.
@MD_Slaine 15 лет назад
What if I play a drain pipe and it happens to sound like a yirdaki? Am I being disrespectful?
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
so to ancient culture up for a price of who is the best or who makes the most money is absurd and outrageous..you can't sell your soul..thats what culture is..
@francescogibaldi 15 лет назад
Even if what you say is true that's not the appropriate way of speaking. Kindness and joy should never be separate from music. :-)
@dazzadidja 15 лет назад
whatever, you need to go up to northern australia and listen to some masters, and yes i could do better but i'll leave it to the fake aboriginals to big note themselves while the rest of us traditional aboriginal's sit back and laugh at you tools...none of you no aboriginal law for didj, go and educate yourself please then get back to me...
@RMAsAmateurFootage 15 лет назад
Can you do better? Don't think so...so STFU! He's a living legend on the Didge! Still awesome performance!
@raist0479 15 лет назад
The primary sources of information regarding Siddhārtha Gautama's life are the Buddhist texts.Siddhartha was born in Lumbini which is in present day nepal.. but at the time of his birth it was part of india and he was an INDIAN prince but I am done with this as it si not important .. but get your facts straight if he was born there now he would have been nepalie but as it was a part of india at the time of his birth and he was from an INDIAN royal family he was indian thank you very much
@chuliii 15 лет назад
Do you have any prove that he is born in india. i know he got his enlightment in india but he is nepali.
@raist0479 15 лет назад
ummm Buddha was an INDIAN prince named Sidartha (speling) who turned his back on his royal indianfamily
@chuliii 16 лет назад
okay, Buddha was born long time ago and i don't think there were any big countries like Nepal or India. there was small town kings. i dont know about india but Nepal was made prithivi narayan shah and now Lumbini is a part of nepal and buddha was born in Nepal.
@jqmont 16 лет назад
salve buda!
@dazzadidja 16 лет назад
boring and sounds boring, it's so gammin he needs to go and take some lessons up in Arnhem land....
@RMAsAmateurFootage 16 лет назад
Amazing sound! Hope to see that man lice some day....and of course rudimentary getting as good, fast and groovy like him. That's gonna be a long, long way...
@cozz5053 16 лет назад
rippleeffectoflife*co*uk/ommanipadmehum*mp3 A beautiful mp3 for you to download! :)
@duhhh86 16 лет назад
hindu, buddist...whatever. it doesn't matter. those are only names. why bother about all these meaningless labels? only truth matters. om mani padme hum
@MarthaESanchez 17 лет назад
@flyingscience 17 лет назад
I think you can see the swirls of the snail shells in the sculpture.Are you guessing or know for sure .
@flyingscience 17 лет назад
Buddhist art shows a crown of snails .Did snails really cover the buddahs head to prevent heat stroke ? If he was under a tree it shouldnt be needed .