Last Things
Last Things
Last Things
@wannabelikegzus День назад
Discussions like this are really interesting to me, as it's often hard to grasp what's even being discussed at times. Getting pushed like that is deeply stimulating. I think PCM's claim that the Right is dead is far, far too online. For one, the Right is natural order. In that sense, it can't die. Only the Left can truly die, which may be why Leftists are so hyper-fixated on the notion of violent fascism or whatever. They know they can be defeated, while the hierarchical reality of competence, beauty, and so on will always be there, mocking their pathetic attempts at totalitarian utopia. Secondly, even if we define the Right's death as total disenfranchisement, this is far, far from the truth. Even in Europe, where a truly Right position is basically banned, we see enormous victories occur. In America, state and local governments wield tremendous power for the Right. If we expand to cultural relevance, the Right asserts itself routinely, either by rendering distastefully Left-wing content bankrupt or by having the only interesting conversation.
@liberaldestroyer1038 День назад
You sound a lot like Radical Liberation brother
@Abdiel_BZ День назад
Jesus Christ loves you! Please repent!
@Matt_JPearce 4 дня назад
Damn Theorycels
@Paul-A01 4 дня назад
Why doesn't he like references?
@insomnolant6043 4 дня назад
It's BC. BCE is homosexual lingo.
@gavenludtke7547 4 дня назад
Hey Listen!!! surrender your first principles....
@insomnolant6043 4 дня назад
The monsters in Birdbox represent the FBI crime statistics, hahaha
@trboook3300 4 дня назад
Yeah man, don't write. Don't even try. No one is creative like me. You ever hear of... Infinite Jest?
@_marlene 4 дня назад
@misterkefir 4 дня назад
Ballsy thumbnail my friend, hehe.. Always loved your philosophical content the most. This was great, thanks. Cheers & God Bless.
@TheMinskyTerrorist 8 дней назад
Millennials born in the earlier 90s are familiar with all this stuff. As far as I'm concerned if you were born in the 80s you're basically Gen X.
@theimproooooooover 8 дней назад
Just got my copy, the book is absolutely fantastic
@persona7-7-7 18 дней назад
I think you believe your neo nietzchean cringe is deeper than it is
@johnsmith-dw1oz Месяц назад
This is great. I think you should do follow on post the events of July.
@FeHearts Месяц назад
To build on J Burden’s point on the simplicity and accessibility of technology, the only way it could have become so wide spread is by making it useable by people with no prior insight. Video games did give people experience in computers back when you had to code them yourself or needed to know how to navigate files to add mods, the earliest game magazines came with a page of code so you had to program the game yourself before they switched to sending you game CDs. Modern children gain no skills whatsoever from modern games or tablets because they are design to not need any skill to access.
@flacjacket Месяц назад
3:55 "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an athiest, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you." Werner Heisenberg "The first gulp at the glass of beaurocracy will make you a libertarian but at the bottom of the glass monarchy awaits you." Auron
@JckSwan Месяц назад
England's greatest problem right now is not the immigrants themselves as such, it's actually the English who cheer on their own nation's demise. I mean, maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I simply wasn't aware there existed just so much self-loathing in this country. Another insidious myth that's emerged recently is that England was built by immigrants. I cannot tell you how much I despise this idea.
@ThatMans-anAnimal Месяц назад
Can we not do the brainlet ZOG slave morality thing?
@Axe-of-Boniface Месяц назад
I'm 47, and when I first heard about libertarianism in the 90's I was already a "National Socialist." And it seemed to me that it was one big constructed way to hide the fact no one wanted to keep funding the bottom feeders reproduction rate, or pay taxes for bombing people into democracy. It never came off to me as a hoodwink or catch-basket, just a way to covertly convey some obvious truths without greater scrutiny or attachment to Nuremberg condemnations. Cheers to all you fellows breaking out.
@watariovids1645 Месяц назад
I was screwing off at work and every time the teams notification sound went off i jumped.
@DukeBluedevil70 Месяц назад
Racists report in.
@kevbot33 Месяц назад
Thanks Gentlemen
@grandmastersreaction1267 Месяц назад
I was a progressive/liberal and now I’m here. Gamer Gate kick started my move over to the right.
@Youtubehandle1489 Месяц назад
Thanks for the show
@Crypto_Catholic_Crow 2 месяца назад
We attended the conference, we plan to attend next year as well.
@irishman6470 2 месяца назад
Preordered my copy of Xenosystems a couple of months ago. Looking forward to seeing it soon.
@magnumbuild607 2 месяца назад
Overrated writer who killed himself because he realized he had NO TALENT!
@Fiddler1990 2 месяца назад
I was writing a long comment from 25:27, but you covered it ten minutes later... 30:36 is really important. Current historical market forces are on course to create an AI that will subsume humanity (it's going to be more useful and cooler every year... up until it kills everyone.) Land calls it the "natural" course of history. Accelerationism is saying that there's nothing we can do, and we should welcome extinction. Humanism is fighting against that, and saying: screw the current historical market forces. We *can* set up coordination to stop AI development.
@treesurgeon2441 2 месяца назад
I find Nick to be much more compelling as a philosopher than the snarky bibliography spewing antics of Yarvin. I appreciate both and reading both has been very revealing of a philosophy that has been denied to me as a classic liberal in my past.
@bmc8871 2 месяца назад
Great convo. I really like Lomez.
@givenhawk 3 месяца назад
1:16:55 that's why your community needs to read wendell berry.
@givenhawk 3 месяца назад
59:24 bingo boys
@somethingblank1589 3 месяца назад
Good stream.
@zephyr4174 3 месяца назад
video about revolutions doesnt talk about revolutions great waste of time
@slicklandy7819 4 месяца назад
Our favourite russian SVR shill :)
@SiniAnimations 4 месяца назад
On the topic of video games, as an undiagnosed autistic child they were kind of a refuge for me, and I think they helped me greatly develop problem solving skills. Unfortunately a lot of newer games do have this designer drug problem and are slop-ified in such a way that they dont teach skills anymore either. Another thing to consider about the zoomers that get absorbed into video games too much is that arguably video games are the last domain in which men are allowed to cultivate excellence anymore without facing social backlash.
@SiniAnimations 4 месяца назад
On the topic of screens and screen exposure, I feel like we should bring back the concept of the family computer that stands in the living room. That way you can monitor what your kids are doing, they don't get conditioned by the instant internet access of phones, and they will associate outside with face to face interactions.
@danielwatts796 4 месяца назад
for good modern fiction with sound themes, i would strongly suggest the SunEater saga. Pastiche of Wolfe and Herbert, from a reactionary catholic pov
@Charlie-Em 4 месяца назад
The Anglo American Empire is what's preventing reenchantment of the world thus allowing the Hebrews to continue ruling like the do.
@robertpatter5509 4 месяца назад
The Republic long died. It cannot be rehabilitated. It's gone. You could not keep it. Trump is a lantern to cast a light upon the path and your enemies. He is not a hammer. But a hammer may come along that path before him. One does not take power and leave the old regime actors in place. They must be replaced with your own. Not everyone can be bought off.
@Gettothegone 4 месяца назад
Cringe? Reducing a writer like him to a idiotic term like that is very reductionist
@fredsimon6640 4 месяца назад
See you at the Conference!
@maplebob23 4 месяца назад
Trump forever! Leftists never! All leftists are fascists!
@samuellangrip2629 4 месяца назад
I am starting my Catholic homestead. I have had a garden since 2017. Seed saving and composting. Got ten chickens this year (2024). Already getting to see to the benefits of having domestic animals.
@Thomas-oc2ln 4 месяца назад
@adamnoble1689 4 месяца назад
@monsterguyx6322 4 месяца назад
HYDRA has been in Marvel comics since 1965.
@misterkefir 4 месяца назад
awkwaaard anyway, thx for the stream gents
@anotherj4896 4 месяца назад
Quality stream. Thank you.